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Main - Posts by Kyargu

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Posted on 02-19-07 04:08 AM, in The legendary thread ID 1. Link | Quote | ID: 9

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Xk might very well kill me for this

Oh well, I'm here. Haysup.

Posted on 02-19-07 04:38 AM, in The legendary thread ID 1. Link | Quote | ID: 38

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Originally posted by Apophis
This is great! FUCK ||BASS!!!!

I hope to God this isn't what this incarnation is going to become. I actually came here in hopes of finding a place free of drama (something I've had a bit of trouble with on the internet, lately) and if it's just going to degenerate into a whirlwind of petty insults towards ||bass then I'm not sure I want to be a part of it.

I'm not trying to come off as a pretentious jerk, or condescending or whatever (and I realize the above paragraph made it seem so, but I didn't know how else to put it ) but I don't see any reason worrying with someone who doesn't have anything to do with this board. I'm sure most of us came here wanting to get away from nobodysboard, eh? So let's just chillax. If we chillax then I honestly think the board's more likely to last longer. 8)

Posted on 02-19-07 04:44 AM, in The legendary thread ID 1. Link | Quote | ID: 47

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Drag: I know. I suppose I probably called it too early, but eh, I still stand by the point that it's silly to dwell on ye olde ex-Acmlm's board any longer. I think I'm still just a little wound-up from the RAGING WHIRLWIND OF INTERNET RAGE earlier, and I was kind of saying what I said out of fear that it'd start up here.

It's probably not doing anyone any good to comment on it any longer, so I'll refrain from doing so from now on. I just want everyone to chill out and be happy, even if most (probably all) people here are already so.

Posted on 02-19-07 06:13 AM, in You're typical "what ID number did you get?" thread. Link | Quote | ID: 215

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I win (so far). I've never had such a low ID number on any previous Acmlmboard.

It's not like ID numbers really matter anyway though. Post count is where it's at.

Posted on 02-19-07 07:10 AM, in Rebirth Link | Quote | ID: 355

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Posted by sonicandfails
Its Photoshopped. I can tell by the pixels and by seeing alot of photoshop in my time.

No, you see, here, we like to say

500 hours in MS Paint

Posted on 02-19-07 07:17 AM, in So, who will be the new board mascot? Link | Quote | ID: 375

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Tina is in the logo...
But then again, so is Acmlm.

I don't know, I'm quite partial to Tina. If only because I haven't seen a decent picture of MillyBot.

I'm not recommending that, you know, someone link to a good picture of MillyBot to, you know, sweeten the deal or anything... honest

Posted on 02-19-07 07:19 AM, in The legendary thread ID 1. Link | Quote | ID: 380

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Posted by Uki-Ki-rby
Listen, to anyone who thinks negitively of me (basically everyone).

I am not here to make enemies. My real lifes a bitch already. I am not here to cause problems. I just want to be normal on this not nooby board and put my comic here. And if anyone has any trouble, just PM me on Nobody's Board.


Posted on 02-19-07 07:24 AM, in The legendary thread ID 1. Link | Quote | ID: 393

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Posted by Bloodstar
and pretzels

pretzels beat the SHIT out of chips.

you did NOT just go there.

Posted on 02-19-07 07:34 AM, in So, who will be the new board mascot? Link | Quote | ID: 406

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Posted by stag019
I was actually kinda hoping some sort of representative of Xkeeper would be there

uhh, isn't Tina somewhat representative of Xkeeper already?

Posted on 02-19-07 09:37 AM, in So, who will be the new board mascot? Link | Quote | ID: 567

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Posted by asdf
A British Great White Shark. Complete with tophat and monocle.

This must be done.

I second this motion.

Posted on 02-19-07 10:06 AM, in The legendary thread ID 1. Link | Quote | ID: 625

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I decree that page 18 be-eth the page of normalcy and casual discussion.

So uh... how's the weather?

Posted on 02-19-07 10:39 AM, in Midnight Snacks Link | Quote | ID: 660

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I read the thread title and instantly thought this was a topic about a certain former 4chan admin's radio show.

Just some food (lol get it) for thought.

For something a little more on-topic: My schedule can get completely backwards at times, so sometimes, when I eat at what is usually peoples' breakfast-time, I'm actually eating my own dinner. Usually when this happens I'll have had breakfast at like 9pm, and lunch at God-knows-when in the morning.

As far as what I usually eat, it can range a lot, but it's almost certainly always something easy to make, and almost certainly always bad for you.

Posted on 02-19-07 08:53 PM, in Well, my weekend was scaryfun. Yours? Link | Quote | ID: 1039

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Since: 02-19-07

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Posted by Apophis
My weekend was 100% board drama. Well, 99%. I also ate and slept.

Same. Well, to be honest, I was also involved in a lot of (non-Acmlm) IRC drama. I also did a few real life things, but nothing really out of the ordinary.

Posted on 02-19-07 08:58 PM, in I vote on changing the "Acmlm" on "Acmlm's Board"... Link | Quote | ID: 1057

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Posted by Kailieann
I don't think we have a 'close thread' feature yet.

Yes we do.

Posted on 02-19-07 09:16 PM, in So uhh... how'd you find Acmlmboard? Link | Quote | ID: 1102

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The original, although I suppose you can include how you found this incarnation.

I found it through this guy who was making a SMW hack. He linked to a thread advertising his hack on Acmlmboard. I kinda got interested into ROM hacking this way. I believe I joined at the about same time Bloodstar did, late '03 or early '04, I don't quite remember. I never really posted much, but I was a heavy lurker and was fascinated with ROM hacking (what, the idea was new to me at the time. I do tend to be a late follower with holy crap e-trends).

As far as board2, I kind of, erm, cheated -- I knew about the "acmlm.no-ip.org" domain name, and knew Xk was going to be uploading the board to /board/ since I was watching in the IRC channel, so I just put two and two together, and bam, it worked.

Hopefully this'll turn out to be a somewhat interesting topic...

Posted on 02-19-07 09:27 PM, in Stuff you've found (and possibly obtained) in the street Link | Quote | ID: 1127

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A hobo.

This is not a joke post. No, I didn't obtain him.

Posted on 02-19-07 10:51 PM, in Old Haunts Link | Quote | ID: 1215

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For what it's worth, this is far more interesting than my topic.

I had been an internet user since 1999, where I found this gaming message board. I lurked quite a bit, but never posted. I got fed up with lurking because I had dial-up, and my connection to the internet was awful. It took, like, two minutes to load the thread lists. I'd go off and get a snack or something like that in-between browsing threads.

I found it again in late 2000, where I actually started posting. I actually made some good friends on that board, and still can vividly remember quite a few of them. They were a fun bunch, actually, and the general population there was quite young, so I didn't have much trouble fitting in, although I was still a young one there. I posted until about late 2001, when it pretty much kicked the bucket.

Soon after, my internet home became AGN. My Dad found this program called Zelda Classic, and he quickly forgot about it, but I totally dug it because of its quest designer (Bloodstar is one of the few users here who uses ZC). It was this little thing that let you make Zelda 1 (and other Zelda)-style games. It was pretty cool, although the community is kind of sucking as of late, but there are still some good things to come from it. Anyway, I found ZC in early 2001, and I was, umm, 10 (around the same time, I found out about Emulation). So a few months later I joined AGN, ZC's official home, and began to lurk around and make the occasional post. I was, however, a colossal idiot, so I was soon expelled from that board.

Fast forward to 2002, my internet-community of choice this time being GameFAQs. I didn't post very often until late 2003, where I made some awesome friends on the RI board (which, by the way, sucks now). I remain friends with a few of these people today. Around this time I kind of became a LUEser, something I don't like to admit nowadays, but I was.

Around the same time that I became active on GameFAQs I joined PureZC, a fansite dedicated to the aforementioned Zelda Classic. It was a lot more happy and friendly than AGN was, and I met Bloodstar, Seanbox344, and Banedon, all Acmlmers (who in turn introduced me to the site), not to mention some other people who are pretty awesome. I actually knew Bloodstar before he was a member of Acmlm's. Friendship points yay

I've been lurking Acmlm's for a while now, and posted pretty rarely, sometimes hanging out in #rohmacking. However, when I found out about Xk's resignation I was kind of a little surprised, even as a lurker, so I decided to become a bit more active because, well, the events interested me. But hey, I've actually kind of enjoyed board2 so far. It'll probably become my main happy-posting-land of choice for a while now.

Posted on 02-19-07 10:55 PM, in Rain is awesome. Link | Quote | ID: 1221

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I'm fascinated by rain. I don't know why, I just am. I used to do nothing but sit around and watch it rain whenever it would, although I don't do it as often anymore

Snow is pretty awesome too, although it's been infrequent this season, except for like up until a week ago. Even then the snow has kinda sucked and has been more solid ice-type snow than anything.

Posted on 02-20-07 10:07 AM, in The legendary thread ID 1. Link | Quote | ID: 2067

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Posted by Caos
Posted by Keitaro
I think you're jumping the gun a bit here. They're still there.

I've been keeping tabs on the man lately.


Posted on 02-20-07 10:23 AM, in Favourite Albums Link | Quote | ID: 2069

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Posted by Toxic
Ha! Just from reading the title of this thread, I was going to say DSOTM

Me too. I wasn't actually expecting anyone to answer with it. I guess it's not really that surprising, I mean, it is a popular album.

Anyway, yeah, DSOTM by far. It's practically what introduced me to music. At the very least, it was one of the albums I listened to when I was 13 and trying to decide what my taste in music was kind of going to be.
I've probably listened to it over a thousand times start-to-finish by now. You'd think it'd have gotten old with me but it hasn't, not yet anyway. Admittedly, though, I do tend to skip On The Run quite a lot. And the clocks at the beginning of Time, too, although they didn't bother me quite as much after repeated listens... the first time I listened I practically had a heart attack.

Also, I'm quite partial to Wish You Were Here, also by Pink Floyd, The White Album, and Fragile by Yes. There's probably a lot of other albums I can name that stick out in my mind, but I'm trying to keep this post rather short. There's plenty I can write for another time, though
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Main - Posts by Kyargu

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