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Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-10-07 01:42 AM, in MY NAME IS MARIAH Link | Quote | ID: 12888

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Posted by Keitaro
...you don't just become that affraid of something out of nowhere

I havrn't watched the video mind you.. I'm not one of taste to find this kind of thing amusing. (Even if it is fake, I'd find it more embarrassing for the person in question than anything..) But, really.. Lots of people have irrational fears for no good reason at all.. You don't need to be raped or attacked by a seagull when you were a baby to be afraid of a pickle, you can just simply be afraid of it for no real good reason at all.

Albeit.. This is one of the stranger fears I've ever heard of, but meh.

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-10-07 12:02 PM, in Emulation vs. the real deal Link | Quote | ID: 13298

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For emulation, I just use a controller (usually a PS2 controller connected to the PC with an adapter) and have the TV in this room hooked up to my video card so it can display the same thing that's on the monitor here.. Saves me a LOT of trouble messing with filters and adjusting the resolution and what not, and looks and feels pretty much exactly like the real deal.

Only issue is the sound.. and I just tend to use a pair of wireless headphones for that. Though, I use those for like.. everything on the computer anyway, so I might be more accustomed to using them than most would..

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-10-07 12:11 PM, in If you could make a video game... Link | Quote | ID: 13300

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I have a very.. active imagination.. And I do mean active, as I never seem to be short on ideas. As such, I took up writing sometime in my early teens and have been doing so on and off ever since, which has been useful in expressing my creativity to some extent or another.

I do have a few game ideas based off the same story I've been trying to write into a proper novel format lately.. but realistically I know it'll likely never come to pass.. It'd be nice though, and I genuinely do believe people would find it interesting even if most people tend to think the same about their own ideas... I just have an especially good feeling about it, since I often tend to do a good job at grabbing and holding a persons attention when I start to tell them my ideas.

Eh well, though..

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-10-07 10:55 PM, in Zelda 3 Prototype ROM available! Link | Quote | ID: 13528

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Go ahead if you want. A lot of times it is probably better to just ignore these things after they've been proven bogus though.. Some guys just get off on getting attention, negative or otherwise, as attention of any kind is a good thing to them..

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-10-07 11:16 PM, in If you could make a video game... Link | Quote | ID: 13537

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Posted by setz
Posted by Madman200
Everyone wants to make a game that they'll never have the skill to do.

I disagree. If people wanted to make that game bad enough they would apply themselves to learning how to make it. If you want something bad enough, you'll get it, but just sitting around wanting won't help.

I agree with this to an extent.. but sometimes it just isn't practical. You can envision something incredible, but even if you strive for it that doesn't automatically make it realistic a possibility.. It varies a lot from the idea and scope of the project, and in many cases you can achieve some kickass things if you work hard enough.. but not always.

Mind you I am a bit pessimistic by nature, so I guess I tend to shoot down things before properly applying myself to them.. but all the same, if the scope of the project is going to be broad and sophisticated, I don't like to kid myself into thinking I can do something all by myself in any feasible amount of time where it would normally take a team of talented people.. (And finding talent can be difficult, and as well, buying talent is expensive.. the best chance you'd have to have access to a fully functional team would be trying to get a job as a game developer probably, and generally it isn't realistic to suspect you'll ever rise in the ranks enough to push forward any actual game ideas.. just work on stuff other people give you.)

Again, I'm pessimistic.. But circumstance plays as much of a role as attitude and determination do. Though if more people actually did apply themselves, we might see more ready talent to make these projects more plausible to undertake.. I guess it is sort of a vicious circle of sorts.. Eh..

My forte just happens to be writing though, that's my talent really, I'm not sure I could push myself to learn programming or 3D modeling or what have you anyway.. as they aren't really my thing, and trying to work with them would probably frustrate me more than anything else.. it just wouldn't be practical in my circumstance to try it totally alone, and I don't really know anyone to help, and so on and so forth.. that's why I've pretty much given up on it and applied myself to just writing a book instead. Might as well get what I can out of it..

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-10-07 11:22 PM, in This took me over... Eh, 6 years or so to figure out. Link | Quote | ID: 13540

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To be honest, I never noticed this either until I read this post just now.. But all the same, I never questioned it or thought about it either. The name just never struck me as anything peculiar so I just never connected two and two..

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-10-07 11:32 PM, in world of warcraft rocks (rev. 2 of 03-10-07 11:36 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 13550

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Well it isn't just that X, WoW didn't get boring to me because I got a high level and had nothing to do\no end to meet.. it got boring because the quests themselves were too repetitive, and the gameplay relied far too heavily on them in order for you to make any progress at all, making it so you HAD to do the repetitive crap over and over.. Most online games don't get so boring so quickly, even XI didn't.. I can't even explain it really, but where WoW drove me crazy with its repetitive motion, a game like PSO or PSU doesn't bother me at all. (Which are perhaps the most repetitive games ever..)

Maybe I just didn't care for WoW period.. but I still don't think it was a terrible game. Unlike XI, which left me terribly bitter and frustrated me many a day to no end.. That was definitely an experience I don't want to relive.

Posted by Xauna
Just please, PLEASE stop saying the game is oh-so-bad if you're still going to be paying for it. Every person who does that adds a bit of negativity to the online community, and negativity breeds foul moods, which in turn causes most of the drama.


If you really think I'm just some sort of newbie who hasn't tasted high level levelling and will be scared and stressing out over it, so be it. I'm really tired of reasoning with people who hate what they play; I do it all the time on various Sonic forums as it is. So let's just quit it; this is my final word on this, and you're free to have a last word in as well.

Well, I'm not paying for it anymore and haven't for over a year and a half now so.. I guess I'm eligible to bitch. And yea, I didn't mean to imply you were "just some newbie" it was just.. "please don't get sucked into it and go crazy like everyone else I know, it is for your own good."

I mean hell, addiction is one thing.. addiction AND misery though, that game is worth giving a friendly warning over. Have fun while you can if you think you can put it down safely though later on.. I've seen it suck in and crush some of the most intelligent and strongly willed people I've ever met though..

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-10-07 11:50 PM, in Um... (rev. 2 of 03-10-07 11:51 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 13558

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I honestly don't use them very often when typing.. except when I'm very unsure of something or find myself in an awkward situation. Same goes for my actual speech pattern too, I tend to get irritated at people so go "um" and "er" all the time as they talk.

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-11-07 12:03 AM, in This took me over... Eh, 6 years or so to figure out. (rev. 2 of 03-11-07 12:04 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 13570

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I have to second that motion, X.. Mario has no history, he's just a mascot who gets thrown into a bunch of random nonsensical and unrelated plotlines. (And I use the term plotlines very, very loosely..)

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-11-07 02:01 AM, in New Features! Link | Quote | ID: 13607

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I actually never liked the edit tag at the bottom of posts.
It serves a purpose I guess, but it kind of always bugged me for some reason.. I guess because I tend to go over a post and edit it whenever I see a problem with it (slight rewording, misspelling, typo, etc..) and often times I'll do so again because I missed something.. which adds multiple edited tags to the post which just seem distracting to me somehow.. (This was especially noticeable on the old boards when stickies were edited multiple times by admins or moderators.. you'd get a dozen or so "Edited by.." notices that really weren't important and just added extra scrolling to the thread.)

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-11-07 02:09 AM, in This took me over... Eh, 6 years or so to figure out. Link | Quote | ID: 13616

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Trying to piece together Mario's history in a form of "canon" is like trying to relate all the Zelda games together.. It just isn't a good idea to try, it'll only hurt your head and possibly cause some permanent brain damage in the process.. It's better to just accept them at face value, not try and look deeply into them beyond that..

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-11-07 02:23 AM, in This took me over... Eh, 6 years or so to figure out. (rev. 5 of 03-11-07 02:29 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 13623

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How much of it (it being what you've said you figured out in your head) did you pull from outside the games? Remember that the people who wrote the script for the movie had nothing to do with the game's "plot" at all, they pretty much had the liberty to do whatever, and there is a sizable amount of inconsistencies with that movie and the games themselves.. the TV show is probably closer than anything to accuracy (which had its own inconsistencies), but still not something I'd consider part of the "canon" or as I believe, lack there of.

Honestly, I love Mario and all, but after all these games he has had.. if the history behind him doesn't make any sense still then.. probably best to accept that it wasn't meant to be taken beyond the face value of each game. Mario isn't something I'd consider complex or deep by any means anyway, so if you have to really think of how to explain his background, and use some assumptions or jump to some conclusions, or use references from things like the Movie (which had a whole other set of writers\designers) then.. eh, you're thinking too much about it.

I'm a writer, I like making things complex and making people think.. I look at Mario though and see no reason to think, he wasn't made for that.. he wasn't made to have any solid history at all really. (Well maybe originally he had some form of vague plot.. but by no means is any shred of it valid today.)

I guess in short:
If such a simplistic character doesn't have an obvious timeline\history\plot by now, it doesn't exist.

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-11-07 03:05 AM, in This took me over... Eh, 6 years or so to figure out. (rev. 2 of 03-11-07 03:05 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 13652

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And how exactly do you find the line between those that "belong in the story" and those that don't? You were saying you wondered out DK vs Mario fit in, but how is that any less a spin-off from Mario is Missing? (Or Mario's Time Machine for that matter.. har that was an interesting game.) And how do you define anything about the "real world" aspect without making a bunch of guesses, really?

Eh, like I said, if such a simple character requires you to piece together a jigsaw puzzle to figure anything coherent out from the supposed timeline then.. well, you're probably just looking too deeply into what really doesn't exist.

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-11-07 03:31 AM, in This took me over... Eh, 6 years or so to figure out. Link | Quote | ID: 13663

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Posted by Sgraff87
Posted by Krisan Thyme
And how exactly do you find the line between those that "belong in the story" and those that don't?

Guessing is the best way to describe how.
If there is a story that can be made, then it will require that who does not fit to be eliminated.
I am not saying there is a story. I am saying a story can be made.

I don't mean to spoil fun either, I'm just saying it doesn't seem too likely it can be figured out without a stretch of the imagination..

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-11-07 03:43 AM, in Zelda II - Part 3 Link | Quote | ID: 13671

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I'm probably one of the few people here who actually loved Zelda II.
Though, I prolly won't download this in any case, I just.. don't really download hacks unless it is something earth shattering or especially eye catching somehow.

Not to say this doesn't look nice though, it does, but it reminds me a bit too much of the original.. I tend to aim for stark amount of variety when I pickup hacks..

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-11-07 03:47 AM, in Super Bombliss Tourney (Round 2 - 4/22/2007 is the deadline) Link | Quote | ID: 13675

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Ya know, I'm probably one of the few people here who would actually "play" ones of these if I entered it.. (My schedule is incredibly flexible to boot..) but eh, I never heard of this game until I saw the initial announcement of the tourny awhile back so.. I didn't feel like bothering at the time.

Maybe next time I'll join in and break the running trend of deadbeats, depending on the game anyway.

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-11-07 04:00 AM, in The beginnings of romhacking. Link | Quote | ID: 13683

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Posted by Xkeeper
The only thing I ever really did was heavily abuse my Game Genie.

Essentially, same thing here.. except instead of a Game Genie, I liberally abused a Game Shark.
The Game Genie was a bit too limited for me to really do anything remotely similar to hacking with it, and it was initially around when I was still a bit too young to really understand it.. The Game Shark though, that thing was a blast to work with.

I can't actually remember how I moved into the ROM hacking scene specifically after that though.. I know Acmlm's was one of the earlier places I stumbled upon when trying to figure it all out, but not sure how I went from one to the other.. That said however, I've never really been very good at extensive ROM hacking, hence why I've yet to release anything in all these years.

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-11-07 04:42 PM, in Spring ahead... Link | Quote | ID: 13856

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Posted by DSMagnum
Posted by Xenesis
Hurrah, DST ends soon! I get an extra hour of sleep!

Actually, you'll be losing one.

Even though it is DST, I actually got up earlier than I normally would even if there wasn't DST.

Yea.. Same here. I got up an hour earlier than I normally do, and I had completely forgotten about DST.
As a result, I ended up getting up right on time..

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-11-07 05:14 PM, in ADD/ADHD Link | Quote | ID: 13865

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So get tested again, if you're really that concerned about it?

And eh, I did know someone with it though.. Sort of an ex-friend of mine, quite the annoying fellow whom was all too dependent on me to do things for him. I mean, he was a nice guy and all, but no matter how great or small the task, he'd poke at me and have me do it for him, it was frustrating since it really never seemed like he even tried to do much.

Plus, once he ever did get involved in something, he became.. obsessive if things didn't work correctly right away, and go into a sort of fit over it, only making it worse the more agitated he became.. that usually ended up with me fixing it for him, like everything else... All of this, built up over years of tension (on my end) lead to me just breaking off the relationship I had with him.. sucks, because he was a damn fine wrriter and we probably could have done some amazing things together.. but his priorities with writing were crap, and I ended up having to pull both my and his weight together far too often. Just didn't have the willpower for it anymore...

I did break it off as easily as possible though, and didn't cut off communication or anything.. At first he seemed to take that really well too, and still spoke to me every once and awhile. But at some point or another, he just.. stopped, he cut communication off on his end and hasn't spoken to me since. It is odd, since it seemed like (initially afterwards) he wanted my opinion on some of the new things he was writing and what not.. I was happy to help, and all seemed okay, but then.. he never got back to me and I haven't heard back since. (He confused the crap out of me with things like this.. I've checked for those wondering, he's fine and all, he just suddenly decided he didn't want to talk anymore..)

Ehh.. I tried to get him help before too, but it seemed more like he wasn't interested in any help beyond my direct assistence with something.. plus, although probably totally unrelated to ADD, he had horrid memory, so it was pretty much a "spinning the wheel" deal when trying to work it out..

Krisan Thyme
Posted on 03-11-07 07:14 PM, in Political Compass Link | Quote | ID: 13896

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Economic Left/Right: -3.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.26

I'm not much into politics, so I can't really be the judge to whether this is accurate or not.. I did answer the questions as accurately as possible though, so I imagine it is relatively correct if nothing else.
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