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Posted on 11-23-07 02:23 AM, in New humor-based ROM-hacking site Link | Quote | ID: 70582

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Since: 05-03-07
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I was particularly proud of my analog ROM-hack in that piece

Posted on 11-24-07 12:59 AM, in New humor-based ROM-hacking site Link | Quote | ID: 70609

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Since: 05-03-07
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I'm glad you liked it.

Yea, Jehovah's Witness is the only game I know of based on slamming doors in peoples faces It actually has very good artwork to.

I was most amazed by the Catman series, all these years I did'nt know such craziness existed!

If anyone knows of any hacks which would fit in at Badhacks which we are missing, feel free to let us know about it.

Posted on 11-27-07 08:57 AM, in New humor-based ROM-hacking site Link | Quote | ID: 70740

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Since: 05-03-07
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Yea, I was actually telling Googie that before, in my area it's more the Mormons who go door to door

Posted on 12-02-07 10:14 PM, in New humor-based ROM-hacking site Link | Quote | ID: 71067

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Since: 05-03-07
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Hey, I never heard of that one! Sure, we'll take a look at it.


Posted on 12-05-07 04:06 AM, in New humor-based ROM-hacking site Link | Quote | ID: 71215

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Since: 05-03-07
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Cool, send them on over, they sound fun.
I've never heard of any of them.

Posted on 03-03-08 06:49 AM, in Genesis Hack Release: God Hates You! Link | Quote | ID: 79648

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Since: 05-03-07
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This is a hack of the Genesis game Spiritiual Warfare.

In this hack, you take on the role of a young man who is being terrorized by God. Try to survive as God toys with you like a mouse in a snake cage before finally tiring of it and killing you. This hack features completely new music, and the trivia mini-game has also been hacked to be mostly ROM-hacking trivia. And as usual for my hacks, the ROM has a completely new storyline and all new enemy graphics. Do not play this if you don't have a good sense of humor about religion. There is much twisted and disturbing humor.






Get the patch here: http://jomb69.googlepages.com/GodHatesYoupatchversion.zip

Or if you prefer it in rar format, go to http://www.badhacks.net/ and get it there. (while your at it check out all the humorous reviews and ROM hacks there)

Also, for those of you who enjoy my work, check out the demo of my original game, details in the readme.

Posted on 03-04-08 05:44 AM, in Genesis Hack Release: God Hates You! Link | Quote | ID: 79712

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Since: 05-03-07
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I wont be making a NES version... Re-doing all those tiles again would not be fun! And that would be time I could be spending on my next hack or working on Obscenia. Anyway the Genesis version looks nicer and has an extra button.

Posted on 03-05-08 06:24 PM, in Genesis Hack Release: God Hates You! Link | Quote | ID: 79788

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Since: 05-03-07
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Yes, the Genesis version is a very straight-forward port as far as I can tell. But being on the Genesis, it had a much better color pallette to work with, and slightly better resolution.

What kind of hack would that be? Religious?

Posted on 03-11-08 09:00 PM, in Genesis Hack Release: God Hates You! Link | Quote | ID: 80198

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Since: 05-03-07
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There is no Robert Tilton in here... though there are other religious figures which make appearances later in the game.

I'm hurt and offended that you did'nt like my title

Clearly no one has tried the Obscenia demo here. It is in part based on my experience of releasing the Lone Rapist on ACMLM board a while back.

Posted on 06-19-08 09:31 PM, in DuckTales NES ROMhack: "DickTales" Link | Quote | ID: 85352

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Since: 05-03-07
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By that line of reasoning, no one should hack any game which has been hacked before, and no show should go past episode 1, because its all been done before.

Posted on 06-19-08 09:46 PM, in DuckTales NES ROMhack: "DickTales" Link | Quote | ID: 85354

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Since: 05-03-07
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satire, comedy, shock value

Posted on 06-19-08 10:10 PM, in DuckTales NES ROMhack: "DickTales" Link | Quote | ID: 85361

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Since: 05-03-07
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No accounting for taste, some people get it some dont.
When was the last time you got a love letter based on your work? Or a marraige proposal? Made money? I've gotten these things on mine. I've been a success, whether you get it or not.

Posted on 06-19-08 10:54 PM, in DuckTales NES ROMhack: "DickTales" Link | Quote | ID: 85370

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Since: 05-03-07
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Posted by Sliver X
If I wanted to change a shitload of more things in the game, I'd rather MAKE a brand new game altogether instead of a hack.

This is a moot point, because you don't have nearly enough talent to even hack a fucking title screen properly, let alone code a game from scratch. Please try to come up with your own excuses too instead of paraphrasing Jomb.

When was the last time you got a love letter based on your work? Or a marraige proposal?

Oh, I'd love to see the man and/or hambeast responsible for that, assuming you're not just lying.

Made money?

I've turned down offers for money involving my ROM hacks: I didn't take it because I'm not a slimy piece of shit.

But hey, keep deluding yourself into thinking what you do is good in any shape or form. I could bang my cock against a guitar and make better "music" than what you do.

Oh, and before you say "Duurrr, but haf you make moneys off yur music, grph horkle", yes, I have, and I do make money performing live. Music I write myself. So suck it.

1) ironic considering whats in the works
2) I'm not posting my personal emails here just to make a point, but for example: http://www.youtube.com/user/Jomb69
read the comments, and i dont even use that account
3) Money isn't everything, but most people in the straight world view it as such, thus my example. There is no shame in getting paid for your work, if you did'nt compromise for the sake of money. The least we can probably agree on, is that I've never compromised.

It basically boils down to art. What is art? Good art raises passions in people. So thank you Silver X, for validating me as an artist!

Posted on 06-19-08 11:10 PM, in DuckTales NES ROMhack: "DickTales" (rev. 3 of 06-19-08 11:13 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 85375

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Since: 05-03-07
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Posted by Sliver X
There is no shame in getting paid for your work

There is when the resulting product is basically totally illegal.

Good art raises passions in people.

No, if this were the case then my hatred for N'Sync, Nickelback and Brittany Spears means they're good artists. Nice logical fallacy bub.

So thank you Silver X, for validating me as an artist!

Ooooh, I get it now. You're like one of the "performance artists" that think they're cutting edge when most people just find them fucking annoying.

I have never made money off of anything illegal. The part i sold was 100% original.

No less a logical fallacy than your claim that for something to be art you must like it.

I dont truthfully care if i'm liked or not, that has been a happy by-product of following my muse.

And Stifu, glad that you remembered me, censor yourself and take a hike if you dont want to be here.

"So if I punched you in the face, you would consider that an act of art?"

Yes i would. That would be fucking awesome! Do it!

Posted on 06-19-08 11:29 PM, in DuckTales NES ROMhack: "DickTales" Link | Quote | ID: 85380

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Since: 05-03-07
From: Purgatory

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What is good art and what is not, is completely in the eye of the beholder. Its irrelevant really. Art is art. The purpose of art isn't always to make you happy or for you to like it. It can be a statement, it can be a protest. And of course, different people have different tastes. I respect that, do you?

If my muse is an 8 year old with Downs, i will love him anyway, because its not his fault he was born that way.

Posted on 06-20-08 12:57 AM, in DuckTales NES ROMhack: "DickTales" Link | Quote | ID: 85386

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Since: 05-03-07
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whats original about any hack? Who decides what is original? Once again its in the eye of the beholder, just like art is. Is changing the levels in mario original after the thousandth time? i dont see how thats any more original than trying to inject humor into a hack.

Posted on 06-20-08 02:01 AM, in DuckTales NES ROMhack: "DickTales" Link | Quote | ID: 85393

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Since: 05-03-07
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Xeruss - how about people who dont like it ignore it and not get involved with it, and people that do enjoyit? Its not complicated to not read things you dont like. I do it all the time. Dont see me bitching in anyone elses thread, do you?

Onyxyte - Low quality work does not always a masterpiece make. But there are some which can be quite hilarious. All of my hacks are thorough and have alot of effort put into them, i dont speak for anyone else. The hack i'm working on right now i've been working on since 2006. Improvement does'nt have to take one single branch. There are other ways to improve things beyond the technical. Comedy movies are'nt better for having better special effects. And just because some people prefer comedy and other people prefer action, that dont mean comedy movies should be discontinued in favor of all special effects action movies.

Posted on 06-20-08 03:42 AM, in DuckTales NES ROMhack: "DickTales" Link | Quote | ID: 85399

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Since: 05-03-07
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This is not my hack, so i have no idea what sort of reaction its going to get, by the people who actually play it. But as for my work, I've been releasing here since 2004. I've gotten some negative feedback here, but i've also got positive. Roughly 50-50 I'd estimate. My hacks are by no means 5 minute jobs, rather you like them or not, they have serious commitments of time in them. All of these hacks, even the ones you dont like, are of games we've all played hundreds of times. If you think that makes them games not worth playing again, then why are you here at all?

Posted on 06-20-08 04:21 AM, in DuckTales NES ROMhack: "DickTales" Link | Quote | ID: 85405

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Since: 05-03-07
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There is. The difference is that one is potentially humorous (though if you think that was all there was to PCP, you are sadly mistaken), and the other is made for non-comedic purposes. The world is big enough for both to exist. People have different tastes. Some people like Star Wars, some like Star Trek, some like both, some like neither. I dont think B Dicke was trying to pass a law that you must play this hack and like it. He was just putting it out there for the people who might enjoy it. Most people who dont find perverse Disney to be amusing simply wont play it. Me, i think there is some humor in putting Disney characters of all things into wildly inappropriate situations.
Honestly, would your reaction have been different if he took a game, altered it with this sort of humor, but also changed some levels? What if he also hacked the boxart to the game?

Posted on 06-20-08 05:26 AM, in DuckTales NES ROMhack: "DickTales" (rev. 2 of 06-20-08 05:37 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 85407

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Since: 05-03-07
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Its just a difference of style. If your focus is on making humor, changing the levels is not terribly important. If your focus is on making things more difficult, the humor is not terribly important and is probably unintentional.

Acmlm board has always been to me a place focused on ROM-hacking by ROM-hackers. Why put them into boxes? Let people decide what they like on their own. No one has to play every hack that gets released here. I sure dont. If you dont like B Dicke's first hack (which i happen to know took him a quite a bit longer than 2 hours to make), then point out to him what he could do to improve it, constructively. My advice to B Dicke is to change more graphics. Its not the worst hack i ever seen by a complete novice, but i want to be surprised by all new enemies at least.

My hacks are comedic. But they are'nt just comedy. There are things going on beneath the surface that not many people have picked up on. Thats why i consider my hacks to Bizarre/art/comedy.

I have customized art before. In the last NES hack i did, i hacked the entire instruction manual, including the cover art to it.

edit - just an observation, but does'nt anyone else think its strange that a community based entirely on nostaligia would try to make the case that things need to be hip and modern? ROM-hacking itself is old enough that some people get nostalgic for the early days of ROM-hacking.
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Main - Posts by Jomb

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