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Posted on 09-28-08 08:36 PM Link | Quote | ID: 91276

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Since: 05-02-07
From: Shelton, WA

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That and the underwater SM64 video is why someone must create a SMB1 remake out of SM64!

That, Is VERY cool!

Mah boi, romhacking is what all true warriors strive for!

I wonder what's for dinner?

Raccoon Sam
Posted on 09-28-08 08:43 PM Link | Quote | ID: 91277

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Hi

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That is so sweet..!
Have you found any unused sequence data? That'd be so rad.


Posted on 09-28-08 10:04 PM Link | Quote | ID: 91282

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Since: 05-26-08
From: Porto Alegre, Brazil

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SM64 has been 'ripped' before, and there aren't unused sequences . However, recently some extra debugs have been found.

As for a SMB remake, I would be more interested in a Super Mario 64 RPG hack, but that's a project for the (hopefully not so distant) future .

Posted on 09-29-08 04:27 AM Link | Quote | ID: 91322

Red Koopa
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Posted by ShadowTails
Posted by elbobelo
Speaking of Mario Kart

If you're going to do an NES racing game, good luck with that.

I somehow believe I can pull it off. Using the right game.

Posted on 09-29-08 04:36 AM (rev. 2 of 09-29-08 04:37 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 91323

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Since: 05-26-08
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R.C. Pro-Am ?

Posted on 09-29-08 08:11 PM Link | Quote | ID: 91374

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
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A work in progress. Very little progress left, too.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
Opera - give it a spin
Spare some of your free time?
<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Dr. Hell
Posted on 09-29-08 10:35 PM Link | Quote | ID: 91385

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Since: 03-02-07
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Fun times. I figured I should at least be the second one to do it before everyone else does.

Posted on 09-30-08 02:50 AM Link | Quote | ID: 91400

Red Koopa
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Posted by messiaen
R.C. Pro-Am ?

Man how'd you guess?

Posted on 09-30-08 08:22 PM (rev. 2 of 09-30-08 08:23 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 91446

Hammer Brother
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Posted by Dr. Hell

Fun times. I figured I should at least be the second one to do it before everyone else does.

If you're attempting to use MM9 graphics for Megaman 1, be aware of the 128 tile limit.

I wish someone would do a 256 tile limit for Megaman 1 and 2. Megaman 3-6 has 256 tiles oer each level.

Dr. Hell
Posted on 09-30-08 09:46 PM Link | Quote | ID: 91459

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Since: 03-02-07
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I'm only using it for one level, and it actually doesn't look too bad. That's for Elecman, and I'm totally happy with the way that tileset turned out.

Now it's time to find some XY positions, and maybe change the sprite that gets loaded during that screen. If I can I think I can have mugshots instead of enemy sprites. Anyone have any ideas where anything relating to the sprites on this screen is located?

Posted on 09-30-08 10:38 PM Link | Quote | ID: 91465

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I've had this on Youtube for a while because I've been interested in how many views and comments I'll get without having it linked to anywhere, but your screenshot has urged me to post it here.

Clearly we had some similar ideas for the boss select screen! I have to head out now, but I can grab data from my notes about it later if you want the data handed to you. Finding it oneself is a lot more fun, though. I'll be putting the data up somewhere anyway, since someone on Youtube expressed interest in it. Aside from the boss select screen, there are a lot of other changes in that video that I hope people will notice.

Dr. Hell
Posted on 09-30-08 10:41 PM (rev. 2 of 09-30-08 10:41 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 91466

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Since: 03-02-07
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Haha I was that "someone on youtube" actually. You should have checked out my channel, you would have seen videos from my CV3 hack. I love the stuff you're doing in that though. It's much more ambitious than what I plan on doing, well other than the stage select screen. I really want to try to have mugshots.

Posted on 09-30-08 11:07 PM Link | Quote | ID: 91467

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Brooklyn, NY

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Now you guys need to find a way to add two extra stages so we can have an 8-bit Oil Man and Time Man.

andrew sylvester dot com | retrogaming @ robot vaudeville

Posted on 09-30-08 11:29 PM Link | Quote | ID: 91471

Buzzy Beetle
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Just got done with this room.

lawl blog


Posted on 09-30-08 11:33 PM Link | Quote | ID: 91472

>implying even the Japanese understand the Japanese
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It's... beautiful! D:

Might actually give me an excuse to play more Metroid.

we're currently experiencing some technical difficulties

Posted on 09-30-08 11:59 PM (rev. 2 of 10-01-08 12:05 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 91473

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$1B56A - The one background tile ID
$1B669 - Location for both halves and attributes for the left half of the special Guts Man attributes
$1B671 - Attributes for the right half of the special Guts Man attributes
$1BE2B-1BE4E- Boss frame design (normal)
$1BE4F-1BE72- Boss frame design (Guts Man)
$1BE73-1BE96- Boss frame design (Wily)
$1BE97-1BEA4- Table of frame locations for all 7 bosses. 2 bytes per location; the first byte plus the two lowest bits
from the next byte (as the two highest bits of the location) determine the number of tiles to skip
before drawing the frame. Second byte is always 2x.
$1BEA5-1BEAB- Table of frame background locations for all 7 bosses. 1 byte per location; format is xy.
$1BEAC-1BEB5- Some sort of attribute stuff for the flashing background
$1BEB6-1BEB9- Locations for the flashing background behind "STAGE SELECT PRESS START"
$1BEBA-1BEBF- Unknown; has to do with the flashing background
$1BEC0-1BECB- 6 entries, one per boss, of 2 bytes each telling the game what boss ID to go to next if you press right
or left, in that order; used when Dr. Wily is unavailable
$1BECC-1BED9- Just like the previous table, but with 7 entries; used when Dr. Wily is available

$1BEDA-1BEF5- 7 entries, one per boss, of 4 bytes each, telling the game the frame ID, Y position, X position, and
sprite flag, respectively, for each boss on the boss select screen
$1BEF6-1BF11- 7 entries, one per boss, of 4 bytes each, telling the game the Y velocity high, Y velocity low, X
velocity high, and X velocity low, respectively, for when the boss has been selected and is jumping
$1BF12-1BF18- 7 bytes, one per boss, saying which frame ID to use when the boss has been selected and is jumping
$1BF19-1BF1F- 7 bytes, one per boss, saying which frame ID to use when the boss lands after jumping
$1BF20-1BF26- 7 bytes, one per boss, saying which graphics to use for that boss. Format seems to be the first tile for
that boss on the pattern table, but EOR'd by 80 (?)
$1BF27-1BF2D- 7 bytes, one per boss, defining attributes for that boss
$1BF2E-1BF3B- 7 pointers, one per boss, to animation data for the animation the boss does after being selected
Animation format: 2 bytes per frame: Frame ID, delay before advancing to next frame. Terminate animation
with FF. The animation will continue until a certain time is reached.
$1BF3C-1BF6A- Animation data. Locations within the data for each boss are determined by the above pointers
$1BF6B-1BF7E- 10 text pointers. Order of pointers is 7 bosses, then STAGE SELECT, then PRESS START, then CLEAR POINTS
$1BF7F-1BFDB- Text data. Locations for text in the data are determined by the above pointers

I won't guarantee that all of this is correct; I did the hack for my boss selection screen over the course of a couple days several summers ago. I've only touched it once since then (to remove the boss name text), though I will be again in a while to pretty it up even more. I assume it's all mostly accurate. It should go without saying, but I'll say it anyway: boss order is the obvious cut/ice/bomb/fire/elec/guts/wily.

If you want to add mugshots, you'll have to find the space for both the background and sprite parts of the mugshots, and then have them either all be identical or have boss frame data for each and every boss frame. You'll also need something for displaying the sprites, which would be a total pain. I think there are a lot of reasons not to go with mugshots in this game unless you're expanding it.

Edit: Also, if you want to mess with the boss selection screen, you'll need to change the coordinates and compares for Bomb Man's bomb and Wily/Wily's saucer. I thought I noted the locations for all of that down, but apparently I didn't. I guess about all I can add regarding this is that it's a total pain to get everything pixel-perfect again after you start messing with it and I feel sorry for anyone who decides to fiddle with it.

As for Time Man and Oil Man, PSlugworth, adding them isn't a matter of finding a way, but rather willingness to do that amount of work. Ignoring the obvious difference between the PSP and NES resolutions, you'd also have to program in the AI for the bosses, muck around with the game's animation data (which is already tightly packed), expand the ROM to accommodate the extra #$2000 bytes necessary for the stages alone (and then there are extra graphics, sprite data, music, and various other things. You'd likely have to expand by #$8000 bytes or more due to the way the engine is set up), and move various data structures (because now they'll be 2 bytes bigger) and rearrange their data to allow room for the new bytes in the right places. Then you'd have to do extensive playtesting and looking through the ROM for things that relied on stages having certain ID values to ensure that they've all been properly changed to accommodate the extra two stages that were added. Do you want to do it? I sure as hell don't.

Posted on 10-01-08 12:35 AM Link | Quote | ID: 91474

Giant Red Paratroopa
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NetSplit: That video of your kicks major ass! Nuff said...

My Linktree

Posted on 10-01-08 05:11 AM Link | Quote | ID: 91481

Buzzy Beetle
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Since: 06-01-07
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Posted by PSlugworth
Now you guys need to find a way to add two extra stages so we can have an 8-bit Oil Man and Time Man.

I wonder if it would be difficult to port the Bosses from MM1 to a later MM game like MM3? That would be a good starting point for a new powered up style remake. I'm sure disabling the advanced features wouldn't be too complicated either. Plus using a later game allows for the larger BG tile areas by default. The hardest thing might be to ASM hack 2 of the bosses AI and I guess the weapons, too.

Posted on 10-01-08 05:21 AM Link | Quote | ID: 91483

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Brooklyn, NY

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Mega Man... Powered Down?

Anyway, if you used Mega Man 2, 4 or 6 you've got a boss that already has a time-stopping ability. If only there was a way to drop an enemy easily from one game to the next. The later ones must be based off the same "engine," so you'd think it would be--not easy, but at least possible. Anyway, a man can dream...

andrew sylvester dot com | retrogaming @ robot vaudeville

Posted on 10-01-08 05:55 AM Link | Quote | ID: 91484

Buzzy Beetle
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Since: 06-01-07
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They're all coded in ASM. If someone were to disassemble them then they'd just need to be adapted to the new game's memory addresses and what not, no?
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