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Posted on 04-08-07 09:25 PM, in Decent Anime Link | Quote | ID: 24820

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oklahomaland

Last post: 5982 days
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Posted by Jinsei, benevolent star
Bebop is technically all filler and style.

I'm going to have to disagree with you on this note. Strongly.

Just because a series uses an episodic plot doesn't mean there's "no plot" or it's "all filler." If there's one thing that really grinds my gears it's people who have become so preconditioned to climactic plots that they refuse to recognize episodic plots as the legitimate (and, frankly, more realistic) method of storytelling that they are.

Posted on 04-08-07 09:28 PM, in G4 Link | Quote | ID: 24824

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oklahomaland

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Posted on 04-09-07 02:42 AM, in Why I use Firefox (rev. 3 of 04-09-07 03:19 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 24941

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oklahomaland

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ColorZilla 1.0
DictionarySearch 2.0.1
IE View 1.3.2
Image Zoom 0.2.7
Japanese-English Dictionary for rikaichan 1.01
Names Dictionary for rikaichan 1.01
Open Image In New Tab 1.0.1
rikaichan 0.5.13
Smart Middle Click 035
Tab Mix Plus
User Agent Switcher 0.6.9
VideoDownloader 1.1.1

Only theme I have is the default one.

Posted by Jeshua

- All-in-One Sidebar 0.7.1
- Bazzacuda Image Saver 2.0
- Download Statusbar
- DownThemAll!
- ErrorZilla Mod 0.2
- Firefox Extension Backup Extension (FEBE) 4.0.5
- Html Validator
- IE Tab
- Menu Editor
- Resizeable Textarea 0.1d
- Screen grab! 0.93

Adding these

Posted on 04-09-07 06:20 AM, in Just an idea.... Link | Quote | ID: 25040

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oklahomaland

Last post: 5982 days
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How about a "Mark forum permanently read" type of feature? Frankly, there are some forums that I just don't care if they have new posts in them, and it would help keeping up with the forums I do care about if I didn't have to see all the other s.

Posted on 04-09-07 06:23 AM, in G4 Link | Quote | ID: 25042

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oklahomaland

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G4 is not TechTV. G4 ate TechTV. And all they pooped back out was a crappier version of X-Play.

Posted on 04-09-07 08:55 PM, in Why I use Firefox Link | Quote | ID: 25183

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oklahomaland

Last post: 5982 days
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Well, if we're doing the explainy thingy.... I won't bother with the ones I got after going through Jeshua's post, but as for the ones I had before...

Adblock: It blocks ads.

ColorZilla: Adds an eyedropper thing that allows me to get the color of a single pixel from any web page or image or whatever. Quite handy for web design and digital imaging stuff.

DictionarySearch: Adds "Search Dictionary for [highligted text] to right-click menu. Basically saves me the trouble of changing my search bar to Answers.com just to look up a word.

IE View: Opens page in IE. Had this long before I was aware of IE Tab (I think it predates it), and I was putting off switching. Right now it's disabled while I try out IE Tab.

Image Zoom: Allows one to zoom an image in or out on a web page. Quite handy.

rikaichan and the dictionaries for it: How to put it.... This allows active interpretation of Japanese text on a web page. It doesn't translate the page, but if you toggle it on you can use it to determine what specific Japanese words on a page are by hovering over the first character in them.

Open Image In New Tab: It's like View Image, but in a new tab!

Smart Middle Click: This has already been mentioned. It is made of win and "why wasn't this already built in?"

Tab Mix Plus: I put off the switch to Firefox 2 for a good while, but when my Firefox 1.whatever started acting up one day, I decided to go ahead and upgrade hoping it would fix it. Turned out to just be a setting document that got messed up somehow and needed to be deleted... But now I had Firefox 2. And I absolutely hated how it handled tabs! I figured "surely I cannot be alone in missing Firefox 1's way of doing things" so I went searching for tab-related extensions. Tab Mix Plus did the job perfectly, and so much more.

Talkback: The "ONOZ I CRASH! TELL MOZILLA?" extension. Disabled due to recent increase in crashing (I suspect IE Tab).

User Agent Switcher: Rarely used. Installed when people found out you can access the Wii's "Shop Channel" pages by making your browser claim to be a Wii. Fun stuff.

VideoDownloader: Because sometimes Youtube has stuff worth saving.

Posted on 04-09-07 09:04 PM, in G4 Link | Quote | ID: 25188

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oklahomaland

Last post: 5982 days
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See, what's funny is, while G4 is slowly becoming more and more like SpikeTV, SpikeTV is also slowly becoming more and more like G4. Soon they will merge and become the single most identity-crisis-suffering network on television.

Posted on 04-09-07 09:27 PM, in Decent Anime Link | Quote | ID: 25191

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oklahomaland

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Posted by Jinsei, benevolent star
Please, I know what I am talking about.

First of all, note the use of the word TECHNICALLY. Now listen to me back up that claim. The series is mostly filler episodes and throughout the series you feel what the series is about as it shows you in each episode exactly what it is. Ok, got it? I am not badmouthing it or saying Bebop is bad, it is just pretty overrated and sometimes underrated. I like the aesthetic which is its strongest point. I just don't consider it worth buying.

And no I have definitely not "become so preconditioned to climactic plots that they refuse to recognize episodic plots as the legitimate (and, frankly, more realistic) method of storytelling that they are." Just because I like shounen anime(although not any more than any other genres) doesn't mean I always want to watch anime with such predefined barriers.

And I'm just saying that, TECHNICALLY, you're wrong. There are no filler episodes. They each deal both with their own subplot as well as developing the main characters, and thus furthering the main plots: Spike and his past with the Syndicate and the eventual confrontation that results from it; Faye and her forgotten past which she is desperately searching for clues about; Jet and his past as an ISSP officer; and (to a lesser degree) Ed and Ein's pasts, personalities, and friendship. It is the show's episodic, character-driven nature that is its main strength.

Posted on 04-10-07 09:09 AM, in Why I use Firefox Link | Quote | ID: 25435

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oklahomaland

Last post: 5982 days
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Oh, and it should be noted that when I started using Firefox... It was Firebird

Posted on 04-10-07 09:14 AM, in Decent Anime Link | Quote | ID: 25436

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oklahomaland

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I can't think of a single Bebop episode that didn't provide insight into at least one of the main characters' personality and/or their relationship with each other.

Posted on 04-12-07 07:55 AM, in Metroid II Remake! Link | Quote | ID: 25995

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oklahomaland

Last post: 5982 days
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Does not work.

Posted on 04-12-07 09:10 AM, in Wii (rev. 2 of 04-12-07 09:10 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 26007

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oklahomaland

Last post: 5982 days
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New changes to the browser include, but are not limited to:

* Parental Controls

* Improved zooming and scrolling

* An improved zoomed font

* Shortened startup times

* Quicker access to "favorites"

* An ability to hide the toolbar

* Buttons that will instantly type common preset letters, such as "www" or ".com"

* Built-in Yahoo! or Google Search

(The above is blatantly copypasta'd from Kotaku)

Posted on 04-14-07 09:26 AM, in If you could go back in time, where would you go and why... Link | Quote | ID: 26535

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oklahomaland

Last post: 5982 days
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First, I'd do some experiments to determine which system of fictional time travel the universe really works under...

  1. Single timeline, predestined: Only one universe, and anything I do in the past has already occurred before I go back in time and do it.

  2. Single timeline, alterable: Only one universe, past can be altered, changes to history affect me (or anything with me) as well.

  3. Multiverse: Any change, or rather every trip, actually creates a new timeline. While it appears that altering history is possible, it isn't really as the original timeline is still left intact. As such, I cannot do anything which would negate my own existence, or my ability to time travel in the first place.

The second type would be the hardest to prove... This isn't some simplified fictional work. If I took a piece of paper back in time with me, then found that same piece of paper in the past and wrote on it, the piece of paper I brought with me wouldn't be the only thing that would be changed.... My memory would be as well! It would seem to me that that writing was already on the piece of paper before I went back in time. How this would work is really a confusing matter. Essentially, things may always appear to be predestined. The potential for paradoxes in the act of trying to prove if it's this or not is high as well (but only if it is).

Anyway, if I prove that everything is actually within a multiverse setting, I'd first go to the future, gather up all sorts of advanced technological and medical information and such, including (I would hope) some sort of secret to eternal life/youth, if possible. Then I'd go on some adventures somewhere between the present and the period where I got all that technology. Finally, if I felt like retiring to a more peaceful life, I'd go back in time to within my lifetime, slowly set my that-timeline self up to live a more successful life than my own, make sure he also has the right info to obtain or build the time machine, and when he leaves to go on HIS adventures, I'd just take his place and live off the profits of selling technology from the future (but not my most advanced stuff, of course). I'd still keep my time machine so if I felt like going back to adventuring, or if that timeline becomes too dangerous (possibly as a result of introducing futuristic technology to it), I can go back to adventuring or whatever.

If I manage to prove it's a predestined timeline, it won't really matter what I chose to do, since it won't change anything.

If I somehow manage to prove that it's a single alterable timeline, I might just destroy the time machine (or whatever) because, frankly, it's too fucking dangerous.

Posted on 04-14-07 11:10 AM, in If you could go back in time, where would you go and why... Link | Quote | ID: 26544

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oklahomaland

Last post: 5982 days
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Bzzzt. Sorry, Bill & Ted uses a single, predestined timeline, which is the only set up in which that sort of thing can work.

Posted on 04-15-07 02:41 AM, in Origins of your Username? Link | Quote | ID: 26749

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oklahomaland

Last post: 5982 days
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Josh Davis (me) - "osh " = JDavis

Or, more accurately to its formation....

Josh Davis (me) - "osh " + 11 (November) + 86 (1986) = JDavis1186

JDavis1186 - 1186 = JDavis

Posted on 04-15-07 12:15 PM, in If you could go back in time, where would you go and why... Link | Quote | ID: 26879

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oklahomaland

Last post: 5982 days
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Actually, paradoxes destroying the universe are a common misconception (I love Back to the Future, but its timetravel was so wishy-washy that it's laughable).

If there really is a single timeline and it's the alterable sort instead of the predestined sort, meaning paradoxes can occur..... The paradox would simply cause the universe to shift rapidly between different outcomes until it reaches a version of itself in which the paradox no longer occurs.

Posted on 04-16-07 12:00 AM, in TinaSitter is the shit. Link | Quote | ID: 27055

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oklahomaland

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*flipping through the costumes, sees the bunny ears*

Hmm... I should make a Tsukishiro Miina costume...

But where will I put the carrots?

Posted on 04-16-07 07:08 AM, in Explain your title Link | Quote | ID: 27186

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oklahomaland

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Posted on 04-16-07 07:46 AM, in Explain your title Link | Quote | ID: 27205

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oklahomaland

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Fine. For the people who are too lazy to read much...

マホ (maho) is a frequently-used phrase of Katagiri Himeko, one of the many characters of the anime Pani Poni Dash. It has no real meaning.

Posted on 04-17-07 07:05 AM, in If you could go back in time, where would you go and why... Link | Quote | ID: 27556

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oklahomaland

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This is reality, not the matrix.
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