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Posted on 06-23-07 03:03 AM, in The NEW General Project Screenshot / Video Thread EX Omega Supreme++ Link | Quote | ID: 48674

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Oh my god. An Ecco the Dolphin editor? That is awesome! A very cool game, and one I did not expect to see any tools for. Keep up the good work.

Posted on 06-23-07 12:42 PM, in CRAP. PISS. KILL. (A topic about my cellphone) Link | Quote | ID: 48877

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This is where you get your number changed. I was getting a lot of calls from a restricted number that were simply a few seconds of nothing, and it happened almost every day for a very long time (often at 8AM. God damn, I go to college; I need to sleep). Sometimes I'd get voicemails from the number asking me to call some 1-800 number for some business opportunity from some place I couldn't even find on Google. And sometimes I'd just get a few seconds of static before the call ended. Wasn't even always from a restricted number! Well, anyway, I called my service provider and got my number changed. It was really easy, and something I shoulda done a month prior. Do it. Do it now.

Posted on 06-26-07 12:58 PM, in Is my Wii dying? Link | Quote | ID: 49746

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I've had this very same problem twice and intend to head over to Nintendo to get my second Wii replaced rather soon. A friend of mine has had the same issue, too. I know a Nintendo phone rep who says that this problem is actually not all that common; since the system's launch, he's only had 4 calls about it. I'm not really that enthusiastic, however; I expect that my third Wii will eventually come down with the very same problem. And no, it's not due to the outside conditions being too hot, as the temperature's been quite cool and the problems wound up occurring in two different places (one at home, one in the dorms a state away).

HyperHacker: Give Nintendo a call and get them to send you a new system. As far as I know, the problem won't go away on its own, unfortunately. It'll just get worse and worse over time.

Posted on 06-27-07 09:50 PM, in TT64 public beta it's here Link | Quote | ID: 50225

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Oh no, he didn't find it on his own. How sad. Let's laugh at him.

Posted on 06-28-07 03:16 AM, in Donkey Kong Country (SNES) Addresses? Link | Quote | ID: 50306

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Basically, the problem here is overloading the word 'tile'. DKC uses 32x32 pixel blocks. They're either individually defined as 16 8x8 tiles, or the game has 16x16 pixel blocks made up of 4 8x8 tiles, which are then used to create the 32x32 pixel blocks (4 tiles per 16x16 block, 4 16x16 blocks per 32x32 block). For a simple example of the former, you can check out games like Castlevania for NES, while any Mega Man game for the NES is a good example of the latter format.

Hope that helps.

Posted on 06-30-07 12:59 PM, in Super Mario world nes pirat full version founted Link | Quote | ID: 50995

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Posted by Rich
Posted by lwares
I hate to say this but:

"Worstest Hack Ever!!!"

Snes version is better, much better than this.

Well, you're quite clearly an idiot. Because this isn't a hack, it's a very rare homebrew pirate game.

And a pretty decent one at that.

It may be decent for a pirate homebrew, but it's not really a decent game. Unfortunately, most NES homebrews get the play control absolutely wrong in just about every way, which is typically my biggest complaint with them; I have no idea why this happens, as good play control isn't all that hard to do, but it happens, nonetheless. And overall, this game isn't all that well done, anyway. I'm amazed it gets as much attention as it does, considering that the real SMW is a far superior game. Ah well.

Posted on 06-30-07 01:14 PM, in Super Mario world nes pirat full version founted Link | Quote | ID: 50997

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I wouldn't say so. I mean, although it was never released, DESnet's Mega Man homebrew proved how great a homebrew can be; compared to that, the SMW pirate isn't really notable aside from the fact that you can actually progress through it (most pirate NES homebrews I've seen glitch up terribly or have unbeatable levels. Rocman is a good example of this). I might talk to the people behind MMVen to see if they might finish up the demo for public release; last I checked, most of the demo was done. Would be kind of cool to see that finally get released.

Posted on 07-04-07 10:18 PM, in ah shit... Link | Quote | ID: 52307

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If you want to try fixing it yourself, you could always open the thing up and replace the capacitors (I'm serious). I'd be willing to bet that that would fix it.

Posted on 07-07-07 10:08 AM, in Extra Mario Bros. (SMB Hack) By ATA Link | Quote | ID: 52915

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As I said when I mentioned this hack in the General Screenshots Thread, I think it's probably the best hack ever, and is definitely my favorite NES game. It's great.

I don't know what causes the music error; unfortunately, my ROM and ROMs other people I know who've played this hack have used have the music error, whereas the ROM shown in the YouTube video does not have it. It isn't particularly important, though, since it only happens on startup (starting a new game after a game over is fine) and fixes itself when you go through that first pipe. Oh well.

ArBeWhy: Wait, so when something is difficult, it's not fun? A lot of older games are very challenging and also fun. This hack is tough, sure, and on my first play through I admit I used some saved states. I'm not that great at Super Mario Bros 1 in general. But really, all it comes down to is practice; now I can beat the game without saved states or continues in less than an hour while getting all 8 keys. It just takes some practice. I, for one, think the game's level of difficulty is great, and I feel a sense of accomplishment from having mastered it. That's a sign of a good game.

And what's this about it being hard to play with a keyboard? I can understand for systems that have a lot of buttons, but with the NES, I actually play better with a keyboard than a gamepad. I map the D-Pad to WASD and A/B/St/Se to buttons on the right side of the keyboard (' ] \ / on a laptop, respectively. I use buttons on the numpad on a standard keyboard). I'll never understand why it's so hard to play like this.

Posted on 07-08-07 01:46 AM, in Anyone here play forza? Link | Quote | ID: 53089

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Posted by Mudkip
Also, those graphics in the screenshot look awful, the cars are too sketchy.

What an age we live in where those graphics are considered awful.

Posted on 07-08-07 08:25 AM, in Extra Mario Bros. (SMB Hack) By ATA Link | Quote | ID: 53194

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You need 5 keys to open up Area-5, and there are 8 keys in the game, total.

Regarding items:

There are 5 items in the game. 2 are in Area-1, 2 in Area-3, and 1 in Area-4. Technical fire is a handy item, but completely unnecessary. The other items have to be gotten in order. Check out Area 3 first.

Posted on 07-08-07 09:57 AM, in Extra Mario Bros. (SMB Hack) By ATA Link | Quote | ID: 53211

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Yeah, you need another item.

The item you need is in Area 1. Aside from Technical Fire and Super Fire, items require you to use other items to get them. Think about how you might be able to use Super Fire in Area 1 to explore new places.

I recommend beating the game both with 8 keys and with fewer than 8 keys. Area 5 differs depending on whether you have all the keys or not, so it's another area to play through. I also recommend continuing after being the game with all 8 keys, since you get a neat little surprise. That surprise opens the door to a couple cool things, too.

Posted on 07-08-07 10:52 AM, in Extra Mario Bros. (SMB Hack) By ATA Link | Quote | ID: 53216

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There's a key in Area 1 that you get from going down the pipe in the waterfall area. Before that key, there's a gap to fall through with a line of those flashing blocks enabled by the ! block, but typically you can't have them enabled when you get here because the normal path has you disable ! blocks before progressing. Think about using Super Fire to get there with those blocks turned on.

Posted on 07-08-07 02:39 PM, in Extra Mario Bros. (SMB Hack) By ATA Link | Quote | ID: 53227

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Huh? All keys and items should stay with you when you continue. I don't recall ever running into any problems with that...

Posted on 07-10-07 01:21 AM, in Extra Mario Bros. (SMB Hack) By ATA (rev. 2 of 07-10-07 01:23 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 53548

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Wow, that video runs abysmally slowly...

I've yet to beat that area without saved states going in without items, but I have beaten it starting out with all the items (I actually got all the keys and items before finding it, heh. Those sections with the bouncy enemies in the chains aren't that easy when you can't bounce on them). The last two sections before the 'boss' are ridiculously hard without saved states. Timing those jumps perfectly is tough.

Edit: I was amused to see you wedge yourself through the ceiling. The moment I saw that, I was like 'Oh boy...he's gonna have to wait for time to run out.' Never expected to see that happen.

Posted on 07-11-07 12:22 AM, in Super Mario world nes pirat full version founted Link | Quote | ID: 53731

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One of the Ranma 1/2 fighting games for SNES goes over the number of tiles per scanline limit at times. As for Yoshi not being possible on the NES, I honestly think it wouldn't be that hard to add Yoshi. The only problem is obviously that it makes undesireable effects more likely happen, such as sprite flickering and too many sprites per scanline. That may have been seen as a problem by Nintendo, although it's really something I would simply expect from an NES game. *shrugs*

Posted on 07-11-07 04:40 AM, in Extra Mario Bros. (SMB Hack) By ATA Link | Quote | ID: 53798

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I've only gotten 60% of the 1ups, so I don't know about that. The SP key is like having all 8 normal keys, though. I believe that's all it does.

Posted on 07-22-07 12:18 AM, in Pokemon Windows Project Link | Quote | ID: 56632

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Not to be an ass or anything, but requesting a project like this is kind of ludicrous. Could it be done? Of course it could be done; you should be able to answer that on your own. But seriously, consider the amount of work required for the project you just proposed; no one is going to consider it just because you proposed it. This isn't a forum for asking people to do major projects like this, but rather to ask for help in doing your own projects, as well as showing off your own work. Ideas like this are a dime a dozen, require overwhelming amounts of work, and typically aren't very thought-through. As most people have their own ideas of things to do, you're best off trying to make this yourself if you want to see it done. I also recommend you refrain from posting more idea threads of this sort, since they're not really going to be helpful for anyone.

Posted on 07-22-07 03:22 AM, in Pokemon Windows Project Link | Quote | ID: 56678

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Wait, Simango, did you even read the replies in this thread, or did you see that people had replied and then assumed it was time to post more of this junk?

Posting requests in this forum is not good. You need help with something? Fine. Ask your question and someone might help you. You want someone to make some ridiculously in-depth PC game? Not fine. Not only is what you're discussing not ROM hacking, but no one in their right mind will do this for you. The people who are capable enough to do it do not care. You want to get some good attention in this forum? Start learning how to hack ROMs, ask questions, and show your progress as you go along.

We're not here to please you.

Posted on 07-23-07 01:34 AM, in Extra Mario Bros. (SMB Hack) By ATA Link | Quote | ID: 56939

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Heh. Area 5 is in Area 1. From the beginning of the game, just go straight. Don't go down any pipes that are in the middle of an area, and don't go through that secret area that's blocked by bricks. If you just follow the normal path, you'll wind up at Area 5.
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