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Posted on 10-22-07 05:16 PM, in ITT we alternate terrible posts and Sonic the Hedgehog lyrics (rev. 2 of 10-22-07 05:20 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 68360

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Since: 07-22-07
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Posted on 10-23-07 07:13 PM, in TwilightRO (Ragnarok Online pServer) Link | Quote | ID: 68452

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Since: 07-22-07
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Posted by Mudkip
Except, y'know, blackhole listens now.
Ok, Heal dog NPC, Free warp, updates only up to november 2004~january 2005, same rates as before, fucked up louyang, mvp arena, flu_mask_ (dropped by dark_lord), hollowring, metal wheel bug, all woe castles, a whining bitch (aka terro), an emo leader (emuz)... you get my point.

Is he taking any of these suggestions? I highly doubt.

Posted on 10-23-07 07:44 PM, in TwilightRO (Ragnarok Online pServer) Link | Quote | ID: 68456

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Posted by Mudkip
Let's see..

Heal dog NPC. There is an inn and heal NPCs, use them.

There is a heal npc? that no matter how many times you click on him, it'll ALWAYS HEAL YOU WITHOUT COST?

Posted by Mudkip

Free warp. Most warps are like, 500, and most votes was in for a payed warper.

Posted by Mudkip
He listens to stuff that isn't "bring back tRO1 lol" says experience xD

so he doesnt listen. thought so

I forgot to add: bring back normal stat cap, level 99/70 cap etc
he also wont listen to these
in short, he doesnt listen at all. no need to hide, we know how it works. I hope he does know people do not want to join a server that has low player count (please stop lying to yourself bh; your server has a low player count), fucked up level cap and... paid warp? ro isnt a game to be "in-between". you either have an overpower 255/255 lolrates server or you have a loyal-to-kRO lowrate 99/70 server. is it so hard to grasp that? people dont want to play .hack when they download ro. that's emuz's biggest mistake. remember lolseiga, sprite ocarinas and whatnot? yeah that's what led to the fall of the greatest RO server ever.

Posted on 10-23-07 07:58 PM, in TwilightRO (Ragnarok Online pServer) Link | Quote | ID: 68459

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Since: 07-22-07
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no, i'm not
i dont give a shit
i was brought to this arguement and i'll keep arguing my points like I always did
i see you're still avoiding answering questions though

Posted on 10-23-07 08:02 PM, in TwilightRO (Ragnarok Online pServer) Link | Quote | ID: 68461

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Since: 07-22-07
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what i want is what the first player base wanted and they got ignored anyway
keep in mind i can live without the 2004 updates, lou3 etc, that was just a joke. a ro server wont survive being tRO1 anymore. the last possible time for that to happen was january 2006, and sadly, slRO blew it.

Posted on 10-24-07 08:10 PM, in Ladies and gentlemen, uh, we've just lost the picture... Link | Quote | ID: 68588

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Since: 07-22-07
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u still cant hax smw

Posted on 10-25-07 03:55 PM, in Goodbye, Grandpa (rev. 2 of 10-25-07 04:05 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 68629

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Since: 07-22-07
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Hey Shyguy is it true that you're going for a sex change? In real life?
nvm, it seems to be you're the wrong luigi

Posted on 11-03-07 05:53 PM, in Fanboys.... Link | Quote | ID: 69065

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Posted by ShadowTails
I have a Wii now and a lot of the games look promising, the majority of the games that seem to sell on the XBOX 360 and PS3 are going to be FPS, which I flat out hate anything past DOOM 2, I mean, they're all practically the same game, you might not have the same exact weapons or enemies, but it just gets really boring, and few companies try to liven things up with something new...

While I realize someone can counter that statement with saying Platformers are all the same per se but add something to spice it up a bit, but most of the time, when I am playing a Platformer I don't normally find the same exact thing in all of them, there is more verity than shoot and kill, and the major selling point of these FPS is the online multiplayer mode, I'm willing to bet Halo 3 wouldn't have sold hardly anything if it didn't have it's multiplayer mode.
You do realize that your opinion about FPSs is worth nothing on this arguement right? Really, what Crim said.

Posted by ShadowTails
While I think Multiplayer is a great thing to have in games, I don't normally like playing with total strangers, and I certainly don't like playing with those idiots who memorize re-spawn points and hand your ass to you on a silver plater a few thousand times... I think games should be made in the sense that the 1st player mode is good and doesn't require you go online to enjoy the game (which from my understanding is what everyone loves about Halo) While I have only played Halo 1 one time, I fell asleep while playing it... so boring...
I don't get what is so bad about the Halo single player mode. It was fucking win. It's still fucking win. In fact I'll reinstall Halo just to play it.
I still think EVERY game nowadays should have a multiplayer option. Not necessarily online, but multiplayer is a must. We're in 2007 ffs.

Posted by ShadowTails
but I have the slight feeling Metal Gear Solid 4 is going to bring them back up a bit, while I don't think it'll be the systems selling point because that only covers just about the majority of everyone who loves FPS and thinks that's the only true Video Game...
It's not FPS it's MGS. You fucking fail sir.

Posted by ShadowTails
While I've only played the original Metal Gear (and didn't get very far in it) and I don't have a PS2 or anything so I can't play the ones that came out later in 3D, I am a little biased towards Sony because most of the time if I buy something from them it ends up breaking sooner or later, the best thing I've ever bought from them was a CD player that lasted me a good 11 years, I know they have a lot of say in the video game market seeing how they dominated last gen, but I don't see the Wii staying ahead much longer unfortunately, I like the Wii because it's something different, while on the XBOX 360 and PS3 you have people debating which HD looks better because they have the same exact graphical capabilities. Honestly Graphics aren't going to get much better than they are right now, while HD can look nice it's usually wasted on shades of grey, brown, black, ect. I mean... it's not even the slight bit of appealing...
Nintendo fanboy detected. However, let me address that last point you made:
Posted by ShadowTails
while on the XBOX 360 and PS3 you have people debating which HD looks better because they have the same exact graphical capabilities.
God forbid people like games that don't look like utter shit.
Posted by ShadowTails
Honestly Graphics aren't going to get much better than they are right now
You don't know what you're talking about.
Posted by ShadowTails
while HD can look nice it's usually wasted on shades of grey, brown, black, ect. I mean... it's not even the slight bit of appealing...
... What? I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.

Posted by ShadowTails
Microsoft is trying to open up to the casual game audience, and most of those games have failed to make any difference. I personally would like to see all the systems take Nintendo's course with casual gaming, not having one platform dominate them all and only have one type of game that actually sells on the thing (check a few sales charts for the XBOX 360, I'm willing to bet the top 5 games, the majority are FPS).
Eh that's not really Microsoft's fault. It's people that only want to buy FPS games for Xbox. Did you ever hear about Blue Dragon or Lost Odyssey? Yeah thought so.
And again, lol @ everyone should be like nintendo.

Posted by ShadowTails
To be honest, I hate Microsoft fanboys who put down other systems for no apparent reason. While I'm taking bits of pieces of the systems, I'm not just going to go out and say that "Nintendo is the best and they're going to flat out win this generation. "
I think exactly this same thing about Nintendo fanboy. I've been listening to shit like "The N64 clearly beat the PSX in sales" or "Playstation2 only has racing games" for the past 7 years.

Posted by ShadowTails
while I don't honestly see why anyone should give a flying shit about graphics
Hey not everyone likes to see games looking like the last generation. If graphics never improved, we'd have shitty 12x12 antialiased textures like in the N64. Some people like eyecandy. Get the fuck over it.

Posted by ShadowTails
when the hell did it become a requirement for games to try and look realistic?)
Uhm, how can a game look realistic with shitty graphics?

Posted by ShadowTails
I'm what few people would consider a gamer, at least that's what I consider myself, I was never able to own any consoles till my Gamecube, other wise it was just pick and choose from my emulators... (at least I was able to play good games, and I have a PS1 emulator and love most of the games I've played on it.) I like systems for the games on them, not the system. I actually am considering getting a XBOX 360 or a PS3 if they come out with some games that actually interest me... For now, I'll just stick with my Wii because it's the only thing that isn't living off of FPS.
Nintendo fanboy detected. [2]

Posted on 11-03-07 11:12 PM, in Fanboys.... (rev. 2 of 11-03-07 11:15 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 69084

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Since: 07-22-07
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Because making videogames support as many polygons as the SuperFX chip would magically create awesome HDR algos as well as making the cpus and gpus fast enough to render HDR.
Sorry, you're wrong.

Oh yeah if you think every 3D game before 2004 looked like shit, what kind of expectations did you have? You wanted Doom 2 to have real life-like graphics? Then it's your own fault for having such high expectations from a game supposed to run on 486 computers. This is just an example obviously but I'm sure you get my point.

Posted on 11-07-07 04:01 AM, in Translation: Metal Max Returns! Roll out! Link | Quote | ID: 69335

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I've been waiting for this for quite a while. Already downloaded the patch, going to play it sometime tomorrow.

Posted on 11-07-07 06:48 PM, in Stranded Demo Link | Quote | ID: 69404

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Since: 07-22-07
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The Aya sprite is weird when she is running indeed. Other than that, awesome hack. Specially the graphics.
Oh yeah one thing about the special attack when you have the fireflower (B+UP I think), I think it should take a bit less than 5 seconds. Like, 3~3.5 seconds?
And one more thing, I think the first levels are too easy, so is the first boss. But the second boss makes up for that I guess.

Posted on 11-11-07 10:06 AM, in Japanese Potty Training Cartoon Link | Quote | ID: 69774

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Posted by stag019
i wish confetti came out of the ceiling every time i took a shit
That'd be kinda cool;.

Posted on 11-12-07 06:14 PM, in Why did you join? Link | Quote | ID: 69916

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Posted by theclaw
To get information about hacking Super Mario World. Yes, that hack is still not complete. And it's been in development since 2001.
I bet it sucks. D:

Posted on 11-12-07 06:15 PM, in 2 Years of ENGLISH? Link | Quote | ID: 69917

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Since: 07-22-07
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Wow, your post is a good example why you should learn English indeed.

Posted on 11-12-07 06:21 PM, in 2 Years of ENGLISH? Link | Quote | ID: 69921

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What the fuck Leg!
You almost caught me with that haha! LOL

Posted on 11-12-07 09:25 PM, in 2 Years of ENGLISH? Link | Quote | ID: 69936

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Posted by Sp!t
Posted by Arwon
To quote King Juan Carlos I, ¿Por qué no te callas?
B/C I dont need to shut up. Its not mandatory.
うるさいうるさいうるさい!!! 貴様はFAGGOTニっパアアア~!

I am a Weeaboo. Fuck off and die.

Posted on 11-12-07 09:49 PM, in 2 Years of ENGLISH? Link | Quote | ID: 69941

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Since: 07-22-07
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I think it is a fine piece of meat.

Posted on 11-19-07 03:46 AM, in Tower of spatula~ Link | Quote | ID: 70356

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Since: 07-22-07
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I like the current OW and how it copies CV.
So hey I want to make the The Final Countdown level. (E/12)

Posted on 11-19-07 03:53 AM, in Tower of spatula~ Link | Quote | ID: 70361

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Posted by Sukasa
I decree we must use a non-lyrical version of The Final Countdown as the BGM in that level.
That's the only reason I want to make that level actually. xD

Posted on 11-26-07 10:37 AM, in Tower of spatula~ Link | Quote | ID: 70704

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Since: 07-22-07
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Acmlm wanted SMB3 pipes
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