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Posted on 03-04-07 06:37 PM, in Announcing new SMB3 hack + opinion required Link | Quote | ID: 10418

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Since: 03-02-07
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Hello everyone,
Well I'm kind of back in the SMB3 rom hacking adventures ! (for the people who may have missed the first episodes, take a look here)
This new project has been started about 2 weeks ago, and its progress is going along nicely. I thought I'd wait before announcing a so fresh project, but I need your opinions about one of its features, so well, here we go
So here comes the problem : I've implemented a star-system à la SM64, so now you can re-enter levels and there can be a max of 8 stars per level, remembering which ones you have picked and which one you have left. So obviously I plan to design giant levels Now I'm not sure how I would go handling the locked-ways that you can't pass without having a certain amount of stars :
Should it be in the levels, where some blocks would become transparent when you have enough stars ? (such as some blocks of "Luigi vs Mario")
Should it be the same but with blocks on the map screen ?
Should a character let Mario pass if he has enough stars ?
Any other idea ?
Any suggestions will be appreciated! (even the strangest ones )

Now, there isn't much changed gfx-wise, but I know everyone like screenies, so here you go :

Beta Map Screen

Stars in a level...

...you pick up a star...

...and it becomes a coin next time you enter the level!

I also customized the dialog boxes, there can be several texts following each other

Oh, by the way, I so mastered SMB3's musics format, so since other-than-screens media seems to become trendy (I'm not sure it is said that way in english...), here's a little song I re-wrote into SMB3. Enjoy

Posted on 03-04-07 11:23 PM, in Announcing new SMB3 hack + opinion required Link | Quote | ID: 10521

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Since: 03-02-07
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Thanks for all your comments, I appreciate

Posted by "Higsby"
I think the blocks should be on the overworld map just like how in SM64 the locked doors were always in the castle and not in the levels.
I think I'm gonna go with this; that way it'll be easy to put the number of stars required on the blocks.

Posted by "Tanks"
I love the Dire Dire docks theme! Where is it going to be? Overworld or Water level?
Water level I think, the instrument used fits better in these kind of levels.

Posted by "AlexAR"
One other thing. Now, I don't know how many levels, or worlds or type of level design you plan on making. But If you plan to make "giant" levels with up to 8 stars, things might get unwieldy.(...)
Well, when I mean giant, I won't go further SMB3's limit, and I will definitely find a way to make them non-linear; maybe with different ways at the beginning, accessible areas according to your power-up or something... or maybe the stars could become checkpoints themselves, i.e. when you pick up a star and re-enter the level, you start where you picked it... I'll think about it. But I won't add a health system, I think that the game would lose its old Mario platformer game feeling.

Posted by "Dr. Mario"
I don't know, maybe I'm the weird one here, but I saw that screen with the giant goomba and immediately thought that having a character let Mario pass would be an awesome idea. It would sort of be like Mario Party I guess, and I think it would be fun to have some funny dailogue if you don't have enough stars or whatever.
I think I'll implement this as well, it's true that it sounds really cool. But it'll probably be for secret passages or things like that, not for the main progression. (I just love secret stuff in games )

Posted by "Acmlm"
Maybe you could have each set of levels in a separate world, and put the "door" in a small level that'd move you to the next world if you have enough stars ... then you'd just need a way to move back to any previous world
I had this idea in mind, to switch between worlds in levels. I think I'll do it with the original pipe-levels, just that it will change the world along with the position. Then I'll just block the pipes on map screen with the star-tiles.

Posted by "Acmlm"
is the whole soundtrack going to be a port of Mario 64 too?
Nope; actually I've managed to duplicate SMB3's musics data bank, so I can add new songs while keeping the original ones. So far I've added the main SMB1 theme, main SMB2 theme, and Yoshi's Island map screen theme from SMW; and of course Dire Dire Docks I'm not sure I'll use them all though...

By the way, if anyone has suggestions for new songs, feel free to share them!
The map screen graphics are from Link's Awakening, excepted the bushes that were first introduced into oot2d I think, and that are now implemented in every Zelda fan game. But I know there are way too much green on this map, it just is beta; it was mainly here to show that the maps will be different from the original forced-paths.
Well, vacations are over for me tomorrow, but I'll try to keep the project sufficiently active

Posted on 03-05-07 06:29 PM, in Announcing new SMB3 hack + opinion required Link | Quote | ID: 10793

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Since: 03-02-07
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Posted by KP9000

Holy mother FUCK. I've been looking for how this damn music works for forever! Do you have any documentation on it? If not, can you write one up real quick?

This hack looks amazing though! I like the SM64 stars idea! I can compose some new SMB3 stuff if you need me to.
I uploaded some notes several months ago, you can find them here. A good technique to figure out music data is to enter a level, run FCEUXD's code/data logger, wait for the song to have reached its last loop; and then take a look at the hex editor : the place where there's a bunch of blue bytes is likely to be your music data. Then take a look at how it reacts by changing values. Here for SMB3, you'll see that excepted the tracks' parts pointers that are absolute, everything else is relative. I don't have the time to go into full explanations, but you'll see that it isn't difficult at all to figure out. However, it may be hard to replace existing songs if you don't expand the ROM, because your new songs mustn't exceed the original ones size.
Hope it'll help

Posted on 03-05-07 09:53 PM, in Announcing new SMB3 hack + opinion required Link | Quote | ID: 10827

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Since: 03-02-07
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Posted by DahrkDaiz
Holy crap Jasp....

This inspires me... I want to hack SMB3 now... Maybe I should come back...

But man I gotta give you props, this is amazing.
Maybe you'd like to be part of the project ?
It would be an honor

Posted on 03-11-07 05:00 PM, in Announcing new SMB3 hack + opinion required Link | Quote | ID: 13859

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Since: 03-02-07
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Thanks again for the positive feedback I haven't had enough time to work much on the project this week, so I haven't anything really new to show for the moment. But I'll keep you updated when the project shows significant updates.

misterj: I already have someone working on the graphics, but if we ever need extra support, I'll think about your proposition. Thanks anyway.

Googie: this nsf is cool, but I can't import nsf into the game; I am just able to re-write songs from a MIDI-score for example, plus it seems that this track uses some special music effects that would not be reproducible in SMB3. Sorry for having precised, but if you have musical suggestions, please make sure that it exists in a MIDI format, and that it stays or can be converted into the NES basics channels (2 Squares, 1 Triangle, 1 Noise, and 1 DMC used for drums)

DahrkDaiz: I'm not sure I understood what you mean, but I am not that good at composing music, so there's little to no chances to see original music in the game. But I'm not limited to ripping musics from other games, it can be from any source.

Posted on 03-12-07 12:27 AM, in Announcing new SMB3 hack + opinion required Link | Quote | ID: 14028

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Since: 03-02-07
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Googie: I know that site, that's where I picked up smw & sm64's midis

Stifu: that's interesting, it would be nice to have new music. However, I'll wait to have at least some levels done before asking for anything, so that your friend may make musics according to the ambiance of the levels

Posted on 03-26-07 12:42 AM, in Announcing new SMB3 hack + opinion required Link | Quote | ID: 19216

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Since: 03-02-07
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I've been working slowly on this hack, but it's going along nicely.
Here is the new feature I just finished, the new pause mode :
- if you haven't collected any star in the level, or you're not standing on the ground (to avoid exiting before falling in a hole or while actually dying), you can't exit

- if you have at least one star, and you're standing on the ground, you can exit :

- pressing a special combination of keys, you enter the cheat input mode; press up and down to change the letters, press left and right to switch between the letters' position :

I think this code will be used to exit level with all stars or to kill all enemies on screen

By the way, cheat codes will include palette tweaking, just for the fun :

Posted on 06-02-07 01:13 PM, in The NEW General Project Screenshot / Video Thread EX Omega Supreme++ Link | Quote | ID: 41344

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Since: 03-02-07
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School's over, so I can work back on some projects
Here is the password input I just finished implementing this morning :

Took me a while to get it to look almost clear

Posted on 06-02-07 11:29 PM, in The NEW General Project Screenshot / Video Thread EX Omega Supreme++ Link | Quote | ID: 41450

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Since: 03-02-07
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Thanks everyone for the nice comments!
Koitenshin: it took me a few hours; but I already had the dialog boxes code, I just had to add the password input and re-arrange some things here and there.
Stifu: don't bother for the stars if you don't have time, I personally like them this way
S.N.N.: yeah, you'll find the passwords anywhere, a character giving it to you, or maybe written with coins in the air ? Who knows!
Sparks: I'll think about other SMW musics, but iirc a friend of Stifu was willing to compose original music for it, so it might be nicer to have brand new musics!

Posted on 06-12-07 12:15 AM, in Next SMB3 Hacking Project Link | Quote | ID: 44618

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Since: 03-02-07
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Stop reading in my brain and stealing my ideas! I wanted to do some sort of RPG SMB3 too
Whatever; we'll see how each of us handle this RPG-ish look

Anyways, as I already said, well done so far; keep up the good job.
And MMC5 ? Neat idea, it seems there are so much possibilities with that... I'm wondering if you'll use it for some cool graphical effects? (now I want to add this mapper too )

Posted on 06-12-07 12:36 AM, in The NEW General Project Screenshot / Video Thread EX Omega Supreme++ Link | Quote | ID: 44622

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Since: 03-02-07
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Okay, just a last word to the debate
I agree that showing day-after-day progress on a project can become a little too recurrent and annoying, but I prefer that than nothing at all ; progress & new features on other people's hacks/projects can be very motivating for some persons in their own projects, at least it is for me! (and I do need a lot of motivations for my projects) Moreover it's always nice to see these eye-candy images/videos.
Then, maybe the author wants to boost his ego, and so what ? Why should you care ? It's not like it'd be pushing down someone else's work or something. Actually, if ego-boosting can be benefic for the hack, I say go for it.
And, it may not be part of the debate, but I think people should praise hacks for their originality first, knowing that the technical ASM part is just a way to get it done.
Anyways, this is just my opinion
And for the record, the whole dialog/password thing is more than 100 code lines

Posted on 06-27-07 01:56 PM, in Announcing new SMB3 hack + opinion required Link | Quote | ID: 50128

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Since: 03-02-07
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Thanks for the comments once again;
About the day/night system I won't try to implement it; I already made one for Zelda3, that's enough
Unfortunately I haven't made much progress on the project lately, I tried to make a music editor for the game but it turned out that the format was much messier than expected so I guess it will never be released ; and for the project I won't be able to work on it until August I think (work, holidays, moving out...well you know, that thing called "real life" )
But a lot has been done so far technically speaking so I'll try not to give up on this!

Posted on 12-03-07 07:32 PM, in acmlm.no-ip.org on facebook Link | Quote | ID: 71127

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Posted by YD
Posted by blackhole89
Facebook... apart from what you hear about social websites in general, I have heard many bad things about them in particular on the internet; thus, I'm not really feeling the urge to sign up either.

So how many people exactly are in that anyway?
like what?

there are currently six people. I wonder who "jean moreno" is

That would be me; but I'm much more of a reader than a poster on this board anyway
Facebook is fun for the few days after you register (I love the group "I learned valuable lessons from Super Mario World" , but now I just find it useful only to find old friends.

Posted on 12-11-07 12:26 AM, in The NEW General Project Screenshot / Video Thread EX Omega Supreme++ (rev. 2 of 12-12-07 12:38 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 71516

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Since: 03-02-07
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Hi there, long time no talk
I've taken work back on my still untitled SMB3 project, I really want to finish it but it has been difficult to work on it because of my studies. Unfortunately I'm not going to have much more free time in the next months, but I'll try to find some spare time during holidays.
Here is one of the features I added recently : Hard mode.
It just changes all map & levels palette (as in SMW special thing), and replaces some enemies with others (as in SMB1 when re-playing) ; simple yet effective for replay value
Screenies :





I also added a new song, based on Koopa's Road from SM64, download it here.
May I remind you that the new songs are added, so the original ones are still in the game!

Edit: video added!

Any comment appreciated

Posted on 12-25-07 03:32 PM, in Question PPU/Name Table Link | Quote | ID: 72130

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Since: 03-02-07
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Actually, the tile you're highlighting in the pic comes from the box where the ending star/mushroom/flower sprite is located, it has nothing to do with the status bar. The game loads another CHR bank for the status bar scanlines to be able to load the proper tiles; I believe this has to do with IRQ but I don't know the in-depth details. This changements doesn't show on the name table because I think it is only able to load one CHR bank. By the way, here's a little tip to view the status bar bank in these window : make sure PPU and Name table viewers are closed, hit F2 to pause the emulation; then open the viewers; the current CHR bank loaded should be the status bar one, same for name table (and now, the level is screwed up); if you unpause the game, it should return to the level's CHR bank.

As for the banks division, it has to do with the mapper used. Check Firebug's mappers document for more informations. The CHR bank swapping is done via writes to a certain register ($8000 for set-up and $8001 for bank number in the case of MMC3). SMB3 uses several addresses for each bank as buffers, then all of the game's routines write to these buffers (for example $71A is changed frequently to create the animated tiles effect).

Posted on 01-02-08 08:09 PM, in Ultimate SMB3 Editor (Coming soon...) Link | Quote | ID: 72579

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Since: 03-02-07
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This sounds really nice Hopefully it'll help me with my current project!
I can provide a music insertion extension if you want; I just don't know anything about C# but I've got all data necessary and my custom asm hack to change music banks and add (not replace!) as many songs as needed!
So far I made a music converter in javascript (no GUI, just basic text-into-byte converter)

Posted on 01-06-08 12:08 PM, in Ultimate SMB3 Editor (Coming soon...) Link | Quote | ID: 72864

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Since: 03-02-07
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Here's a small personal request : can you make it so that the header can be extended to a few more bytes ? I tweaked the levels' header a little for my hack and added two bytes (I might add more if necessary...), so in a 'regular' editor everything looks messy
It may also be really handy if you want to add new per-level asm things via the editor (i.e. add a thunder effect).

Posted on 01-06-08 01:55 PM, in NES PPU-related problem Link | Quote | ID: 72866

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Since: 03-02-07
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Hi there,
I'm working on a hack for SMB3 and I'm changing various on-screen stuff on the name table and the palette.
Here is the problem : it seems that if there are too many writes to $2007, it'll mess with the scroll lines. I tried to do my changes via the game's built-in PPU buffer, I tried to access directly the registers, but the problem is always here! For example, when there are more than $27 data writes to the PPU, then the vertical scroll line messes (it stays on the top when Mario isn't moving, and it flickers with the good area when I'm scrolling through the level). When there are less than $27 writes, everything is fine... I don't understand that, as the writes to $2000 & $2005 aren't changed according to both values (it seems that $2002's value is changed though, I don't know if it is important or not...)
After several hours of document-searching and trials/errors, I'm almost desperate
Please explain me the NES mysteries!

Posted on 01-07-08 07:56 PM, in NES PPU-related problem Link | Quote | ID: 72955

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Since: 03-02-07
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Ok, I see... well I'll try to do some "interlaced" setting where the palette will be updated on even frames and the status bar on uneven ones.

Posted on 01-12-08 11:37 PM, in The NEW General Project Screenshot / Video Thread EX Omega Supreme++ Link | Quote | ID: 73372

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Since: 03-02-07
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I'm still occasionally working on my SMB3 hack

Latest additions:

on/off switch & rainbow palette effect:

New Super Mario Bros - Overworld music implemented
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