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Posted on 02-17-12 06:32 AM, in We have reached an impasse, and now a wall! Link | Quote | ID: 149907

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Posted by blackhole89
  • The reason we split from Jul and Jul split from us was, basically, a disagreement over the value of community values; they advocated a close-knit model organised essentially like a somewhat centralised circle of friends, with a single leader choosing who to keep and who to boot based on the informal consensus of some narrow in-group of regulars. This didn't mesh particularly well with the increasing factionalisation of the board community before Xkeeper came around, and in particular resulted in a series of purges that certainly worked in favour of everyday harmony, but increasingly turned the board into a social monoculture. Although the price is non-neglectable, that can be avoided, and we are probably more capable/willing to try to avoid it. I believe there is some value in uniting people with different ideals/values/posting styles as long as we can get past the notion that inconvenient people can just be purged if only you manage to get more like-minded ones in power; whether others do or don't, I can't tell, but if they do, I think board2's claim to greater commitment in that regard is plausible.

well, one critical flaw you make here is assuming that jul's power structure is entirely based around my friends and my friends alone, while it's actually rather wrong.

just a quick glance over the various staff threads and what goes on makes it pretty clear that we're far from all being best buddies, but we can mostly get along without being at each other's throats all the time, and there's generally not a whole lot of backstabbing going on.

I think a more important factor is that for the most part the community at Jul is not "monoculture" but more "people who can tolerate each other without being complete retards". mostly evidenced by the fact that for a long while board2 was pretty plagued by trolls because the immediate aftermath of the exodus basically meant "ok let's unban everybody that the mean nasty overlord banned". so a lot of people who specifically did not like those people ended up leaving, and then it came out that the only reason you really left them around was for the post count. smooth move.

honestly though, the best part was the part where you started making a huge deal about jul and how every post one of your users made there was "another nail in the abII coffin" (and all sorts of other fun quotes I can go grab real fast). meanwhile, jul's attitude was mostly "who cares -- the board is dying and they're too busy worring about us to do anything about it". so while we pointed and laughed and had occasional fun times at your expense, we really didn't care more other than looking over at the burning building and giggling.

honestly, just stick a fork in it. you're done. you've been on simmer for a few years now and it's time to just turn off the heat and throw it out.

also i love the fact it took me about a year to register. guess something's broken, but E_NO_SURPRISE.


Posted on 02-17-12 06:43 AM, in speaking of quotes Link | Quote | ID: 149909

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Authentic blackhole89 quotes!

Refresh for more!


Posted on 02-17-12 06:48 AM, in We have reached an impasse, and now a wall! Link | Quote | ID: 149910

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You spent about half your posts claiming you were going to attempt suicide, a quarter of your posts whining about how I hated you, and then the last quarter acting normal for once.

You took offense to everything (like assigning a subdomain record) as if I was treating someone whom I rarely talked to as a "best friend".

You basically caused the most amount of disruption with your flagrant behavorial issues non-stop and to be completely honest not one person misses your crap.

(This is after giving you several chances, and even giving you the benefit of the doubt after you revealed you were saying some pretty awful things about me behind my back.)

Basically, shove it up your ass. You're the last person that should be whining over how it's "my friends, only".


Posted on 02-17-12 06:56 AM, in We have reached an impasse, and now a wall! Link | Quote | ID: 149913

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I feel the need to remind you who the asshole was who thought it was funny to annoy the entire #tcrf channel (including people who are not part of Jul at all) to no end because your sorry ass needed attention.

That would be you.

Fuck you.


Posted on 02-17-12 06:59 AM, in We have reached an impasse, and now a wall! Link | Quote | ID: 149915

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Posted by Liliana
not that I meant to gain attention at all, I was testing something. It's not my fault the bot reports all failed registration attempts, you know.

Yes, I'm sure that's why after it worked the first time you felt the need to continue doing it upwards of about 25 times, including after having been asked to stop or identify yourself.

Yeah, that's it. Silly me.


Posted on 02-17-12 07:04 AM, in We have reached an impasse, and now a wall! Link | Quote | ID: 149917

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Posted by Liliana
it just shows how being honest isn't worth it in this community.

I should have stayed quiet and claimed someone else to be responsible for it, that would've been so much better!

See, lying is so much better

"I shot someone, and they got angry when they found out it was me!" does not mean you should not tell anybody, it means you shouldn't shoot someone.

and therein lay most of your problems in life. now you know, and knowing is half the battle. the other half is boohoo.


Posted on 02-17-12 07:08 AM, in We have reached an impasse, and now a wall! Link | Quote | ID: 149921

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Posted by Liliana
I have no idea why I'm even arguing here.

You said everyone hates me, that's all I wanted to know

have fun wanking with asshats like FieryIce

Well, to be honest, when you spend pretty much your entire lifetime crying about how you're going to commit suicide, while proceeding to say some pretty nasty things about everyone behind their back, what do you think is going to happen?

A funny thing happened earlier today, when I was informed you were talking shit about us even now, on the same server. Get over it.

On a side note, I remember when we used to call board2 "Jul's recycle bin" (or similar terms) in that every banned user eventually makes its way over here to clog up these forums.

It's kind of funny, in retrospect.


Posted on 02-17-12 07:11 AM, in We have reached an impasse, and now a wall! Link | Quote | ID: 149923

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Posted by Liliana
Posted by E_NONAME
A funny thing happened earlier today, when I was informed you were talking shit about us even now, on the same server. Get over it.

like where?

I'm brutally honest in saying I don't know what you're talking about.

I have people around you, and that's really all I feel like saying on the matter now.

Well, aside from the fact that I'm actually kind of tempted to just permanently ban you from badnik, but that would be kind of mean. Deserved, but mean.


Posted on 02-17-12 07:15 AM, in We have reached an impasse, and now a wall! Link | Quote | ID: 149926

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Posted by Liliana
Posted by Madman200
Think for a moment. If we really 'hated' you, would we still be talking to you?

Yes, because flaming is talking too.

Oh and in case you missed that, FI is the one who sent death threats to me. That's not something you can forgive easily.

yeah, ok. you've kind of lost any hope of being taken seriously with all the other bullshit you've said, but whatever sinks the belgrano I guess.


Posted on 02-17-12 07:19 AM, in on the bright side Link | Quote | ID: 149929

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One of the classic Acmlmboard traits has shown up again; flamewars will boost a forum's activity no less than 50%.

blackhole89 would be proud! we're making records here.


Posted on 02-17-12 07:23 AM, in on the bright side Link | Quote | ID: 149931

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Posted by YamI
...what in the name of hell ar- Wait wait...I'm not even gonna bother with this...
I like shorts.


Posted on 02-17-12 07:24 AM, in We have reached an impasse, and now a wall! Link | Quote | ID: 149932

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Does anybody have any marshmallows, by chance? There's a nice flamewar going on here and I'd like to make some smores.


Posted on 02-17-12 07:28 AM, in on the bright side Link | Quote | ID: 149936

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Posted by Xeruss
It's true, nothing brings out posters quite like human-human interaction. I'm going to take an unconventional approach to this and let you guys air your thoughts. As long as you can keep it contained and civil.

I did that but then I needed an air freshener. Board2 tends to get the stinky thoughts.


Posted on 02-17-12 07:29 AM, in We have reached an impasse, and now a wall! Link | Quote | ID: 149937

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Posted by Bloodstar
hip hip
hip hip
hip hip
hip hip

there are an awful lot of "hooray"s missing here, sir.

also on the bright side liliana stopped posting, that's a win in my book.


Posted on 02-17-12 07:35 AM, in We have reached an impasse, and now a wall! Link | Quote | ID: 149941

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Posted by Liliana
I'm also kind of sad about how you allowed Terra to return.

I tried to ask her on it but she flamed me and said she hates me so much.

given a choice between someone who has some paranoia issues but at least tries to work on them and someone who acts like xml with no obvious signs of trying to make it better, the choice is clear.

besides, i like html5 better anyway.


Posted on 02-17-12 07:37 AM, in We have reached an impasse, and now a wall! Link | Quote | ID: 149944

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Posted by YamI
That is all I need to say for now.

Thank you for pulling down your pants and dropping your thoughts. Please remember to flush.


Posted on 02-17-12 07:46 AM, in We have reached an impasse, and now a wall! Link | Quote | ID: 149948

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Posted by YamI
You don't even realize how much you're failing at trolling. Seriously if I had the power you'd be banned for intensive spamming and flaming.

You honestly didn't come to the right place bud, I'd suggest you..

You have nothing good to share with this forum, therefore you are just a waste of member-space. Thank you, come again next millennium when you're dead.

> people are posting
> i don't like what people are posting
> rather than turning around and doing something better with my time, I am going to write a strongly worded letter about how upset this makes me, and I will even include an image macro to do it, because image macros are what hip internet people use on these newfangled internets

Also well you aren't in power. boo hoo.

Posted by Kyargu
Guys, I think I've figured it out.

See like Liliana's ISP does this weird thing where it randomly completely drops parts of data when she receives it, so every time someone explicitly says "I don't hate you" sometimes it comes out as "I hate you". At least, that's the only logical explanation for Liliana posting something like this.

Veringular! We're dropping your calls on purpose, and there isn't shit you can do about it!

Posted by Liliana
despite the fact she still flames you behind your back to this date?

Onus is on you for proof. Personally though I'd rather just deal with one person who doesn't like me but at least keeps it from getting in the way and someone who sees something so enraging (giving away a free subdomain redirect, for free! my god) and immediately making a "I'm leaving forever, don't make a thread" thread.


Posted on 02-17-12 07:48 AM, in bork bork axis Link | Quote | ID: 149950

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Axis Communications has a train demo on their website where you can open up any of their IP cameras to get a nice view. Some of them let you fire it up for a minute, too.

Google it. Also, the company is swedish and I got to meet with a few of them a few months ago. It was nice. I got a free M-1031W out of it.


Posted on 02-17-12 07:51 AM, in We have reached an impasse, and now a wall! Link | Quote | ID: 149952

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Posted by Liliana
you sure love to bring up old crap, don't you

I didn't expect anything else.

Posted by "Liliana"
Posted on 01-22-12 01:35:04 PM
please do nothing, say nothing, pretend I don't exist

because I really hate it when people talk about me like this

I'll just do my thing and forget about what happened in a few weeks or so, m'kay

You have a funny definition of "old".


Posted on 02-17-12 07:54 AM, in the axis thing wasn't a joke Link | Quote | ID: 149954

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thanks for trashing the last thread.

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