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Main - Posts by Kernal

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Posted on 04-15-07 02:48 PM, in Origins of your Username? Link | Quote | ID: 26890

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Since: 02-20-07

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Dragon Master, shouldn't your location and custom title be the other way around? I assume you're a Super Robot from Sweden, not a Sweden from Super Robot.

Posted on 04-15-07 03:04 PM, in Your posting style. (rev. 2 of 04-15-07 03:04 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 26893

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Since: 02-20-07

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Is there any particular way that you type your posts?

Probably the most defining characteristic of my posts is that I never use smileys, ever. I used to use them rarely (except at TUNMB, where people would toss random ones everywhere as a fad). The only "emoticon" I use is XD, but I always write it as xd. I consider it an abbreviation that doesn't stand for anything, rather than an emoticon.

Also, despite living in the USA, I use British spellings like colour and centre, as well as metric units and degrees Celsius. I started doing this in late 2006 as a political protest against the USA, plus I'm obsessed with the UK as much as most Acmlmers are obsessed with Japan. Peh, this isn't a political thread.

I used to really overuse ellipses, but I don't use them quite as much anymore...

I use "peh" instead of the more common "meh". I used to use "bah" with the same meaning, but I feel that was too closely associated with my Banedon era.

Posted on 04-15-07 03:06 PM, in Origins of your Username? Link | Quote | ID: 26895

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OK, I thought maybe you accidentally put one in the other and vice-versa. I missed the entire third incarnation and any fads it contained...I'm from the first incarnation and also posted on the second intermittently.

Posted on 04-15-07 03:12 PM, in Origins of your Username? Link | Quote | ID: 26897

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S.N.N. sounds like a TV channel to me...you know, like CNN.

Posted on 04-15-07 03:14 PM, in Your posting style. Link | Quote | ID: 26899

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I'm not sure that "grey" is entirely a non-American spelling. I've seen that spelling used in books and such that otherwise use American spellings.

Posted on 04-15-07 03:27 PM, in The ONO Thread (rev. 2 of 04-15-07 03:28 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 26903

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1701. Web browsers refusing to wordwrap text files for some weird obscure reason, so game FAQs (for instance) have to have manual line breaks. Often they don't on sites other than GameFAQs, so you have to either horizontally scroll or copy-paste the text into another program.

1702. Having a really crappy ISP that sometimes refuses to connect to sites several times in a row.

Posted on 04-16-07 12:10 AM, in How did you all get here? Link | Quote | ID: 27059

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But let's start at the very beginning.

That would be somewhere in the vicinity of 1992, maybe even 1991. We got a NES a few years before that, and my parents and I would both play it a lot. I was particularly intrigued by a game called "Super Mario Bros.". I noticed that the levels were built of various components such as blocks, staircases, pipes, and pits. I wondered how many different ways they were arranged in the game, and would often dream up many of my own worlds, which I would draw on paper. I filled numerous notebooks, most of which are now in landfills in New Jersey.

I grew older and, while I stayed a fan of the Mario games, I didn't draw worlds anymore. I became engrossed in various PC games and there was this thing called "school", which gave me something called "homework". I forgot about my Mario levelmaking past until 2000, when we had a newly-acquired SNES (that's right: we didn't get an SNES until the year before the GameCube was released.) and were looking for a strategy guide to Super Mario World. We inadvertantly bought a guide for Super Mario Bros. Deluxe for the GBC. I looked through it anyway and saw their section with maps of the Lost Levels, and I was like "hey! these are new SMB1 levels, like the ones I used to draw! Cool!" We did get SMAS for our SNES after finding out that it had those levels.

The next year, in 2001, I discovered something else: the Internet. Eventually, I found a site called TMK which had a lot of then-little-known information on the Mario games. I read pretty much every page on the site, hogging my parents' only phone line (they're cheap like that) for hours, and I found a section entitled "Level Editors". I thought "Wow, you can edit Mario levels?" It turns out it was just Mario Improvement, the crappiest SMB1 editor ever which only worked on the hardest-to-find rom, but I got into the whole emulation thing from there and started looking for other people's Mario levels. I typed something or other into Google that summer and came up with "Strange Mario Bros." Curious, I clicked the link.

I wondered at the odd name of the site ("Acmlm? How do you say that? Ack-mulm?") and I still pronounce Acmlm that way. I downloaded some hacks, I know they included Strange Mario Bros. 1 and one of Frank's hacks, don't remember what else. Then I found the superior program YY Mario Editor and worked on my own Mario hack, then another, then another.

By this time it was January 2002 and I had seen some other things on the Internet, including a type of online community called a "message board". I almost submitted my first hack to Challenge Games just as they changed servers and the E-mail was lost, so I decided to release my third one instead as I had finished it by then. I posted a few times at their board and some other boards, then one day I decided to get more hacks at Acmlm's site and found out they had a board too. So I lurked for about 3 weeks, mostly in the romhacking forum, and found out about SMB Utility there and started on a fourth SMB1 hack. I was strangely attracted to Acmlm's board for some reason. Maybe it was the craziness (this in the days before the loldrama), or the unique and interesting software, or the colour-coded usernames. One day after school I decided to register, picking the name "comm128" pretty much at random.

The rest is history.

Posted on 04-16-07 12:58 AM, in The ONO Thread Link | Quote | ID: 27072

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1715. People who think the Zelda world revolves around OOT. Come on, LTTP is infinity times better.

Posted on 04-16-07 02:22 AM, in Your posting style. Link | Quote | ID: 27090

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Yeah, I edit constantly as well, because my posts are generally full of typos and I'm too lazy to use preview. (I probably don't because it added quite a bit of time to every post with dialup, which I had from 2001 through 2005 and again for about half of 2006.)

Also, I like starting posts or paragraphs with a single word followed by a comma, like "Yeah" and "Also" in this post. Other words I frequently start posts with are "Well" and the aforementioned "Peh".

Posted on 04-16-07 02:33 AM, in Your posting style. (rev. 2 of 04-16-07 02:33 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 27095

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My posts vary in length, but I almost always make them at least one sentence. I don't do one-word posts, or zero-word, one-smiley posts except in brain teasers where you are only expected to give your answer in a post. If I have a lot to say, I can go up to several paragraphs; similarly when I start a thread I usually have either multiple paragraphs or a few sentences plus a list.

Posted on 04-16-07 02:39 AM, in The ONO Thread Link | Quote | ID: 27097

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Since: 02-20-07

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I agree with #1721.

1722. The fact that most things I like are popular in Japan, Europe, or both, but unheard of in the USA.

Posted on 04-16-07 02:49 AM, in Origins of your Username? Link | Quote | ID: 27100

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Posted by NightKev

Occasionally I will append -NCX7 at the end of my name if NightKev is already taken (NightKev-NCX7).

If Kernal is taken or I suspect it to be taken, I use different things. My Wikipedia account for a while was Kernal 7.1, although I can't remember where the 7.1 came from...for Gmail I used kerna133t which is a combination of Kernal, 133 (my user ID), and leet.

Posted on 04-16-07 03:59 AM, in The ONO Thread Link | Quote | ID: 27112

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Since: 02-20-07

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1725. Car alarms. Everyone ignores them, they annoy the hell out of everyone, and they're easy to set off accidentally. Why even have them?

1726. Car horn abuse. Use the horn to alert a driver who doesn't seem to be paying attention, like if they stay stopped when the light turns green. Don't use it just to indicate that you're pissed off, that you see someone you recognize and want to say hi, or to alert someone in the apartment building of your arrival because you're too lazy to venture out of your Hummer and actually use your legs to walk all the way to the door of the building.

Posted on 04-16-07 01:28 PM, in How did you all get here? Link | Quote | ID: 27230

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Excuse my noobness, but what is "tl;dr"? I'm seeing it a lot lately, is it some fad from the time I was gone?

Posted on 04-16-07 01:31 PM, in Explain your title Link | Quote | ID: 27231

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Mine means that I miss Katelyn. She's in Tokyo, so I can't talk to her on AIM. She should be back today, so I'll probably be changing it.

Posted on 04-16-07 01:35 PM, in staying anonymous online with tor/privoxy/vidalia Link | Quote | ID: 27233

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There are download caps? I figured those'd be as obsolete as per-minute charges by now.

Posted on 04-16-07 01:37 PM, in Azureus V3.0 and Vuze (rev. 2 of 04-16-07 01:38 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 27234

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Digital rights management. A way for evil capitalists to do evil things with the media files you buy and supposedly own. For instance, music download services make all of your files unplayable as soon as you cancel your subscription. (And people wonder why I'm anti-capitalist. It's not because of the basic ideas of capitalism, it's because of stuff like that.)

Posted on 04-16-07 01:40 PM, in Butter ... yes butter Link | Quote | ID: 27235

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Some guys do like fat girls. I don't mind if they're a little fat but I'm not attracted to really obese women. Some people are though.

Maybe he associated "butter" with butts?

Posted on 04-16-07 01:49 PM, in A better way of redirection. Link | Quote | ID: 27236

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I see this board uses a method of redirection that requires "Click here if you aren't redirected in X seconds" type screens. These are annoying as they add time to the posting process, require the server to create another HTML page, and break the back button with "This page contains POST data that has expired" etc. My failed board system used another method of redirection that didn't require such screens:

function redirect($url)
header('Location: http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '/' . $url);

Could something like that be used here? I remember the above having problems with slashes sometimes, there might be an extra one up there.

Posted on 04-16-07 02:11 PM, in Explain your title Link | Quote | ID: 27240

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Yeah, when I got a gamepad I never went back to using the damn keyboard. Once I'm used to using a control pad and buttons to move Mario around, I have trouble switching to using control and shift keys and arrow keys, especially when attempting tricky jumps and such.
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