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Posted on 06-16-14 08:16 AM, in Epic Edit - Super Mario Kart track editor Link | Quote | ID: 156799

Red Koopa
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Posted by gridatttack
Sorry for double post, but I noted something odd in the editor.

Im pretty sure you could change track orders in the editor by dragging down the name whenever you want. On the latest version, this doesnt seem to work. Was it removed?

Im testing AI related stuff from mario circuit 3, and that is the last track of flower cup, so I must do all 4 previos track which is time consuming....

You could use a save state on the results screen of the race before. Or export the track and import it back as race number 1 for testing.

I'd suggest making it track number 1 as you will want to test the CPU AI on all speed classes.

Posted on 06-16-14 08:53 AM, in Epic Edit - Super Mario Kart track editor Link | Quote | ID: 156802

Red Koopa
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Back up often and regularly :-) very important when ROM hacking.

As for Super Baldy Kart, I took a 4 year break, motivation as Stifu has mentioned is a challenge. That said I have been working on it for the last 7 months. I rebuilt my hack so it works with EE, have a new podium screen, player select and about half the tracks I need. I will make a update thread soon....

Posted on 06-16-14 08:56 PM, in Epic Edit - Super Mario Kart track editor Link | Quote | ID: 156809

Red Koopa
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Posted by Stifu
Posted by gridatttack
I guess if its inst hardcoded, it can be changed with that snes palette editor?

If it's not hardcoded, you can change it within the editor. If it's hardcoded, it must dynamically replace existing colors in one of the palettes. I'd try to retrieve the actual color values, and then look for them in the ROM. I'd probably debug that by messing with a save state. I guess smkdan would use an actual SNES debugger, but last time I checked, I was no good at it.

When editing GV's background I discovered that graphic tiles used for the animation routing for the Ghosts were loaded separately from the reset of the background. They where loaded from the original background location as apposed to the new tile location in ROM allocated by the EE. So I checked to see if the palette swap routine for the waves on KB worked in the same way. Changing the original palette location to all white shows the this isn't the case:

As you can see, along with the flashes from the racers tyres, the colours used in the palette swapping routing must e hard coded.

Posted on 06-16-14 10:07 PM, in Super Baldy Kart (rev. 4 of 06-16-14 10:15 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 156811

Red Koopa
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After a 4 year break I picked up my Super Mario Kart hack again at the end of last year. Since then I've been hard at work. Here's what's now done in Super Baldy Kart:

- 8 all new racers, graphics, driving stats etc.
- In game objects, (pipes, etc.)
- Item sprites
- HUD Graphics
- Overlay graphics, ('?' blocks etc.)
- Title screen
- New Player select screen with custom music (video link)

- New cup selection screen
- 8 new themes
- 9/20 tracks
- 2/4 Battle courses

Here's what it looks like:

Title, Player selection (custom music), and Cup selection sreens:

Battle Mode test

New Podium screen (with a palette swapping dance floor):

Here's a video of it in action - this is a little out of date.

To do list:

- 11 More tracks
- 2 Battle tracks
- Tweak drives stats
- Replace the demos
- Edit end game credits text

Let me know what you think.

Posted on 06-16-14 10:20 PM, in Epic Edit - Super Mario Kart track editor (rev. 2 of 06-16-14 10:21 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 156812

Red Koopa
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Posted by gridatttack
Aww man. Too bad. I guess they cant be changed without ASM then?

But at least its only the waves. Im still trying to find the sand color from the animation. or is it hardcoded too?

BTW Dirtbag, I have to ask. have you figured how the CPU reacts to boost panels? So far, my tests have been successful. Only one time in 100cc that the last CPU refused to get the boost. They all worked on 150cc.

The sand colour used in the wave/ tide effect is unchanged as well, I just didn't capture it in the screen shot.

I've not had too much of a problem with the CPU and boost, but that said I've only used them with cross over jumps in the tracks. From what I recall in the original game the CPU failed to make the jump every so often. I think it was the last one also like you have found.

I've made my SBK update thread for you

Posted on 06-20-14 02:13 PM, in Epic Edit - Super Mario Kart track editor (rev. 2 of 06-20-14 02:14 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 156891

Red Koopa
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Posted by Stifu
Posted by gridatttack
BTW, I wonder, when you imported the GBA donut plains, did you managed to get all the tileset without any color loss? :O

I only tried to fix a single tile. If that helps, I can fix the whole tileset. I just thought it'd be better if you fixed it yourself, to ensure you understand the problem and can fix all of your other tilesets yourself. But if fixing that one would help you get started, then let me know, and I'll take care of it tonight.

By the way, when I implemented image import in EE, I considered adding a preview window so you could check out what'd get imported before validating the import. I ended up choosing the easy way out to keep things simple and save time, thinking users could just try it and revert changes if things didn't turn out fine.

Another convenience feature, which could be easily added (unlike others), is display the 255-based RGB value for each color in the palette. This may help you ensure your image colors are what EE expects.
Possibly even let users change colors based on their 255-based RGB values, so you'd have 2 ways to change colors. That'd be a bit more work, but it's doable.

I'd also have noticed in the past the colour matching can be a little tricky, but it was easy enough to work around. I just used a different primary colour, imported it to EE, change the colour in EE then exported it again to continue editing.

I like your idea of EE showing the 255RGB values (maybe as a tool tip?), it's a nice quick win.

Posted on 06-21-14 03:11 PM, in Epic Edit - Super Mario Kart track editor Link | Quote | ID: 156909

Red Koopa
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Posted by Stifu
Posted by dirtbag
I like your idea of EE showing the 255RGB values (maybe as a tool tip?), it's a nice quick win.

Err... Turns out I forgot the 8-bit RGB values are already on the tooltip, as you hover colors.

Anyway, try this out, guys. It seems to work fine although I didn't test it much. The UI looks less pretty than it used to, though. Let me know what you think.

I forgot too, as I've used them before to double check the values. This was is much better though, it means you can align the colours either way between EE and graphics editor of choice. Good work.

Posted on 06-23-14 09:42 PM, in Epic Edit - Super Mario Kart track editor (rev. 2 of 06-23-14 09:45 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 156943

Red Koopa
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Posted by Stifu
Posted by gridatttack
Also I wonder, are there any info of music hacking? As in, inserting new music/modify it?

Well, Dirtbag has done it. We know where each music is, we know they're compressed, and we know where the referenced instruments are. Now waiting for someone to add a music editor in EE for me.

By the way, have you tried the updated EE? What do you think? I pushed back the new version release for now.

I could add it... but I have at least 10 tunes to write first . I might add in SMKMashup features soon, I need to get a development enviroment up and running and then we can see what I can add.

The challange I have around music we need a tracker. Writing music in notepad sucks ass.

**Edit** just a though, we still need to find the address for the drivers tunes, they are small and I can handle doing them in notepad. I have a small updates for your notes I'll send you soon around the battle mode menu.

Posted on 06-25-14 09:06 AM, in Epic Edit - Super Mario Kart track editor Link | Quote | ID: 156956

Red Koopa
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Posted by gridatttack
Posted by Stifu
You could try creating the colors you want in EE (over a random palette, temporarily), export the palettes (don't save changes on the ROM), then with a hex editor, copy the exported colors over the original wave colors.

Thanks. I wonder, is there a way to know if the ROM is headered or un headered?

SInce if its headered I will need to add 200 to the values.

$200 - it's a hex value. There are tools that can remove headers. Headrrs are extra data added to the start of the ROM by old SNES copy units.

If you use SNESpal go to the address, if it's the colours are there in right the order. If not add $200 in hex mode in calc.exe

Take a backup first.

Posted on 06-26-14 12:58 AM, in Epic Edit - Super Mario Kart track editor Link | Quote | ID: 156967

Red Koopa
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Posted by Stifu

By the way, I'm updating the SMK offset notes with Mattrizzle's info.

Mattrizzle's info got me looking again.. and at last I've worked out the details on the track select screens at last! I'll mail you the details or make the updates once you've made yours if you like. I have the colour locations, and how to disable the dynamic palette overwrite. I also found out how to adjust speed/ disable of flashing arrow, Start/ Finish indicator.

Posted on 06-26-14 11:12 PM, in Epic Edit - Super Mario Kart track editor Link | Quote | ID: 156975

Red Koopa
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Mailed you the updated html file.

Posted on 06-26-14 11:22 PM, in Epic Edit - Super Mario Kart track editor (rev. 2 of 06-26-14 11:25 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 156977

Red Koopa
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Posted by gridatttack
Awesome. Will check out.

BTW, for some reason, the GV pillars corrupted :<

Any idea why? I havent done anything strange, appart from editing the wave animation colors. And I havent touched GV yet.

I just saw that with my ROM as it happens, the green. I wonder if the lastest EE did anything around that area?

*update* just tested on a clean rom, seems fine.

Posted on 06-28-14 01:27 PM, in Epic Edit - Super Mario Kart track editor Link | Quote | ID: 157022

Red Koopa
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Posted by Stifu
Well, Dirtbag manage to reproduce the problem as well, so it can't be that uncommon.

No I was mistaken, I dug out the verson of the ROM I had green pillers, it was where I'd be messing with the objects colour palette. Green traffic cones.

Posted on 07-04-14 04:04 PM, in Epic Edit - Super Mario Kart track editor Link | Quote | ID: 157175

Red Koopa
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Posted by BLaBrake
It didn't replace the animated ghosts in the track for me. I changed themto to fish. The palette changed on them, but they were still ghosts. I think it might have something to do with my rom only though. I'm not sure what changed, but your notes from around 2011 match up fine with my rom, but your newer notes do not. If it's all on my end, don't worry about it. I'll figure it out eventually.

I converted the notes to be correct (absolute) addresses and not headered. Your ROM has a $200 byte header, you should remove that (it's nothing to do with the smk ROM) or add $200 to any value in the notes.

Posted on 07-05-14 11:41 AM, in Super Baldy Kart (rev. 2 of 07-05-14 11:41 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 157201

Red Koopa
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Here is a small video where I have put in some new music (10 seconds in) for when you end up in 4th place over all on the podium screen, this was based off of an old game Chuck egg.

Posted by gridatttack
....Also I wonder, are the characters you added someone specifically famous, or its like parigo kart, which are your friends/people you know?

Thanks for your kind words. These are people I know.

Posted on 07-06-14 12:46 AM, in Super Baldy Kart Link | Quote | ID: 157211

Red Koopa
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Posted by gridatttack
Nice. Will you compose all the music by yourself? :o

Oh and I wonder, is it really possible to edit the demos on the title screen?

I've managed to change the demos. What I found out is that they are controller inputs. By saving a ghost on Time Trial mode and extracting that data out of the SRM file I was able to replace the demo with my movements from the Time Trial recording. However I've not done anything further, than prove it works because until I've finished all the tracks and drivers stats there is little point. As soon as I change any of those the demo will be messed up

Posted on 07-09-14 02:44 PM, in Epic Edit - Super Mario Kart track editor Link | Quote | ID: 157378

Red Koopa
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Posted by Stifu
Posted by gridatttack
Also was testing battle tracks. Seems like the mode is hardcoded to make the grass tile behavior to be out of bounds. Its used for battle track 1.

Isn't grass always out of bounds, on Mario Circuit tracks?

Yes, by detault that title is set as out of bounds.

Posted on 07-09-14 08:51 PM, in Epic Edit - Super Mario Kart track editor (rev. 3 of 07-09-14 08:54 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 157384

Red Koopa
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Posted by Stifu
Posted by gridatttack
Yes, but battle circuit 1 takes place on donut plains

I see. I couldn't double check the track theme as I was at work. Well, you are right then, it must be some kind of hack.

Good spot then gridattack.

I was thinking it's worth us creating a list of what we know we don't know still for SMK in your notes. It think it would help get some focus on working out the rest of the unknown data in the notes. For example we don't know where the little music tunes are stored for example, for each racer winning etc.

Once we have a what's still to find section, we can make a thread on a few rom hacking sites and see if we can recruit some interest?

Posted on 07-10-14 09:03 PM, in Epic Edit - Super Mario Kart track editor (rev. 3 of 07-10-14 09:09 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 157396

Red Koopa
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Posted by BLaBrake
Thanks for the replies. I thought that the mushroom should be with the fonts. I had looked in there, I guess just not hard enough! And I figured the other wasn't possible. Didn't hurt to ask the pros though. I'm going to start changing music out next. Well as much as I can I guess. I got messiaen's importer to work with a ported regular midi on the player select screen. It doesn't seem to work though on the title screen. Looks like the program tries to insert at 49801 but the notes say it should be at 49800. I don't know anything about programing, but I'm going to keep playing and see what I can do. I can take notes along the way as far as what channels for the music overlap with the sound effects. I'd like to contribute to the community in someway.

You are quite right about the music title music working at 49801, I discovered this too by decompressing/ recompressing the music back to that address. I was going to update the notes but there is a little bit more to it. The Bowser level graphics that are before it has some invalid stop on the compressed data, so it decompresses more than it needs too. So I'm trying to workout where it stops. There is a little bit of data in between the BC graphics and the title screen music that when altered effects the CPU drivers. It seems to be the sharpness of their movement to the next zone's pointer.

Now back to the title screen music.. there is something different with the title music's header I think. I can replace it with music from else where in the game and it will work but not any of my custom made music yet.

Great to see someone else working on a SMK hack, I'll share any progress any title screen music.

*edit* Channels 4,6 & 7 are used by effects.

;CUSTOM - "Super Mario Kart Music Template" - Dirtbag

;#0 = Skid
;#1 = Hammer(?)
;#2 = Car effects
;#3 = Engine?
;#4 = Drum Rim
;#5 = Drum
;#6 = Bass drum (?)
;#7 = Drum snare (Bowsers music /krypton factor style)
;#8 = Horn
;#9 = Keyboard
;#10 = Keybaord 2
;#11 = Panio
;#12 = Slap bass(?)
;#13 = Music Box (Item selection)
;#14 = Organ
;#15 = Whistle/ Flute
;#16 = Hand Drum (Bongo)
;#17 = Music Box 2 (better description needed)
;#18 = Swamp sound (better description needed)
;#19 = Rev sounds (better description needed)
;#20 = Keyboard (higher pitched)
;#21 = Select Sound
;#22 = Steel drum
;#23 = Car
;#24 = Engine sounds
;#25 = Whistle

;8 Channels denoted by #0 - #7 (Channels 4,6 and 7 used by sound effects)
;Volume (w):
;w0 - w255 decimal value between 0 and 255.
;Tempo (t):
;t0 - t99 BPM multiplied by 0.4 (in decimal) rounded to the nearest whole number

#0 q7F v240 y11 w255 t8

@25 cdefgab
@24 cdefgab
@23 cdefgab
@22 cdefgab
@21 cdefgab
@20 cdefgab
@19 cdefgab
@18 cdefgab
@17 cdefgab
@16 cdefgab
@15 cdefgab
@14 cdefgab
@13 cdefgab
@12 cdefgab
@11 cdefgab
@10 cdefgab
@9 cdefgab
@8 cdefgab
@7 cdefgab
@6 cdefgab
@5 cdefgab
@4 cdefgab
@3 cdefgab
@2 cdefgab
@1 cdefgab
@0 cdefgab

Posted on 07-10-14 09:42 PM, in Epic Edit - Super Mario Kart track editor Link | Quote | ID: 157398

Red Koopa
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Posted by Stifu
Posted by dirtbag
The Bowser level graphics that are before it has some invalid stop on the compressed data, so it decompresses more than it needs too. So I'm trying to workout where it stops.

I figured that out at some point, when working on EE. I didn't note it down, but can check it out.

That would be good, once we know the real size of the data, we'll know the range of data inbetween, if there is something there could be some smaller music bits as well looking at what's around it.
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