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Posted on 07-30-10 05:49 PM, in All 5 characters in battle? Link | Quote | ID: 133608

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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That would require breaking the game code down compltetly and understanding almost every aspect of the game.
Lazy Shell does not (to my knowledge) have the ability to do this for you

Im not going to say its impossible, but probably damn near it.
Youd have to put the other two characters somewhere, and get them to return to their positions,

If anyone is willing to try, i suggest making the character sprites smaller to fit all the characters on the screen at once.

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 07-31-10 12:05 AM, in All 5 characters in battle? Link | Quote | ID: 133640

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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The character switching is easy, that is, if you're allowing the battle to exit for some exp gains for leveling up.
Again, this would require a lot of work, and breaking into the games code. Other than Giangurulo or al2fenrir, i dont really know anyone who can do this that well.

This being said, the entire GAME may have to be taken control of. Smaller sprites for everything including enemies and attacks and spells, and that itself could take a while.

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 07-31-10 07:37 PM, in Lazy Shell v2.5b + The Bob-omb Mafia v2.0 (hack) released Link | Quote | ID: 133665

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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I dont really agree that this was the right place to post your question, however, i will make an attempt to answer it.

Adding dialogues, i do not know how to do if it is possible. Just take someones dialogue that you are willing to give up, for example, the guy hidden behind the jumping boys house. Take his first dialogue and change it.

And for your weapon, you have to make an animation script for it, or the game has NO IDEA what you're trying to do, hence the freezing.

Super Punch with the punching symbol
even if i put it on mario or whoever i made it for, and it has an attack power, the game has no clue what to do when you use it in battle because it has no animation script.

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 08-01-10 11:02 PM, in All 5 characters in battle? Link | Quote | ID: 133697

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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I like your thinking with the staggered. But all the same, the top would have to be condensed so that it would show all characters hp and faces.

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 08-04-10 03:42 AM, in Super Nope RPG - Raeneske Link | Quote | ID: 133815

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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Your Welcome, you can expect the second one to come out anywhere from one month-9 months
it will have new maps

Lyain was easy to me, even i struggeled with Birdo. A lot. lol.
Yes, ZSNES has a video recorder
Download Mencoder (If youre using ZSNES V. 1.51) and only put the mencoder ONLY ONLY ONLY in the same folder as ZSNES
what was your secret?
Run away? lol

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 08-04-10 03:46 AM, in boss ideas Link | Quote | ID: 133816

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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Setzer, temper :-p

theflyingjam, if you know what its going to be about please tell us.
If you are just testing your skills, please inform us

This is not a useless post, i have an idea

This may not seem very unique, its actually very generic, but if you can think of an ice boss to make. This game wouldve been perfect with an ice place, or an ice boss. Thats my only idea, very generic though

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 08-07-10 11:25 PM, in Super Nope RPG - Raeneske Link | Quote | ID: 134026

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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Well, i wanted you to be able to buy them, but i guess you're right. I could have some of the major bosses only hand out red essence.

Sorry taking so long to respond, been spending a couple days playying Crash Bandicoot 2

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 09-28-10 07:33 PM, in Super Nope RPG - Raeneske Link | Quote | ID: 136175

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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I lolled. I never noticed that in the game

Hello ppl im back! I have a lot of free time for the next 2-3 months, not starting school until January.

Also, Super Mario RPG Raeneske 2: Abused Power is now "under construction"
Sooner or later ill update everyone about its progress and even post videos.

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 09-28-10 09:57 PM, in Super Nope RPG - Raeneske Link | Quote | ID: 136185

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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Sounds not to bad, depends on what you would like to help with

I could send you a copy of just the beginning so you can see the progress so far, but thatll be in about 2 days, i gotta get readjusted to using the lazy shell again.

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 10-07-10 06:50 AM, in Super Nope RPG - Raeneske Link | Quote | ID: 136521

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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Hey all, im sorry i havent even gotten a chance to get back around into editing. My life is quickly picking up again and im finding myself without any time.

Heres what ill do. For the next couple of days, ill sit down and edit the game. HOWEVER, i will put out a DEMO Version of the game.

Therefore the gameplay will probably not be longer than an hour!

Give me about a week to put this up for you guys

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 10-09-10 12:34 AM, in Your first rpg Link | Quote | ID: 136564

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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Super Mario RPG
First and best played!
Still to this day!!

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 11-07-10 06:48 AM, in Super Nope RPG - Raeneske (rev. 6 of 12-23-12 06:45 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 137731

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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Yea, Final Mix is has got a TON of bugs. Unfortunatly, the editor is too lazy to go back and fix it. What a lazy bum.... oh wait.... I'm the editor!!
Heeeeelllooo everyone!!
So, i actually sat my a** down tonight and actually did a map
And what do you know, im HOOKED again. Finally, the second game is ACTUALLY underway.
If you've seen the youtube trailor of Super Mario RPG Raeneske 2: Abused Power, then you know, then you KNOW the amount of work thats going into this game!

If anyone wants, i have.... Not including bowsers castle... 3 totally new places in the game!
The Shadows, which is the last place, is the end of the demo unfortunatly.
Now really, this demo, based on the amount of work ive done tonight, im estimating will be coming in and uploaded to mediafire in about.... 3-7 days.
So mark your calenders, and get ready for another strangely hacked Mario Game!!




Also, you may find glitches. Im not a programming Guru, so this is very likely. However, i am not sloppy with my work. I spend most of my time, anywhere from 5-11 hours a day editing this stuff. If you dont like it, dont play it. Simple as that.

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 11-10-10 04:32 AM, in Super Nope RPG - Raeneske (rev. 5 of 12-23-12 06:46 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 137781

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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Hahah that voice from Air Combat for the PS1 ALWAYS gets me going ........
But enough of that!

Ive decided, the demo should be a bit longer.
As my treat to you fans for all the support on the first one, im Re-releasing the demo (has that ever happened before?) of SMRPG Raeneske 2: Abused Power.


The link in my above post is about to be changed, if you have downloaded this IPS before the date of November 9, 2010, you do not have the full and complete demo.

Suck it whores. Wanna see a level?


Comments? Questions? Leave them on below and ill get back to you as soon as possible.

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 11-11-10 09:00 PM, in Super Nope RPG - Raeneske Link | Quote | ID: 137848

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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Map polishing will be the FINAL thing that i will be doing. Map editing, making takes HOURS to get a DECENT looking map.

Fire Meadow is just a sample of how many exits, how hard its going to be later on in the game. Like that was a short taster of whats in store in this hack.

You're Right about Dyana. I didnt want to take it out of the demo just because i wanna make the demo easier than the real game.

Yes, the demo really ends after the second battle. Makes you sorta wonder what happens next Did that on purpose

I plan on speeding up the fireballs, i was really only gave some intense speed to one of them, just to see how it would phase the players, im glad you brought that up.

Yea, normally you dont see people throwing Demo's out there of their hacks. I wanted to get something out there, because i KNOW this hack is going to take a while. I mean, it could take about a years time to finish this. It took me 3 months going in and out of editing to make that demo.

Im glad you enjoyed the demo, and thankyou very much for the feedback! It will be greatly taken into consideration.

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 11-16-10 03:51 AM, in Super Nope RPG - Raeneske Link | Quote | ID: 137931

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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Haha, the demo is RIDDLED with confusion, secrets, glitches and things like that.

The Boss music is meant to set the difficulty of the boss, and the bosses relation to to which part of the Story Line. Culex's music is meant to fortell a warning, or danger. Hinting, that maybe destroying the flame seal will bring more calamity than good
Bosses in relation to Bowser will have his battle theme.
I'll probably add more dialogue and be more specific when it comes to the flame seal. See, the point is you're supposed to go deep inside the Fire Meadow and get the flame seal. However, for some mysterious reason (that i do know, i have the entire story mapped out ) The flame seal attacks you when you go to get it. What makes it worse, is when you go to seal the flames off, there is more fire attacking you than there should be. There are many hints in the title of the game SMRPG Raeneske 2 Abused Power as to what the storyline is about. Also think, what was one of the first things Bowser said to you?
I speak to much, ending that there

On the Dreadnaught fight - no comment

In this hack, all the characters will be playable in this game, giving you more options.

Okay, about the sacred flame, i'd hate be annoying and turn ppl away from my game, but the intention was to make it a one on one battle there. Pick who has the higher attack, and deal huge amounts of damage.

About being able to skip Geno, thats something i need feedback on. Im looking to make this as enjoyable as possible.
Easy Mode - Get all the characters, beat the game.
Medium Mode- Get only two of the characters, beat the game.
Hard Mode - Only Use Mario and beat the entire game.
Critical Mode(Thankyou Kingdom Hearts) - I will be making a seperate version for this where you get NO EXPERIENCE POINTS except for boss battles, and start off with ridiculous amounts of coins. There will be no grinding against enemies, and it will take true skill and using your items to the fullest to beat these bosses. Your hit points, will cap out at 60 for ALL characters. You can choose to beat it with only Mario Solo, or picking up all the characters.

Demo ends after Sacred Flame x4 battle.

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 02-09-11 06:16 PM, in Super Nope RPG - Raeneske Link | Quote | ID: 139526

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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Alrightyyy, ive taken an incredibly long break from this!
Hi all, how are you doing on this wonderful February?
So, since the demo i've yet to touch anything in the world of Mario RPG. There has been no progress after the demo. It is at a standstill.
The Editor Lazy Shell is a fantastic tool. I would call myself an expert in some areas such as battle scripting, dialogue(who cant?) scripting.
Event scripting for me has always been relatively strange because it takes time to learn it all. But im going to be honest, i am one impatient mofo. And its not bad to ask for help right, so long as you dont always need it.

The purpose of this post - an update. And, a cry for help. One of my biggest problems is action scripting! I mess a lot up even touching on thing. Assisstance? Map Making - Yeah this is not as fun as you may think it is. I hate it, especially finding the appropriate physical fields to coincide with the map. I just suck. Haha Something ive always been interested in, editing the game music!! Im not worried about imports. Im looking for someone who can change things around in the music, and if possible overwriting old and creating "new music" within the game limitations.

So yes, im looking to hand out Jobs.
I still need to write out the entire story of the game, cuz i still have no clue how the hell the middle is going to go.

Any takers? I'll type out the main idea of the storyline, a lot of it, and YES i accept input. If you want something changed or added, or that you feel your idea is much better, let me know!!!
Post here, or PM me! TTFN!!

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 02-16-11 05:30 PM, in Lazy Shell Improvement Thread Link | Quote | ID: 139609

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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Alright, i've got a suggestion for you.
Music - Sayy whaaaaaa

Face it guys. You cant input music from other games and stuff like that, everyone has its own engine, gtf over it.

However, how about editing music within the game limitations.
I can change tempo and pitch before a battle, thats easy.
I mean allowing us to go in, and change maybe the pitch of one specific note, or even removing that note entirely, or placing the note somewhere else, you know what I mean?
Within the games limitations. That leaves room for creativity for the maker. Good thought, bad thought? Lemme know!

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 02-22-11 06:19 AM, in Super Mario RPG: Raige Link | Quote | ID: 139767

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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Hey guys! Its just a mini-clip battle (with some dialogue if you freeze at the very beginning).
A little somethin I worked on today.
Just check it out, a little moves editiing, animation..... music


Leave comments here or there, doesnt really matter to me.

Yes, Raeneske is still being worked on, regardless of what i've posted on youtube. I didnt check my messages until today =)

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 02-25-11 06:03 AM, in Super Mario RPG: Raige Link | Quote | ID: 139838

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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You can do it with Lazy Shell actually. It actually is the same music from within the game, but glitched/manipulated to sound different. It's interesting, some things really sound pretty decent, but some tunes.... just sound like you're running water and banging pots and pans together -__-


More examples there.

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 03-27-11 07:37 PM, in PS2 Controller Link | Quote | ID: 140520

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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I dont know where else to put this, but ive gotta know. So I play PS2 games on my PS2, no emulator or anything, and im having some issues. This is a regular Sony PS2 controller. What happens is my left Analog stick is entirely inverted in my game GTA Vice City. Left is right, up is down, know what im sayin? Now i tested it on KH1, and it seemed. Fine. Until I tried to press thr X button. I couldnt fight at all. I could select things with the X, but it just wouldnt let me fight. Im so confused as to what could be thr problem, my other controller works PERFECTLY fine... And thats the one the was smashed in half and fixed /: HELP?!?!?

--The Disappeared--

God Bless
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