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Posted on 11-29-07 03:42 AM, in I'm back and stuff Link | Quote | ID: 70863

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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Red snifit, I remember you.

You were pretty cool in my book.

Then, I was "Ghost"

Welcome back!

This board seems to be a lot more friendly.

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 11-29-07 03:46 AM, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread Link | Quote | ID: 70864

Red Goomba
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I just bought Tetris DS yesterday (Good game), and I was thinking....

They have a pictochat level, they used to have Flat Zone. It would be awesoe if they made a Tetris level, where you would have to fight in the matrix, and watch out for falling Tetriminoes.

That would be so cool, but I don't know if nintendo would do that, but seeing as how this SSBB has everything almost (Sonic being one of them YAY!!!), I wouldn't be surprised if they did.

I think it would be pretty fun...

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 12-17-07 03:23 AM, in My first non-rhyming poem... "ANTI-FAD" Link | Quote | ID: 71798

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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A seedling in a meadow
is the Earth in the universe
the devil in Euphoria
is me in the fad

graceful steps and false smiles
masquerade a bad personality
we created a box of images
and we called it a god

Political views of entertainers
have made us bow to a will not of our own
and we are being roasted
if we "about-face" our views

Everything's turned to dusk
Everyone is in false light
I've embraced the shadow
I have become the Anti-Fad

Decadence will come to the ignorant
It'll come to those of no courage
intelligence is being judged by the ill-hearted
and those that conserve the righteousness will die

We have become spoiled
demand what we want; then get it
The world is a slave to their fix
And are controlled by those things

there is no more respect for fallen heroes
but rather, a glorification of the evils that acomplish nothing
it poisons our children's minds
and they unwillingly become the damned

But there is bliss in one thing:
in being a part of the Anti-Fad
we see what we see is true
we don't sugarcoat or become bias

We are seekers of reality
hunters of the truth
Voicing our opinions no matter the cost
with knowledge; we expect controversy

recognize the individual
see where the media failed
a conqueror of a naive nature I one was
but a conqueror of the informed I've become

I am one of the betrayed
defiant of the system that is coming
I am real, and one-hundred percent unsweetened
I am a part of the Anti-Fad

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 03-10-08 10:02 PM, in I'm trying to get my SSBB replays on youtube Link | Quote | ID: 80142

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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How can I get my Brawl replays on my computer and on youtube? I tried to put my sd card into our device which we upload pictures onto, and tried to see if e could get the replay data and save it on the computer, but they are .bin files, and so I don't really know if there is a way.

How does everyone else do it?

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 03-11-08 07:52 AM, in Smash Bros. Brawl - Board Friend Code List (rev. 2 of 03-11-08 07:59 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 80162

Red Goomba
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Since: 05-30-07

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Friend code: 3308-4245-0407.
Nickname: JAMES

I registered everyone on the first post. So you better register me. I'm a worthy opponent

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 03-12-08 05:31 PM, in Your SSBB character fighting styles. How do you use them? (rev. 2 of 03-12-08 05:32 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 80237

Red Goomba
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Friend code: 3308-4245-0407.
Nickname: JAMES

Even though I use a diverse selection in fighting types. I still use basic strategies in fighting. Nothing more important than roll-dodges, grabs, and patience.

My favorites:

FOX - Every game in the series, I still can't find anyone better for my style other than Fox. I'm usually an air-attacker with Fox. I usually give the illusion that I will attack my opponent, but then I will use my second jump to move back then when they strike at me leaving themselves unguarded; that's when I drop a neutral A-Button air attack.

LUCARIO - My mewtwo skills were impressive. But Lucario is so much better. I'm kind of a waiting kind of fighter with this one, but I usually pursue other fighters very well with Lucario; he's got great air attacks. I'm a fan of the Aura Sphere, and every one of his regular attack.

WOLF - When they announced Starwolf; I went crazy. I think wolves are cool as an animal, and I like Wolf's attitude in the Starfox series (Mainly Assault). So as a fan boy I was excited. With Wolf I'm not entirely impressed with his smash attacks, but he nuetral A-button combos on ground are terrific. His claws freakin' reach all the way over, and not to mention his "Dair Spike" is awesome, but I still haven't mastered the timing. Overall he's got quick reflexes despite that he's not the fastest runner, and there's something about his jump that feels comfortable. Wolf is awesome.

BOWSER - Wow, is all I can say, but I can't explain it. Somehow he feels better in this one to me. I was playing against my brother who is also very good, and I beat some of his best with Bowser! And so to test the waters with the new Bowser I set up matches with Lvl. 9 Fox, Sonic, and C.Falcon. and beat them on the first try. I cleared Classic mode on the more difficult settings than I did with Fox!! Bowser is one of my boys in this one.

JIGGLYPUFF - Okay laugh, that's fine. I am a beast with Jigglypuff, Once again a strait-up air attacker, but only an air attcker with her; I'm more about trickery with her than with Fox. One of my favorite things that I like wither is pursuing the enemy when they are out in the danger area, and kicking them into it by puffing over to them and coming back safely... I know it's kind of cheap.

SONIC - I love my speed when choosing characters, and Sonic is the ticket. Most people that used C.Falcon or Fox will like Sonic, not to mention the homing attack is a beast (kind of cheap sometimes). My friend is a good Sonic, but he abuses the homing attack, but I can dodge it just fine.

ZELDA - I loved Zelda in Melee, and I love her in this one too. I can't figure a difference other than her Din's Fire which is controlled way better. She feels maybe a little better, but I can't pin point it.

CHARIZARD - Charizard is fast and strong, but his downfall is clumsiness, but I can usually adapt to all of it; he reminds me of a faster Bowser.

PIKACHU - One of my top guys here. I'm always running and attacking with Pikachu, but still aware of people trying to time hits on me when they see me coming; not to mention his specials are nice to have. pikachu is so much better in this one too for example: his far jump is more controllable than in Melee. My brother agrees with me; he didn't like pikachu in melee, but he likes him in Brawl.

LINK - I liked Link in Melee, but he's much better now. He feels faster, but I don't think it's speed, I think he has a better recovery from misses and such. Not to mention his arrows are better; they fly a better distance quicker now.

ZERO SUIT SAMUS - Quick and viscious with that whip man. She fits my taste, because of the Fox itch i have. Her paralyzer is a force to be reckoned with.

SAMUS - Okay, loved Samus in 64, hated her in Melee, love her in brawl!! They fixed her screw attack to do something other than 3% damage like in Melee. In brawl her screw attack will suck you in and leave you bleeding, and her roll-dodge is a little better(Mainly why I didn't Like her in Melee).


GANONDORF - I can't explain it, but he just does not feel as comfortable as he used to. I was dissatisfied with him.

MARTH - Seems to be powered down, at least to me.

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 03-12-08 05:35 PM, in Your SSBB Control Scheme Link | Quote | ID: 80238

Red Goomba
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Wii + Nunchuck got my butt-kicked. I was guarding when i wanted to jump, and vise-versa...

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 03-23-08 02:09 AM, in Super Smash Bros. Brawl Thread (rev. 2 of 03-23-08 02:11 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 80826

Red Goomba
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Posted by witeasprinwow
Posted by Dr. Hell
You're challenging everyone though aren't you? And I mean that's not all I do with her, that's just like main things you should keep in mind if you plan on using her. The main things she's good for though for playing against other people is that you can really mix up her attacks in an erratic pattern. Oh and the charge beam is totally useful if you know when to use it, I've gotten a lot of KOs with that thing.

I know a guy who plays a pretty mean Samus. The problem with the charge shot is that it's really useful but really predictable. What this guy does is actually keep the attack charged but use it sparingly in order to keep you on your toes. When it's charged you have to adjust your play style to be constantly prepared for that charge shot. Then he uses all his other moves, including shooting numerous missiles, to try and get you to slip up. If he sees you make a mistake he pounds you with the charge shot.

Yeah, that's exactly how use her ; people fall for it all the time; but I'm better with Lucario. I'll charge upthe aura sphere and make it look like I'm about to launch it by just simply pushing side-B, or (If they're really stupid) just standard A; I did this with mewtwo in melee.

Bowser is surprisingly better to me on brawl; I really can't explain it, but he feels right; I'm good at using slower characters. By being good with slower guys like Bowser you have to keep them at bay just by tapping A a couple times; 2 Bowser standard swipes they're knocked back far enough to where they can't grab me; I am a good Bowser on Brawl. But my top guy is Fox. (I'm a fox whore too.

Online play would've been so much fun if the buttons didn't delay attacks and movement. I could handle slow, but delaying of buttons is awful; not even worth playing online.

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 04-19-08 08:39 AM, in In The Name Of The King Link | Quote | ID: 82072

Red Goomba
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Okay let me start by saying...

Never in my life have I laughed so hard, when trying to watch a "serious" movie!!

The dialog was so cheesy; it wouldn't have surprised me if Burt Reynolds pulled out the firebird, and started fighting the putty-patroller-like Krugs. This was like the smash bros. for "actors" (Smash Bros. is cool though).

I watched this at my buddy Michael's house. His real close friend Jason was there; so Michael asks Jason: "Hey Jason, what do you think of this movie?" (After I was adding my own dialog through the whole thing, for kicks) Jason says: "It's okay. What about you, mikey?"

Mikey says: "It's okay".

And so Michael is also the guy that made us watch Delta Farce... EGH!!! I'm picking the movies from now on, baby...


So have any of you seen this movie? Or any other that Uwe Boll has directed?

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 04-24-08 07:28 AM, in Mario Kart Wii Link | Quote | ID: 82298

Red Goomba
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American here...

So does it have a button-delay reaction like in SSBB online? Or does it feel fine playing online. Is it comfortable?

I'm a mario kart veteran, and I want to ind some challenges when it comes out...

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 04-30-08 04:47 PM, in Mario Kart Wii Link | Quote | ID: 82573

Red Goomba
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I agree someone needs to start specifically a Mario Kart Wii thread, and the one who posts it should keep adding codes to their first post on their thread, as they come in.

Here's mine:

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 05-20-08 04:55 AM, in Mario Kart Wii Link | Quote | ID: 83960

Red Goomba
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I've got 9000 points, and a 2 star ranking.

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 05-21-08 07:29 AM, in Mario Kart Wii Link | Quote | ID: 83997

Red Goomba
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That can't be right, because you're not supposed to be able to block with fake item boxes. Maybe it hit something else and you didn't notice.

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 05-27-08 06:05 PM, in Mario Kart Wii Link | Quote | ID: 84267

Red Goomba
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I'm now at 9999vr and 3 stars.

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 05-29-08 06:42 AM, in Mario Kart Wii Link | Quote | ID: 84356

Red Goomba
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Posted by pieguy1372
On the note of difficulty, the tracks themselves are easy, but what's hard is that GP is just the computer players spamming you with items.

As of now I'm at 6300. Every time I get higher than that I constantly unfairly lose.

Grumble Volcano is pretty cool. If you can drive good enough, then you can get away from the noob players with there exceeding luck with items every 5 seconds, and you can still have a lot of space between you and 2nd. The tracks you have to watch out for are:

GBA Shy Guy Beach
Luigi Circuit
Moo Moo Meadows
GCN Peach Beach
N64 Mario Raceway.

Those are the ones where the other players will catch up to and spam you with blue shells before the finish line.

If you really want to show driving skills here's the tracks to do so:

N64 Bowser's Castle: The amount of obstacles are a hindrance to new players, but veterans can fight through it. Also an awesome track for setting up traps and barricades.

N64 DK Jungle Parkway: Using wheelies and forcing mini-boosts are the key to this course, you can leave your competitors in the dust.

GCN DK Mountain: Tight turns toward the end leave the spammers with nothing.

Koopa Cape: Tight turns, and following the water trail will gain you distance.

Grumble Volcano: Again, the amount of obstacles are a hindrance to new players, but veterans can fight through it.

Rainbow Road: Very scary turns are cake to the skilled drivers. Spammers find themselves falling from unpolished drift abilities

Toad's Factory: Timing is the key here.

GBA Bowser's Castle 3: Keep those turns tight, follow them with a mini-turbo, and then a wheelie, and you will set a gap between you and the others.

SNES Ghost Valley 2: A shortcut will help with the aid of tight turns and wheelies.

Moonview Highway: Follow the center line, for it is the guide between vast obstacles. Weak players end up hitting the vehicles.

Bowser's Castle: Special place to do tricks, and smart obstacle dodging will win you the gold here.

I'm not trying to sound like a prick, but I just get annoyed when I get hit with item after item at stupid tracks like GCN Peach Beach. It's easy to sit behind and grab a powerful item in 12th.

But I've set up many traps in places to earn me a maximum rating and 3 stars.

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 04-21-09 08:24 PM, in Too bad time travel isn't possible. Link | Quote | ID: 105646

Red Goomba
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I miss the good ol' days when people wouldn't try to put their political views in everything, and back when everyone had morals.

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars

Posted on 10-10-10 01:43 PM, in Super Mario Bros. Fusion Link | Quote | ID: 136637

Red Goomba
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This is a game that I'm creating using a porgram editor more than an actual hack. I found that this program enables you to make a Mario game without all of the hangups that the SMW engine uses.

I prefer this to Lunar Magic. The reason why I put "Fusion" in the title is because it really is a fusion of SMB 1, 2, 3, and SMW. I seriously think this could be another big program like Lunar Magic was when it came out.

You can check out a few of the levels I made on my YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/skyon84?feature=mhum
I will be posting more levels soon, in addition to the few that I have posted.

If you're interested in getting the editor, go ahead and check out supermariobrothers.org

This is NOT advertising, because I am simply pointing people i an alternative direction, if they wish to go that route in game making.

MKWII Rating: 9999 VR 3 Stars
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