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Posted on 02-24-07 04:03 PM, in Where you live, and what's good and bad about it. Link | Quote | ID: 6465

between a rock and a hard place
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Since: 02-19-07

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Posted by Eyeball Eaters
- Extreme weather. I don't mind seasons, but I could do without 100-degree heat in the summer and -20 wind chills in the winter. At least there are no hurricanes or earthquakes though.

Go live in Kansas or somewhere in the middle of Tornado Alley for a few years and say that again. Michigan's weather was anything but "extreme" and I lived there for a good 5 full years. I don't even consider Kansas's weather as all that extreme either, but I view Michigan's weather as incredibly mild.

Anyway, I live near Boston, closer to Woburn actually. I actually like a lot of things about where I live, particularly the people who are incredibly nice, the fact that it's liberal (yes, that really does kind of matter to me), and the weather is mild... plus I live near the ocean, which is awesome. On the downside traffic is terrible and it's a little crowded. Not that I mind living somewhere with a lot of people but crowdedness = more traffic = more suck. But that's about it, really.

Posted on 02-24-07 04:06 PM, in How do you kill boredom? Link | Quote | ID: 6466

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Posted by Kles
Man... I can't stand RO anymore. It just gets too boring too fast.

Seriously, how can people play MMORPGs?

That's kind of what I'm wondering lately. It's gotten pretty boring as of late and leveling is a pain in the ass more than anything. I thought about just quitting again, but there's so much that I want to accomplish... but then, who cares about accomplishing things in online games?

The main reason I still play actually is because there are friends who still want me to play with them and sometimes I honestly genuinely enjoy playing with them... if even in extremely small doses once every few days.

Posted on 02-24-07 04:17 PM, in Where you live, and what's good and bad about it. Link | Quote | ID: 6472

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Posted by Eyeball Eaters
I was more referring to temperature.

I know. It got 100F and -20F commonly in Kansas where I lived, and I don't honestly remember it getting below 0, or hell, hardly below 10 in Michigan, and it rarely got above 95 or so even in the middle of summer.

But, I don't know, maybe you've lived there longer and have more experience I know storm-wise it's less extreme, and to be honest, I don't consider the occasional (or even persistent) hot days or cold days to be that extreme...

Posted on 02-25-07 05:46 AM, in It appears to be all the rage to have an ask thread Link | Quote | ID: 7170

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Posted by FireHaven
Lunar MM: No, I'm being original by being the first to steal the idea.

You're not even the first to steal the idea. setz had an ask thread, then asdf had one.

Posted on 02-25-07 05:47 AM, in Green Coins Link | Quote | ID: 7171

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Posted by Sonicandfails
It is a mystery.

Posted on 02-25-07 09:14 AM, in Ask me anything. Go for it. Link | Quote | ID: 7282

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Since: 02-19-07

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Why do you persist on making these stupid fucking threads when they serve absolutely no purpose whatsoever? They're not even all that entertaining and most of the people who make threads like these aren't even important or interesting enough but for maybe one or two post count whores to even care.

Posted on 02-25-07 09:33 AM, in Things you did when you were a n00b. Link | Quote | ID: 7291

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Posted by Caos
I'd say the most noobish thing I did was not post at all. Typically on message boards I never wanted to say anything at all unless I was 110% sure I knew what the hell I was talking about, and thus was afraid to say anything at all in the fear that I'd fall into all the cardinal sins of the interwebs as mentioned all through this thread.

How is that "noobish"? If anything, that's the exact opposite of what being an idiot means to me: opening your mouth before knowing what you're talking about. Of course, you don't have to be 110% sure, but if you just "post post post" every ten seconds without thinking about what you're doing then you're doing something wrong.

Putting it as simply as I can, it sounded like you actually had a good idea of what you were doing, and it seems like you were probably actually pretty smart.

That said, there are, I believe, certain users guilty of posting before thinking here, but I'm not going to say who.

Posted on 02-25-07 04:19 PM, in Your current projects Link | Quote | ID: 7391

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Posted by Kles
I'm great with numbers but I simply hate math.

yeah I think most people are capable of this "counting" thing

Posted on 02-27-07 04:05 PM, in Horrible image captions! Link | Quote | ID: 8372

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Since: 02-19-07

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Now all we need is to throw the word "own3d" on those pictures in a big red Impact font and it'll be 2001 again.

Posted on 02-27-07 04:11 PM, in Have you ever done this? Link | Quote | ID: 8374

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Since: 02-19-07

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I did but didn't actually make a post. I have to go back to actively backspacing while making posts after posting any relatively long posts in that thread...

Posted on 02-27-07 04:15 PM, in What a loooooong day. Link | Quote | ID: 8375

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Since: 02-19-07

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Posted by BMF54123
Has today (2/25) felt unusually long for anyone else?

Oh, God, of course it did. I went on a trip to Long Island that day and spent 4 hours in a car + god knows how many hours in a hotel. It was more of an overnight business trip than a vacation

But, at least I saw a lot of interesting crap, including the Manhattan skyline and (but just barely, because it was a shitty day) the Statue of Liberty. I took a bunch of crappy pictures, but I'm not sure how many came out good (knowing me, probably none).

I might make a thread detailing the trip further, but there's not really much else to say. Maybe I'll throw my trip's pictures into a folder somewhere on the internet. I don't really know for sure yet, because I'm still tired as hell.

Posted on 02-27-07 04:27 PM, in Candy Link | Quote | ID: 8377

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Posted by Xkeeper
Reeses Pieces.

Seriously, how could you people forget these?

I haven't had any in a long time but now I crave them. They're like little pieces of awesome in a little bag.

Posted on 02-27-07 06:46 PM, in Your Face Link | Quote | ID: 8398

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Since: 02-19-07

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You guys are decent looking but a lot of you take blurry photos. I'm sorry.

I bet I'd turn out the opposite; taking a decent photo but looking fugly. Which is why I'm not going to post my picture,

Posted on 02-27-07 06:49 PM, in Programming Poll #2: Pronunciation of "char" Link | Quote | ID: 8400

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I say it as the first syllable of the word "character". "Char" as in the word "char" makes absolutely no sense to me.

I usually say "character" anyway in real life, but in my head I use the above pronunciation.

Posted on 02-27-07 06:55 PM, in Programming Poll #1: Indent Style Link | Quote | ID: 8402

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Since: 02-19-07

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Posted by Kernal
I don't know, < code > was mentioned in HydraPheetz's post, so I assumed it existed...

Google says it does.
also, see w3c

Also, I like to use 4 spaces for indent for pretty much the same reasons as the OP.

Posted on 02-27-07 07:13 PM, in The general purpose question thread Link | Quote | ID: 8414

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Posted by pikaguy900
Are you going to have a link to chat here like you did at the old board? I'd like to go to chat once, but... I'd rather not use an external program for #romhacking yet.

Java client. Just type the name you want to use in the bottom-right, then type "/join #rohmacking" in the main text box and you're in.

Posted by pikaguy900
(Also, if I had a nick on one IRC server, is the same nick registered on all other IRC servers?)

That depends on what you mean.

"If I register my nick on one server on a network (example: anger.esper.net on EsperNet), will it be registered on all servers on the network?"

"If I register my nick on one IRC server, will it be registered on every IRC server in the world?"

Posted on 02-27-07 07:39 PM, in The general purpose question thread Link | Quote | ID: 8420

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Posted by pikaguy900

Bottom one was what I meant. To me, the networks are the IRC servers.... So my question was basically "Is one nick registered on one network automatically registered on all networks?". Thank you! I guess I'll go put #Romhacking on my IRC network list. One more question about it- It IS on irc.esper.net port 6667, right?

Yes, and the channel is #rohmacking, with the h before the m.

Posted on 02-27-07 09:23 PM, in Horrible image captions! Link | Quote | ID: 8461

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Posted by Sparx
xD The second one made me crack up. Those commercials for that life alert... wow. What old person would actually say that? And, I think it's fake how that old lady says "All senior citizens should have life alert." all slow... ha...

Oh wow... I didn't even make that connection at first. Now that I have it's absolutely goddamn hilarious.

Posted on 02-28-07 05:03 PM, in Netplay! Link | Quote | ID: 8607

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I might netplay with you if I'm bored or in a good mood, so maybe you can hit me up on IRC (I'm almost always in #rohmacking). I'm more likely to play with people I already know well. Also, my netplaying isn't limited to just SNES netplay either, so feel free to ask about other systems (Kaillera and whatnot)

Also, I have Skype, but I'm phone-shy around people I don't know that well. I'm more than happy to Skype people that I've known for, say, at least a couple of months though.

Posted on 02-28-07 06:30 PM, in The return of the no backspace gae... game.. Threas.. bah Link | Quote | ID: 8628

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Posted by Kles
People who look at the keyboard are newbs.

All of my posts in this thread have been made without looking at the kyeboard. Even if I did it wouldn't prevent the sorts of typos I make.

Posted by blackhole89
I suppose I'd make a horrible typewriter user, but last time I reaklly used a typewriter was when I was age 5 or soemthing... figures.

I've never actuall seen a typewriter in my life... I suppose that's sort of what I get for being born in 1991.
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Main - Posts by Kyargu

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