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Main - Posts by Tommathy

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Posted on 02-20-07 06:22 AM, in Ximes, Chapter 1 - Of Slums and Sorcery Link | Quote | ID: 1859

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

Last post: 6169 days
Last view: 6120 days
Intro: Welcome to the (fictional) city of Ximes. It's a large, sprawling metropolis located somewhere in the middle of south Pennsylvania on the (fictional) Abrax River. On the East side there's sky scrapers, fancy apartments, lots of small parks, and farther out you've got the various suburbs of Ximes. The West side is dominated by the docks, industrial sector, and the slums. There is a brisk and efficient bus system, and a one-token anywhere subway. The football team is the Ximes Knights, and the baseball team is the Ximes Lumberjacks. There is also a WNBA team, the Ximes Valkyries. The Knights have had a rather crappy season.

There is a crime problem in Ximes, with gangs constantly warring in the riverside district. The city has the dubious distinction of having the highest homicide rate in the state. The police force is largely under-funded, however, as crime seems primarily concentrated on the West side, and the upper classes on the East really don't care what happens in the slums. Most funding goes into schools and city beautification, and most legislation errs on the side of reducing taxes.

This RP is based on an alternate Earth where magic exists, in a variety of different forms. Some examples include cryptomancers who draw runes to shape magic, priests of various religions, wizards who rely on magical artifacts such as wands and staves, and psionicists who use their minds. Feel free to implement your own system of magic. Most everyone knows some minor form of magic, although one can only subscribe to a particular form of magic, once you start casting spells of one sort, you can't use other kinds. Such is the nature of magic in the local universe.

The ability to use magic happens around the time puberty sets in (thus, no five year olds tossing fireballs), and basic magic is taught to all high school freshmen (atleast in Pennsylvania). Higher level magic can be taken as an elective, and colleges give degrees with Majors in the various forms of magic. Magic is pretty much legal to use everywhere, although, obviously, use of combative magics in the middle of the street is frowned upon (much like the random discharge of a gun). The subway and buses prohibit eating, drinking, animals, music devices without headphones, and all magic use.

Teleportation, time travel, emotion-affecting spells (ex: "love charms"), "death" and "life" spells are outside the realm of possibility with magic. However, the benefits of two of the three are slightly remedied with flight (for fast transport), and mental domination (to force someone to act as you please). No spell known can make a person suddenly "stop living" or "start living again". Undead creatures (zombies, skeletons, vampires, liches, ghosts, etc.) can be created, however the practice is outlawed and really socially taboo (it's up there with owning slaves and beating women).

Feel free to take any role in this RP. Perhaps another cop on the beat, a local juvenile delinquent with a heart of gold, a local crime boss, the hardcore owner of the local liquor store, the crazy homeless guy who sees more than what's really there. I'm envisioning an ensemble sort of RP, with many different, interesting stories intertwining for a slice of life sort of feel. Your character need not even interact with the others on a significant basis, but instead react to the larger goings on in the life of the city, and have their own distinctly unique tale to tell.

The story opens on January 1st, 2007, 02:57 AM

***RP start***

"Ah, finally, some time to relax..." Jon sighed, as he slumped down onto his comfortably worn-and-ratty second-hand couch.

It had been a LOOONG night. On his patrol, there had been three gang fights, seven incidents of domestic violence, countless riots, rowdy-ness, acts of vandalism, and that one bitch who bit him in the arm. Most people had fun as they counted down celebrated the changing of the calendar, but for an officer of the law it was one of the most obnoxious nights of the year.

Quietly, he contemplated his apartment. Even though the lights were all off and the blinds were down, a red glow suffused the tiny efficiency suite. Across the street was a great, steadily glowing neon sign that read "ROY'S HORSEMEAT PALACE", which was tragically always in good repair no matter how often the neighborhood kids threw stones at it. His gas stove had only one working burner, his refridgerator a non-functioning freezer, and his bathroom yielded exactly six minutes of hot water. "I don't get paid enough to deal with this BS" he thought to himself.

After vegetating for several blessed minutes of inaction, Jon contemplated getting himself a beer from the refrigerator, and then watching some old movies until the either hundreds of cups of coffee he drank wore off or the hundreds of bottles of beer he was about to drink kicked in. In the end, he decided "Screw it, I think I'm just going to lay here until I fall asleep", and traced a darkening sigil in the air to dim the awful, red glare that always pervaded his studio flat.

Right at the moment unconciousness nearly had him in it's sweet, sweet grasp, a huge *BOOM* awakened him, and the crimson haze that usually permeated his apartment was replaced by a sickly purple and yellow glow.

"What the hell?!" he exclaimed, roused from his slumber. He looked out his window, and the red neon tribute to Horsement was muted in comparison to the huge, strangely-hued and distinctly magical flames that had engulfed a large portion of the Riverside slums.

Fully awakened, he grabbed his coat, put a hat on over his curly brown hair, and ran out the door to find out what the hell was going on and to kick the ass of who ever it was that interrupted his rightfully deserved sleep!


Posted on 02-20-07 06:26 AM, in If this is the real Acmlm's Board.... Link | Quote | ID: 1866

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

Last post: 6169 days
Last view: 6120 days
The other board is Communist China, and we're Taiwan.


Posted on 02-20-07 06:29 AM, in Someone's Corner? Link | Quote | ID: 1870

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

Last post: 6169 days
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I sorta like the ????. It reminds me of "Gunso's ????" from Bahamut Lagoon.


Posted on 02-20-07 06:36 AM, in Avatar Problem Link | Quote | ID: 1877

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

Last post: 6169 days
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I get the following whenever I try to upload an avatar, and I've tried several versions/several different avatars:

Warning: imagepng() [function.imagepng]: Unable to open 'userpic/s69' for writing: Permission denied in /home/acmlmboard/public_html/board/editprofile.php on line 120

Warning: copy(userpic/69) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/acmlmboard/public_html/board/editprofile.php on line 124


Posted on 02-20-07 07:29 AM, in openTTD Link | Quote | ID: 1923

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

Last post: 6169 days
Last view: 6120 days
Have they fixed the damn city-growth algorithm yet?

Otherwise, damn good game.


Posted on 02-20-07 08:52 AM, in Orgasms Link | Quote | ID: 2027

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

Last post: 6169 days
Last view: 6120 days
Posting on the internets is more important than figuring out what gets you off and discovering things about your own body?



Posted on 02-21-07 07:17 AM, in Ximes, Chapter 1 - Of Slums and Sorcery Link | Quote | ID: 3274

Red Paragoomba
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Posts: 9/60
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

Last post: 6169 days
Last view: 6120 days
Jon stepped out onto the street felt waves of heat radiating from flames more than ten blocks distant. Turning to face the river for respite from the radiance and burning, he dimly heard the low, rough rumbling of fire truck sirens. Insofar as he could tell, they were making all-haste toward the Lion Street Bridge, but certainly wouldn't arrive before the conflaguration devoured all of Riverside, and maybe even his own place here in Shady Gardens.

He looked up, and saw tens of heads peering out of windows, looking much like stacked meercats in a concrete savannah. Stupidly they stared at the fires, slack jawed and pointing and muttering "Look at that!" and "What's going on?"

Irritably swatted his hand over his head, and scrawled a bright yellow shouting sigil, Jon called out "It's a fire, ya morons, and it's coming this way! Stop gawking and run!"

Satisfied to see heads popping back inside (hopefully) to gather family members and run, the lanky cop did some of his own running, but *towards* the distaster zone. Dimly, he noticed the piercing wail of police cars joining in the cacophony. "Well, at least I won't have to call for back-up" he thought to himself.

As he ran he drew more rune, weaving lines of coruscating, reality bending force into the air. Protections against heat and smoke went up first and took up fixed postions above his shoulders. Another darkening symbol, but slightly altered so that it only affected yellow and violet wavelengths of light. Finally, as he crossed Iris Street, one block away from the first tongues of flame, he brought both hands to fore and created runes for moisture and cold with great sweeping motions of his arms.

"Some people might call me a hero, 'OFF-DUTY COP FIGHTS FIRE', or something stupid like that" was the thought that was carried in the back of his mind. "Screw that, I just don't want to lose my shitty, rent-controlled apartment, and I know for damn sure the 'authorities' aren't going to make it in time to save us."

And with that, a long night had just become even longer....


Posted on 02-21-07 07:20 AM, in Are you gay? Link | Quote | ID: 3277

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

Last post: 6169 days
Last view: 6120 days
Ailure isn't gay, although he's hinted that he might be bi-curious on occasion in IRC.

And if you really have to ask me this question, you obviously haven't been paying attention.


Posted on 02-21-07 07:25 AM, in Your Face Link | Quote | ID: 3285

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

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Posted on 02-21-07 07:42 AM, in Your Face Link | Quote | ID: 3308

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

Last post: 6169 days
Last view: 6120 days
T-Shirt Hell of course.

Also, it has come to my attention that there was apparently much shock on the internets that I, Tommathy, wear clothes.

I have no idea where on earth you got the idea that I didn't wear clothes...


Posted on 02-22-07 03:10 AM, in Are you gay? Link | Quote | ID: 4039

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

Last post: 6169 days
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Ho, wow, both of you live in the DC area?

Weirdness, what're the odds of three gays in the DC metro area posting on the second incarnation of the premier ROM hacking forumon the internet?


Posted on 02-22-07 03:15 AM, in Are you gay? Link | Quote | ID: 4043

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

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Posted by Kles
I'm not from DC.

Ah, tragedy, so you and IamMe are in one of those long distance things?


Posted on 02-22-07 03:21 AM, in How did you get your username? Link | Quote | ID: 4053

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

Last post: 6169 days
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Expanded nickname, my actual name is Tommy, but some of my friends like to dress it up at Tommathy in real life.


Posted on 02-22-07 05:56 AM, in Ximes, Chapter 1 - Of Slums and Sorcery Link | Quote | ID: 4262

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

Last post: 6169 days
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***OOC POST***

Traps, not to be tyrannical, but your character isn't quite fitting the RP theme. I'm going for more of a comic book, gritty, pulpy schlocky feel, and also more of a modern, slice of life, ensemble, living city environment. More "Heroes", less "Hogwarts". If you could maybe adjust your character's theme a bit, change his name to something a bit more contemporary, and ditch the cheezy reverse-KKK look, that'd be great The story elements you've added so far though (moving into the slums for mysterious "guardianship" purposes, being a young independently wealthy wizard, and finding Chi) work well so far.

To everyone else, your posts have all been fantastic, and I'll have Jon's next segment up tomorrow =)

***OOC POST***


Posted on 02-22-07 04:26 PM, in Are you gay? Link | Quote | ID: 4530

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

Last post: 6169 days
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Posted by Kyargu
I just find it interesting how this is currently the third-most popular thread on the first page, and the other two are ACS and the first thread, so they don't really count.

Well, that's because the gays know how to hold a conversation.

I could show you what else we know


Posted on 02-27-07 06:32 AM, in Hay. Guys. Link | Quote | ID: 8270

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

Last post: 6169 days
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I know this is a board "re-birth", but did we really have to start over from internet infancy and post screamers?

What's next, links to .cx sites? Internet chain messages?


Posted on 03-02-07 06:21 AM, in Hay. Guys. Link | Quote | ID: 9370

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

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I avoid clicking links on forums without first reading the attached thread.


Posted on 03-15-07 10:04 PM, in Acmlm's Board offical openTTD server Link | Quote | ID: 15457

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

Last post: 6169 days
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Stable with the brianetta's standard seems like the best idea.


Posted on 03-17-07 02:56 AM, in Acmlm's Board offical openTTD server Link | Quote | ID: 16013

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

Last post: 6169 days
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Bah, naps are for the weak, not for transport capitalists such as ourselves!


Posted on 03-21-07 03:29 PM, in Kernal and Katelyn's Rules of Baby Naming - 2nd Edition Link | Quote | ID: 17683

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Cloud Nine, Turn Left and I'm There~

Last post: 6169 days
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Posted by Kernal

6. Children should NOT be named after automobiles.
Examples: Mercedes, Lexus, Hummer, Oldsmobile

Un-truth: The car is named after the girl. The girl is not named after the car.

Posted by Kernal

15) Never name your child a Japanese name outside of Japan.
Examples: Kaori, Sakura, Midori, Satoshi

How about names from outside of other cultures to other cultures? For example, should only Greek boys be named "Jason" and "Hector"? Or French girls "Claire"?

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