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Main - Posts by paulguy

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Posted on 01-01-10 02:28 AM, in The Shiny New Layout Thread! Link | Quote | ID: 124702

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Since: 04-10-07
From: Buffalo, NY

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I made mine pretty much within the same time, so I'll just steal this thread. :p

But really, I like the color scheme on your layout. I'd never be able to coordinate colors well enough to pull off a non-theme layout, and have it look good. Example: my previous layout which was ugly.

"In other news, Scientists theoretize that CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE." --Blackhole89

Posted on 01-02-10 10:29 PM, in Q:\ Appeared out of nowhere... (I now know why) Link | Quote | ID: 124860

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Since: 04-10-07
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The reason why it possibly showed up is that it likely had been set as hidden, but somehow got unset, not 100% on this one. Pretty sure there's a flag for that in the partition table, but I have no idea why that would have been changed, or it could have just been set to not show up in the registry by the OEM windows installation and that somehow got messed up.

The reason that it shows up as having no space, is that Windows sees it as "unformatted", simply because it has no idea what filesystem it is, if it's even anything other than some kind of backup software's proprietary image format crammed in to a disk partition.

Overall, you can probably just ignore it. If it's a problem, see about hiding it's appearance in Windows (Probably wouldn't be best to go about setting the hidden bit, because the recovery program might not be able to properly detect it if you do that.).

"In other news, Scientists theoretize that CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE." --Blackhole89

Posted on 01-02-10 11:21 PM, in Q:\ Appeared out of nowhere... (I now know why) Link | Quote | ID: 124866

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Since: 04-10-07
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Does it matter?

"In other news, Scientists theoretize that CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE." --Blackhole89

Posted on 01-03-10 07:27 AM, in Any reasons you chose this particular username? Link | Quote | ID: 124911

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Since: 04-10-07
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My AIM username was paulguy119 back in 1999ish. I'm Paul, I'm a guy and 119 was just a random number. My newer name I use for YouTube, Aeduo, was made through a name generator program I wrote because I have no imagination.

"In other news, Scientists theoretize that CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE." --Blackhole89

Posted on 01-03-10 07:40 AM, in Windows Vista and higher: how to really be an admin (rev. 2 of 01-03-10 07:42 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 124913

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Since: 04-10-07
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Right click -> run as administrator.

It's like sudo for Windows. You need to explicitly raise the program to administrative rights, which is really one of the best things Microsoft has done for Windows to be honest.

"In other news, Scientists theoretize that CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE." --Blackhole89

Posted on 01-03-10 06:24 PM, in Q:\ Appeared out of nowhere... (I now know why) Link | Quote | ID: 124940

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Since: 04-10-07
From: Buffalo, NY

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Depending on the layout of your drive, it may not be easy (or just take a long-ass time) to expand the partition in to old partition's space. Should consider getting an external or secondary drive to move off some of your Crap. Also, if you don't use Vista anymore, you could save some lots of space by deleting /Windows, some bits of /Program Files (or all of it if you don't use the programs off that one) and bits of /Users.

"In other news, Scientists theoretize that CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE." --Blackhole89

Posted on 01-03-10 09:20 PM, in Windows Vista and higher: how to really be an admin Link | Quote | ID: 124956

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Since: 04-10-07
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Now that I'm not sure about. Later Windows versions are a bit odd about writing to files or overwriting files in certain locations. I remember I had to patch a DLL in c:\windows\system32, and I had to use takeown or something in the command prompt. Might want to do some research...which I can't because I'm not in Windows at the moment.

"In other news, Scientists theoretize that CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE." --Blackhole89

Posted on 01-03-10 11:56 PM, in Windows Vista and higher: how to really be an admin Link | Quote | ID: 124969

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Since: 04-10-07
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With a Windows port.

"In other news, Scientists theoretize that CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE." --Blackhole89

Posted on 01-06-10 10:06 PM, in YANL (Yet Another New Layout) (rev. 2 of 01-06-10 10:26 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 125105

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Since: 04-10-07
From: Buffalo, NY

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Looks good, just a few complaints:

  • The glowing halo around the box cuts off on the sides

  • Consider making a:link orange rather than solid yellow, it'd go well with the cyan anyway

  • There's a layouts thread already

"In other news, Scientists theoretize that CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE." --Blackhole89

Posted on 01-07-10 11:24 PM, in 2010, back to reality - but where? Link | Quote | ID: 125163

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Since: 04-10-07
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I do nothing, so I'm a NEET.

"In other news, Scientists theoretize that CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE." --Blackhole89

Posted on 01-08-10 12:58 AM, in Q:\ Appeared out of nowhere... (I now know why) Link | Quote | ID: 125189

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Since: 04-10-07
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Even if he merges them, he's still coming close to the edge of his drive, so it's more of a clean up or upgrade situation. Upgrading might be best, especially if the drive is a few years old. 120GB is surprisingly quick to fill up nowadays, what with all the HD rips, enormous games and other crap you see around.

"In other news, Scientists theoretize that CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE." --Blackhole89

Posted on 01-08-10 12:18 PM, in VVVVVV (rev. 2 of 01-08-10 12:19 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 125216

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Since: 04-10-07
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I beat it but I didn't remember the stats exactly. I think it was about 1500-1600 deaths, all crew members, 13 trinkets and ~3 hours.

EDIT: Hardest room was The Villi People with 334 deaths.

"In other news, Scientists theoretize that CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE." --Blackhole89

Posted on 01-08-10 08:44 PM, in Windows Vista and higher: how to really be an admin Link | Quote | ID: 125224

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Since: 04-10-07
From: Buffalo, NY

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Yeah, I don't see the big deal about UAC prompts in 7. They're much more reasonable than they were in Vista. In linux it's more or less the same, certain programs like package managers need to be run as root, or if you're a sudoer, you just need to provide your information. Luckily Linux isn't completely retarded about it in that you really pretty much know when your program is running as root. They really should take on the UNIX users/permissions/etc style. :p

"In other news, Scientists theoretize that CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE." --Blackhole89

Posted on 01-10-10 06:47 AM, in Link to the Past Hack - Bruce Campbell vs Ganon Link | Quote | ID: 125356

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Since: 04-10-07
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Hmm, something is drawing my attention, as if I'm being pointed to something.

"In other news, Scientists theoretize that CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE." --Blackhole89

Posted on 01-10-10 12:58 PM, in Q:\ Appeared out of nowhere... (I now know why) Link | Quote | ID: 125366

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Since: 04-10-07
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I don't remember how much my first 2 PC compatibles had but it must've been less than a GB. Next one was 3GB (1.99GB sdlfasldfhafhwoidfhpww Windows 95, yes I'm aware that I could've repartitioned/formatted it, but I didn't have the shit to do it.), then 9.45GB or something along those lines. After that it just ballooned ridiculously until now at 1.5TB+80GB.

It was funny having an 80GB drive on dialup. That just did not fill up at all until I had DSL. Once I had good internet, though, it just got a bit out of hand until I got the 1.5TB drive, which is definitely good for now.

"In other news, Scientists theoretize that CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE." --Blackhole89

Posted on 01-11-10 08:41 AM, in [Is Possible] MegaMan 9 Link | Quote | ID: 125444

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Since: 04-10-07
From: Buffalo, NY

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Will there ever be a PC port of this game? When/if that happens, being able to hack it would be neat... though maybe settling for hacking the Wii version would be best, seeing as that's the easiest console to get shit running on.

"In other news, Scientists theoretize that CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE." --Blackhole89

Posted on 01-13-10 09:33 PM, in Q:\ Appeared out of nowhere... (I now know why) Link | Quote | ID: 125515

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Since: 04-10-07
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I have Windows 7 installed om my SSD with swap, supercache and indexing disabled on it. I also have my Linux partition on it, with a few directories that have a lot of variable data symlinked to the hard disk drive.

So it's not entirely impossible to run an OS on an SSD, it just requires a bit of care.

"In other news, Scientists theoretize that CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE." --Blackhole89

Posted on 01-21-10 03:56 PM, in How often do you take a vacation? Link | Quote | ID: 125818

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Since: 04-10-07
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Well, being a NEET/Hikikomori/bum/etc, my whole life is basically a vacation... but my uncle and cousin usually go to Florida once every year or 2 and bring me along. Me and my uncle are relatively close, since I used to live with him (Long story.) and we generally got along when I wasn't being a behavior problem (Which was actually fairly often! D.

"In other news, Scientists theoretize that CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE." --Blackhole89

Posted on 01-22-10 08:35 PM, in I Remember Shroomy - the nostalgia thread Link | Quote | ID: 125881

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Since: 04-10-07
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Pages taking forever to load, then scrolling about 100 pixels per 10 seconds, because I was on dialup on some really lousy computer.

I don't tend to remember people too well... especially since I didn't really take part in the community other than check out ROM hacks and stuff.

"In other news, Scientists theoretize that CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE." --Blackhole89

Posted on 01-22-10 10:53 PM, in VVVVVV Link | Quote | ID: 125895

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Since: 04-10-07
From: Buffalo, NY

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I bought the full version and played it again:

Trinkets: 12
Time: 1:48:51
Flips: 2923
Deaths: 676
Hardest Room with 114 deaths: The Final Challenge

"In other news, Scientists theoretize that CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE CHEESECAKE." --Blackhole89
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Main - Posts by paulguy

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