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Posted on 10-11-09 08:47 PM, in SUPER MARIO ADVANCE 4 - Hacking & Editor Efforts Link | Quote | ID: 116953

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Since: 09-10-09
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Sorry, I was still groggy when I made that post. I'm so used to people talking about hacking homebrew onto these new age systems, though, so I guess I assumed you might've been speaking of the DSi.

Anyway, that sounds interesting, so I might check it out later. Thank you. :3

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Posted on 10-11-09 09:46 PM, in The General Project Screenshot/Videos Thread... Link | Quote | ID: 116976

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Posted by Kawa
Posted by Mineyl
Hmm...what version of FFVI is that? The resolution seems...different.
It's a .Net-based rewrite of FFVI, similar to OpenPoké, but not on the original hardware. 320x240 used to be a common resolution for PCs back in the day.

Right, I'm familiar with the resolution. I only mentioned it 'cause it was different from the SNES's screen size.

A PC port of FF6, huh? Intriguing...

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Posted on 10-12-09 06:50 AM, in Introduce yourself here! Don't clog up General Chat... (rev. 2 of 10-12-09 08:57 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 117028

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Since: 09-10-09
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Welcome to the board, all you new people! Bendario, Sorvious, and TheParadoxAuthor!

Posted by TheKinoko
I don't want to sound stupid but... what is Mineyl special in?

I'm asking that just because everyone is greeting him and all, whereas noone cared about my introduction post in this thread

I didn't check back here for a long time, so I didn't see this.

Basically, no one here knows me. I've been an amateur game designer for a long time (1999) but only recently began ROM hacking. I was referred here by zbyte and Quick Curly, and I figured it was time to get involved with a hacking community so that I might keep my motivational levels up, and here I am. So far, I've met a lot of nice people, and have spoken with many who are some of the most famous names in ROM hacking. It's exhilarating, really.

The whole "why all the greetings for Mineyl?" thing was just pure coincidence, I imagine. Even though I've used the name for many many years, I didn't officially make myself known in this particular corner of the internet until early September.

As for what I'm special in...if you want specifics, I'm an above-average level designer (I think so myself and haven't been told otherwise), an expert with RPG Maker scripting, and an experienced pixel artist. Of course, no one could infer all that from my original post; I just thought I'd keep it short and sweet and try not to sound overly-conceited like I probably just now did.

So hi. I give you a "welcome" so you won't feel left out. :3

EDIT: Y'know, now that I think about it...this'll be a good start for the bio entry I never wrote for myself here. Thank you.

Back from the beyond.

Posted on 10-12-09 05:27 PM, in The General Project Screenshot/Videos Thread... Link | Quote | ID: 117038

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Since: 09-10-09
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@Zbyte: Interesting, but I have to agree with Dahrk: perhaps you should make those platforms a bit wider since the level is icy, has auto-scrolling, and contains a Lakitu.

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Posted on 10-13-09 03:24 AM, in Mega Man X editor starting to take form! Link | Quote | ID: 117058

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Since: 09-10-09
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Thanks for posting this. I'm not interested in MMX hacking myself, but seeing an editor for it finally pop up is always nice, giving people new options for their projects.

I have to wonder, though... MMX isn't exactly unpopular. I'm curious as to why I've never really heard of anyone hacking it until now.

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Posted on 10-13-09 05:49 AM, in The General Project Screenshot/Videos Thread... Link | Quote | ID: 117064

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Since: 09-10-09
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Oh gee thanks, DahrkDaiz. That'd only have made all the graphics hacking I was doing a couple of weeks earlier about a thousand times easier.

I guess I'll have to stay vindicated in that I did all mine the hard way!

(translation: that honestly looks awesome and it'll make graphics editing for SMB3 much easier than using non-specific CHR editors for sure!)

Back from the beyond.

Posted on 10-13-09 06:05 AM, in The General Project Screenshot/Videos Thread... Link | Quote | ID: 117066

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Well, I'm not, really. I'm going to complete my current hack the "old-fashioned" way, then if I ever make another SMB3 hack and your editor happens to deliver the sheer amount of awesome that I am predicting it will, then I will definitely pick it up and give it a whirl. :3

Back from the beyond.

Posted on 10-13-09 08:58 PM, in The General Project Screenshot/Videos Thread... Link | Quote | ID: 117078

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Well, I could be persuaded to switch mid-project, myself, but I'd have to be looking at one or more of the following features:

- the ability to have more than one pointer per level (I can't really put this into words; basically, if you have a screen exit, then all other screen exits for the level in question will have to go to the same area pointed at in the header. Being able to have even one more possibility would be a huge boon)

- the ability to increase or decrease the allotted pointers per world on the world maps

- increasing/decreasing the size of world maps (a long shot, but probably not unheard of) and/or modifying the way in which they scroll

- increased number of bytes available in each level data bank (not really a foreseeable problem for me currently, but being able to make more would be nice. It's too bad SMB3 doesn't have midway checkpoints for its stages...)

That's all I can really think of that'd make me switch.

Oh, and so I'm not completely off-topic: new screenies of my hack coming soon!

Back from the beyond.

Posted on 10-14-09 06:53 AM, in Reuben: Not so final (but it's being worked on again) stage. Link | Quote | ID: 117102

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Since: 09-10-09
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Looks as nifty as I imagined it would. I look forward to tinkering around with this. You just might sway me yet.

Back from the beyond.

Posted on 10-14-09 05:18 PM, in Naked Headless Mario Fights the Dick Nazis 2 Link | Quote | ID: 117122

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Since: 09-10-09
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Wow. I came in here thinking someone wanted banned, but I guess this is actually serious. A few pointers:

-- maybe you should change the thread title to include NSFW so that people don't have to click it if they would prefer not to. I know I'd rather not have these images show up on my bandwidth history at college if I just happened to click it while visiting the site from there.

-- hide the images or at least take them back down to 256 x 224.

-- this would be more interesting if it were a full-scale hack, but it looks like it's just a lackluster graphical facelift... Did you edit anything other than the graphics and text?

Posted by amarcum81
Hmmmmm....... so this is what ROM hacking has become... Good lord!!

I dunno'...when I first found out about people hacking ROMs, I always saw hacks like this. Granted, they weren't as large scale as this and would just change a few words, but I've seen plenty that do nothing more than implement this kind of juvenile humor and they've been around for a decade.

Back from the beyond.

Posted on 10-15-09 03:10 AM, in Reuben: Not so final (but it's being worked on again) stage. Link | Quote | ID: 117164

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Since: 09-10-09
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Guess I'll download this and check it out. Gotta' update my .net framework thing first, though.

Back from the beyond.

Posted on 10-16-09 08:58 AM, in The General Project Screenshot/Videos Thread... (rev. 3 of 10-16-09 09:05 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 117245

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@MathOnNapkins: That looks AND sounds sweet. I'm going to have to check it out later. I'm no musician, but I'd love to learn how to insert the stuff into ROMs, and a program like that would probably help me get closer to a comfort zone in music hacking.

@RetroRain: Yup, that definitely looks better. I suggest making the water blue, though, unless it's supposed to be acidic. :o

@SePH: Looking snazzy, though I think the life bar should keep the shades of red from the original (or at least another warm color), as at least I myself associate red with life...teal not so much. Is your hack completely futuristic or will it involve any sort of time travel?


This is what I've been up to for the last few days:


Map screen graphics are like...85% done, and as far as my demo release will be concerned, they're more like 98% complete.

Oh, and I know you can't see it here, but the bushes are animated differently than their original counterparts.

This is the last screenie I'm posting before demo release day, which'll be sometime within the next month (I hope!).

Now...I really need some sleep. z_z;

Back from the beyond.

Posted on 10-16-09 07:54 PM, in The General Project Screenshot/Videos Thread... Link | Quote | ID: 117269

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Thanks guys. I probably spent way more time on it than I should have, but I'm pretty meticulous as well as a perfectionist, so... Altogether, I'm just glad I'm pleased with the end result.

@never-obsolete: Oooh, a hack of the original Zelda, huh? I'd like to hear some details. :3

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Posted on 10-16-09 08:04 PM, in How old are you guys? Link | Quote | ID: 117270

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ITT: Teenagers who think they're old.

I'm 23. Will be 24 in December. How time flies~

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Posted on 10-16-09 08:08 PM, in Snacks! Link | Quote | ID: 117271

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Honestly, I'm almost never snackin' while I'm hackin'. I do drink plenty of fluids, though; I always try to have something to slurp on while I'm burning the oil.

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Posted on 10-17-09 02:01 AM, in Posting your real name thread Link | Quote | ID: 117364

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I'm James. Not trusting enough of the intarwebz to say much more than that!

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Posted on 10-17-09 02:15 AM, in Introduce yourself here! Don't clog up General Chat... Link | Quote | ID: 117365

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Posted by Sukasa
No, what's stupid is that your parents think you need to be protected from that.

Quoted for emphasis.

Y'know...one of these days, parents are going to have to realize that this ridiculous sheltering of their offspring is a huge factor in what turns them into the rebellious vigilantes that they're so afraid of them becoming in the first place.

I guess it's understandable if someone's mom might get the idea that he's looking at porn. I guess. Of course, having a level head and not jumping the gun like that tends to be better for the good of all, as well.

I've seen parents flip out over far less... I had a teacher who said she never let her kids go out for Halloween because she honestly believed it was truly evil, and that they saw so much evil the one time that they DID go out. Ridiculous. I won't even get started on all the banning of things like Pokemon, Magic: The Gathering, Harry Potter, and Rugrats (yes, RUGRATS) at the Christian institution I attended during my junior high years. Not all of those were for religious reasons, either.

Ah, what a world.

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Posted on 10-17-09 02:20 AM, in New Or Retro Link | Quote | ID: 117366

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If I have to choose, I'm more of a retro gamer, but I tend to not like to give myself such a black and white label. If it appeals, I'll play it.

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Posted on 10-19-09 03:40 AM, in Emulation vs. The Real Thing Link | Quote | ID: 117493

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I prefer the real thing, unless of course I do not own said real thing. Getting to lounge on a couch, a recliner, or my bed beats sitting in a computer chair any day.

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Posted on 10-19-09 03:56 AM, in The General Project Screenshot/Videos Thread... Link | Quote | ID: 117494

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Since: 09-10-09
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@Frantik: I'm really digging those screens. SMB1's graphics were so atrocious that I honestly get excited every time I see any kind of graphical upgrade at all for it. xD

@Zbyte: I like how your world map starts on the right and goes left instead of the traditional SMB3 way, but I think it looks a tad bit too linear. I'm sure the same could be said of my maps, though, so I can't really call the kettle black here, but I do encourage you to mix it up a little more. :3 Also, is that second fortress near the end castle linked to any locks or bridges?

Also, my bridges look fine to me. I wish I could give them a bit bigger of a shadow, but that's just the limitation of the 16 x 16 boundaries. They're supposed to be a more traditional wood and rope bridge; y'know, the ones in movies and old cartoons where the bad guys ALWAYS manage to corner the good guys and cut it down, leaving them suspended from the cliff? I think the "dip" is justified, as if you look at the cliffs leading from the land into the water in SMB3, they're fairly high.

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