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troopa pride
Posted on 05-15-07 11:20 PM, in ASM Hack\Custom Block\Custom Sprite request thread (rev. 2 of 05-16-07 10:00 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 35649

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Since: 05-15-07

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I would like to request 6 custom sprites(Dont worrry becuase sprites 1-5 they are copies of eachover with SLIGHTLY different modifications)

sprite 1:
A faster version of a magikoopa that teleports and shoots faster and shoots sprite 6 instead of magikoopa's magic, and spawns sprite 2 when dead.When this sprite teleports to another location, it is immediatly teleported rather then dissapearing temporarely.It is immune to cape,fireballs,spin jump,blocks etc.

sprite 2:
same thing as above exept faster and spawns sprite 3

sprite 3:
same thing as above exept faster and spawns sprite 4

sprite 4:
same thing as above exept faster and spawns sprite 5

sprite 5:
same thing as above exept faster and finally dies when hit.

sprite 6:
It uses the frames and gfx that the magikoopa's magic uses and acts like a boomerang but homes the direction it gets shot at(sort of like a venus fire trap).

Sorry for my bad grammer..I failed english class(Please dont go offtopic becuase I said that)

note:I want everything in a way so that it does not activate the level ender untill sprite 5 is killed.If any of you are wondering, the reason this thing spawns sprites so much is becuase it is a boss.We canot make an actuall hp system so why not improvise?

troopa pride
Posted on 05-16-07 02:53 AM, in Super Mario Journey startover GFX Link | Quote | ID: 35699

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I can say one thing about those graphics:
It looks like Zelda Wind Waker.

Good graphics dude, have a cookie!

troopa pride
Posted on 05-16-07 02:59 AM, in ROM hacking utilities Link | Quote | ID: 35702

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Is there a Kirby Super Star editor?

troopa pride
Posted on 05-16-07 11:16 PM, in Why no Kirby super star hacking?(or any kirby hacking) Link | Quote | ID: 35863

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Everyone keeps saying how good Kirby Super Star was but I am wondering why there is no Kirby Super Star hacking.
I can imagine that there wont be a Kirby Super Star Editor in the futur unless people actually show that they want it, so I am making this thread to both ask a question why there is no Kirby Super Star hacking and to show that it is noticed that the best Kirby game has no one even considering to hack it.

If this belongs in a better topic do NOT hesitate to move this thread and do not give any notifications.Just simply move the topic were it belongs.

ps.If anyone considers making an editor which could NOT be somthing tooken for granted or made in 1 day, I would gladly test it even if there is no graphic support.I am used to no graphic support =P

troopa pride
Posted on 05-16-07 11:22 PM, in Why no Kirby super star hacking?(or any kirby hacking) Link | Quote | ID: 35865

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Since: 05-15-07

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Posted by Sonicandfails
Because the game (and all Kirby games) has seven compressions. SEVEN. Each compressing the last. Its not an easy job, and it has been hacked, but not the kind of hack you are thinking of. Its been ripped apart, but the most that has been done with it is a decompressor really. This is one of the hardest games to get anything out of, so deal with it and be glad if an editor comes out ever!

Okay thanks for explaining.

I guess I will never get futur hopes of a Kirby game editor.
The likeliness of that is less then a YI music patch for smw since YI's music is to big for SMW's music bank

troopa pride
Posted on 05-17-07 12:43 AM, in SMB2 Music Patch! (rev. 2 of 05-17-07 12:46 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 35882

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Since: 05-15-07

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Hey I am wondering somthing:
Is the KSS float island theme able to fit?It only takes 26 seconds to loop while counting above normal speed.

I know there could be a possibiltiy to add it in becuase the song isnt that big, but I think that the amount of slots you have left for adding in music wont be good enough to fit in the KSS float islands theme

Maybe it can somehow be used for one of the credits themes?It sounds like a good theme for that and this way we can also use it in levels for beach type levels

troopa pride
Posted on 05-17-07 09:54 PM, in SMB2 Music Patch! Link | Quote | ID: 36050

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Posted by Bloodstar
Hmm... Perhaps add the SMW Castle music to this patch? It's the only one I can see working very well for a castle level... (Plus, it's the best of the SMW tracks )

We already have castle music and point of music patches is to avoid smw music.

BTW matrizzle you said somthing about sml2 and 3 music.
Can they be in a seperate patch?There is to many fan favorite sml2&3 music to add only 1 song rather then a whole soundtrack.

troopa pride
Posted on 05-18-07 12:05 AM, in SMB2 Music Patch! (rev. 6 of 05-18-07 12:08 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 36073

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Posted by Mattrizzle87
Posted by troopa pride

We already have castle music and the point of music patches is to avoid SMW music.

Not necessarily, but it seems that all of the SMW tracks beyond a certain length sound kinda crappy (certain notes are the wrong length, volume is too loud, etc.) when I try to port them.

Posted by troopa pride

BTW, Mattrizzle, you said something about SML2 and 3 music.
Can they be in a separate patch? There are too many fan-favorite SML2&3 tracks to add only 1 song, rather than a whole soundtrack.

Yes, I did mention the possibility of adding SML2 and 3 music, but only if Keitaro posts the files of the ports he made.

Also, I'm wasn't planning on making an entire patch of these tracks. I'm currently focused on finishing this patch, and I don't want to be bogged down by too many projects. Keitaro could make this if he wanted to(I'm not saying he does want to).

Okay I understand what you mean by to many projects.
GL when you attempt to finish a project

Everyone should remember somthing though:
Music hacking is being SO underestimated by us and we should not take the work for granted.Let us once again wish Mattrizzle good luck with the patch rather then more requests, becuase as he said:he has alot of projects to do!

troopa pride
Posted on 05-19-07 01:39 AM, in SMB2 Music Patch! Link | Quote | ID: 36273

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Posted by Raccoon Sam
Posted by Keitaro
Yeah, my host recently dropped off the face of the internet which led to him not paying his bills--in other words, I would have had those songs up much sooner anyways, I'm hoping to get them up at some point tonight. Sorry for the inconvenience =\

As for me making my own SML2/3 patch? Probably not. But the songs are there for anyone who knows what they are doing to use. *shrug*

Is there a specific reason why you're not posting them into public?

Becuase people are idiots due to the fact that only 3 people here understand how to hack music

troopa pride
Posted on 05-19-07 05:46 AM, in SMB2 Music Patch! Link | Quote | ID: 36318

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Posted by Keitaro
Um, posting what? I said I was going to post the SPCs soon but I ran in to some uploading issues as stated. Just bear with me, I'll get you them =\ as for reasons I'm not creating a patch, I just don't feel like its necessary. If someone wants to use my music in their hack, great, then go ahead. But I'm not going to do it for you.. (I originally made the SPCs for my own enjoyment, so)

I dont quite know how to use SPC's or how to hack music.Can you PM me how to use the SPC's becuase I really want a hack that is SML2'ish and SML2 music would be EXTREAMLY helpfull!

troopa pride
Posted on 05-19-07 11:43 PM, in SMB2 Music Patch! Link | Quote | ID: 36526

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Posted by Keitaro
No. Maybe someone else will be willing to do it for you, but I simply do not have the time, sorry.

Well can you atleast let me know which programs are used so I can add the music manually?
Once I look at a program I can learn to use em in minutes so I dont think I will have too much of a problem

troopa pride
Posted on 05-20-07 03:45 AM, in SMB2 Music Patch! (rev. 3 of 05-20-07 07:46 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 36607

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Posted by Rich
Posted by troopa pride
Posted by Keitaro
No. Maybe someone else will be willing to do it for you, but I simply do not have the time, sorry.

Well can you atleast let me know which programs are used so I can add the music manually?
Once I look at a program I can learn to use em in minutes so I dont think I will have too much of a problem

Do you know how to use a hex editor?

Because that's what you'll need to use. And if you dont know how Hex works, then seriously - just either forget this or learn how hexadecimal language works yourself, because otherwise you'll never, ever be able to. And no, learning wont take minutes. You cant learn how to do something well in just minutes. Get very good at hacking (start with something incredibly basic, for a start), and maybe next year you MIGHT stand a chance. Maybe.

Hell, only 3 or 4 people I know of on this forum have been able to hack the N-SPC/SMW music engines, and they're pretty accomplished hackers. You...dont seem to be, sorry.

Yes I have used Transhexlation before.
I am actually willing to give this a shot.
Nintendo didnt make Super Mario Bros' engines without trying to make it first though right?
Even though stuff may seem hard, it is possible to make it and is impossible if you dont attempt to make it.

If I do learn how the N-SPC music engine works does it mean I can port music from KSS/SMW and put it in yoshi's island?

troopa pride
Posted on 05-20-07 09:20 PM, in I'm making some progress again.. Link | Quote | ID: 36818

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Posted by Ice Man
I don't think so. It's just water after all and I don't think it's necessary to add special bubbles.

Anyway, world 2 has been finished now and I have a new screenshot for you.
It's a sublevel from a level in world 2.

You better post all the smexy YI DS tilesets on SMWCentral =P

SMWcentral needs more YI/YI DS tilesets =(

troopa pride
Posted on 05-21-07 06:04 AM, in SMB2 Music Patch! (rev. 9 of 05-21-07 05:48 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 37136

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Posted by Mattrizzle87
Now would be the perfect time to dig up Bouche's posts from the oldest board archive(over 5 years ago), but for some reason all but the header and footer of his old posts seem to be missing. I'll see what I can find in my files, though. I think I may have copied the post that got me into music hacking to an old Word document.

EDIT: Found it! This document is a compilation of some of Bouche's posts, which should give you some basics on hacking the SMAS N-SPC engine. I dunno why it's in Rich Text format, as I didn't make this document.

Also, here is an incomplete list of the N-SPC commands, along with an even more incomplete list of SMW's commands. Note that not all of SMW's commands are correct.

Hopefully, this will aid some people in learning how to hack the music on their own.

Edit:Ok I was able to find like....thousands of SPC files.Can anyone recommend a program for editing music of a game that uses a N-SPC system?

troopa pride
Posted on 05-22-07 10:54 PM, in Super Mario Journey startover GFX Link | Quote | ID: 37542

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Posted by cory21391
well i dont have time to work on it now and wont for a while (grades are turned in soonish and i hafta make up some more stuff for English) but I have a question:

should i just completely redo the GFX for sprites, mario, yoshi, and OW mario/yoshi too so i can keep a consistant Graphical style?

I suggest you use your cel-shaded style and re-do the graphics.

Heh this made turn out to become a 2D zelda WW!

troopa pride
Posted on 05-23-07 10:53 PM, in Just to show I'm still working on this... (rev. 2 of 05-23-07 10:53 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 37784

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Posted by FirePhoenix0
I've finally got some level pictures to show.

Castle #4, Color Castle. If the colors make your eyes bleed I'm sorry, I'll tone them down. I'll probably make the background darker still.

Personally the level doesent make *my* eyes bleed.
I feel that you should atleast have 1 level though in which makes your eyes bleed.Which better eye bleeding theme then color castle?

Of course dont make to many levels bleed your eyes

troopa pride
Posted on 05-24-07 02:23 AM, in SMB2 Music Patch! Link | Quote | ID: 37852

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Posted by Remnic The Hedgehog
You know what? I really want to see how amazing it would be to have Legend of Zelda music in SMW. It would help me finish darklink898's incomplete Triforce Island hack which I am finishing for him.

I dont think the Zelda 3 themes fit in smw.Most of the songs use to many instruments and doesent loop quick enough.
Unless we can expand smw's music bank;S Zelda 3 music patch is *IMPOSSIBLE* !!!!!!!!

troopa pride
Posted on 05-25-07 01:11 AM, in SMW2000 - the naming thread. Link | Quote | ID: 38173

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Since what I have seen in this thread that the theme is space I would say that a good name would be:
Super mario:the adventure of the beyond.

Why that name?
Space is "the beyond" and you are doing an adventure so it is "the adventure of the beyond"

troopa pride
Posted on 05-25-07 08:51 PM, in SMB2 Music Patch! Link | Quote | ID: 38372

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Posted by The Kins
Posted by Mattrizzle87
For some reason, I always forget that Bouche never put this track in any of his patches. The ideal track here would be the music that plays when you enter a vase in Super Mario Advance, but since it is in a different format, I'll go with this.
Awesome. So, are there any slots left unfilled?

I think the OW music

troopa pride
Posted on 05-25-07 09:21 PM, in SMW2+2 - World 2 Demo! Link | Quote | ID: 38377

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Posted by fabio
You forgot to mention the added bonus.

3-1 is playable even though it is a World 2 demo.

I enjoyed World 2 a lot. 2-6 is my favorite because it has an interesting twist with the Fuzzies which I'm not going to spoil for anyone.

Can you put it in a spoiler box?
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