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Posted on 03-06-09 11:51 PM, in gimmick! editor at a usable state Link | Quote | ID: 102288

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legoman the ram address for level # is 001B so in FCEUX when I want to just go to a level i put 001B in the Address: and the level number in Value: in the Cheats dialog. then start the game.

Posted on 03-08-09 06:54 AM, in gimmick! editor at a usable state Link | Quote | ID: 102341

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i don't kow what format virtuanes cheats are in but to play any level go to Tool(T) menu->Cheat support. There is a Data Write box on the bottom write. put 001B as address and level # in data. then at this screen:

press the Write button, start and then you will be in that level.

Posted on 03-10-09 11:22 PM, in OpenPoké Link | Quote | ID: 102457

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so let's see if I understand this correctly, people asked some questions about pokemon hacking in general and apparently that's enough motivation to scrap the project despite:

You could just ignore the messages though.

and that fact that they would have absolutely no impact on the final result of the project?


anyway, I get the feeling that after a few posts lamenting the loss of your game that you'll get right back into the project! yay!

Posted on 03-10-09 11:50 PM, in One less reason to use Norton Products Link | Quote | ID: 102461

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uh oh

1) The file itself is designed specifically to send usage history (In the form of Internet Explorer history files, Temporary Internet Files, and Google Desktop information) to 2 private servers: One owned by Microsoft and the other owned by a Washington-based corporation known as "SwapDrive". This in and of itself is a breach of our privacy and should be explained immediately.

and then later on in the thread a link to an analysis gets posted that shows PIFTS poking around temporary internet files so that's probably not a good look for norton.

Posted on 03-13-09 03:05 PM, in gimmick! editor at a usable state Link | Quote | ID: 102768

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update: nametable and attribute editing for the title card it should make it alot easier for the people doing it than just hex editing. if you want to edit the actual palette go to 0x36232 in a hex editor.

see the OP for new link.

Posted on 03-14-09 01:40 AM, in gimmick! editor at a usable state Link | Quote | ID: 102800

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yes the wierd tile ordering applies to that tileset too, updated zip so it toggles order when you right click tileset.

who knows i will probably add overworld editing although it's definitely not as simply laid out as the title. getting that editor working was about 20 minutes. the gameplay essentials are there already that's the important bit.

Posted on 03-15-09 02:27 AM, in Cola intake Link | Quote | ID: 103029

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what the fuck @ anyone who has 1L+ of coke a day. I average about 25ml or something a day i only grab a bottle occasionally for the obvious reasons.

Posted on 03-30-09 02:19 PM, in A Couple of SMB Hacking Questions. Link | Quote | ID: 104269

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your post is worded kind of wierd. yes those are both possible, something requiring assembly hacking does not make it impossible. what exactly are you trying to ask here.

anyway, #2 definitely needs assembly hacking / expansion of the ROM / implementation of a mapper and #1 is probably just changing a pointer in ROM (to make it point to another level) I'm not so sure, but there's practicaly zero free space to work with. last time I checked the disassembly I only saw a couple bytes here and there.

Posted on 04-08-09 07:37 AM, in Working on a GB disassembler Link | Quote | ID: 104751

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Posted by RT-55J
Have you figured out how to deal with games that execute code from RAM, or is the GB unable of actually doing that?

there's no reason the GB can't do it, it's actually required to DMA sprite data if it's not in video memory (mostly it isn't).

dwedit do you have any details of how comprehensive your code crawl is, i mean something as a common as a jump table i can't see being accountable unless it's a brilliant disassembler that can somehow make sense of the logic used to calculate the addresses used to jump to, or if the disassembler has some help from the user to tag the address tables (if that's what the game uses) and the locations of the code to jump to to disassemble.

Posted on 04-16-09 10:24 AM, in Rom expanding Link | Quote | ID: 105240

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if you want to expand a NES ROM you have to be familiar with the mapper it uses and either modify the code/data that accesses banks to point to the new bank if that's what you need or patch the original code so that the game can actually switch to the new bank and make use of whatever data. if you don't know assembly then you won't get very far unless the data is laid out in an extremely friendly format, it's not as easy as expanding a SNES or genesis rom for example.

Posted on 04-17-09 04:09 AM, in Dark Gimmick! Link | Quote | ID: 105351

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yeah it's hard. it actually took me a minute to realise you had to use the trick where you slide to go high speed to make the jump in level #1. my star trick jumps were a but flakey and i died a bunch on level 2 because in the original you never really needed to do it apart from getting a secret. i got the hang of it pretty quick though. anyway cool hack hope you finish it.

Posted on 04-17-09 02:58 PM, in Dark Gimmick! Link | Quote | ID: 105372

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haha what the hell

yeah this calls for those sky tiles that look like regular sky but are actually solid to prevent stuff like that from happening, like they used in the original game.

Posted on 05-03-09 02:35 PM, in What happened? Link | Quote | ID: 106395

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this thread sucks a million dicks but here's some thoughts anyway:

it's kind of dissapointing seeing SMRPG hacking in the state it's in after all that hype but i kind of figured that might happen with a game that's relatively challenging to hack even with a reasonably good editor.

Combine that with the fact that there are so few people here that will ever create anything half-decent and we have our answer.

and this part sucks. even with a wicked sick editor that 2.0 will probably end up being i'm still not getting my hopes up.

Posted on 05-27-09 09:12 AM, in Super Mario Kart Hacking Link | Quote | ID: 107676

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MAKE is the most advanced editor available at the moment but it's unfortunate that it also happens to be kind of poor as far as user friendliness goes. if you're interested in putting together a hack right now, MAKE is fantastic if you can tolerate the interface and learn how everything works.

Posted on 06-08-09 03:26 AM, in Mario & Wario Link | Quote | ID: 108259

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The levels aren't loaded to RAM, so that kinda confirms they are compressed.

that's not really how it works generally:

If a level is not loaded into RAM, it implies that it's stored in a very simple to operate on format in ROM since the game is going to constantly have to look up the data quickly, maybe just arrays of references to a meta tile set which you can class as compression but not in the typical sense. This was used a bunch in NES games because the RAM budget is really strained. If it pulls the level data right off the ROM without sticking it in RAM, expect something extremely simple. But considering the SNES has a generous amount of RAM it sounds odd, but the developers can do as they please.

If level data IS loaded into RAM it implies compression because it's likely to be stored compressed in a format that is not friendly for the game to work in with (like LZSS), but is then compressed and placed in RAM for easy lookup for the game to get graphics and sprite interaction with level working smoothly.

If it stores level to RAM you should expect (complicated) compression in ROM, otherwise expect something absolutely dead easy.

Anyway the game is cool and its nice to see work on it. if I weren't all into this homebrew thing of mine I'd probably consider making a level editor.

Posted on 08-31-09 12:01 PM, in What are your favourite drinks? Link | Quote | ID: 114312

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I tried ginger ale recently and yeah it owns. apart from that, sunkist, solo, red bull (shit price though). DIY orange juice is cool cause of the strong acidic taste you don't get from bottles.

friends really like dr. pepper for some reason but it's got this slightly foul aftertaste I don't like it at all.

Posted on 09-21-09 08:38 AM, in Hacking Super Mario Kart Music (rev. 2 of 09-21-09 12:08 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 115714

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The standard format for the header is:

bytes 1-2: size of block
bytes 3-4: ARAM address to start uploading to

If size of block == 0000 then ARAM address is actually the jump address for the SPC700. Make sure you get this right or you will crash the SPC700 when it tries to jump to a bogus address and make the entire game hang eventually if not immediately.

If size of block != 0000 then upload another block.

so it looks like it fits, atleast for the address part. I am assuming it uses the boot ROM to upload like other first party games. If it is actually using this format then it's uploading 0x221 bytes to 0xD000.

Posted on 09-30-09 06:18 AM, in Hacking Super Mario Kart Music Link | Quote | ID: 116371

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I looked at the tracks from the game and after the music data there's always these 4 bytes: "00 00 00 08". Appending this after the music data mde things work. Is this usual in the N-SPC format or something specific to Mario Kart?

The first 2 bytes mean size of block = 0 so stop uploading, the next two bytes are even used. the spc end will set it as the new destination in ARAM to start writing to, but it gets terminated so it's useless. The first two 00 00 bytes are the essential bits. The jump address in my above post is irrelevant because this game along with SMW uses a slightly modified copy of the bootrom code to handle the upload. This isn't 100% tied into N-SPC cause it's only upload code, not actual playback of the sequence data. This seems to be used all the way through to YI though, don't see why they'd change it up.

for the hell of it, the location of this will be of interest if you want to trace the upload incase something goes wrong (see RHDN for latest bsnes that lets you trace SPC with ease):

..10ac movw  $014,ya          A:00 X:01 Y:d0 SP:01cb YA:d000 NvpbhizC ;dest pointer = $D000 in ARAM

$014 is the pointer used in upload. note YA = D000 which is where it is sending the data. This one is actually used.

..10ac movw  $014,ya          A:00 X:01 Y:08 SP:01cb YA:0800 nvpbhizc ;move uploaded $0800 into $014, but never used cause it isnt uploading more
..10ae mov y,$00f4 A:00 X:01 Y:08 SP:01cb YA:0800 nvpbhizc
..10b1 mov a,$00f5 A:00 X:01 Y:50 SP:01cb YA:5000 nvpbhizc
..10b4 mov $00f4,y A:00 X:01 Y:50 SP:01cb YA:5000 nvpbhiZc ;non-zero in $2140 = upload more, but not here
..10b7 bne $1086 A:00 X:01 Y:50 SP:01cb YA:5000 nvpbhiZc
..10b9 mov x,#$31 A:00 X:01 Y:50 SP:01cb YA:5000 nvpbhiZc ;reset i/o port and timer
..10bb mov $00f1,x A:00 X:31 Y:50 SP:01cb YA:5000 nvpbhizc
..10be ret A:00 X:31 Y:50 SP:01cb YA:5000 nvpbhizc

this one is not, the 00 08 bytes you posted are used (see YA again) but the SNES told the SPC to stop uploading so it gets trashed and it returns to the main N-SPC code.

For the SNES pointers the way this works for hirom is that both C+ and 8+ pointers can point to ROM but there are strings attached for the 8+ ones.

Say if you had $8xxxxx then the bold 'x' letters must lie within $8000-$FFFF or it won't be accessing the ROM at all. it will get RAM, or other internal stuff, or even accidentally poke the DSP-1. With the C0+ pointers there isn't any such restriction, the entire range is ROM. It's like this so the snes can actually reset itself properly and that you can access some ROM, system control register and RAM in one bank. C0+ pointers are more flexible in this regard when repointing things.

Posted on 10-15-09 04:08 AM, in Naked Headless Mario Fights the Dick Nazis 2 Link | Quote | ID: 117170

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i see trolling in this thread but it's not coming from the OP!

If the levels aren't editied I have no interest in playing it regardless, although I'd happily castrate all the dick nazis in the world if an exciting new game world was made for me to do so =)

Posted on 11-04-09 05:06 AM, in Red Falcon, Contra editor (Formerly "Contra hacks...") Link | Quote | ID: 118783

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I don't know if I just don' t play enough NES contra but I got absolutely ruined in the in door stage. Too many bullets flying and I can't really stand up without instantly getting killed in the later stages of it..buuut if the author says it's 'unfair' then that's my excuse for sucking at it.

I regularly beat contra III on hard without losing lives, that's my favourite side scrolling shooter outside of metal slug series. Here it feels like you just have to kill stuff in invincibility time in some sort of suicide rush attack.
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