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Posted on 02-22-07 07:13 AM, in Ximes, Chapter 1 - Of Slums and Sorcery Link | Quote | ID: 4345

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There was a glint of a pair of black sunglasses as the young man who had previously brought an unknown degree of danger into Christoph's life eyed the wand Belgarion had used to douse the flames. They shined blue for a moment, and the boy got a much closer view, his enchanted frames giving him sight beyond sight. Slowly, the distance between the rooftop that he stood upon and Belgarion's shattered window shortened, husked in the dull glow of magic.

???: "Hoohoo... Was that a Wand of Elements? Been a while since I saw one of those. Guy's just wavin' it around, too."

He held out his hand and grimaced, looking up at the sky as the heavily magnified drops of rain fell in droves on him. Oddly enough, only his exposed skin and hair were soaked. He harumphed.

"If this weren't such a strong spell, I'd swear the guy was an amateur. Well..."

He tapped his toe on the rooftop twice and nodded. The boy's boots glistened with green sparks for a second, a sign of another dirty casting, and he took off like a speeding car across the rooftops. Three settings: Speed, Spring, and Special.

He hurtled from roof to roof, grabbing handles and swinging from rails along the way, crushing them with the iron grip of his left hand.

"...I've got to get out of this rain soon..."

It wasn't as though he was in any immediate danger, but the boy had an intolerable aversion to water -- Not any particular physical need, as everyone drank it, more a personal preference. That said, it went without saying that enchanters in general disliked water; unless personally safeguarded against its effects (which the boy consistently attempted), water would sometimes cause certain magically enhanced articles to malfunction or, in extremely rare cases, stop working altogether. There was nothing worse than being twenty-thousand leagues under the sea, only to realize you had forgotten to waterproof your Blouse of Breathing. And to a young man who was springing from rooftop to rooftop with a pair of boots that made sure his knees wouldn't buckle and shatter from the impact, safety became somewhat imperative.

He made a particularly high jump to the roof of a tall but dilapadated communal home, where an air vent curved upward to meet him, welcoming his entry. Diving inside, the boy scuttled through the well-sized vents before reaching an exit panel. He took his gloved hand and reached for the bars, lifting the entire structure delicately out of the way. With a tap of his foot, another shower of green sparks, and a bound out of the vent that bounced him soundlessly onto the carpeted floor of the building's interior, the boy found himself in the fifth-floor hallway of the building's east side.

Reaching upward to the low ceilings, the boy replaced the vent cover and turned to a door on his right. He drew a small key from his pocket, unlocked and opened the door, and walked into his sparse home, which only slightly resembled a magical laboratory -- cauldrons for soaking items lay about, in spite of their looking suspiciously like cookware, and a few books were strewn across the otherwise barren countertops. "Know your Glow", "Lifestyles of the Witch and Famous", and "Metabolic-level Enchanting for Dummies" were but a few of the odd-hat topical material.

Satisfied with the day's work, the boy collapsed lightly onto a lumpy, tattered couch, picked up the remote control for his small television set with his gloved hand, and promptly crushed it.

Surprised for a moment, he grimaced and took off the glove before getting up to manually turn on the television.


Christoph, of course, was in a completely different world of shit. With the authorities arriving soon, he'd be in for a fierce questioning, especially if they found his knife. The younger man was correct. Blood magic WAS illegal to use publicly, and as a rule it was considered suspicious for anyone in Ximes to be carrying around a knife for what seemed like no reason, unless they used it for some kind of profession.

Even then, the blood of a magician was so potent that those who usually used knifes in their professions often found charms and enchantments that prevented them from actually touching the hazardous device. Carrying a knife around in Ximes was like waving a gun around in public, claiming madly that you swore you wouldn't shoot anyone, especially not that exposed gas main on 3rd Street.

The reason? Blood magic was powerful stuff, dark and mysterious, a real-life storybook plot device. The weapon of terrorists and serial killers, whose scarred and slashed bodies could at some points become even more gruesome than their victims, it traded the body's essence for power, and was a social faux-pas to even know.

Nevertheless, it was available for independent study, and Christoph had felt the need to be able to defend himself from anything, especially in a world where kids like that boy existed. It was this, Christoph's desire for security and understanding, that his peers saw as one of his less impressive qualities.

But even the best and brightest students can sometimes find themselves in rotten situations, and as the local law enforcement closed in on Christoph's position, Christoph did little more than consider the properties of the fire's ferocity and what that young man might have had to do with it...

Posted on 02-22-07 08:46 PM, in Virtual Console hackin' Link | Quote | ID: 4707

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Well, we've already got quad-core processors, so we're 1/4 of the way towards a portable beowulf cluster...

Posted on 02-22-07 09:01 PM, in How did you get your username? Link | Quote | ID: 4723

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I'm Grey.

Just Grey. I figured I'd go for something completely anonymous, and I didn't like the 'a' spelling of Gray. Grey is a neutral color, and Thomas Gray coined the phrase "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise", along with being an excellent poet. My real name is Thomas.

On IRC, I'm Green because up until previously I was a full-mod, and full-mods are green. Colin is not Green. Colin likes green, but green is not Green.

During my brief stint as an admin, I changed my name to Gold on IRC.

Unfortunately, right now on espernet the name "Blue" is taken and registered. And I don't really wanna be Purple or Pink.

Posted on 02-25-07 09:45 AM, in Your Face Link | Quote | ID: 7294

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Face this.

This too.

One more.

And that's me.

Posted on 03-06-07 01:33 AM, in This post is odder. Link | Quote | ID: 10957

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Doritokiller got it right on his first post in this thread. And by "got it right", I mean his post follows the rule, even though his conjecture is obviously wrong. So he quite obviously managed it only by chance. I mean, he didn't get it right on any of his other posts either.

This post is good too. It's really not that difficult, I just was kinda preoccupied on that other one.

The rest of you fail it. Sorry Zem.

Alright, two important things happened in the last thread I made.

Thing one:
1) Everybody remembered the trick from last time.
2) I failed it.

So, I'm starting a new thread. And this one will baffle the heck out of you. For in this post I have followed another, far more subtle rule, and none of you will be able to guess just from the way I speak. Or so I wager. I certainly spent a lot of time making certain that my speech was natural in this post.

(Okay, not natural so much as what you've all come to expect from me.)

So, without farther ado, let us mock those who cannot replicate what I did. And it will be most of you.

This fails it.

Posted on 03-06-07 01:45 AM, in This post is odder. Link | Quote | ID: 10970

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I cannot be certain as to what fails or does not fail this test. I merely placed two qualifying posts together as an experiment.

Posted on 03-06-07 01:55 AM, in This post is odder. Link | Quote | ID: 10992

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I am not using swear words. In spite of my non-use I still fail it with this post.

Posted on 03-06-07 03:25 AM, in Look like your avatar! Link | Quote | ID: 11086

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Look at my avatar.

Now look at me.

Does anyone see a problem here?

Posted on 03-14-07 03:51 PM, in Buttlord GT Link | Quote | ID: 15031

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This is years and years old and I still laugh my ass off every time I read it.

It's probably the prime source for all of my one-liners, too.


Posted on 03-21-07 07:07 AM, in Nameless Waltz (Continued) Link | Quote | ID: 17618

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OOC: Well, let's see... Where we left off...

It should be noted, of course, that time flows very differently in very different places. The spiritual plane, for example, passes time approximately eight times faster than the material plane, on a general case. As an object approaches light speed, its perception of time also slows down to the point where eventually, at light speed, time stops. This is all completely theoretical, mind you, and upon the destruction of Shen's home world by the Heartless, there was little ability to be had in proof. Time manipulation existed primarily through magical means, without any kind of scientific backup. However, the principle that time passes differently in different places still held.

For Shen and Evan, in this strange realm they had ended up in, Time chose to cast its glance about only so often, and it passed by with much furor and haste as a result of its seldom affairs. The duo's perception of events was nonplussed, and marched to the beat of its own ticking clock, ignoring this fact.

The previously mentioned cottage also ignored this fact, along with the entire planet, and as a result the passage of time here was much faster than many other realms.

It, along with the rest of the world, was completely white in appearance. It sat plainly within the forest, contrasting heavily with Shen and Evan's comparatively unique attire. A porch, the likes of which were typically found in a simple ranch home, greeted Evan as he plodded closer to the door at the porch's rear with each step. He began to laugh as memories slowly returned to him.

Evan: "That's right... I remember now. I built this place, didn't I?"

He had some trouble with his memories at this point. Could he be so sure that he did? He certainly remembered building it... Breaking down the trees with his hands, and having someone else cut the wood as he assembled them into the pieces he had used to construct it. The house required little loam or nails. The wood was happy enough to be reunited with its parts, after being broken to boards by Evan's brutal hands.

But then, what was he doing there, when he did build it? It was a very long time ago. That much he could remember, as well.

He stared longingly at the front door of the cottage. What secrets did it hold? What questions would be answered upon opening it?

Evan set Shen down on the ground, and leaned her up against Satchel as he took the large bag off his back.

"Rest here, Shen. I'll go inside and see if there's anyone who can help us."

Shen stirred.

Shen: "O... Okay..."

His usual feelings of concern mounted. She wasn't getting better...

He shook his head, stood to his full height, and stepped cautiously to the porch. However, he was unable to take more than that single step before the front door exploded outward at him, the force of a small, tennis ball-sized object smashing it to pieces. Behind his visor, Evan's eyes widened, and he quickly, almost instinctively raised a hand to catch it.

The ball, for it indeed was a ball, slammed hard into his enormous fist, and tingled upon impact, wrestling itself free from Evan's surprised hands and hurtling at him a second time. This time Evan took a quick step to the side, his eyes tracking its swift passage clearly and cleanly -- it was fast, but not too fast for him.

Not anymore, his mind said.

The third pass saw Evan's clenched fist make a defiant swipe at the ball's track, colliding hard with it and sending the object flying off into the distance. Evan looked over to Shen to make sure she was unharmed by the object's movement, only to hear a familiar, yet unknown female voice...

???: "You've gotten much faster, boy."

Evan whirled around to meet the voice, but saw no one. Not yet. The ball hurtled back at him and as it slammed into him with a loud crack, the back of his skull throbbed in pain. The last thing he heard as he sank into blackness was the voice speaking a second time.

"But I guess you're not fast enough for your father's old tricks. Welcome back."

From then, he knew no more.


Shen's perceptions blurred as Evan's did. All her senses could feel was the overbearing power of a soul from a world that was clearly not native to this one. As Evan collapsed, his soul fading into an unconscious, inactive state, a wave of despair overtook Shen. She as well fell into darkness, her mind racing only with the hope that he was all right.

Posted on 03-28-07 06:50 AM, in Nameless Waltz (Continued) Link | Quote | ID: 20224

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Nameless: "Dama Scenis, huh...?"

Nameless rubbed his hands together as he approached the bordering grounds of the magnificent palace where so many recent events had taken place. The Sky Gardens were places only hinted at by the locals of this world, but this fellow had fallen so far, so fast...

Hector: "Yeah. I don't know who she is, or what she's doing up there, but she's holding someone very important to me, and I want her back."

Nameless: "Hrm."


Hector couldn't remember most of what happened after Mel's raw power cleansed him of the darkness that had enveloped him. He knew they had seen his abilities in action. He knew they saw that he had deflected the powers of even the strongest of their leaders. It was a feeling all around that he had "known", but not actually experienced.

Mel was in that palace, and for a period of time where he had felt safe for once, he was too. But the "leaders" of that little cabal, those who had stood against him that first night that he came for Mel, they feared him. With assurances of his safety by their farcical leader, Hector was cast off the island, hoping for death to consume him as the darkness nearly had.

The winds cut his skin as he fell, the very molecules of the air around him slicing and sparring with him. He wasn't afraid. Gravity was a force, something he could easily repel with just a thought. They hadn't thought to take his weapon. They had barely wished to touch him after the horrifying display he had shown. Just an unconscious exercise, he thought.

But the fall never had the chance to make its attack. As he made his approach to the growing land that lay below, Hector felt a cold, dark energy swirling around him. It wasn't quite the same as true darkness, though. It was Void energy. Manipulating gravity to slow him down... How strange, he thought.

He lay comfortably on his back as an invisible cloud lowered him gently to the ground. Before he could contemplate who his savior was, though, he recieved his answer in a very harsh and painful way, as a dark shadow filled the skyline above him and descended down at him. With a quick thought, he drew out his sword and watched nonchalantly as the being slammed into the weapon and was blown straight back into the air, unaware of his own power.

Nameless flipped backwards to right himself, and landed neatly on the ground in front of Hector, grinning at his good fortune.


Nameless: "Well, you know it's not my problem whether or not you find your girlfriend in there, but I'll help you if you help me. Deal?"

He cast a sidelong glance at Hector, expecting an answer...

Posted on 03-28-07 04:26 PM, in Nameless Waltz (Continued) Link | Quote | ID: 20285

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Nameless: "Well... I can't exactly open a doorway to nothingness and get us up there in an instant, or anything like that. A few weeks ago, that might have been a different case, but as it stands now I've only got one idea, and it ain't gonna be easy."

The duo had come across the place where Hector and Nameless had met each other. Not so willing to attack Hector now, Nameless outlined a possibility.

"I don't have the ability to just open portals, like I said, but this body has the power to control several different types of energy, such as that which comes from The Void, a black hole-like manifestation of negative energy. It's generally what magic users use when they need to teleport somewhere, or when they have to open some kind of dimensional doorway."

He placed his hands together, and a swirl of purple energy appeared at his feet, rising him uneasily off the ground for a few inches.

"As you can see, it can also be used to defy or amplify the effects of gravity. With this, I can raise myself up, reasonably. I can't just fly or anything like that, but I can at least lift myself to the level where the trajectory for getting onto that floating island would be fairly simple to calculate. You, on the other hand..."

He pointed his palm at Hector after descending to the ground, and watched as the purple energy swirled around Hector. Instinctively, Hector thought to repel it, and was subsequently bounced upward a few feet.

"Pushing you downward causes you to go up. Apparently, you're able to reflect certain forms of energy, magical or otherwise. If you're hit with a large enough blast of this stuff, you might rocket far enough upward to reach the Sky Garden. See up there? It's about to eclipse the sun."

He pointed upward. The Sky Garden was indeed moving ever so slowly through the sky, and as it reached the sun of the world they were on, it cast a great and ominous shadow over the both of them. As the world around them filled with shade, Nameless nodded.

"This is the best time to do it, since it's almost right above us. Are you willing to cooperate?"

Hector really felt he had no choice. With Star's beckoning accompanying his already growing feelings of guilt for the fate of Mel, this man who had literally come out of nowhere was his only hope.

Hector: "Fine, I am. But one question, first."

Nameless: "Shoot."

Hector: "You said you were nameless, but when Star came to us just now, he seemed to know you by a name. Is there an explanation for that?"

Nameless: "..."

Yes, there most definitely was. Though he was not that man in heart, soul, or body, his mind most definitely existed in Nameless's thoughts. It pained Nameless to know that because of the circumstances surrounding his existence, he had no birth, and it was equally likely that he would have no valid death, either...

But that was okay. He knew it was, because he had dealt with it for quite a time. When it came down to it, all he really wanted was a name, and in the very least some memories, of his own...

"...That name is just a memory to Star. Literally, I'm Nameless. That's what you can call me."

Star... And Vengeless, too. Another one of his allies, committing atrocities in a beserk rage. First it was Faceless, whose madness had drawn him nearly to suicide, until Shen had returned to their world and Nameless had helped him get his old self back. Now Vengeless had gone over the edge. If he was with Nijote, or at least someone who looked like her, that meant something even worse. It meant that Vengeless had broken his vow and was now under Lexuk's control.

Dammit Star, Nameless thought. Why couldn't you have been stronger? He fumed over this only briefly, recognizing that there was still a task at hand.

"Come on, we've got a rescue mission to mount. Stand over there."

He pointed to a patch of soft earth, which Hector quickly made his way towards. This would be pretty simple, Nameless thought.

He pointed both palms at Hector, and began to concentrate. Slowly, a purplish glow formed around his hands, intensifying as Nameless drew breath. Breathe in, concentrate, breathe out, release.

All of a sudden, the energy released in a large burst, raw and unrefined, straight from the Void! Hector's eyes widened as he saw the purple glow transfer from Nameless' hands to his own feet, and struggled to keep his thoughts clear. He knew when the moment would come.

He felt it, and the Void energy below him began to pull down. With a thought he began to reflect it. Without warning, the energy surged downward, and there was a loud CRACK as he blew upward, totally unharmed and airborne, like a missile headed for its target.

Nameless: "HAHA! It worked!"

He repeated the process, and slowly began to rise after Hector. The hunt was on!

Posted on 05-27-07 05:01 PM, in Nameless Waltz (Continued) Link | Quote | ID: 38936

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OOC: Bump.

Nameless sighed as he watched Hector dote over Mel, innocent in her unconscious state. It was likely that she'd have no memory of the events that transpired today, a fine way to ensure that her power remained in check.

But more importantly, Nameless realized that he had likely gained the trust of Hector and Mel, which would be instrumental in getting him off this world and back on the track to finding Satchel -- and the Body.

Now earthbound and away from the Sky Garden, Nameless, Mel, and Hector had taken to rest in the forests below where the magical sanctuary had once floated.

Deep in thought, Nameless tried to reason his way through where Satchel might have ended up, and where the Body might be located.

'Shen opened a portal in a fit of desperation in order to save us all from that bastard... When Shen threw us all into that portal, there were only two people whom Satchel could have ended up with -- Evan and me. Since I don't have Satchel with me here right now, It must have ended up with Evan..

'Shen's portal threw everyone to the place where they must have felt they'd be the safest. I guess that makes sense for me, since I felt safe when I was around people strong enough to protect me. Good logic. I've no clue where Dracoon, Ark, and all the rest of them would have ended up, but I can make a few guesses...'

'Shen would have felt safest with Evan, no doubt. Faceless told me all about her...'

'Grey would probably have felt safest in a world where there was balance between darkness and light. More than likely, he's back home with Johnathan right now.'

'Garro... I've no idea. Where does a man who constantly has faith that the gods will protect him feel safest? A question for later, no doubt.'

'Dracoon... Perhaps there was no safety for him. He seemed to realize that his story was coming to a close. It may very well be that he is dead, a condition that will likely make my ideals much easier to realize.'

'As for the rest... I know where Nijote is, obviously. But Luke, Lexuk, Ark... They're eluding me.'

'The biggest question of all is, where is Evan?'

Nameless sat down and leaned up against a tree as he thought. He crossed his arms and closed his eyes. Nameless knew everything that That Man knew, so perhaps he'd be able to deduce where Evan could have ended up just by looking through His mind.

'Evan would have gone where he had felt safest. This means that Shen is with him, and is safe there as well, and that Satchel is with him, and safe there. But where could Evan have possibly felt the safest? His life has been full of destruction and danger, if my thoughts are correct. I'm almost afraid he was sent nowhere...'

Wait. Nameless considered. That may have been it -- Nowhere. Not necessarily Nowhere, the place, but a place that everyone would call 'Nowhere'. Except for one person, that is.

One person would call it "home"...

Nameless grinned his devilish grin. There was indeed a place called "home" for Evan. A place where someone waited for him to return, who never left even while he went all over the place in search of Satchel.

'The plot thickens,' he thought.

Hector's words pierced his skull like a sword.

Hector: "Hey, Nameless. Mel's safe again. Thanks..."

He walked over to the sitting Nobody and extended his hand in gratitude. Nameless took it, stood, and shook without a word.

"I guess we've got a debt to repay now. You mentioned us helping you in exchange for your assistance. I can't say I like the smile on your face, but I owe you Mel's life, and that's enough for me. Whatever you've got to do, just let us know."

Nameless nodded, and turned away from Hector, facing the tree he was leaning against.


Nameless: "I wouldn't worry about that just yet..."

He hurled himself into the tree's branches and hung like an ape above Hector's head.

"I've got some other things to take care of right now, but trust me, I'll call you when I need you. And I will need you. And Mel. Until then, just keep her safe."

He smiled his suspiciously reassuring smile, and sprang off into the trees, heading north, to where he had made his hideout. Hector grimaced.

Hector: "Why do I feel as though I've suddenly sold myself to the devil...?"


A small cottage in the white woods lay as the waiting home to Evan's assailant. The gentle giant rested in a bed of pure white sheets and expert craftsmanship, specially suited to house his gargantuan frame. Sitting at a nearby table, covered in a white tablecloth, two women sipped their white porcelean cups of white tea as a gentle snow began to fall outside. Shen, the woman closest to Evan's bed, set her teacup down and adjusted her wide hat.

Shen: "So... That's the story. It certainly explains a lot of Evan's behavior."

The other woman, a youthful lady in proper gown, ruffled her golden hair in assent as she sipped her own cup still. Shen had woken first, so she felt it necessary to entertain her new guests. It had been so long since she had them.

???: "Yes, I always liked to consider him special. He is such a sweet boy, you've done well to find him."

A small, golden ball orbited the woman's head slowly, occasionally twisting and turning to refract the light that shined upon it. Inside, it formed fractal geometric patterns so intricate they would make a mathematician burst into tears of admiration at the sheer magnitude of Fibonacci's power. Again, she sipped.

"I am also glad that he has returned home... I will assume that this is your doing, since Satchel is the only key to this place and I made sure that Evan did not learn that portion of his father's teachings. It was That Man's will that such a condition be met. Of course, you should know that you are free to leave here any time, though once you do, without Satchel you can never come back. Your portal was only activated by Its presence, and will only be activated by its presence again."

In spite of the drama of the situation, the woman spoke with a feeling of serenity and calm that surpassed the ages. It was as though she had waited here for someone, ever consistent in her patience. A minor aura of sadness had wafted about her in spite of her appearance and tone.

Shen: "Well, you are right. I did bring him here, though I did not know we would end up here myself. Still, you seem sad..."

???: "Of course... Because if you two are here, then what I fear most has come to pass. He is all but dead, and Satchel has been brought to me as I instructed Evan to do so many years ago. I doubt even he remembers this promise, but it would seem that, if unwittingly, he has fulfilled it."

She set her cup down, and her fair face and soft lips cracked into a smile, one that she had been waiting many years to make. Shen watched. She truly was beautiful...

"But now, we should rest. Nothing can be done until Evan awakes, and I would like to let him rest, as he has quite a journey ahead of him."

Shen nodded. She still had another question to ask, though.

Shen: "Just one more question, then. You obviously know Evan. Just who are you?"

The woman's softness faded into a hard, hidden strength that Shen nearly balked at. She kept her composition as the smiling face belied the white woman's ferocity. Had this been the wrong question to ask?

???: "Hm. No, that is a good question, and one that perhaps you do deserve an answer to."

She stood, and the golden ball that had floated around her so slowly began to orbit faster and faster as a faint wind waved through her long hair.

"I am an Oracle, ally of the Psi Warriors and one of the protectors of your world. I fight wars against the forces of darkness that serve to engulf it in an even darker abyss than Dark Phoenix's wrath had attempted. I am a human, punished by my superiors for breaking the oath of the Oracles, to never directly interfere with the doings of your world. I preserve the shrines of the Oracles, living a human's life in servitude so that on my death I may rejoin them and regain my true purpose, as well as my true power."

The wind intensified, and a golden aura began to emanate from her, no doubt the effect that the ball's rapid orbit, now nearly undetectable by the naked eye, had given her body. Her eyes narrowed.

"Until I met That Man, I lived a life of emptiness, never truly experiencing what it meant to be a human. He showed me life, he showed me emotion, and most importantly, he showed me love. He showed me that living as a person was one of the most exhilirating and exciting adventures that someone could ever have. In return, I brought him back from the brink of Chaos, saved him from his own self-hatred, and defended him as his madness annihilated the allies I had once served so vehemently. For my treachery, I was cast out, and forced to keep my human form forever, giving up my true strength in favor of this fragile existence. Still, I didn't care. He had loved me, and if that was all I had left, then that was all I needed."

Shen stood, herself, and found her body full of energy, adrenaline running through her veins as she prepared for whatever this increasingly maddening woman had in store for her.

"My name is Yiusi, Fallen Oracle. I am Janus' lover, and Evan's mother. As you hold Evan's heart, so too do I hold his... And so too will I bring him back from the darkness."

Posted on 06-15-07 06:31 AM, in Nameless Waltz (Continued) Link | Quote | ID: 45788

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A Voice: "Wake up, Garro."

Garro gasped as his consciousness was rocked back together by the shock of life returning to his bones. And yet, it was not air that he breathed, was it? He didn't believe it was air, at least. There was no air in space, which was where he had believed he was floating. He had believed, also, that he was most definitely quite dead, believing that the destruction of his world had sent him to his doom, in accordance with the fate that he believed that Lexuk had given him.

It was odd, really, what Garro believed. Because in spite of this belief, it felt as though there was something missing within it, something that he had once wallowed in, a sense of belonging. He had believed that he was dead, and it seemed as though up until several seconds ago it had been true. But now, he most certainly felt alive. His hair was firmly rooted in his head, he could feel the brim of his hat pressing against his brow, and his coat and suit were bound to him by the strap of the massive cannon he had cobbled together before that last, chaotic battle.

"It's a shame, really, that our Avatar of Faith should be so shaken by a few simple reverberations of the world's voice. Speak."

Garro: "Wh...where am I...?"

His voice echoed through the white space that surrounded him and filled him with its empty mass. And yet, it fell flat on a solid wall that seemed to close around him on all sides. It was as if he were perceiving two sides of a mirror; in and out. Truly, he had seen far worse in his time, and certainly far stranger, but compounded with the heaviness of his heart and the magnitude of the failure he had wrought, Garro's once strong and willful mind began to break down.

The Voice: "You are likely the only human capable of surviving in this place without severe deterioration of the body and soul. You've reached the Spiritual Plane."

The words echoed throughout his mind. He remembered, with both fear and a slight, but ultimately dampened, sense of elation the tales he had heard from that man not two years prior to the hell that had enveloped their home. The Spiritual Plane. Source of all power for the Psi Warriors, the home of the true gods, and the place of Exile for those whose souls had left their body.

"Shen, blessed woman that she is, sent you here. You were sent here because this, Garro, was the place you felt you'd be safest -- surrounded on all sides by the gods you worshipped so vehemently before your death. But, poor Garro, worship is not enough for a world where faith itself has died with its inhabitants."

Garro's life had been spent in spiritual penitence -- he rose as the guardian of the gods when their existence was threatened. Gods really were such weak things, when it came down to it. Only people's faith made them strong, and when that faith was weakened, the gods had relied on Garro as their pillar of strength, his knowledge of their existence forcing him to believe. In exchange, he gleaned from them their power, and lived as an enemy to those who would jeopardize that belief.

"Poor Garro, whose life was extinguished, a martyr as only the truly faithful are. Poor Garro, who died in hopes that his death would reach the already shattered mind of a man to whom he was the greatest and most important friend."

The voice, mocking him now, was distinctly female, and spoke with the authority of eons of rule. He had heard it only once in his life before, when he was named as their tool.

"You could have defeated him, you know. You had our power on your side, in a time when the world was full of people praying for their safety. You were a perfect weapon, a perfect warrior. You could have saved an entire world's existence, and instead you threw it away because you earnestly believed that your death would mean enough to him to penetrate his madness and steep his rampage in regret."

It had sounded truly angry with him, as though he had committed some unforgivable sin towards it, and the white maelstrom around him began to close in, and yet somehow expand with the volume and velocity of a helium balloon. Indeed, it felt as though the space around him was being filled with air, and he was being pressed from all sides. His head felt swelled with pain, as an agonizing feeling of dread and helplessness overtook him, and his body writhed and convulsed in a desperate attempt to quell its suffering.

"You failed to perform the task given, Garro. For this, you must be punished. You did not protect the gods that gave you such power, and because of that, you are all that every one of them has left to rely on for support. This pressure you feel is the weight of their need, their thirst for sustenance that only you, now, can give. And yet, in spite of our anger, we feel that you must be commended, for your role in this story is far from over."

Garro's mind began to split apart, and as though a pin had been placed in the balloon that had pressed into him, a sudden pop of whiteness freed his body, and placed him back to where he once was, floating limp in the sea of nothingness.

"You see, there was still someone you had faith in, even in those moments where you defied our will, and where our power left you as punishment. You had faith in the bringer of darkness, Kalar. As a true friend, you believed in him, and as the Great Believer, it would follow that you believed that that faith alone would bring him out of his madness and into a right state of mind once again. That degree of faith alone, the desire to put one's life on the line for one's beliefs, is the reason why we've chosen not to throw you out and instead educate you on your wrongdoings."

The voice echoed, and began to soften around Garro's ears, what little of them he still felt.

"You see, Kalar is an innocent man. He was never a moment mad, simply used. Possessed. Perhaps you believed that, too? Your powers were not enough to save him, nor would they ever be, for a much larger force is at work here. But know that he can be saved, and that he has no need to seek redemption for crimes that he himself did not willingly commit. All that is required is for you to become strong enough to act as the catalyst for his recovery. Speak."

Garro felt the urge from deep within him, as his mind was shocked with understanding of the situation, to ask a simple question that he already knew the answer to.

Garro: "What can I do against such a power?"

The Voice: "Nothing, in your current state. The old gods are being revived, Garro. You said it yourself, and your very existence brings us delicious power that we had for what seemed an eternity lusted after. But even as your existence denotes belief and faith, as our Avatar you are still flawed, for there is something that your belief has been shaken from. If you have no faith in it, then your faith is tainted with the stain of disbelief, and you are an imperfect tool to us. We cannot discard you, but you will be of no use to us anymore."

Impossible, the priest thought. He had faith in the existence of every god he knew of, having met them all personally in his human lifetime. Yet, he felt he could not doubt the reason of a god, all-knowing and omniscient as she was. Her name came to him.

Garro: "Gaia... You're Gaia, right?"

Gaia's Voice: "Gaia, yes. Spirit of a broken world, brought here by the desperate need of a pathetic shell to have some reminder that the old world exists. Brought here by the belief that the old world could somehow be revived, and that its spirit is still alive somewhere. But, Garro, it is you that you lack faith in. An Avatar of Faith is far unfit for his position and the honor of being chosen by the gods themselves, if he cannot even believe in himself. You must become stronger if you are to truly take advantage of our benefits. Such a flimsy tool as that cannon you have built yourself is a mere toy compared to the power you could harness if only you believed. Foolish man."

He felt the whiteness fade around him as the plane shifted to accomodate what he felt to be movement.

"Kalar took one of your weapons as you died, Garro. He took it as a reminder that someday, you would have to come and get it back. He took it in the hopes that perhaps as he killed you, you would be the one to end his suffering as well."

A hole in existence opened. Garro felt himself slipping without resistance through it. He sighed into the nothing around him, as the voice echoed in his mind and he entered another world, one that would prove to bring him back to life for the second time...

"You will be sent to allies, Garro, but remember that you must believe in yourself, as you are ultimately your greatest weapon in the fight to revive us all. Bring That Man back to life. In doing so, you will gain a strength of conviction great enough to serve us again, and to end the suffering of your friend. Go now, Garro the Fallen, and let the splendor of life breathe its way back into you."

This time, it was real air that filled his lungs, and the real smell of a cold atmosphere greeted him as he looked into a dark sky. White trees surrounded him, a petrified forest of dullness, and he felt his chest heave as he got used to needing to breathe again to exist. Whatever was in his chest before was still missing, and for the first time in his life, Garro felt a taste of the eternal sorrow that only the Heartless felt.

Posted on 06-15-07 06:35 AM, in Whats happening...? (rev. 2 of 06-15-07 06:36 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 45789

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Posted by Reinfors
Posted by Trapster
I remember both Elric and VGFreak877.

Elric didnĀ“t have any Alucard avatar, did he?
I'm pretty sure he is using Alucard avatar (or maybe some sort of Alucard layout?) " I think not much members using Alucard stuff at that times

Elric actually used Marquis Elmdor as an avatar, I believe. Looks very similar to Alucard, but isn't him.

Welcome back. I'm always watching, but I rarely post outside of Brain Teasers...

This is more than likely an unnecessary bump, but truly this is a monumentous occasion.

Posted on 06-25-07 02:35 PM, in _chan is raiding, oh noes. Link | Quote | ID: 49404

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Hey now, don't diss 4chan. I'm kinda proud that we got hit by /b/.

Posted on 06-25-07 03:17 PM, in MetalMan88: Supreme Hero of the Internets (rev. 2 of 06-25-07 03:25 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 49410

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This is not spam.

I'd just like to point out that none of us, NONE of us have ever gone on to become an actual 4chan meme.

And while yes, the current /b/ is made of fail and aids, and yes, the forces of Gaia and Myspace fill it with lose and suck, it should still be duly noted that beyond the simple modesty of our lowly board, one man has risen above it all to make himself known, make himself famous, make himself a celebrity to all who still lurk moar in the halls of /b/, where longcat is not whitecat and grinman's true name is Richard (not Robert) C. Mongler, where Epic Fail Guy was the last true fail and where sage was pronounced Sah Gay and actually meant something.

Where Duckroll was around long before Rick Astley's face saw the internets, and where underage truly = B&.

Where nigras ran free, and Bel-air was actually fukken sav'd.

Where copypasta was as delicious as flat chest.

Where motivational posters were actually funny and witty and not just plugs for shitfad#1.

Where YOU LAUGH YOU LOSE meant you'd actually be a failure at decency if your sense of humor was tickled by a cat being shoved in the microwave.

So you see, Acmlm's, for this raid please do not blame MetalMan88, for "It's Stupid" truly is a valiant attempt by /b/ to bring back that which was lulz and save it from raids, from aids, and to make the strength of /b/ as rigid and impressive as Zimmer's massively mighty mysoginistic meat totem.

Thank you, MetalMan88, for being one of the internet's heroes. I look forward to the day when I can go back to /b/ and not feel like my IQ dropped to the level where even the cast of Idiocracy would call me stupid.

Posted on 07-04-07 11:31 PM, in Sad Lemmy Koopa Link | Quote | ID: 52336

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Typically I only do this for certain people. You, Mr. CKY-2K, should feel honored.

Now translating Alastor's post...

A good idea would be to make his limbs in the proper proportion to the rest of his body, as right now they appear to be too long to achieve that Koopa feel that your avatar seems to have. I look in particular at the legs, which could be shortened and made stubbier -- in fact, if they were to look that way, you might actually achieve a pitiable form, one that has a reason to be sad (he's just too darn short). The hair colors are also mixed up. If you wanna change them, you can just take a look at your avatar, and match it up to those colors. It shouldn't be too hard. I advise you to just make him look a bit less like a human, and more like a Koopa. When you do that, you should have a great drawing on your hands.

Also, I can't help but notice the grass looks a little out of place. You could try erasing it and redrawing it in the same lined style as the rest of the picture, and then the attention would be more on Lemmy than on the background, which is, I assume, your goal. Good luck!

Posted on 07-04-07 11:37 PM, in Sad Lemmy Koopa Link | Quote | ID: 52339

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Dude, you know when it gets licensed they're just gonna screw up the localization anyway.

Posted on 07-05-07 04:09 AM, in Sad Lemmy Koopa Link | Quote | ID: 52386

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