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Posted on 02-20-11 10:41 PM, in Do you like to watch sports on television? Link | Quote | ID: 139705

Level: 28

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I love watching football (soccer) on television. Especially the World Cup. I'm even fine with watching the Europeones, like the Euro 2008. It's fun

More than that I like playing even more, but watching it is really interesting
Do you like to watch sports on television?


Posted on 02-20-11 10:47 PM, in Who is your hero? Link | Quote | ID: 139706

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Whether it be in real life or in a movie, or even in a videogame
If you don't have a hero, explain why,
Otherwise tell us...
Who is your hero?

Personally, I don't have a hero, because anyone who could be applicable is different than what I would want to be. I like to deviate from the norm and create my own great future.


Posted on 02-20-11 10:52 PM, in What puts you in a good mood? Link | Quote | ID: 139708

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If you are sad, angry, depressed, or feeling in any negative way, what puts you in a good mood?

Personally, I would go outside or just sleep
Going online also makes me feel a bit better, unless it was the cause. I usually feel good, it is rarely that I am not feeling good.
What puts you in a really good mood?


Posted on 02-21-11 12:57 PM, in board2 Town Square - Down'n'Up Link | Quote | ID: 139719

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Ah, strategy games I love them old Civilizations games
I have Civilizations 3 and 4 and hopefully I'll get 5 soon.

Lol, my friends too. This is their schedules
4:00 - Come back from school/ start playing video games
8:00 - take break from videogames and stare at homework
8:05 - Start playing videogames again
11:55 - Do some homework
12:30 - Go to sleep

Personally, if I ever play videogames during the week I finish my homework first so I don't have to be worried about it.

As for PSP system software... It's 6.30. I've tried putting outside games on it, but I've been unsuccessful in my ventures I don't know how to downgrade/put homebrew games on it.


Posted on 02-21-11 07:29 PM, in How do you feel about China's web block? Link | Quote | ID: 139736

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If there wasn't a sufficient way of effectively blocking it, then it would just be like the prohibition in 20s in America, even those who wouldn't drink much would start drinking regularly in speakeasies, the same could happen with this, because the ones that look at it once in a while will start looking at it more regularly and start a black market of this It's quite feasible that this would happen really.

Lets assume that there was such a way, would would be a miracle really, then I would be for it. But to tell the truth, there is no such way, which means that there will always be access to child porn, whether or not he EU tries to stop it.


Posted on 02-21-11 08:28 PM, in What do you like to learn about? Link | Quote | ID: 139738

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Personally, I love math as well

It's the sciences of which I want to have a career in though
There is not much you can be if you go solely into mathematics, that's why I've stuck with science even though math is pretty fun, if I say so myself.

Personally, the only subject that I dislike is Strength and Conditioning classes. I practice sports after school, but I don't like to get sweaty during the day


Posted on 02-21-11 10:23 PM, in How do you feel about China's web block? Link | Quote | ID: 139740

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No I would not. You are comparing two unrelated things, in a wrong way.

Child Porn is inherently considered wrong, whereas knowledge is considered a necessity for the wellbeing of a person. Child Porn is used to derive sexual pleasure, whereas knowledge in general in order to better oneself is fine. In China, they are being blocked from critical information that would tell them that they are in one of the worst governments. Blocking child porn isn't meant to keep people ignorant, it is not blocking information, but explicit pictures.

It would be like you saying that if there was a way to perfectly make a goal in soccer is good, so then I respond with that if there was a perfect way for a person to commit a murder you would agree. Keeping people ignorant is different from letting adults watch explicit images for their sexual pleasure


Posted on 02-21-11 10:31 PM, in <GreyMario> literally like fifteen minutes in mspaint (GreyMario's Art Dump) Link | Quote | ID: 139742

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I'm not a very artistic person, so I think yours are pretty good, since they are far superior to mine

I like the best the one that you just posted What program did you make it with? Is blender the program or just some artistic term that I have yet to find out

I think all of yours are fine. My only advice is to keep on practicing, that is the only way that you'll get better


Posted on 02-21-11 10:37 PM, in Star Wars on Blu Ray Link | Quote | ID: 139743

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Personally, this won't change much for me.

I know it's supposed to be a lot better resolution, but it's not enough for me to spend that much money to go and get it

I could probably spend that money finding a better movie that I haven't watched yet, or better yet, just save it for something better than a movie.
Just my opinion though


Posted on 02-21-11 10:40 PM, in What are you listening to? (PARAGRAPH OR DEATH) Link | Quote | ID: 139744

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Actually at the moment I am listening to Crazy Train

Overly played song, it's not that I don't like it, but after sometime it just feels like it is overplayed where I live. I'm listening to it to get the beat and rhythm down fully, so when I play it on guitar, I play it well.

It's quite enjoyable though, really


Posted on 02-21-11 10:45 PM, in Ask Kawa - cos I obviously have nothing better to do Link | Quote | ID: 139745

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Ah, that clears up a bunch of questions that I had.

I have a few more though

Are there hidden forums on board2?
What is the difference between a local mod and a full mod? And what do they do?

Last question,

Do you think I should attempt to create a layout? (it'll be easy to read of course) Or do you need to be a certain level to have layouts for posts?


Posted on 02-21-11 10:48 PM, in In the Trend of Ask Away: Resident Furfag (no, not that one) Link | Quote | ID: 139746

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Why do so many users have "Ask Anything's"?

Who was the first one here to have an "Ask Anything"?

What made you decide to register as "GreyMario"?


Posted on 02-21-11 10:55 PM, in Obession with numbers Link | Quote | ID: 139747

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I have a small obsession with numbers
I'm not superstitious, so I don't care whether it is 11:11 or 13:37 (Nice military time by the way, so I'm not the only one )

I like seeing them in everyday situations, and also when online, like after this post I might go and check what thread 1337 is about. It's just a fun thing to do, it's not like I think that some numbers are more important than others or anything, it's mainly just a random thing I do


Posted on 02-21-11 11:12 PM, in Ask Trel For Who Knows Why Link | Quote | ID: 139752

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I guess I could a pull a few questions out from under my sleeves...
What is your favorite hobby?
What is your favorite season?
What is your favorite thread? (Besides this one )


Posted on 02-22-11 12:40 AM, in What do you like to learn about? Link | Quote | ID: 139759

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ninjablooper: Heh, my school has a philosophy class

I might do it next year, but truthfully I'd rather stack up on science and history classes
I love philosophy, I've done a little bit of it in debate and I like what I've learned so far, even if it is not much.


Posted on 02-22-11 12:45 AM, in Obession with numbers Link | Quote | ID: 139760

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blackhole89- Ah, I see.

In America it's completely 12-hour and nobody ever uses 24-hour time in everyday life I've pretty much become accustomed to it through a funny way.

A few years ago I got a watch. I somehow changed it so it showed 24-hours and I couldn't turn it back. After a while I got used to it and never changed it back even after I found out how to. So that's why several years later I still have my watch in 24-hours (different watch) and know it "like the back of my hand".


Posted on 02-22-11 01:06 AM, in Ask Mega-Mario anything (or almost) Link | Quote | ID: 139762

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Are users able to delete their own posts?

What is your favorite hobby?
and... What exactly is kafuka? I am a little confused


Posted on 02-24-11 02:17 AM, in How do you feel about China's web block? Link | Quote | ID: 139815

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Yes, I agree that I shouldn't care about what the EU does. But I disagree about China, if the people knew the situation that they were in and not brainwashed, then they would change for the better. It is not inherently wrong for them to change. It might be rooted in their culture, but progression should be what is strived for. Getting more knowledge drives progression, but viewing child porn does not drive progression.

Posted by Alkis
I am in favor of China's internet block. The Chinese people are far too stupid as a whole to make responsible use of information. Their government knows better than to let 1.2 billion ignorant people just do and know whatever they want. Harmony is a hundred times more important to China's well-being than any sort of freedom. If they let them do whatever they want and know whatever they want, the country will fall into chaos and there would be widespread bloodshed (that I don't care about) that would eventually endanger US interests (that I do care about).

God Bless America


* Ignore my message until I till you to stop, in case it is considered ranting *
Actually I agree with you on one thing, I'd just like to change it a bit... "The American people are far too stupid as a whole to make responsible use of information". Yes America is really stupid. The people here are such idiots that one student drops out every nine seconds for just highschool, yeah you heard me right... every nine seconds, the idiots. My source is aypf.org the American Youth Policy Forum, a reliable source. There are all these idiots that don't know anything, and think they know enough to vote, who cares about the Chinese? We should have their government, stopping people from dropping out unless they want to be shot (That's a policy I'd be for), and any grade below a 95, whether it be a homework, should earn a death penalty. Yes, many people would die, but then our country wouldn't be full of uneducated people that think only about beer, sex, and drugs. Yes, I admit that there is a few smart people (most of them immigrants)
though, according to an IQ poll I took at my very own highschool a few years ago Truthfully, the worst americans are the racist ones that don't know anything, besides that there is this thing called a country and it is somehow better than all others. The Chinese people value education, because it is a privilege, not a way to waste life like here.
* Stop ignoring my post now *

I won't argue with you because I think that it was just trolling with lack of information that you gave in your post. Alkis, you are a troll, and I could barely hold it in to not go any further after that comment you made. I can get really angry when users act so naive like that. I'm going to ignore you from now on, but you really deserve a ban after effing up the debate forum with posts like that


Posted on 02-27-11 09:40 PM, in Ask Kawa - cos I obviously have nothing better to do Link | Quote | ID: 139885

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What languages do you know?

How did you learn them?


Posted on 03-19-11 01:56 AM, in Stepping in... crap (do not view if you're about to eat) Link | Quote | ID: 140255

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Back in elementary we had a blacktop area where Canadian Geese left their ... droppings ... all over every square inch of it Fun times... Fun times... (Especially when someone slipped )

I personally try to avoid stepping on the droppings of animals, but I don't find it much of a worry, since my neighborhood is well-maintained.

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