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Main - Posts by A70M1C

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Posted on 11-03-08 07:30 PM, in Fraxy Compendium Member List Link | Quote | ID: 93360

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Since: 11-03-08
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A70M1C, from the original, i guess =P. Planning on uploading things to the redux when I have time to learn how.

One does not simply Walken to Mordor....

Posted on 11-04-08 07:59 AM, in About the Theme of The Month Contests [Contest] [Info] Link | Quote | ID: 93425

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Since: 11-03-08
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So what is going to be the theme of the month for November? Now that I'm finished with the Infector series I have time to make some extra bosses. I'm finally free to contribute to ToTM and I have nothing to work on!

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Posted on 12-15-08 08:01 PM, in problem with vulcan-cross frames Link | Quote | ID: 96840

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Make sure that those 2 actually are firing by frame 20. Some weapons don't start attacking right away, so if you set it to repeat like that, it will never fire because it just loops the beginning.

Also, make sure whatever triggers the event is correct and not broken (if you are using 'play movement', I would suggest changing it to 'play attack action' and 'play move action' instead, since play movement is pretty unreliable most of the time).

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Posted on 12-17-08 12:20 AM, in problem with vulcan-cross frames Link | Quote | ID: 96988

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Posted by luppolo
but play movement involves both movement and attack if that element has both?


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Posted on 12-18-08 07:05 AM, in Boss of the Year? Link | Quote | ID: 97079

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Since: 11-03-08
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Agreed. I think this is an excellent idea. Some kind of poll either on here or on Youtube would be great. I would support it.

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Posted on 12-19-08 01:10 AM, in Boss of the Year? Link | Quote | ID: 97115

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Since: 11-03-08
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I think instead of doing like the ToTM, where people submit their bosses, we should have the judges pick from bosses already made. I'm not sure if that is what you were already thinking or not, that's just what I think. maybe they can pick like 10 finalists out of all that have been made or something.

I don't know, just pickin the 'ol brain for stuff. =P

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Posted on 12-19-08 09:12 AM, in Phantasy Star Online Link | Quote | ID: 97147

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Since: 11-03-08
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Anyone ever play PSO? Holy hannah, what a great game. I wish PSU even held a candle to it. Got a Humar up to lvl 152 before I moved to Florida and lost my memory card for my GameCube. Sad, sad day.

Anyone still play (either PSO or PSU)? I've heard that they are shutting down the online servers and was wondering if anyone plays GC version on a private server still.

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Posted on 12-19-08 09:28 AM, in Fraxy Series' Link | Quote | ID: 97148

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Since: 11-03-08
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Yea, I know that there is a Fraxy section, but I was just curious if any of you fine reading/writing folk would be interested in the story that is unfolding in the series' I'm posting on Youtube. I like Fraxy, but I am first and foremost a writer, and so the story has become very important to me.

So yea.


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Posted on 12-20-08 11:02 AM, in I fail at the new wiki!! Link | Quote | ID: 97214

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Since: 11-03-08
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Some of you may have noticed that my name is up in the User Index (finally!), but can't get to any of my creations. It's because I can't figure the blasted thing out!

But not to worry; all of my bosses have been uploaded. If anyone can help me with this I would be greatly appreciative!

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Posted on 12-20-08 10:28 PM, in THE ULTIMATE QUESTION Link | Quote | ID: 97235

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Since: 11-03-08
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Posted by RT-55J
I thought at first that this thread was referring to this story, which I happen to like more than either of the options in the poll.

It is a link to Isaac Asimov's short story, NS, which is really a great story.

I never saw Fight Club till recently, but I'm going to have to throw my vote with it.

"I am Jack's broken heart."

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Posted on 12-20-08 10:35 PM, in Boss of the Year? Link | Quote | ID: 97236

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Since: 11-03-08
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I think judges should be able to have their creations in the running, but shouldn't have a vote for them or anything, just like you said Bukk. Also, the idea of having sub-categories is a great idea.

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Posted on 12-22-08 07:04 AM, in Starcraft II Link | Quote | ID: 97320

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Since: 11-03-08
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Also an avid fan of StarCraft. I think it was my most played game of all time, and probably my second favorite game ever.

However, I am a little less excited for SC II than I was even just a year ago. Their decision to split it into three different games (one for each of the factions) just seems wrong, or out of place. Most of my favorite games are that way because of their storylines, and if this is going to be split up like this, it will probably just ruin it.

It also seems like a money-grabbing scheme to boot. I know, I know, Blizzard is in fact a business and are, in fact, out to make money, but with a massive cash cow like WoW, do you really have to try that hard for money.

I'll be honest and say that, at this moment, I'm more excited about Diablo III than I am of SC II, though it makes me sad that I ever had to even say that about something as epic as StarCraft.

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Posted on 01-17-09 11:50 PM, in Boss of the Year? Link | Quote | ID: 98932

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Since: 11-03-08
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Just curious if this idea has made any headway.

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Posted on 01-26-09 07:52 PM, in Favourite Videogame Weapon? Link | Quote | ID: 99513

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Since: 11-03-08
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Man, there are a lot of weapons in a lot of different games that I love, but one particular one lept to mind right when I saw this thread, and this video says it all.

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Posted on 01-30-09 03:45 PM, in *sigh* Final Fantasy XIII Link | Quote | ID: 99817

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Since: 11-03-08
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The jury for me is still out on this game. It does look good, but I agree that many of the FFs have been hit and miss. The only thing that I wanted to pointed out that makes this stand out a bit from many of the other FFs is that the hero is a woman. She might have blond hair like Cloud, but of course not being a man makes her quite a bit different.

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Posted on 01-31-09 04:46 AM, in Where I've been Link | Quote | ID: 99854

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Since: 11-03-08
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Most of you may have noticed that I said in my last video that I wanted to post a new episode every week. Well, obviously, that didn't happen as I wanted it to, and I wanted to explain why it didn't work out. At the beginning on December I got laid off from my job, and have been looking for a new one since then. It's been pretty trying, but I should have a job soon, so I can get back to work on it. I also love to write, and have been working more frequently on a story. I'll be totally honest and tell you that my writing takes precidence over Fraxy, even though I love the game.

Anyways, that's the gist of it. I would like to get back to work on it; I already have a few bosses ready for later episodes, and I really want to get them out... so yea....


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Posted on 02-11-09 08:43 PM, in Hello. Link | Quote | ID: 100754

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Since: 11-03-08
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Welcome to the Compendium, Rodolfo. It's always good to have some new thinking come and add to the group.

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Posted on 02-13-09 07:13 AM, in Boss story. Link | Quote | ID: 100874

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Since: 11-03-08
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Yea, I like to add story to a lot of my bosses. After this series I'm going to just going back to posting boss vids, but for now, it's pretty fun.

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Posted on 02-14-09 08:00 PM, in What's your favorite Enemy Weapon? Link | Quote | ID: 100972

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Since: 11-03-08
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I also like to use blades in a more aesthetic way than a weapon, Bukk. They just seem to work very well that way.

I'd have to say that the Homing Lasers are my favorite weapon, as you can probably tell by how many bosses have them. I just think they can make some awesome-looking patterns.

Also, I can tell you which weapon is by far my least favorite: the Powerball. I don't think there is a weapon that I die to more. It's like any time ones around, I'm like 'Oh, you know what would be fun?! Blowing myself up with that there powerball =D !'

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Posted on 02-22-09 08:52 AM, in CamStudio Problems Link | Quote | ID: 101635

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Since: 11-03-08
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Anyone else been having troubles recording with it? It's strange, I've never had a problem with it before, but now every time I record something, it gives me a crazy error and the video cannot be played by any program. I had a suspicion that it might be because of the video's length, but I have my doubts about that because I have successfully recorded over thirty minutes before without a problem.

So, anyone else got problems with it? I'm just a bit curious if anyone has a solution.

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