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Posted on 02-19-07 10:12 PM, in Old Haunts Link | Quote | ID: 1184

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Messageboard dedicated to a specific movie/series. I joined in the late 90's. Around 97/98 and it was okay. It was a bit on the boring side since the messageboard was solely dedicated to a specific topic (Specific movie or series) and the members really did not talk about anything else. It had way too many members on the site. Slow as hell.

...I was part of the DBZ messageboard on CD.


I <3 this place. That is, when I first joined. I joined in around 98/99 and it was visually more appealing than CD. Sadly, it went down for quite a time. I was known back then as Outlaw. It did come back and I excited for it but interest was lost. There was a 3 year seperation from the board going down and it coming back up.

Got Korn

As the name says. Messageboard about that band. Not really interesting. I stopped paying attention to it 3 years ago.


Kirbynite's old acmlmboard based message board. I joined this in either late 2002, or early 2003. I don't remember. I knew about it due to word of mouth. I was friends with a friend of Kirbynite's now ex girlfriend. My friend told me to check it out and thus I did. I'll be honest and say that I was a bit stupid back then. After I joined, the member count increased due to the fact that a few people that I knew from school joined up as well.

When I found Acmlm's, I divided my attention between both. GrapeGardens died from inactivity around the time I moved in late 03. After I came back, Kirbynite revived it and it was okay, but...drama started rather quickly. I came back wiser than I left and thus, I will admit that I did not help matters with what I said. I told Kirbynite I was never going to come back.

I did come back, but board die again due to inactivity. Kirbynite is the in mist of working on it using his own board scheme. I sometimes forget about it.

Sidenote: When I first joined it, Kirbynite and I didn't get along. I didn't like the pink fluffy. After my two year hiatus from the net, I came back and decided I would atleast attempt to be friends with Kirbynite or atleast not dislike him.

Years later, for my part, Kirbynite is one of my closest friends. I bug the hell out of him and stuff but I appreciate his friendship.


Boards I joined around the moment I joined the first Acmlm's Board.

Vizzed was owned by Davideo77. I was made admin, I ruled with an iron fist since there was quite a bit spamming going on. loldrama happened and I resigned. I came back after my hiatus and realized the board turned to shit (more so than before) and Davideo lost his damn mind. I stopped going there.

Xeogaming was a member of Vizzed before. Later in IRC, he would tell me that he was once Master Sephiroth, which would rock my world since it felt like meeting a long lost cousin.

I also met Randy on Vizzed. We talked, we made Antireality. AR died due to many many reasons. Hacked, lack of interest, busy schedules. Xk destroyed one version of AR. I was involved. When the subject of deleting it came up, I sorta told Xk he should do it.

Even though I had 'head admin' level on AR, I didn't like the staff and the way the board was going. Plus I was bored, so all and all, Xk destroying it was fun.

Posted on 02-19-07 10:23 PM, in You're typical "what ID number did you get?" thread. Link | Quote | ID: 1193

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Since: 02-19-07

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Posted by BounderTower
Posted by CGX
I never understood the fascination with ID numbers

One of these days, someone's gonna tattoo their ID# somewhere on their body. Hopefully the forehead.

I would do it but I already have a tattoo, and one is good enough.

My tattoo says "Property of Danielle"

Now guess where it is.

Posted on 02-19-07 10:33 PM, in You're typical "what ID number did you get?" thread. Link | Quote | ID: 1204

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Posted by Trapster
On yer pussy. Because Danielle doesn´t like guys.

She doesn't have to like guys for me to be her property.

Posted on 02-19-07 11:39 PM, in THERE'S NO FAQ! Link | Quote | ID: 1251

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Posted by Tatrion
bump lol

Posted on 02-19-07 11:48 PM, in Rain is awesome. Link | Quote | ID: 1262

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I enjoy rain only when I don't have anywhere to go.

As long as I am home, rain rocks. A good time to relax and watch movies or read a book.

Posted on 02-20-07 12:47 AM, in Favourite out-to-eat / fast food? Link | Quote | ID: 1348

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Church's Chicken, Burger King, Wendys and Taco Marker are usually where I go to eat.

As for pizza places, I really have no specific one. I enjoy pizza from Pizza Hut, Little Ceasar's and Domino's equally.

Posted on 02-20-07 12:57 AM, in Favourite TV show? Link | Quote | ID: 1378

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Lost is probably the only show I really find myself interested in watching.

Now, if taking into account syndication. Seinfeld and Fresh Price of Bel-Air are win for me.

I'm a nut for sitcoms. If I have time I tend to stick around TBS and just watch old episodes of a few shows I like.

Posted on 02-20-07 01:11 AM, in What are you listening to? (PARAGRAPH OR DEATH) Link | Quote | ID: 1402

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Since: 02-19-07

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Artist: Rilo Kiley
Album: More Adventurous
Song: I Never

I am loving this band at the moment. I was interested in them ever since I found out that Jenny Lewis, lead singer, did some vocals for the The Postal Service - Give up album. I'm a sucker for soothing female vocals and this band, especially this song, really hits the spot.

It is romantic-esque and the way it is sung reminds me of the pop style of the old times. What old times? I don't know the specific decade, but it has a slight old-fashion taste to it. It's a really lovely song.

Posted on 02-20-07 03:00 AM, in Yay, useless statistics! Link | Quote | ID: 1554

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Since: 02-19-07

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Posted by xpCynic
Wow, there are actually numbers on those graphs. So what's it represent?

Number of posts made in that specific hour?

Posted on 02-20-07 06:53 PM, in 2000th post and personal 100th Link | Quote | ID: 2268

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Posted by Grey
You really wanna see Melvin candidly flashing for the cameras? I hope not...


Also, went to bed, went to school and I am still in the top 25.


Posted on 02-20-07 07:02 PM, in So are you asking us to come up with some? Link | Quote | ID: 2270

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Posted by Ailure
Of course, some people call me insane...


Sadly I have no witty descriptions to share.

I did however like the ones Grey suggested. Especially the sword one.

Posted on 02-20-07 07:08 PM, in NBA 2007 [Version Two] Link | Quote | ID: 2272

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My sole focus is the race for the top spost in the Western Conference and the return of Yao Ming.

I'm a fan of the Rockets and I am anxious to see what Yao and T-Mac can actually do together. The beginning of the season was okay for them, they should've gotten T-Mac more involved scoring wise though.

Also, Scottie Pippen should go to Miami. Just collect all the old players at one spot. Dwyane Wade Featuring The Grandpa's.

Trust me. It will happen.

KG should be traded as well. Not that they will, but they should. Poor KG.

Posted on 02-20-07 07:59 PM, in NBA 2007 [Version Two] Link | Quote | ID: 2312

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I agree with both of you. Very lackluster.

Funny though how at first it is a team-"effort" suddenly, Kobe just decides to shoot more and pass less.

No offense to him, I would've just liked to see more people get involved. Yeah, I'm aware of the need to stand out to win the MVP but I guess I am bias since I am not a huge fan of Kobe.

Also, nice job for Jermaine O'neal in the tip in.

Wrong basket, but the effort was appreciated.

Posted on 02-20-07 08:04 PM, in What are you listening to? (PARAGRAPH OR DEATH) Link | Quote | ID: 2317

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Since: 02-19-07

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Artist: Coldplay
Album: A Rush of Blood to the Head
Song: Warning Sign

I simply adore coldplay. Been a fan ever since Parachutes came out. I enjoy this album but the first few years since I got it I really didn't pay much attention to this song. It was only after a long hiatus from listening to them and Danielle mentioning this song did I start up again. I have much love for this song now. Just the piano, the vocals, but what hits it home are the lyrics. Danielle knows what I'm talking about . <3

Posted on 02-20-07 08:10 PM, in I love my multi-screen setup. Link | Quote | ID: 2324

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I'm going to wait until I move my PC into my room before I try this. I have a monitor that is not being used so eh, wouldn't hurt to try.

Kattwah uses multi-screen but won't shut up about it.

[07:10] Kattwah> I'm have multi-screen! I rox. U sux Thoughtless!

Posted on 02-20-07 09:48 PM, in Acmlm's Board -1 Link | Quote | ID: 2396

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Posted by Smallhacker
Reply as fast as possible to be an admin when the board opens.

If you tell us the link, I'm sure we can pass the message to our great grandchildren.

Posted on 02-20-07 10:13 PM, in Acmlm's Town Square 9 Link | Quote | ID: 2430

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Interesting fact.

The person who got post 5K on that ATS also got post 15K for the CD forum.

Posted on 02-20-07 10:30 PM, in Apophis! You're winner! Link | Quote | ID: 2480

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This is Apop's 15 minutes of fame here.

Though, he got the day wrong. Nick came back on a Tuesday, not Monday.

Still, close enough.

Posted on 02-20-07 10:34 PM, in Acmlm's Town Square 9 Link | Quote | ID: 2494

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Since: 02-19-07

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Posted by Drag
Hey guys! I found the edit button!


I have a headache now.

I knew the moment I saw the url it was going to be serious business.

Posted on 02-20-07 11:05 PM, in Acmlm's Town Square 9 Link | Quote | ID: 2536

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Since: 02-19-07

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Woke up, went to school, paid some bills, came back.

Nothing on interest sadly.

I did however see a semi truck with a few tubes on the highway.

Yes. I saw 'a series of tubes' while driving. Made my day.
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Main - Posts by Thoughtless

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