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Posted on 10-20-09 06:17 AM, in Emulation vs. The Real Thing Link | Quote | ID: 117558

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Since: 09-10-09
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Geez, I just don't see how some of you play with your hands inverted like that... I personally use a more WoW-ish setup for my emulation controls if I don't have a controller. Here's what I do for the SNES:

Directional pad: W, S, A, and D.
A: Arrow right.
B: Arrow down.
X: Arrow up.
Y: Arrow left.
L: Q.
R: E.

Ever since I adopted this control scheme back in August, I haven't looked back. I suggest trying it out if you don't like some of the more obvious control schemes for the keyboard.

Back from the beyond.

Posted on 10-22-09 06:10 AM, in The General Project Screenshot/Videos Thread... Link | Quote | ID: 117741

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Since: 09-10-09
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@Zbyte: Yeah, Boingboing gets it. It's not that your paths aren't adequately curved; it's just that there's a noticeable lack of branching paths. Branches are good.

I actually like your second map a lot more than the first. I love how you've mixed up the locations on the map, giving the player less of a sense of direction than usual. No real suggestions other than what I mentioned above. :3

Oh, and speaking on my bridges/graphics... I hope I didn't sound too conceited. It's just that when people challenge what I make, I usually try to defend what I did and give the thought process that went into its creation. You'd be surprised how much time I sit meticulously messing with this stuff to get it to look *just* right. I aim to please.

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Posted on 10-22-09 07:56 AM, in The General Project Screenshot/Videos Thread... Link | Quote | ID: 117750

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Since: 09-10-09
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Erm...thank you, Dark. I'm not used to people posting such huge responses to me. I'm actually blushing.

Since a second varied opinion has popped up on the bridges, I'll try tinkering with the graphic a bit more. Thank you for your concerns.

The reason the colors might be bugging you is because I actually take all these screenshots with VirtuaNES, but when I threw the palettes into the game, I was using FCEU, which has a slightly darker (and better, in my opinion) palette. Here's a comparison:





Photobucket Photobucket

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Posted on 10-22-09 08:19 AM, in The General Project Screenshot/Videos Thread... Link | Quote | ID: 117752

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Since: 09-10-09
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Thanks, KK. I honestly prefer the "coolness" of FCEU's palette. I only used VirtuaNES for screencaps 'cause I actually knew where those screens were being saved to. xD Horrible reason, I know.

From now on, I suppose I'll take screens with FCEU. It'll probably be for the best.

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Posted on 10-22-09 08:27 AM, in Megaman Odyssey Project Link | Quote | ID: 117753

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Since: 09-10-09
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I wish I could help, but I'm pretty swamped with school and my own projects (my SMB3 hack isn't the only thing I'm working on), but I will chime in if you need ideas or any kind of constructive criticism, as I've found having a second opinion on something to be very useful for this kind of thing.

New idea, huh? Can't wait for this second demo, as I've had one hell of a time trying (and failing) to get your first demo to run on my PC. I'm hoping this one will be more compatible.

Oh, and I know I've said it before, but work at your own pace. I know you've spent a long time on your project already, but that's just what it takes to get it done, y'know? I wouldn't be too concerned about trying to keep people entertained with constant updates or hopes that a new gimmick will add replay value; I think the sheer quality of what you're churning out is reason enough for people to play over and over again! Besides...these demo releases are probably hype enough already; if people can't infer the caliber of your work from what you've given us so far, then there'll be no convincing 'em.

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Posted on 10-22-09 06:49 PM, in The General Project Screenshot/Videos Thread... (rev. 2 of 10-22-09 07:04 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 117769

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Since: 09-10-09
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@Trelior: Yeah, I changed the directory after finding the tab for doing so. Thanks.

@Dr. Hell: Good eye. xD Yes, it's based off of the 1-up sprite in Rondo of Blood/Dracula X, 'cause those are the most awesome 1-up graphics. Ever. It's only based on it, though; I made it a point to not copy anything other than the general gist of the idea. Thought it'd work well.

EDIT: Took the advice given and altered the bridges:


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Posted on 10-24-09 07:04 PM, in Reuben: Not so final (but it's being worked on again) stage. Link | Quote | ID: 117907

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Since: 09-10-09
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Holy crap. :o

Well, y'know...I had faith in you and everything, but telling the engine to do extremely differently than what it has always done can't not be a daunting task. Great job.

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Posted on 10-31-09 04:50 AM, in Reuben: Not so final (but it's being worked on again) stage. Link | Quote | ID: 118316

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Since: 09-10-09
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CRH: The effect in the green room is achieved by modifying the scroll data to "free scrolling" while the object that causes the ceiling to rise and fall is present. Just did a little beta of my own to figure that one out.

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Posted on 10-31-09 08:27 AM, in Reuben: Not so final (but it's being worked on again) stage. Link | Quote | ID: 118334

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Since: 09-10-09
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Posted by CopyRIGHThunter
Mineyl, do you know anthing about making the layer just sink endlessly? I was screwing around with the vertical rooms like W7-1, W5-2, and W7-6 to achieve "faux vertical autoscrolling" Somehow, I produced something that sank endlessly into a bottomless hole - it seemed like vertical autoscrolling at first! Maybe it's in the scrolling setting......

The only auto-scrolling function I can think of like that would be the one used in 5-9. That setting is all kinds of confusing, though (I mean, just look at the way the level is laid out in the editor and then watch how the level appears to scroll during actual gameplay), so this is just a shot in the dark, but it's probably the effect you used.

Now you've gone and piqued my curiosity. I'll have to check it out soon.

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Posted on 11-01-09 04:44 PM, in The General Project Screenshot/Videos Thread... Link | Quote | ID: 118528

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Since: 09-10-09
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Zbyte: I love the greener of those two maps. Looks awesome.

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Posted on 11-02-09 11:11 PM, in General SMB3 Hacking Thread Link | Quote | ID: 118676

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Since: 09-10-09
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Hey guys...anyone know if there's a simple way to change the items that appear in White Mushroom houses? Even if it affects the game globally, I'd really like to know before I continue building levels.

I want/need to do this because anchors will be useless in my hack.

I just did a quick search through the thread and didn't find it, so figured I'd go ahead and ask~

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Posted on 11-03-09 03:15 AM, in Smiley art! Link | Quote | ID: 118699

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Since: 09-10-09
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ITT: People stealin' mah idea!

On another note, is there any sort of official emoticon list for this board? I found one once, but some of the emotes wouldn't work (like the angry red face) and I don't recall seeing those black/gray/white ones, either... What are their commands?

Posted by GreyMario

You can't tell me you forgot the name of the only Bug/Steel pokemon to date (afaik), Scizor.

Forretress says hello! Though the only people who care about him are competitive battlers...

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Posted on 11-03-09 06:40 AM, in Smiley art! Link | Quote | ID: 118711

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Since: 09-10-09
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Well, I suppose that makes a bit more sense. Thank you for that.

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Posted on 11-10-09 06:11 PM, in Chrono Trigger: Prophet's Guile Link | Quote | ID: 119107

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Since: 09-10-09
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I'd be careful about bumping threads that are nearly two years old, Brad.

To answer your question, though: there was some drama a few months ago about the Chrono Compendium getting a C&D letter concerning their pet hack project, and part of the terms of that letter included getting rid of all Chrono Trigger-related piracy crap on their site. Sucks, I know. (someone correct me if I missed any details; I didn't follow all that stuff too closely)

I'm sure you can Google it and find it eventually.

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Posted on 11-17-09 05:46 PM, in New Super Mario Bros. Wii Link | Quote | ID: 119586

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Since: 09-10-09
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Generally, the only Mario titles I get close to game over on these days are the 3-D installments. Incidentally, they're the only Mario titles in the last 10 years that do not save your lives... Would be nice if I could convert my surplus of 200+ lives from SMA4 to my Galaxy file. @_o

Anyway, I'm playing NSMBWii at the moment. My sister and I got halfway through world 4 yesterday on a separate file, and I'm just starting world 3 on my solo file. It's great fun so far, and unlike a lot of people, I'm trying to take my time so that it's not over in just a couple of days. :b (did that with a lot of games I've gotten over-hyped with and regretted it)

Trelior: the Wii...it calls you. It is your destiny!

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Posted on 11-18-09 04:22 AM, in New Super mario Bros. Wii Level Editor (caps++ version) Link | Quote | ID: 119659

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Since: 09-10-09
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I really fail to see how information about leaked copies of the game can be construed as hate... If anything, it was simply an attempt at justifying the quick appearance of this editor.

Anyway, my regards to the creators of this tool. I can't say I'm very excited for it myself, though; I think games need to be around for a while and the "new car scent" sufficiently worn out of them before people start picking them apart and turning them into something else, but that's just me~ Interesting nonetheless.

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Posted on 11-19-09 06:09 AM, in Reuben: Not so final (but it's being worked on again) stage. Link | Quote | ID: 119780

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Since: 09-10-09
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Well, I think I'm sold on your editor, DD. A big kudos to you, 'cause I've spent so long on my project already... Converting this non-conformist is no easy task.

I do have some questions, though:

- If I'm remembering right, you said the size of worlds will be customizable. Will the number of pointers available per map also be customizable, and what exactly are the upper limits on available map pointers (assuming they can be increased) and world size?

- In my hack, I had to circumvent the hard coding of the airship pointers by doing away with the "the king has been transformed!" scene. Will there be support for editing the pointers associated with the wandering airship sprite on world maps?

- Since the level format is completely different, I'm curious as to whether the giant set will function as it did before or not. I've yet to assemble a stage with it, but I recall someone mentioning that giant objects had to be placed at certain X/Y coordinates to function correctly. Will this little nuance be present in your new format?

I suppose that's all I can think of at the moment... Keep up the good work, Dahrk. :3

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Posted on 11-21-09 06:06 PM, in New Super Mario Bros. Wii (rev. 2 of 11-21-09 06:14 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 119963

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I finally (haha) 100%ed the game on Thursday, just three days after I got it. I really wanted to make it last longer, but I gave in to temptation.

Overall, I'd say it's definitely harder than NSMBDS and SMW. SMB3 might still give this game a run for its money, but the biggest reason NSMBWii can be a contender is due to the lack of an overpowered flying instrument and no reserve items a la SMW.

Star coins and secret exits are definitely a lot harder and trickier to get to than in NSMBDS, as well. This coupled with the fact that you'll only need the mini mushroom to get less than five of these coins is a really good deal in my book. Don't get me wrong: I liked that "power-up," but it was required at the most random times to obtain star coins. More of an overly annoying way to make people revisit stages than anything.

I find it cute how a lot of people get down on this game for not being too different, yet the majority of the people who complain about this would also most-likely be the first to complain that it's no longer Mario if Nintendo really did switch too much up at once.

@Boingboing: If I could sum up multiplayer in a single word for this game, it would be "chaos." Seriously. It's really fun for the first several levels, but then you hit the world 1 mid-castle and suddenly realize that playing with a slower player is frustrating, especially if he/she is terrible at coordinated platforming and keeps falling back down (the vertical scrolling will not go backwards for other players, so if the camera focus is high enough, they will die even when there's no bottomless pit).

Don't even get me started on the fact that you can't clip through other players and that jumping on them mid-jump over a pit will send them plummeting to their deaths. In the later worlds, our playthrough turned into "sister stays in the bubble while big bubby does all the dangerous platforming." Yeesh. Not in a hurry to 100% this with her.

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Posted on 11-21-09 09:18 PM, in New Super Mario Bros. Wii Link | Quote | ID: 119978

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The physics are pretty much exactly as they are in the DS game. The much wider view is a godsend for platforming segments, though, so that helped keep the controls from being too maddening...at least for myself.

I think Nintendo did it this way to make the games more consistent with the 3-D entries. If you'll notice, Mario controls almost this same exact way in those (slow to start, need to get a good running go to jump long distances, certain amounts of slipperiness), just without the obvious z-axis.

Super Princess Peach was...okay. It was beyond easy, though, which ruined it for me combined with other shortcomings.

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Posted on 11-22-09 07:00 AM, in New Super Mario Bros. Wii Link | Quote | ID: 120017

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Posted by Zycor
Atleast in Super Princess Peach she doesn't control like there's 2 bars of soap attached to her feet...

Holy crap, you just reminded me of a forgotten huge complaint I had with that game (as well as a few other DS titles): why in God's name does Nintendo feel the need to map shoot/jump to B and A on the DS instead of the superior tried and true Y and B (or square and X if you prefer) of the SNES? This configuration actually made my hand ache with pain after only 30-45 minutes of play.

One of these days, game companies are going to remember that the ability for manual player control remaps is actually a desirable feature.

On topic: I understand how you feel about the controls: I dislike them myself. However, I'm not going to let a minor thing like Mario's physics deter me from enjoying the rest of the game. In fact, I was more put off by the god-forsaken motion controls. Can't tell you how many times I've unintentionally spin-jumped into an enemy with the most minor of position shifts...

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