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Posted on 11-24-07 01:26 AM (rev. 2 of 11-24-07 01:27 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 70614

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Since: 02-20-07
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Posted by blackhole89
Which one is it anyway? The graphical style seems marginally familiar...

It's a (rare?) puzzle game called Moai kun: http://www.romhacking.net/trans/188/ I had the game on my NES in "191 in 1" pirate cartridge bought from Spain in the 90's. Haven't actually met anyone else who'd have had the game though

Posted on 11-24-07 09:33 AM Link | Quote | ID: 70629

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Since: 03-05-07
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Posted by Dr. Hell

Optomon. Quit tempting me. The other night I was thinking about putting together a Castlevania 2 hacking dream team of sorts. I don't want to do that to all of us.

Look don't worry. I split rum all oer the keyboard werte doing it ok?



Just kidding I wouldnt waste m time wiyth a Siomns Quest hack

PS : It took me five minutes to type my scrteename in and match the password with it

Raccoon Sam
Posted on 11-24-07 01:49 PM Link | Quote | ID: 70630

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Since: 02-19-07
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Posted by Legato

Now this is a great game to hack =)

Moai-Kun! Oh boy oh boy. Have you found any level data?


Posted on 11-24-07 01:52 PM Link | Quote | ID: 70632

The Guardian
Moloch whose eyes are a thousand blind windows!
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Since: 02-19-07
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"Anyway, you're this dinosaur-looking thing..."

It surprises me the translators didn't even know/could be bothered to look up what a Moai is...


Posted on 11-24-07 02:30 PM Link | Quote | ID: 70635

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Since: 02-20-07
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Posted by Raccoon Sam
Posted by Legato

Now this is a great game to hack =)

Moai-Kun! Oh boy oh boy. Have you found any level data?

Yup. Level data of this game is rather simple. It starts at the 678F with for example stage 1 consisting of these parts:

6F8F level theme (BG and palette)
6F90 starting position
6F91-6F92 placement of door
6F93-6FC6 block data

Block structure:
First 4-bits: lenght of the block (0-F)
Second 4-bits: type of the block (0-F)

Level data is read row by row and summed lenght of the blocks must always fill the whole level (F*F blocks).

With a few minutes of playing with notepad and hex editor I was able to change stage 1 to this:

My next goal is to make a simple level editor.

Posted on 11-24-07 05:21 PM (rev. 2 of 11-24-07 05:22 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 70640

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Since: 05-26-07
From: Marseille-France

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Hello, here is a video of my SMW hack (first level):

Posted on 11-24-07 07:12 PM Link | Quote | ID: 70644

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Since: 03-05-07
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Posted by optomon
Posted by Dr. Hell

Optomon. Quit tempting me. The other night I was thinking about putting together a Castlevania 2 hacking dream team of sorts. I don't want to do that to all of us.

Look don't worry. I split rum all oer the keyboard werte doing it ok?



Just kidding I wouldnt waste m time wiyth a Siomns Quest hack

PS : It took me five minutes to type my scrteename in and match the password with it

Ignore that. Now that I'm in a more human state, I can safely and coherently express that I have no real intention of making a Castlevania 2 hack. So you don't have to worry about anything.

Posted on 11-26-07 03:45 PM Link | Quote | ID: 70711

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 02-19-07
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Legato: That's pretty cool, hope to see more soon. ^^'

My Linktree

Posted on 11-26-07 09:22 PM Link | Quote | ID: 70720

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Since: 06-27-07
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Posted by Ristar

Someone should make a patch to allow seperate graphics for Mario & Luigi like in this and Luigi VS Mario.


Posted on 11-29-07 05:36 PM (rev. 2 of 11-29-07 05:36 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 70891

Melon Bug
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Posted by boingboingsplat
In Progress:

This will probably be the biggest ASM project I've attempted.

There's also some custom GFX in there for ya.

(If you haven't gotten it yet, SM64 caps)

Neat. I can't wait to see how this turns out

Posted on 11-30-07 03:39 AM Link | Quote | ID: 70926

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Brooklyn, NY

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This is not much of an update fellas, I'm motivating myself to start hacking. In Toad's House I edit the background to give it a more pixel look and I replaced the old Toad sprite. I'm thinking of adding the CV3 font, think I should do it?

Bonus points to whoever can guess from what game that face is from...

My Linktree

Posted on 12-01-07 04:48 PM Link | Quote | ID: 70988

Red Koopa
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FLAWLESS VICTORY!!! FATALITY!!!! lol sorry a lil excited that i finally got this working and looking right. now I finally have a proper world 5 theme

Posted on 12-05-07 10:42 AM Link | Quote | ID: 71227

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Been almost a year since we released Zelda: Parallel Worlds. I figure I could let everyone know that work on version 2.0, has been resumed. I'll be handling the job to redo Euclid's dungeons for the next several months.


I'll be posting updates at least twice a month for a start.

Exemple of a - before and after - job:



I've compiled a lot of suggestions since the release. I'll try to make up for a lot of these so that everyone's happy. But the biggest challenge I'll have to face yet is to make the dungeons as enjoyable as non repetitive. So new suggestions of what you'd want, are always welcome.


Posted on 12-05-07 10:28 PM Link | Quote | ID: 71251

Bullet Bill
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Since: 02-23-07

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Nice to see that you've decided to continue going through with the project. Just the other day I was chatting somewhere about how you guys were supposed to be fixing it up from suggestions gathered in the thread a year ago. It'll be nice to see where you take the project now. Good luck!


Posted on 12-09-07 02:59 AM Link | Quote | ID: 71412

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Since: 02-20-07
From: Finland

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Posted on 12-09-07 06:38 PM Link | Quote | ID: 71437

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Brooklyn, NY

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Legato you're my new best friend, your progress is awsome. I like what I see, this'll be a really easy editor to get into.

My Linktree

Posted on 12-10-07 02:52 AM (rev. 2 of 12-10-07 02:59 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 71474

Yellow Stalfos
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Since: 07-06-07
From: Québec

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By the way, the screens of Moai-Kun are obviously from a simple graphics hack...
The alter-ego does look like a moai...


What is that red frame besides the door?
What is the pink block, 1st colum, 4th row?
What are the blocks in the 5th row?

Posted on 12-10-07 08:00 AM Link | Quote | ID: 71482

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Since: 02-20-07
From: Finland

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Posted by Googie
Legato you're my new best friend, your progress is awsome. I like what I see, this'll be a really easy editor to get into.

Thanks. Well, the game is very simple too I'm a beginner in level editor programming and datamining so this is like a practice work for level editor making for me.
Posted by Trax
By the way, the screens of Moai-Kun are obviously from a simple graphics hack...
The alter-ego does look like a moai...

Graphics and level hack. I don't think it's that "obvious". You can't find that kind of level from the original game. Yes, I have changed some graphics just for the warm-up. Don't worry, I won't make a hack with that kind of dull GFX It's true that they are little bit misleading though.
Posted by Trax

What is that red frame besides the door?
What is the pink block, 1st colum, 4th row?
What are the blocks in the 5th row?

1. It's the cursor for the door placement (32x32).
2. Duh, I have to admit I can't remember And I can't test it in my current situation (damn you government)
3. First is a little bit graphically changed normal breakable block, second one is a block you that you can walk through the horizontal, but not from the vertical sides. It's also breakable.

Posted on 12-10-07 07:59 PM Link | Quote | ID: 71496

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Brooklyn, NY

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Here's a screen of some graphic changes, I wanna have Luigi collect cherries in this world. ^^'

My Linktree

Posted on 12-11-07 12:26 AM (rev. 2 of 12-12-07 12:38 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 71516

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Since: 03-02-07
From: Paris, France

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Hi there, long time no talk
I've taken work back on my still untitled SMB3 project, I really want to finish it but it has been difficult to work on it because of my studies. Unfortunately I'm not going to have much more free time in the next months, but I'll try to find some spare time during holidays.
Here is one of the features I added recently : Hard mode.
It just changes all map & levels palette (as in SMW special thing), and replaces some enemies with others (as in SMB1 when re-playing) ; simple yet effective for replay value
Screenies :





I also added a new song, based on Koopa's Road from SM64, download it here.
May I remind you that the new songs are added, so the original ones are still in the game!

Edit: video added!

Any comment appreciated
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