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Main - Posts by MaxKnight

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Posted on 06-05-07 01:43 AM, in Sup, suckas? Link | Quote | ID: 42394

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-20-07
From: Springfield, Ohio

Last post: 6252 days
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Of course. I'd expect a reward, too.

Of course, I'd ask for a lifetime supply of free pizza from any source I want, for as long as I live. Actually, they probably wouldn't let me have the job after making that kind of demand .

Complication: Video Game Titles
My current complication:
Girl's name who gets no more than 10 minutes of screen time in the actual game.

Posted on 06-05-07 01:50 AM, in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Link | Quote | ID: 42401

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-20-07
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You could probably find them from your corner EB/Game Stop/whatever game store is local to your area. If all else fails, try online. Nintendo itself is bound to sell them, and plenty of online retailers will probably carry them.

Complication: Video Game Titles
My current complication:
Girl's name who gets no more than 10 minutes of screen time in the actual game.

Posted on 06-05-07 05:06 AM, in Sorry guys Link | Quote | ID: 42480

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-20-07
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Now, if I were him, I'd wait 6 months to a year before trying to come back. Then I'd try to just slide back into society without raising suspicion for who I am.

But somehow, I don't think he possesses the intelligence to do the right thing and just quit trying.

Complication: Video Game Titles
My current complication:
Girl's name who gets no more than 10 minutes of screen time in the actual game.

Posted on 06-05-07 06:07 AM, in How much would you pay... Link | Quote | ID: 42495

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-20-07
From: Springfield, Ohio

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Our first computer... A Magnavox Headstart. It had a 386/16 processor with 1MB onboard RAM. Came with a 40MB Hard Drive, and DOS 4.01. Also came packaged with Geoworks Ensemble, a GUI environment that tried to handle DOS programs (though it wasn't all that great). Needless to say, I learned command line computing very quickly.

It was cool, though. We had Sim City, and this really neat game called Millennium: Return to Earth. I so very much enjoyed that game.

This was also our main computer up through about 1996/8 (can't remember the exact year...).

Then we upgraded to a Compaq Presario POS. It came with a 233MHz Pentium II w/MMX. It was great until it started the endless reboot.

Complication: Video Game Titles
My current complication:
Girl's name who gets no more than 10 minutes of screen time in the actual game.

Posted on 06-05-07 08:34 AM, in You can't post in closed threads! Link | Quote | ID: 42542

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-20-07
From: Springfield, Ohio

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I'm in total agreement with this suggestion. It gets slightly annoying, and then, the only thing left is to attempt to scan the page source, which is hell to do...

Complication: Video Game Titles
My current complication:
Girl's name who gets no more than 10 minutes of screen time in the actual game.

Posted on 06-05-07 08:37 AM, in You can't post in closed threads! Link | Quote | ID: 42544

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-20-07
From: Springfield, Ohio

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Not if you don't know what it is you are looking for...

(I refer to Kassad's style tag incident in which links stopped working temporarily. Since I've never used a style tag in my life, I didn't know what to search for...)

Complication: Video Game Titles
My current complication:
Girl's name who gets no more than 10 minutes of screen time in the actual game.

Posted on 06-05-07 09:48 PM, in Gamepad or keyboard? Link | Quote | ID: 42675

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-20-07
From: Springfield, Ohio

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Gamepad. Saitek P2500 works really well. I've gotten so used to it, I probably couldn't change back to the keyboard, even in the event of an emergency.

Complication: Video Game Titles
My current complication:
Girl's name who gets no more than 10 minutes of screen time in the actual game.

Posted on 06-06-07 08:32 PM, in Darn you, Acmlm's. Link | Quote | ID: 43020

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-20-07
From: Springfield, Ohio

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That is so true...

Complication: Video Game Titles
My current complication:
Girl's name who gets no more than 10 minutes of screen time in the actual game.

Posted on 06-07-07 02:06 AM, in RPG system musings Link | Quote | ID: 43147

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-20-07
From: Springfield, Ohio

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I thought he was using open proxies...

Anyways, why register names like Koitenshin and Kles.? trying to act like Xk, Acmlm, or Hiryuu makes some sense, but those two? They don't even have any power around here, they just have a somewhat high post count...

Complication: Video Game Titles
My current complication:
Girl's name who gets no more than 10 minutes of screen time in the actual game.

Posted on 06-07-07 05:49 AM, in Pokemon Prism (Used to be Bronze) Link | Quote | ID: 43213

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-20-07
From: Springfield, Ohio

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Might I suggest you reduce the encounter rate just a tad bit. It was annoying during the intro part of the game. Though I suppose this problem is the same no matter what version of Pokémon you play, whether original or hack...

If I come up with anything else, I'll be sure to post it.

Complication: Video Game Titles
My current complication:
Girl's name who gets no more than 10 minutes of screen time in the actual game.

Posted on 06-07-07 05:54 AM, in America's Got Talent Link | Quote | ID: 43214

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-20-07
From: Springfield, Ohio

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The winning act for the entire season was the family of fiddlers. I think Piers is a bastard for Xing them off when the children showed up.

Just my 2 cents.

Complication: Video Game Titles
My current complication:
Girl's name who gets no more than 10 minutes of screen time in the actual game.

Posted on 06-07-07 06:22 AM, in Pokemon Prism (Used to be Bronze) Link | Quote | ID: 43222

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-20-07
From: Springfield, Ohio

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The original game did not do that. The player's normally completely visible, while everything else is completely dark. You could see wall outlines in RBY, but not in GSC.

At least, this is what I remember.

Complication: Video Game Titles
My current complication:
Girl's name who gets no more than 10 minutes of screen time in the actual game.

Posted on 06-09-07 01:55 AM, in I should make a procrastination thread, but I'll do it later Link | Quote | ID: 43799

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-20-07
From: Springfield, Ohio

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I'm sure I turned my procrastination switch on a few months ago, and have since forgotten where it is.

I keep telling myself to go look for it, but I simply don't feel like it right now... Maybe some other time...

Complication: Video Game Titles
My current complication:
Girl's name who gets no more than 10 minutes of screen time in the actual game.

Posted on 06-09-07 01:59 AM, in Wires are for losers Link | Quote | ID: 43800

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-20-07
From: Springfield, Ohio

Last post: 6252 days
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Wait... I think I saw this stunt in a movie recently... Where an entire field of light bulbs were able to be lit without wires...

Complication: Video Game Titles
My current complication:
Girl's name who gets no more than 10 minutes of screen time in the actual game.

Posted on 06-09-07 02:10 AM, in Overrated / Underrated Games Link | Quote | ID: 43806

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-20-07
From: Springfield, Ohio

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I must say, I'm genuinely surprised that no one has mentioned this.


The Ogre Battle series. Everything, and all of it. I'm let down that there hasn't been any development of it since The Knight of Lodis, but really, it's truly an epic series. For the true Ogre Battle games, it gives you a unique gameplay experience, and can really make you feel like you're in charge of an army. The Tactics Ogre games showed the precedent of characters with interchangeable classes.

In short, a very memorable series, and one that hasn't seen one bit of real consideration, from Atlus or it's fans, in a very long, long time.

Complication: Video Game Titles
My current complication:
Girl's name who gets no more than 10 minutes of screen time in the actual game.

Posted on 06-09-07 02:20 AM, in Overrated / Underrated Games Link | Quote | ID: 43812

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-20-07
From: Springfield, Ohio

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That's not contradicting. You already said you thought it was the best (Sonic) game ever, you just tried to give supporting opinions to the discussion.

Why not call it a draw and let more people come forward with their opinions on what is over/underrated?

Complication: Video Game Titles
My current complication:
Girl's name who gets no more than 10 minutes of screen time in the actual game.

Posted on 06-09-07 02:28 AM, in What game are you replaying? Link | Quote | ID: 43815

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-20-07
From: Springfield, Ohio

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Ogre Battle 64. I now pledge my life to this game.

Complication: Video Game Titles
My current complication:
Girl's name who gets no more than 10 minutes of screen time in the actual game.

Posted on 06-09-07 06:31 PM, in OMG, Secret satanic... coke, pizza and chocolate snacks? Link | Quote | ID: 43965

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-20-07
From: Springfield, Ohio

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I used to be able to get an order at Taco Bell the came out to $6.66. I just can't remember what the fifth item was that caused it...

Complication: Video Game Titles
My current complication:
Girl's name who gets no more than 10 minutes of screen time in the actual game.

Posted on 06-09-07 06:42 PM, in Quartz (rev. 2 of 06-09-07 06:42 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 43970

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-20-07
From: Springfield, Ohio

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The idiot that will actually bid on this game deserves it for being the idiot the he is. Either that, or someone needs to inform EBay that someone has posted that, since you know, it's not real.

I see Xkeeper already did...

Woo. What a way to waste post 400...

Complication: Video Game Titles
My current complication:
Girl's name who gets no more than 10 minutes of screen time in the actual game.

Posted on 06-09-07 06:48 PM, in Quartz Link | Quote | ID: 43972

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-20-07
From: Springfield, Ohio

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I would, but they're asking me to sign into my EBay account, and I don't have one.

Complication: Video Game Titles
My current complication:
Girl's name who gets no more than 10 minutes of screen time in the actual game.
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