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Posted on 05-03-07 06:11 AM, in Hack release: Pussy City Gaiden Link | Quote | ID: 32491

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Since: 05-03-07
From: Purgatory

Last post: 4782 days
Last view: 4754 days
Rules for this thread: if you are a minor or dont enjoy humor of the sort found in my previous hacks, then read no further and exit this thread.

Back on the old board I released a couple very controversial ROM hacks. I'm back with my 4th ROM hack: Tran Tramps - The Family Jewels (also known as Pussy City Gaiden). This is the epic quest of 2 transvestites, 1 she-male, and 1 previously female male to become biological females. It is also known as Pussy City Gaiden because some of the characters from my previous hack Pussy City Pimps are also in this hack, in a sort of sequel. This a humor/bizarre/shocking/obscene hack. A great deal has been changed in this hack. Much of the graphics have been changed. All of the music has been changed. All of the storyline has been changed. Time limits have been added into some areas of the game where none previously existed. And, in what I believe is a ROM-hacking 1st, I have also hacked the manual to the game. I dont think I can put that here, but you can get the manual by going to the Rom-hack section of I-Mockery.com and going to the review of this hack, they have it hosted there.

get the patch here:
Apply the patch to the US version of the NES game Double Dragon III.

You probably want screen shots, right? I'll give it a try...

Posted on 05-05-07 02:20 AM, in Hack release: Pussy City Gaiden Link | Quote | ID: 32984

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Since: 05-03-07
From: Purgatory

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Wilford Brimley is dead. At least in my storyline. He wont be appearing in any of my future hacks, unless it is as an undead Brimley.

This hack is a bigger production than just about any I can think of. Easily the biggest production of it's kind for this sort of bizarre adult humor hack. I may beat this record in the future though, I'm working on one right now which will be several times as big as this one if I ever finish it. I'll almost certainly be done with the 1st version of my origional game before then.

I made this hack for I-mockery directly, I had a deal with them to wait on releasing it myself until they had it for awhile, I actually was done with this hack last year. They get my hacks a rather large push out the door. Over 10,000 people downloaded this one just in the first few days it was released. The way I see it, I-Mockery is an ideal place for my humor hacks being that it is a humor website.

Posted on 05-05-07 04:10 AM, in Hack release: Pussy City Gaiden Link | Quote | ID: 33002

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Since: 05-03-07
From: Purgatory

Last post: 4782 days
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Glad you liked it.

I have 3 other hacks you could get:
Pussy City Pimps
Little Remo
The Lone Rapist
You can get all three from i-mockery.com in their rom hack section.
Romhacking.net has patches for Pussy City Pimps and Little Remo if you'd prefer to go there.
If you dont have the manual for Tran Tramps yet, I strongly recommend getting it, it is just as funny as the ROM to me, and explains the story in more detail.

Posted on 05-05-07 08:50 PM, in Hack release: Pussy City Gaiden Link | Quote | ID: 33112

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Since: 05-03-07
From: Purgatory

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You know, that could make a good premise for a hack. If I ever make one about getting aids from a transvestite hooker, then actually bragging about it, I'll be sure to give some credit to Apophis

I suppose though its all in what your goals are. If your goal was to make a hack which is played by real serious dorky kids with a sense of humor straight out of the Andy Griffith Show, then being featured on i-mockery.com would be a huge insult. But if your goal was to make a work of art which makes people laugh, then being featured on i-mockery.com is an accomplishment. I'm very pleased with this particular hack. I've gotten a great deal of laughs and more fan mail on it than any previous effort. I've even made some cold hard cash off of it.

The only thing I'm disappointed in right now is that it's just not pissing people off the way The Lone Rapist did. It must not be edgy enough. So far only a handfull of people have really hated this hack. It's making me pine for the days when I'd release a hack and it'd be hated so much a lynch mob would practically spring up.

Posted on 05-07-07 11:35 PM, in Hack release: Pussy City Gaiden Link | Quote | ID: 33695

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Since: 05-03-07
From: Purgatory

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No, that wont do at all. I dont even think you really meant it. Where is the vitriol? I'm afraid you were just too polite. We're going to need more vicious personal attacks if this thread is going to get shut down. I dont think either of my other hack releases on ACMLM lasted this long without being closed. Go read Apophis' posts, his hatred is far more convincing

Posted on 05-08-07 01:54 AM, in Hack release: Pussy City Gaiden Link | Quote | ID: 33743

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Since: 05-03-07
From: Purgatory

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*LOL* now we're getting there

Posted on 05-08-07 08:33 PM, in Hack release: Pussy City Gaiden Link | Quote | ID: 33915

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Since: 05-03-07
From: Purgatory

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witeasprinwow - Just out of curiosity, what work do you consider to be edgy? Name something.

Posted on 05-08-07 11:25 PM, in Hack release: Pussy City Gaiden Link | Quote | ID: 33984

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Since: 05-03-07
From: Purgatory

Last post: 4782 days
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Nobody is forced to come into this thread, infact I'm discouraging it on the strongest possible terms for people who dislike humorous and/or adult oriented ROM hacks (which i think disqualifies at least half of this board)

I'm a firm believer in freedom of expression, however. No matter how much I may think Impossible Super Mario hack #1475 is boring, lame, and a waste of my time, you will never see me popping into it's release thread to suggest that it should not have been released or that it is just so much ROM-hack-wankery. People have different tastes in games they play, and you have to have respect for other people's preferences.

Posted on 05-09-07 05:35 AM, in Hack release: Pussy City Gaiden Link | Quote | ID: 34082

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Since: 05-03-07
From: Purgatory

Last post: 4782 days
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Cool, so why are you in this thread then?

Seriously, if any given person does not enjoy this type of humor, there's the door. I certainly wont be offended if you never enter this thread again. If you're the type of person that believes that everything in the world has to be to your personal liking and that your way is the only right way, then get the fuck out. Why get your little panties all bunched up over a ROM hack? Take a deep breath, understand that not everyone has your refined and sophisticated sense of humor, then leave and never come back. Go drink your tea and dont forget to lift your pinky finger up while you're doing it. You probably wear a monacle to.

Alternately, if you are not a knee-jerk reactionary, and you possess an open mind and imagination, here is a ROM hack which has some serious time put into it. It is probably the very 1st one with a hacked manual, making ROM hacking history, whether you like it or not. It subverts the Double Dragon III storyline and melds it into my own personal ROM hacking universe populated with many origional recurring characters. It has a completely origional soundtrack. As an author I'm well aware that my bizarre and perhaps disturbing vision is going to have a niche audience, and I'm fine with that. There is a place in the world for both serious drama and strange comedy. We dont all have to have a single vision, we can be individuals and make art which is wildly different yet still valid. I'm not making people play my hack, there are literally thousands of other ones you could be playing if this one is not to your liking.

One of my favorite authors is William Burroughs. One of his famous sayings was that his work separates members of the Johnson Family from the Shits. Johnsons have a live-and-let-live, mind-their-own-business mentality. Shits have an uncontrollable need to pass judgement on and be RIGHT about everything. My work is not even close to as good as his, but I think it causes similar division, at least on this board. In its other release it was very popular and generated only praise. I dont mind getting negative feedback, but behaving as if just because you dont like something it has no right to exist is absurd. Absurd like a dictatorship.

Posted on 05-09-07 07:20 AM, in Hack release: Pussy City Gaiden (rev. 2 of 05-09-07 07:21 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 34112

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Since: 05-03-07
From: Purgatory

Last post: 4782 days
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Yes, I was joking
This is humor (or failed humor depending on your point of view).
You should never take everything I say at face value, at least not in a thread dedicated to one of my hacks. In all honesty I'm happy to get a strong reaction whether it's positive or negative. The real point is in the disclaimer at the very top of the thread, standing out like the broadside of a barn. It basically says to not even bother with this thread if you are'nt into this sort of thing. So basically everyone reading this far knew in advance what they were getting into. It cracks me up when people actually come in, ignore the disclaimer, then flame me over a hack they know little about and have obviously not played. Not that a person like that would "get" it anyway
And if the number of views this thread is getting is any indication, a good number of people are also being amused by this, rather it's the hack itself or this lively banter we have going here is open to interpretation.

Posted on 05-09-07 08:33 AM, in Hack release: Pussy City Gaiden (rev. 2 of 05-09-07 08:34 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 34126

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Since: 05-03-07
From: Purgatory

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So this has all been funny then?

That's kinda the point, see?

Posted on 05-14-07 05:47 AM, in The greatest game ever made Link | Quote | ID: 35179

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Since: 05-03-07
From: Purgatory

Last post: 4782 days
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This thread could just as easily go in an emulation or origional games forum, but since there does not appear to be any of those anymore, here it is...

I made a little article about computer emulation and the greatest game ever made which I stumbled across on the Spectrum. Then I made a couple games to go along with it.

It is here:

Perhaps you'd find it entertaining. There is humor involved. Plus having the greatest game ever made. That counts for something to. You dont see that everyday. Really it could be a life altering experience I suppose. The game really is that good. Spectrum sucks though. That just makes it all the more impressive that the greatest game ever made would be on that platform.

Posted on 05-14-07 10:09 AM, in The greatest game ever made Link | Quote | ID: 35210

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Since: 05-03-07
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Maybe I'll write another article next time I come across something really special

You can please some of the people some of the time, but you cant please all of the people all of the time

Posted on 05-15-07 03:49 AM, in The greatest game ever made Link | Quote | ID: 35428

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Since: 05-03-07
From: Purgatory

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I thought this one might have wider appeal

Personally though, I find my hacks funnier.... But I'm a little strange!

There may have been only 30 lines or so of code, but every single one was kicking ass and taking names. It's almost as if each line was divinely inspired...

Probably in a month or 2 I'll be doing another transformation, so forget everything you think you know about me as the author of obscene hacks, or as the greatest Sink The Belgrano player ever. Next time I'll be releasing my tactical strategy game.

Posted on 05-15-07 05:26 AM, in The greatest game ever made Link | Quote | ID: 35456

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Since: 05-03-07
From: Purgatory

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It is a turn based strategy game. I made it myself using C++ Builder. The game is fully playable right now, so long as every player is controlled by a human. The AI on the computer players is all that's left to do, right now all the CPU players do is stand around looking stupid.

Posted on 05-15-07 07:14 AM, in The greatest game ever made Link | Quote | ID: 35499

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Since: 05-03-07
From: Purgatory

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My origional game is not comedy (or is not intended as comedy anyway). I dont recall having any swearing in it even (though its been many months, or years in some cases since I wrote the text in it). I think it is a really interesting concept and I'm just hoping I have the programming skill to live up to it. The game could end up being infinitely expandable if it finds an audience. If it is unable to find an audience I'll just move on to a different game design (I have 8 other good ones on paper waiting to get a chance at being created).

Posted on 07-03-07 04:39 AM, in Origional Game Release: WoW Link | Quote | ID: 51754

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Since: 05-03-07
From: Purgatory

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For a very long time now I've been coding a game. It's a turn-based strategy game with a bunch of twists to it. I could go on and on about it in this thread, but I already did that here: http://jomb69.googlepages.com/wow

There are screenshots and you can actually download the game there to if you'd like. The Acmlm board used to have a whole forum dedicated to origional games. It's too bad that it's gone.

My concept for this game is that you create a world based on a classic videogame, and you build up an army on your world and go to war with other worlds. Your world and all your units are remembered from game to game and can improve RPG style. Each war can have up to 4 factions fighting in it, in any combination of alliances with each other and human or CPU controlled. Right now there are only 2 worlds in the game, one based on Donkey Kong, and one based on Jungle Hunt.

Anyway, hopefully somebody plays it

Posted on 07-03-07 08:00 PM, in Origional Game Release: WoW Link | Quote | ID: 51942

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Since: 05-03-07
From: Purgatory

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no jokes, this is my more family-friendly side.

Of course, if there is demand I could add in a world based on Pussy City Pimps

Posted on 11-23-07 01:14 AM, in New humor-based ROM-hacking site Link | Quote | ID: 70576

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Since: 05-03-07
From: Purgatory

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In the spirit of giving thanks, check out this new website.

OK, so its a month or so old, but it never got mentioned here. And if you saw it before there is alot of new stuff on it.

Badhacks.net is now the go-to place for ROM-hacks which are comedic, controversial, laughably bad, or will make you go WTF?!?

On this site we not only house the hacks, but we sometimes write reviews of them, other related articles, and have other things in the works for the future.

I just wrote a giant review of Dragon Pervert which went up today.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and check out the site if you have a good sense of humor.

Posted on 11-23-07 01:26 AM, in New humor-based ROM-hacking site (rev. 2 of 11-23-07 01:26 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 70578

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Since: 05-03-07
From: Purgatory

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They dont host ROM-hacks, only write a review once in a long while. We will take your ROM-hack and host it for you even if we never write a review of it. Also this site is run by ROM-hackers who will have a different insight into hacks than your run of the mill amateur comedians.
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