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Posted on 01-10-08 07:04 PM, in [?] Super Mario Bros. - The Wicked Star Story Link | Quote | ID: 73179

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Since: 01-10-08
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For centuries, the stars over the Mushroom World have granted powers to heroes in times of needs.

Generations ago, there was a star that became corrupt and cruel, and it chose to grant its powers only to those as evil as itself.

Loathed by its fellow stars, the Wicked Star was cast out of the heavens, forever exiled from its kind.

On earth, the Wicked Star caused much trouble and destruction. The rulers of the world decided to ally with one another to capture the Wicked Star. Using magical rings, they bound the Wicked Star within a temple buried far beneath the earth, sealing it away for good...or so they thought.


Enemies (so far):
- Goombas, Goomb O'Lanterns, Blue Goombas, Gray Goombas, Paragoombas, Micro-Goombas, Micro-Paragoombas, Grand Goombas, Goombullies
- Koopa Troopas, Masked Koopa Troopas, Koopa Stormtroopas, Koopa Paratroopas, Colossal Koopa Paratroopas
- Shy Guys, Snifits, Tweeters, Beezos
- Piranha Plants (regular, upside-down, and sideways), Pumpkin Plants, Jumping Piranha Plants, Jumping Pumpkin Plants, Venus Fire Traps, Munchers
- Blurps, Cheep-Cheeps, Porcu-Puffers, Urchins
- Buzzy Beetles, Para-Beetles, Colossal Para-Beetles, Spinies, Spiny Eggs, Spike Tops
- Bill Blasters, Bullet Bills, Banzai Bills, Pidgit Bills
- Boos, Circling Boo Buddies, Boo Buddy Snakes, Big Boos, Stretch
- Hopping Flames, Podoboos, Thwomps, Thwimps
- Hammer Bros., Amazing Flyin' Hammer Bros., Boomerang Bros.
- Boo Diddley, Piranha Queen, Goomboss, Boom-Boom, Thwomp King, Koopalings, Bowser


Progress: World I (Yoshi Island) mostly complete, World II started
Total Worlds Planned: 9+
Beta/Demo Status: early beta currently being tested by a few folks
ExGFX: yes
Custom Sprites: tons
New Enemies: yes
Custom Blocks: once Block Tool Omega is completed
Custom Music: yes, but not yet fully implemented


Custom GFX: me
Custom Sprites: Carol, Davros, Ghettoyouth, Lavos, Magus, Mattrizzle, MikeyK, Mior, me
ExGFX: Icegoom, Lavos, Pac, Techokami, me
Invaluable Assistance: Boingboingsplat, Delmaru, SNN,
Last But Not Least: Nintendo, Shigeru Miyamoto



Shown here is the World 1 "welcome message" that details the situation on Yoshi Island. Note: I wanted to make the first Mushroom power-up in the game a little special.

Shy-Guys feature prominently in the first world, and I've always preferred classic Piranha Plants.

This is the highest point in the first level ("Strawberry Woods"), accessible only by taking an alternate path. I stole the Star Coin from Icegoom's New Super Mario Bros. Remake, since I never really liked the Yoshi Coin. Plus, the star fits in more with my game's theme, and this doesn't take place in Dinosaur Land.

Here is a cave underneath Strawberry Woods that is full of giant toadstool platforms - just like with the first mushroom in the game, this is the earliest point in the game in which the player can obtain a Fire Flower, so, again, I wanted to highlight it a bit.

Here, Mario journeys through the Raspberry Hills, but finds them infested with legions of Goombas, Tweeters and Shy Guys (shown below getting whomped).

Shown above is one side of the lake at the top of Kappa Mountain on Yoshi Island.

The goal at last!

Yoshi's sister Yoshette appeals to the Mario Bros. for help in getting her eggs back. This is one of the game's sub-plots and is also the reason for Yoshi's involvement in this quest.

Yoshi is free! He agrees to team up with the Mario Bros. to get his sister's eggs back and to stop Bowser from obtaining the Wicked Star.

In Blackberry Cave, Mario and Yoshi face Shy-Guys, Snifits, Goombas, and Piranha Plants.

Here's a fairly simple puzzle in an out-of-the way corner of a valley above Blackberry Cave. There's a Star Coin up here, too!

Deeper in the cave, the passage narrows.

After emerging from Blackberry Cave, Mario and Yoshi head downhill to the shores of Blueberry Bay.

Blueberry Way is a shortcut to Berry Castle.

Mario faces a Porcu-Puffer and lots of Blurps in a secret grotto.

Berry Castle has been cursed! It has been magically transformed by Kamek into a death-trap overrun by enemies.

Luigi prepares to climb the tower in Berry Castle.

This Shy-Guy mans a Bill Blaster and is shown here taking a shot at Luigi.

Morton Koopa Jr. taunts the Mario Bros.

Pictured here is the showdown with Morton Koopa Jr. at the top of Berry Castle. Note that Morton's palette has been changed so that he more closely matches his color scheme in the game's official artwork (in SMW, he was green). Also, Morton is a little tougher to beat this time around.

Yoshi Island - the first world in SMB:TWSS.


I'm not sure if I will keep these guys, but until a real Buster Beetle custom sprite comes along, I thought this was pretty cool.

Here is the beginning of a new level that I am working on. In my game, I (think) I am going to make four bridge levels to correspond with the the four switch palaces - if you hit the switch, the level is easier because the bridge is "on" - otherwise, the route will be harder. Here is the last firm ground before the beginning of Ruby Bridge. I'm not sure how I like the palettes, but I do like how cheery this level already looks. To me, it looks like SMB1, which hasn't really been spotlighted much in my work so far.

I "redrew" all of my Koopa Troopas to have a black outline, to match most of the other sprites in SMW.

Mario battles the Hammer Bros. I will be including several mini-boss battles like this throughout my game.

I crammed as many of my Goombas into a single screen as I possibly could, just to spotlight them all.

Princess Berry, ruler of the Yoshis.

I recently added multi-colored Shy Guys to my project. The yellow and green ones are stompable; the blue and red ones are carryable.


This is a screenshot from the gardens/lake/cemetery outside of Boo Diddley's Mansion. I've always liked the Halloween-themed SMW graphics, but never really liked the fact that they became the game's default graphics after you beat Special World, so I've found a nice place for them here. Also, note the pumpkin-mask-wearing Goomba.

The Koopa Stormtroopas are on the march!

Mario fights a force of various Bros.

Mario takes on the Goomba King and his minions!

All hail the Piranha Queen!

So, in short, I'm not really making any radical changes to the graphics because I really like the classic SNES look. Any comments or suggestions are welcome.

Posted on 01-10-08 10:24 PM, in ASM Hack\Custom Block\Custom Sprite request thread (rev. 2 of 01-11-08 04:56 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 73201

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Since: 01-10-08
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Posted by koala_knight
On another note, has anyone ever been able to reproduce the level end sequences for the stages and castles from SMB1?

I think those are in StarsW.

Edit: Does anyone know if there is a way to make the Big Boo Boss hurt Mario when he touches him?

Posted on 01-11-08 04:42 AM, in [?] Super Mario Bros. - The Wicked Star Story (rev. 2 of 01-11-08 05:32 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 73258

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Since: 01-10-08
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Posted by pieguy1372
The overworld is way too crowded, and that boss (miniboss?) room overuses the solid blocks. Aside from that, it looks good.

Thanks! Which room specifically are you referring to, though?

Posted by Tekor
I agree with piueguy, but also, some palettes could use a little tweaking, and all Yoshis are genderless, it's just that they're commonly referred to as male. (Sorry, I usually notice little things more than bigger things.)

Yeah, I am still working on the palettes. Hopefully they will look better in the demo.

Interesting point about the Yoshis. I swear I had seen female Yoshis before, but I guess I haven't. MarioWiki said one is implied in the original Mario Party, but that's not exactly concrete evidence. Oh well. You can probably tell I'm trying to be a stickler for details in this, so I am glad you bring that up. However, I kind of like the idea of having female Yoshis, so I don't think I'll switch it, since it's kind of minor. It's nice to see someone that is as picky as me though - I don't like a lot of "non-canon" things that find their ways into people's projects (e.g. Sonic, Mega Man characters, blood, cussing, etc.).

EDIT: Or, maybe Yoshis and Birdos are the male/female parts of one egg-popping species:

Posted on 01-11-08 04:45 AM, in New YI sprites Link | Quote | ID: 73259

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Since: 01-10-08
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These look great!

What is next on your plate? How is your sampling program going?

Posted on 01-15-08 05:51 AM, in Super Mario World: A Dark Day at Peach Castle Link | Quote | ID: 73609

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Since: 01-10-08
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I really like how you seem to have a constantly evolving storyline. Very nice use of the ground Lakitus. I think there could be a bit more complexity to the level, however, and I don't like that Koopa Troopa 1-up combo so early in the game. Overall, though, a very good start.

Posted on 01-15-08 04:28 PM, in Super Mario World: A Dark Day at Peach Castle Link | Quote | ID: 73640

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Since: 01-10-08
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That's true, but I guess it seems to me that this is like the "intro," so the 1-up combo kind of seems out of place. It's your project, though, so do whatever you want.

And you're right - it's hard for it not to be linear.

Anyway, I look forward to seeing more of this.

Posted on 01-15-08 10:41 PM, in SMW ROM Addresses Link | Quote | ID: 73702

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Since: 01-10-08
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I am not necessarily asking for someone to track this address down, but more so if it could actually exist (in theory). Would it be possibly for there to be a ROM address that determines whether or not the Big Boo Boss hurts Mario? It would make those fights a lot more challenging/fun.

Posted on 01-18-08 07:27 PM, in [?] Super Mario Bros. - The Wicked Star Story (rev. 3 of 01-18-08 10:23 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 73967

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Since: 01-10-08
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With this project, I've really been focusing on level design. I finally learned how to make Youtube videos, so here are a couple. The second video may be a very linear level, but I was trying to make a nice and varied linear level. Feedback would be great!

Posted on 01-18-08 11:11 PM, in [?] Super Mario Bros. - The Wicked Star Story Link | Quote | ID: 73988

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Since: 01-10-08
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The first video is the first level that I made. I don't like the YI music so much, either, so I am probably going to change it eventually. I do like the cave music. What pre-made ExGFX file are you talking about?

There's a mini-boss at the end of that level because the Grassy Kingdom is a conquered land. This is the first appearance of the Hammer Bros. In my project, the Hammer Bros. are kind of like the commanders of different platoons of Koopa Troopas. So, the Mario Bros. are basically fighting their way through Bowser's armies, and they're just occasionally going to run into mini-bosses throughout the game.

Posted on 01-19-08 03:52 AM, in [?] Super Mario Bros. - The Wicked Star Story Link | Quote | ID: 74008

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Since: 01-10-08
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Good point on the pipes. Do you think it would be bad if I just edited my Map16 original pipes to be layer prioritized? I can't think of what it could affect badly, but I'm sure I've not thought of everything.

Thanks for the offer for more beta testing. I keep putting off my OW work, but my second world (level-wise) is quickly wrapping up. I've been doing a lot of graphical editing/sprite tweaking etc. lately.

Are you taking beta testers yet?

Posted on 01-21-08 07:25 AM, in ASM Hack\Custom Block\Custom Sprite request thread Link | Quote | ID: 74585

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Since: 01-10-08
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Would it be possible to have a P-Switch-like sprite that turns solid blocks into empty space? I am wondering first off if this is possible, since I am not sure if you would need a custom block to go along with it.

Posted on 01-22-08 06:36 AM, in ASM Hack\Custom Block\Custom Sprite request thread Link | Quote | ID: 74650

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Since: 01-10-08
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Posted by pieguy1372
I think he's talking about it permanently disappearing, not for just a short amount of time.

Exactly. I should have been more specific. I would love to see a sprite based on a P-Switch that permanently changes solid blocks to empty space, without playing P-Switch music.

Posted on 01-22-08 08:22 PM, in ASM Hack\Custom Block\Custom Sprite request thread Link | Quote | ID: 74707

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Since: 01-10-08
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Forgive me for being an idiot, but what is the on/off flag?

If you would be willing to attempt it, that would be awesome, but I also don't want to burden you since I know you are just getting back into haxing TSOD.

If it is not too much trouble, though, I would love for you to make it, and it would actually be perfect if it is NOT carryable.

Either way, thanks!

Posted on 01-22-08 09:58 PM, in ASM Hack\Custom Block\Custom Sprite request thread (rev. 2 of 01-22-08 09:59 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 74719

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Since: 01-10-08
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Honestly, I was just about to add an edit to my previous post clarifying that it would be best (for me at least) if it erased used blocks, or some other solid block that isn't Block 130 (the concrete block), or if it would at least be easy to edit which blocks the sprite erases (or changes into Block 25, whichever way it works).

I would really prefer that this sprite be triggered when touched/stepped on like a P-Switch, but if you can only make it like a [?] in function, I would be happy to at least have that. You're the one making it after all, so I really should be happy with what I get. But I would still definitely prefer a touchable/step-on-able sprite if that is a possibility, even if it comes down to just having to make it work something like an immobile Classic Goomba that can just be stepped on to trigger the effect.

Anyway, thanks again so much for offering to work on this. I really really really appreciate it.

Also, does your Giant Blurp still have that speed issue (where it goes at a normal speed one direction, but not the other)? Here is something smkdan helped me with that might help you too:

Posted by "smkdan"
XSPD has one byte for left and right and they move equally as fast, but they are stored differently for each direction. For the first byte, you would just throw in the x speed value you want. For the second byte though, you take the speed you want, go into MS calculator and set it to hex, byte mode. Start with 00 and subtract the speed you want for it. I chose 04; 00 - 04 = FC which is what you see in the second byte. If you wanted a speed of 12, it would be laid out as XSPD dcb $12 (00 + 12 = 12), $EE (00 - 12 = EE).

Posted on 01-22-08 10:14 PM, in ASM Hack\Custom Block\Custom Sprite request thread Link | Quote | ID: 74722

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Since: 01-10-08
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So, would it have to use custom blocks? I was hoping to have it work with the game's existing blocks. I just want to make sure I get that straight before you do much work.

Posted by boingboingsplat
Hm, thanks for that info. *Goes to modify giant Blurp*

Also, you could have it erase any block you like if I use the on/off flag. You'd insert a block that's only passable while the flag is in the "on" position (which is included with block tool) then give that block an on/off animation with ExAnimation.

I'm going to make the ?-block one first so you'll have something and if I manage an accurate switch one, I'll give that to you.

Posted on 01-22-08 10:32 PM, in ASM Hack\Custom Block\Custom Sprite request thread Link | Quote | ID: 74724

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Since: 01-10-08
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That will work - I just wanted to plan accordingly. Thanks again so much for doing this.

Just one more question - you mentioned using ExAnimation to make the On/Off graphics. I haven't used the On and Off blocks in Block Tool yet. Is it possible to have the On/Off blocks invisible when they are not solid and passable?

Anyway, thanks again!

Posted on 01-23-08 10:32 PM, in Problem with custom piranha plants' stem palette... Link | Quote | ID: 74815

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Since: 01-10-08
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Can I ask how/why you are wanting to change the palette for the stem? When I use these Piranha Plant custom sprites, I get a red-headed plant with a green stem. Were you getting different results somehow?

PS - I like how you combined the two 1-1's from SMB1 and SMB2J. Looks nice!

Posted on 01-24-08 06:21 PM, in addmusic sucks Link | Quote | ID: 74871

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Since: 01-10-08
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First, please see if any of this corrects your problems:

Posted by "must"

For those of you who may have problems, I have found some solutions that might work.

If you’re having problems with Addmusic, then you can hopefully find help here.

If you get this error:
'java' not recognized as an internal or external program, operable program, or batch file.
or something similar, then either you don't have java installed, or java cannot be found.
You can install Java here

If you have Java installed, then you need to follow these steps to designate the location of java:

(1) Open My Computer->C or what ever your main drive is)
(2) Look for a folder named j2sdk1.4.2_16 or something fairly similar to that
(3) Open the folder and look for "java"
(4) Right click it and go to properties
(5) Go to where it says "location" and copy all of the information there.
(6) Close everything, and then go to Start-> Control Panel
Note: When you open control panel, it will either have a blue or white background, if it is blue, then go to the menu on the left and select "classic view"
if you do not see the menu, then make sure that "Search" and "folders" are unselected
(7) Go to system, and then select the tab labeled "advanced"
(8) Select "Environment Variables"
(9) In the bottom part look for a selection named "path". If you do not find it, select "new". Put PATH in the top blank, and the information you copied in the bottom; If you have it, and then double click on it, and paste the information in the bottom.
(10) Try addmusic.

If it works, then congratulations! If you get a different error, then keep reading.

"main" noclassdeffounderror
If you get this error, then it means that java cannot find the class file its looking for, and is fixed by going to Start->control Panel (in classic view)->system->advanced->environment variables, and deleting CLASSPATH.
After you have done this, try addmusic. If it works, Congratulations! If you get yet another error, keep reading.

Unsupported class version error
This problem can arise for a few different reasons, you may have one, or all of the reasons.

I. Java is not the most recent version.
just install the newest version of Java (version 6 update 3)

II. Multiple Java versions installed.
go to start-> control panel-> add/remove programs. scroll down until you see java. if you have more than one delete all non version 6 update 3 versions.

III. PATHEXT not set correctly.
Go to tart-> control Panel (in classic view)-> system-> advanced-> environment variables and look for PATHEXT. If not there select "new" and in the top blank put PATHEXT, then add is with the following information in the bottom:

If you do have it then double click on it and insert the following information:

Try addmusic One last time. It should work.

Posted on 01-24-08 06:23 PM, in Need help finding SMB ExGFX Link | Quote | ID: 74873

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Since: 01-10-08
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Posted by Kitty_Lover
I can't find SMB ExGFX, the flag and castle at the end of every stage. So can someone give me a link or make the ExGFX if it doesn't exist?

Is this what you are looking for?

Posted on 01-24-08 06:25 PM, in My SMW Sonic Hack (unamed) Link | Quote | ID: 74876

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Since: 01-10-08
From: St. Louis Metro East

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Just an idea here - maybe you could turn your item box in the status bar into the item monitors from Sonic? Or maybe turn your [?] blocks into the monitors?
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