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Posted on 05-03-07 05:20 PM, in PRETTY BIG RAT attacks! (rev. 2 of 05-03-07 05:21 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 32595

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Since: 02-19-07

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*load save state 8*
Missingno. =o

HP: █§♦#@%&¢
MP: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Missingno. attacks
15000 dmg to everyone!

Shiryu sends Leviathan
Leviathan bites Missingno.
90 dmg
Leviathan is hurt!
31415926535897932384626433832795 dmg
Leviahtan fainted!

Missingno. casts "Break the reality"
Everyone is poisoned!
Everyone is fatally poisoned!
Everyone is cursed!
Everyone is fatally cursed!
Everyone has 0 deffense!
Everyone has 0 attack!

Fatal curse death count: 15
100 dmg from poison
50 dmg from fatal poison
- Cure all
to: self
Shiryu is no longer cursed!
Shiryu is no longer poisoned!
Shiryu is no longer fatally cursed!
Shiryu is no longer fatally poisoned!

Missingno. attacks, but misses!

Generated a 991044 foot, 10.4-inch twiggy catgirl with orange hair, who weighs 315,239,939,065.9 pounds and has soft A-cup breasts, and it only took 0.00031 seconds.

Posted on 05-03-07 07:08 PM, in Oh noes! Link | Quote | ID: 32602

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Since: 02-19-07

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Take them out of your house and hide them somewhere until you manage to find them a place or something...

At least is better than "going boom" (Which I assume it doesn't actually mean "make them explode"...)

Generated a 991044 foot, 10.4-inch twiggy catgirl with orange hair, who weighs 315,239,939,065.9 pounds and has soft A-cup breasts, and it only took 0.00031 seconds.

Posted on 05-03-07 09:52 PM, in PRETTY BIG RAT attacks! (rev. 2 of 05-03-07 09:53 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 32628

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Since: 02-19-07

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Fatal curse is taken from terranigma, where a counter appears and when it reaches 0 you die no matter what. Curse makes you unable to attack directly, but you can still use magic (rings in that game). Poison makes you the same amount of damage every time until it dissapears. Fatal poison makes twice of damange every time and won't dissapear by it's own.
So I guess it's kinda a threat... ^^;

Shiryu casts "auto revive"

Missingno. casts "HD-DVD key"
13256278887989457651018865901401704640 dmg to Shiryu

Shiryu revives.

Missingno. attacks!
15000 dmg to shiryu, 50000 dmg to everyone else. (low defense)

... how much HP are we supposed to have?

Generated a 991044 foot, 10.4-inch twiggy catgirl with orange hair, who weighs 315,239,939,065.9 pounds and has soft A-cup breasts, and it only took 0.00031 seconds.

Posted on 05-03-07 11:19 PM, in The ONO Thread Link | Quote | ID: 32642

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Since: 02-19-07

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2238. This city and everything on it.
2239. Not being able to get out of 2238.

Generated a 991044 foot, 10.4-inch twiggy catgirl with orange hair, who weighs 315,239,939,065.9 pounds and has soft A-cup breasts, and it only took 0.00031 seconds.

Posted on 05-03-07 11:47 PM, in PRETTY BIG RAT attacks! (rev. 2 of 05-03-07 11:48 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 32649

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Since: 02-19-07

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yeah, as oposite to poison, which is the same in every game...

Shiryu yells "Objection!"
15000 damage to Missingno.!

Missingno. casts "They are all good friends of pacman in the pacland"

Blinky appeared! (Red ghost)
Pinky appeared! (Pink ghost)
Inky appeared! (Blue ghost)
Clyde appeared! (Orange ghost)

Blinky attacks! TheGreatGuy got 500 dmg!
Pinky does nothing!
Inky moves around!
Clyde attacks! Pinky got 700 dmg!

Generated a 991044 foot, 10.4-inch twiggy catgirl with orange hair, who weighs 315,239,939,065.9 pounds and has soft A-cup breasts, and it only took 0.00031 seconds.

Posted on 05-04-07 12:01 AM, in The ONO Thread (rev. 2 of 05-04-07 12:02 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 32653

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Since: 02-19-07

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With "this" I was talking about where I live... I though it was obvious... >> in 2239 I said 2238 to say I was talking about the place mentioned in that ono.

2241. When I have to explain stuff, as I fail at explaining.

Generated a 991044 foot, 10.4-inch twiggy catgirl with orange hair, who weighs 315,239,939,065.9 pounds and has soft A-cup breasts, and it only took 0.00031 seconds.

Posted on 05-04-07 12:39 AM, in PRETTY BIG RAT attacks! (rev. 2 of 05-04-07 12:42 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 32671

Level: 47

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Since: 02-19-07

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Missingno. says:
"The board is not a democracy"

Madman gets 9999.001 damange!

Blinky attacks! Someone got 550 dmg
Pinky attacks! that same person got 666 dmg
Inky blocks the only exit

Clyde casts "meteo"!
A rock got 8000 dmg!
A rock got 12000 dmg!
A rock got 11000 dmg!
The rock fainted!

Shiryu casts "mustard"
Mustard fell on Missingno.! 568200 dmg!

Generated a 991044 foot, 10.4-inch twiggy catgirl with orange hair, who weighs 315,239,939,065.9 pounds and has soft A-cup breasts, and it only took 0.00031 seconds.

Posted on 05-04-07 12:53 AM, in Oh noes! Link | Quote | ID: 32675

Level: 47

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Since: 02-19-07

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Posted by NightKev
Posted by Shiryu
At least is better than "going boom" (Which I assume it doesn't actually mean "make them explode"...)

Tomorrow they are going to take them and then they go boom. Literally.
I think it does.

Making them explode is... a waste of everything... time, money, not to mention the computers having use... =/
It's destroy just for destroying... It would be better just trash them or something...

Generated a 991044 foot, 10.4-inch twiggy catgirl with orange hair, who weighs 315,239,939,065.9 pounds and has soft A-cup breasts, and it only took 0.00031 seconds.

Posted on 05-04-07 01:14 AM, in PRETTY BIG RAT attacks! (rev. 2 of 05-04-07 01:15 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 32681

Level: 47

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Since: 02-19-07

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Haven't you played the original pacman? Clyde is actually always moving around the maze randomly, spining around. At least when I play he does that. And when the other ghosts are vulnerable and he can save them, he instead turns back and lets you devour them.

Clyde: Pokemon ghost. HP-0 MP-982130
"It goes around, moving completely randomly."

Missingno. cleans itself

Blinky attacks! but misses.
Pinky attacks! TheGreatGuy got 5000 damage!
Inky increases Pinky attack!
Clyde used "fireball"
Missingno. got 400 damage!

Shiryu casts "hyper solar beam of ice".
48000 damage to missingno.!

EDIT: Ag, Nightkev posted before me... D=

Generated a 991044 foot, 10.4-inch twiggy catgirl with orange hair, who weighs 315,239,939,065.9 pounds and has soft A-cup breasts, and it only took 0.00031 seconds.

Posted on 05-04-07 01:25 AM, in PRETTY BIG RAT attacks! Link | Quote | ID: 32687

Level: 47

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Since: 02-19-07

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you broke the time D=

Well, it doesn't matter...

Item: Masterball
Shiryu uses masterball. Missingno. was ca-- BZZZZZZZZZZZZ *crashes the entire emulator*

Look what have you done!! D=

Attack -> Nightkev
Shiryu attacks Nightkev. 1 damage.

Generated a 991044 foot, 10.4-inch twiggy catgirl with orange hair, who weighs 315,239,939,065.9 pounds and has soft A-cup breasts, and it only took 0.00031 seconds.

Posted on 05-04-07 02:58 AM, in SMW Hack Ideas Link | Quote | ID: 32713

Level: 47

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Since: 02-19-07

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Use a code that modifies the Map16 data in RAM. I can't see much use for this though - it restricts the game to being played on an emulator that supports cheats, it's not a glitch so it wouldn't have a place in a glitch hack, and it's not difficult so it wouldn't have a place in a ridiculously hard hack. Maybe you could use it to get to a secret exit.

That's what I had in mind...

Reading this gave me a similar idea, and it's something a lot of crappy hacks actually do, but doing it intentionally would be better: make the FG and BG look very similar, and put in a fair number of bottomless pits. Crap hacks tend to look like the FG is the BG and vice-versa; in this case, you just wouldn't be able to tell them apart.

Maybe combining the two ideas, like being hard to tell the enemies and sprites too... And give some sort of power-up (like a fire flower or something) that hints you which one is what...

Why an ASM hack? Just copy the room, flipped horizontally, to another level.

No... the idea is to make Mario go up the mountain, going to the right of the screen. He goes up the slope, and appears in the other side, on the slope abobe it.

However, re-reading the idea as you described it made me think of something. Now we have custom sprites. You could make the vehicle a sprite, similar to Lakitu's cloud. Seems much easier, you can use whatever level mode, and Mario could get out of the vehicle. However, sprites generally have to be small, so proportion could be a bit of a problem. (Shouldn't a space ship be much bigger than Mario? A car might fit...)

Things like the plane or submarine would be easy with custom sprites. But yeah something like an spaceship or a tank would be hard to do... I was thinking in sincronized, custom blocks for the tank, that moved left. And a custom sprite doing the same, that was what said if mario was in the tank or not. It would require an insane amount of asm for colitions hovever...

For breath... I think just hacking the "nothing" tiles to refill air and the custom deep water block would be enough... the only thing a bit hard would be to make the air meter in the status bar...
And just gve Mario like 1 minute of air, and movement sholdn't be that problematic...

Use the hopping flame sprite maybe.

nah, the idea is to completely hack the fire powerup abusing custom sprites and ExGFX... and the hopping flame hurts mario, this isn't supposed to...

Doing it in water hits all the enemies in the pool. Mario is wearing his rubber diving suit.

That is what i had in mind, except it actually hurts Mario too... so it would be like "omg i need a wopah" *elec. flower pops up* "..."

The puddle it leaves is slippery. Maybe interacts with the other powerups (electricity, ice, and fire come to mind).

The slippery thing would be hard to do, but yeah it could interact with other powerups...

Laser Kirby

HAL stole my idea =P

Generated a 991044 foot, 10.4-inch twiggy catgirl with orange hair, who weighs 315,239,939,065.9 pounds and has soft A-cup breasts, and it only took 0.00031 seconds.

Posted on 05-04-07 04:31 PM, in Oh noes! Link | Quote | ID: 32853

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Since: 02-19-07

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OK, they wont go SO literally boom, theyll be taken to a junkyard...

Hmm, I think I'll try to hide them for now.

EDIT: Fuck. They took them away a day before they said.

get them back from the junkyard then and hide them somewhere else (and clean them of course...)

Generated a 991044 foot, 10.4-inch twiggy catgirl with orange hair, who weighs 315,239,939,065.9 pounds and has soft A-cup breasts, and it only took 0.00031 seconds.

Posted on 05-05-07 12:25 AM, in So I finally decided to play through OOT... Link | Quote | ID: 32940

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Since: 02-19-07

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I was like 9 when I played Ocarina of time. Having completed before A link to th past (being it one of my favorite games) and the "real" first one. And I still think it's a great game... (but I haven't played neither ww or tp... these two games look far better...)
I missed a lot of features... Mainly the Ice and Fire rods... (lttp was the first one I played) But we had the arrows... Or the huge enemies that shooted stuff everywhere or hit you with their body (lttp boss concept, every boss does that)... The worst thing is that later I found that most of those features were actually intened to be there... =/

The temple most people seem to hate and find boring is the water temple (yet I found it fun), but if you like mazes you shouldn't have any problem.

Generated a 991044 foot, 10.4-inch twiggy catgirl with orange hair, who weighs 315,239,939,065.9 pounds and has soft A-cup breasts, and it only took 0.00031 seconds.

Posted on 05-06-07 03:42 AM, in So I finally decided to play through OOT... Link | Quote | ID: 33214

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Since: 02-19-07

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you get them as soon you get the ocarina. you don't need to learn them in any place.
Hovever, a scarecrow tells you about them in a store

Generated a 991044 foot, 10.4-inch twiggy catgirl with orange hair, who weighs 315,239,939,065.9 pounds and has soft A-cup breasts, and it only took 0.00031 seconds.

Posted on 05-06-07 11:48 PM, in The ONO Thread Link | Quote | ID: 33444

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Since: 02-19-07

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2282. Power going off in the middle of the night.

Generated a 991044 foot, 10.4-inch twiggy catgirl with orange hair, who weighs 315,239,939,065.9 pounds and has soft A-cup breasts, and it only took 0.00031 seconds.

Posted on 05-07-07 05:07 PM, in The OYES Thread (rev. 2 of 05-07-07 05:08 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 33641

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404. The idea of waldo being killed by crystal core. =P
405. Fixing threads.
406. Old, obscure and awesome nes games.
407. The fact that whatever I say tends to happen.

This is the OYES, not ONO.

Generated a 991044 foot, 10.4-inch twiggy catgirl with orange hair, who weighs 315,239,939,065.9 pounds and has soft A-cup breasts, and it only took 0.00031 seconds.

Posted on 05-08-07 04:52 PM, in Oh noes! Link | Quote | ID: 33892

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I think computers and similar electronic devices are taken to a special place... I'm not sure at all, but you could check it.

Generated a 991044 foot, 10.4-inch twiggy catgirl with orange hair, who weighs 315,239,939,065.9 pounds and has soft A-cup breasts, and it only took 0.00031 seconds.

Posted on 05-08-07 08:51 PM, in Squares Link | Quote | ID: 33921

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so, what are our odds of getting every square of the same color? or is it programmed in a way it can't happen?

Generated a 991044 foot, 10.4-inch twiggy catgirl with orange hair, who weighs 315,239,939,065.9 pounds and has soft A-cup breasts, and it only took 0.00031 seconds.

Posted on 05-13-07 04:41 AM, in SMB2 Proto Released Link | Quote | ID: 34984

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Since: 02-19-07

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omg minus world! =o

almost italian cave

pyramid, in grassland =D

Waterfall pyramid

And after beating the boss, the level just goes on...

Waterfall pyramid again

good thing I took the right path...

and the level still goes on, later there is more glitchy grassland.

Game over.

Generated a 991044 foot, 10.4-inch twiggy catgirl with orange hair, who weighs 315,239,939,065.9 pounds and has soft A-cup breasts, and it only took 0.00031 seconds.

Posted on 05-13-07 05:49 PM, in SMB2 Proto Released Link | Quote | ID: 35041

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Since: 02-19-07

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Every enemy looks like it's repeated a few times too, and almost every sprite and timer is faster (sub spaces or star for example last less)
This hovever is not used in every level, only on a few ones...

Generated a 991044 foot, 10.4-inch twiggy catgirl with orange hair, who weighs 315,239,939,065.9 pounds and has soft A-cup breasts, and it only took 0.00031 seconds.
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Main - Posts by Shiryu

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