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Posted on 10-14-11 08:18 PM, in Programming question Link | Quote | ID: 148017

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
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Posted by Stifu
Depending on the context, you may want to handle the data on a different base.
For example, in my editors I display and edit coordinates in decimal, but have script pointers in hex.

Also, Stifu: batch = .bat files.

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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 10-14-11 08:47 PM, in Programming question Link | Quote | ID: 148019

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Batch files can't handle files on the required level on their own, I think.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 10-15-11 02:37 PM, in What Video Game moment has made you cry? Link | Quote | ID: 148030

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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I haven't played MGS4 but I did see the cutscenes on Youtube. For once I wholeheartedly agree with you, roger_max. Though personally Otacon crying when what's her name dies and the entire microwave corridor scene were pretty bad too.

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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 10-15-11 02:45 PM, in Programming question Link | Quote | ID: 148032

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Ik heb zo'n donkerbruin vermoeden dat H4ck3r geen flauw benul heeft van wat -ie moet doen.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 10-15-11 02:51 PM, in Facebook Link | Quote | ID: 148033

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Posted by Gywall
Mostly use it for the games.. or more specifically one game.

Personally, I avoid Facebook and its ilk like the goddamn plague. Got it all filtered out and shit.

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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 10-15-11 08:02 PM, in Issue running ROM Link | Quote | ID: 148036

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
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What emulator are you using, and on what system? Seriously, we need more info. RE2 runs on so many systems...

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
Opera - give it a spin
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 10-15-11 09:55 PM, in Issue running ROM Link | Quote | ID: 148038

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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You didn't. You did list several possible fixes though, and I'd suggest you follow up on them. Try some different emulators and plugins.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
Opera - give it a spin
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 10-16-11 02:07 PM, in Super Mario 64 DS editor Link | Quote | ID: 148048

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Update your .Net runtime.

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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 10-16-11 02:21 PM, in Programming question Link | Quote | ID: 148049

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Protip: gebruik een BinaryWriter/Reader. Dan kan je tenminste de meeste standaard gegevenstypen lezen (bijv. Int16 en 32), plus de enkele bytes en reeksen van bytes die je met louter File.Open krijgt.

Maar gebruik 't niet voor strings -- BinaryWriter.ReadString verwacht dat "HELLO WORLD" opgeslagen is als "\x0BHELLO WORLD", dus met de lengte ervoor, terwijl de meeste strings in ROMs opgeslagen zijn met een vaste lengte of in C-stijl met Null terminators; "HELLO WORLD\0".

Bonus achtergrond uitleg: wat als je een string van meer dan 256 tekens wilt opslaan? De lengte van de string is een variabele-lengte waarde, net als MIDI deltatijden en UTF-8. Het slaat dus eigenlijk al toe bij strings van 128 tekens of meer. Maar in de context van ROM hacking moet je vooral niet BinaryReader/Writer gebruiken voor strings, dus maakt dat niet zoveel uit. Ik kan desnoods wel een functie voor je schrijven die C-stijl strings mogelijk maakt...

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
Opera - give it a spin
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 10-16-11 02:24 PM, in Issue running ROM Link | Quote | ID: 148050

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Keep looking.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 10-16-11 03:52 PM, in Issue running ROM Link | Quote | ID: 148057

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
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With RE2, there's plenty options in that respect. Try a Playstation?

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
Opera - give it a spin
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 10-16-11 07:24 PM, in What Video Game moment has made you cry? Link | Quote | ID: 148062

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
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Mod note: deleting the reaffirmations of testosterone poisoning.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
Opera - give it a spin
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 10-16-11 07:32 PM, in What Video Game moment has made you cry? Link | Quote | ID: 148064

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
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Ah yeah, Crono's death was a pretty powerful scene. Didn't cry for that one though. Too busy admiring the visuals.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
Opera - give it a spin
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 10-16-11 07:53 PM, in Issue running ROM Link | Quote | ID: 148066

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Sorry, noone here can. Look harder.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
Opera - give it a spin
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 10-16-11 08:51 PM, in What Video Game moment has made you cry? Link | Quote | ID: 148068

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
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Posted by GreyMaria
I don't cry when I'm playing video games.

I'm a heartless bastard.
I'll accept that you're a bastard, but not the rest.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 10-17-11 06:20 PM, in Ask Kawa - cos I obviously have nothing better to do Link | Quote | ID: 148095

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Can you draw a dragon? I want to see your skills of an artist !!
Don't really feel like installing my tablet (new laptop y'see) so here's something I whipped up earlier:

Blame GM for that one. I can probably draw you a Spike later on if you want.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
Opera - give it a spin
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 10-17-11 06:33 PM, in A good laugh... Link | Quote | ID: 148096

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Nick, please. No backseat modding. You know that.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
Opera - give it a spin
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 10-18-11 06:02 PM, in Ask Kawa - cos I obviously have nothing better to do Link | Quote | ID: 148110

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
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Why's the activity in the Story Forum so ridiculously low?
Because I can't do anything with the current plotline.

Can you do something about it?
Yes, but that'd be the cheapest Deus ex Machina ever.

Like heading over to Jul, create an account with a name the Evil One won't suspect and try to invite some oldies?
Yeah. Fucking. Right.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
Opera - give it a spin
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 10-18-11 06:40 PM, in Ask Kawa - cos I obviously have nothing better to do Link | Quote | ID: 148112

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
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<GreyMaria> You just don't do the kind of shenanigans I want .-.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
Opera - give it a spin
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 10-19-11 01:58 PM, in Ask Kawa - cos I obviously have nothing better to do Link | Quote | ID: 148119

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
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What sort of shenanigans do you want?
Personally, I'd really like the sexy kind. Not getting any of those here though, so why did I even log on in the first place? Rhetorical question, don't answer that. Answering is my job here.

Kawa, what would you do with a Raspberry Pi?
I haven't got a clue, actually ._.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
Opera - give it a spin
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu
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