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Deleted User
Posted on 06-10-07 02:54 AM Link | Quote | ID: 44083

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Since: 03-15-07

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Posted by DahrkDaiz
{insert video here}

Ok Im having a bit of a hard time getting Mario to face the correct direction during and after the butt slam, but as you can see, you can go through multiple blocks now

Quite awesome, SMB3 is no longer SMB3, it's like a fusion of Classic Mario and Mario 64. I'm very much impressed. And Openpoké looks nice too, although since I don't know much about it, I ask, is it an engine, or is it a specific game? The "open" in the name suggests open source(obviously), but beyond that, all I know is pokemon, and coded by you, google fails at gathering information on it.

Posted on 06-10-07 03:11 AM Link | Quote | ID: 44091

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Since: 05-22-07
From: swedun

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Posted by TheTemporaryGuy
And Openpoké looks nice too, although since I don't know much about it, I ask, is it an engine, or is it a specific game? The "open" in the name suggests open source(obviously), but beyond that, all I know is pokemon, and coded by you, google fails at gathering information on it.

It's an engine. But every release of it will have openpoke in the title (says in the license agreement).

Python Powered

Posted on 06-10-07 12:25 PM Link | Quote | ID: 44196

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Posted by 1337_Ac3
Posted by TheTemporaryGuy
And Openpoké looks nice too, although since I don't know much about it, I ask, is it an engine, or is it a specific game? The "open" in the name suggests open source(obviously), but beyond that, all I know is pokemon, and coded by you, google fails at gathering information on it.

It's an engine. But every release of it will have openpoke in the title (says in the license agreement).
Posted by "OP License"
2. You MAY NOT change the logo to read anything but "OpenPoké".
2.1 You MAY change the logo to look better, or to fit a theme.
2.2 You SHOULD expect the Core Team to contact you if we like what you did to the logo.

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Opera - give it a spin
Spare some of your free time?
<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 06-11-07 07:38 AM Link | Quote | ID: 44475

Nipper Plant
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New status bar

Shown here is the warning shown when you're low on air

Posted on 06-11-07 07:41 AM Link | Quote | ID: 44476

Jizz Danmaku
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Since: 04-20-07
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you have made this no longer smb3 anymore.. just wow....


Posted on 06-11-07 07:49 AM Link | Quote | ID: 44480

Buzz Blob
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Since: 04-06-07
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This better get released in some form... ;_______;

Posted on 06-11-07 07:50 AM Link | Quote | ID: 44481

Buzzy Beetle
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Posted on 06-11-07 10:37 AM (rev. 2 of 06-11-07 10:40 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 44502

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Since: 02-26-07

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Posted by tyty210
you have made this no longer smb3 anymore.. just wow....

I can't stand this any longer. Shut the hell up with comments like these. God damn it, he adds some fucking features to the game that don't change the actual gameplay enough to call it a new game and redoes the status bar and now it's no longer SMB3? Yes, he's done some cool things to the game, but stop with these fucking comments about how the game is SO RADICALLY DIFFERENT and comparable to a SUPER NINTENDO GAME somehow. DahrkDaiz is not THE shit like so many of you think. He's a very good hacker, and his work is very respectable, but you people act like everything he does is mind-blowing simply because HE is the one who made it. Grow up. It's not entirely comparable because this work is very good, but Invisible Mario Bros comes to mind. Other people are doing work just as good as this; stop going apeshit just because it was done by DD.

And DahrkDaiz, must you really show off every little change you make to the game as you make it? I mean, seriously, the only reason to do something like that is to boost your ego. You could actually hold up a bit and show a video or something that demonstrates an abundance of cool changes, but no, you show a video or a screenshot of every little thing you're doing, regardless of how minute it might be (4 different colors of pipes? Wow, you're a hacking god). Are you even going to release a hack using this stuff, or will it just be something you show off in these videos to get some praise? I mean, what happened to that Kid Icarus stuff you were showing off? It was something new and somewhat unique, but it seems to have disappeared. I suppose you didn't get enough praise to warrant doing the project, huh? Try hacking something because it's what you want to do, not because it gives you an ego boost.

It's always good to show off progress on our works and it's perfectly acceptable to feel good about what we're doing, but this is ridiculous. You have post after post discussing every little feature you've added so far, and have posted about it on multiple boards. It looks like this hack more or less just started, so the only explanation I can think of is that you're trying to milk it for as much praise as you can.

I apologize for this outburst, but it really has to be said. DahrkDaiz is not the god of ROM hacking, his shit isn't made of gold, and there are other good hackers out there who are doing impressive things that deserve praise.

Posted on 06-11-07 10:45 AM (rev. 2 of 06-11-07 10:47 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 44503

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Since: 02-19-07

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*013042> BMF54123> Hey, he's going to post something rather inflammatory in ROM Hacking. I promised he wouldn't get scolded by the staff for it.
*013106> BMF54123> It sounds to me like it's something people need to hear...
*013125> laptuna> I wonder what it will be
*013150> BMF54123> He's sick of all the attention DahrkDaiz is getting for his SMB3 hacks, I guess.
*013204> laptuna>
*013208> BMF54123> People treating him like God, etc.
*013213> laptuna> I think he is a bit green
*013249> BMF54123> Well, I never got this much attention when I did things like that boss life meter in SMO...
*013306> laptuna> Yeah, but that's just a boss life meter
*013311> laptuna> it's technically unamazing
*013314> laptuna> (to most people)
*013315> BMF54123> People are starting to think DD has transcended the limits of the NES's abilities or something.
*013337> laptuna> tbh, all I see a life meter as is "memory address saying "don't killb oss yte"
*013347> laptuna> some of DD's stuff is quite amazing, and remember
*013352> BMF54123> But DD did the same thing! He just implemented an air meter, and people are like "this isn't SMB3 anymore!!@#$%"
*013357> laptuna> he also released Mario Adventure and an unfinished Mario v. Luigi
*013411> laptuna> so peopel have something radically different from the *old* SMB3 to say
*013415> laptuna> "Wow, he did this too!"
*013419> BMF54123> yeah...
*013425> laptuna> as opposed to SMO, which is just kind of... "what's that?"
*013449> BMF54123> I just think there are some ROM hacking accomplishments that are far more deserving of praise.
*013506> BMF54123> I think JaSp's hacks are far more impressive, myself...
*013509> laptuna> There are, of course
*013514> laptuna> There always is
*013524> laptuna> it's just, he's DarkDhaiz
*013528> laptuna> he's got a name out there on the internet
*013535> laptuna> he has one of the most famous hacks ever
*013543> laptuna> people look up to the guy :\
*013617> laptuna> and Super Metroid Redesign got what, several thousand posts too =|
*013631> laptuna> I think MMVengance was getting a lot of attention too until it died
*013641> BMF54123> mmm.

In short, while I do feel DD is getting quite a lot of praise for things, I also believe that compared to most things here, he is deserving. And regarding "other hacks", this is true also... but you seem to have forgotten them:

"Zelda : Parallel Worlds" got plenty of comments, praise, and overall criticism when it was released (several pages full)
"Super Metroid Redesign" did as well, and even has a TAS in the works (?)
"Super Demo World" is still the Super Mario World hack
"Mega Man Vengance" was highly looked forward to, until it was canned
Various other hacks, too, have been shown here and been very amazing overall.

Do not hate people because there are people who follow them, kissing the ground they walk on. DD's changes are indeed quite impressive, and many people are amazed, not to mention SMB3 is one of the better known games of all time, and DD's hack(s) are the only notable ones released for it as of yet (that I know of, though JaSP's Some Usual Day is looking quite interesting).

However, despite BMF's assurance that I should not give you a ton of shit over this, I will say this:

And DahrkDaiz, must you really show off every little change you make to the game as you make it? I mean, seriously, the only reason to do something like that is to boost your ego.

It is not uncommon for people to show off changes. Why not show them, after all? People, even me, can wonder if the changes work properly, or how they will change the game. Just because he has something to show does not mean he shouldn't.

In short, shut up.

I dealt with it.

Posted on 06-11-07 10:47 AM Link | Quote | ID: 44504

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Since: 05-27-07

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Goodnes, calm down hun, no need to be like that hun.

I agree though, its not SMB3 anymore, lol, its more like an 8 bit NSMB lol, butt pound being in there and all.

But it is still painfully obvious to be a mario game still, that much is for sure.
And do i detect a hint of jealousy? lol

Anyhow, i love all the things i have seen as of lately.
Keep up the great work!

Posted on 06-11-07 11:10 AM Link | Quote | ID: 44506

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Since: 02-26-07

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Jealousy? No. I have no reason to be jealous. I can hack just as well as DahrkDaiz can, and have done some pretty decent work on some hacks. You don't know about this because I don't parade it around and I don't feel I should be showing off screenshots and videos of my hacks to the general public because they are far from finished (meaning I have months or possibly years of work left on them). I'll start showing off what I've done when I'm about ready to release the projects, since then I'll be certain that people will actually be playing these things in completed form instead of just salivating over images and videos of something they'll never play in completed form, if ever.

Yes, it's still a Mario game. Sure. But just because Mario can do a few more things doesn't mean it's not Super Mario Bros. 3 anymore. We differentiate Mega Man 1 and 2 because the games are significantly different, but Mega Man 2 is really just a really good 'hack' of Mega Man 1. Until the gameplay is significantly different or the code behind the game heavily overhauled, this is still Super Mario Bros 3, just as much as Zelda Outlands is still Zelda 1. You want an example of a hack that really is its own game? Check out Extra Mario Bros, a Japanese hack of SMB1 by ATA. Quite possibly the best hack I've ever seen, and most definitely worthy of being called 'not SMB1'.

And Xkeeper, I do not hate people for being celebrities, nor did I even say I hate DahrkDaiz. I "hate" people for trying to be celebrities. As I said earlier, there is no problem with posting work you're doing on your hack, but when the community screenshot thread has a post almost every single day from a single person showing every detail he's doing in his hack as he does them, then I think it's beyond showing off one's work and moving into the celebrity territory of basking in the glory of people kissing the ground you walk on. I really like the Sonic videos that are shown here because they typically show a lot of changes at once and it's a lot of fun watching them. They're posted to show significant progress. It really feels like everything DahrkDaiz posts is simply to get a 'Wow' out of people because they're so often and indiscriminate of the amount of content to be shown off. There's a big difference between a lot of attention and showing off every little detail in a community thread. You want to show off every little detail? Put it on a website, or MAYBE even make a thread specifically for your own hack if it's going to be that big, but even that would be better if it were after a significant amount of work were done.

Posted on 06-11-07 11:20 AM Link | Quote | ID: 44507

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Since: 02-19-07

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Sigh. I think showing a massive change, such as adding a completely new move, is a bit of a major change.

FYI, Sonic hackers have a complete disassembly of the games to work with, so "copy pasting" code is quite easy. Don't think that just because another hack does it, no other oe can either. (Note: I think Megamix kicks ass)

On that note, though, should we all hate JaSp because he's releasing videos and screenshots of a "whoopee" password system? Or a message box with a Goomba? Wow, that's some real major changes there.

In any case, you have nothing to show for yourself other than words. You say you will post nothing, announce nothing... that seems to be quite against the idea of getting criticism before your hack is released, which happened to one major hack (Hi, Parallel Worlds, you suck)... Then again it is your choice.

I dealt with it.

Posted on 06-11-07 11:46 AM Link | Quote | ID: 44510

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JaSp's password system is far from 'whoopee'. That's a pretty impressive change, in my opinion, and I bet you it took more work than that triple jump. Not to downplay the significance of some of DD's changes, as some of them (the ground pound move, in specific) are quite cool and impressive, but it seems very much like a lot of you people don't seem to understand how difficult some things are to implement compared to other things. Additionally, JaSp isn't turning the general screenshot thread into JaSp's Progress Thread, where every detail, big or small, is shown off.

I'm not saying that the Sonic hackers are doing cooler stuff because it's Sonic. I did not even mean for the game that they are hacking to be of any significance in this discussion. The fact that they have a disassembly is irrelevant; what is relevant is that we do not see posts every day showing off every single change they make, one by one. My point was that those videos contained a lot of changes. It's sort of like how one might release a demo when reaching a significant milestone in the development of a project. You don't release a new demo every single time you do something. I have over 100 copies of my Mega Man 1 hack, each one a progression over the last. Some of those copies have minuscule differences, while some have huge differences. It would be ridiculous to release every single one as a demo, and also ridiculous to make a post every single time I make a new copy of the ROM or even before then, as sometimes I don't move to a new copy after finishing just one feature. The game is irrelevant. The significance of each and frequency of updates in the community screenshot thread is what I am questioning in these posts.

Additionally, why should it matter what I can or can't do? I had no reason to bring up whether I can or can't hack, and so I didn't, but felt I may as well once other people began to bring up the idea that I'm jealous or envious. I don't wish to post anything because I don't want people to wait for excessive periods of time for work that may not even get released, since the magnitude of some of the tasks I am attempting is quite intimidating. I don't need other people's approval or praise to feel good about myself. I know that my work is good and am satisfied most by the fact that I participate in this hobby and am enjoying doing it. That's really what this is: it's a hobby, and I do it because I enjoy working on projects and because I enjoy helping other people with their projects. I am satisfied with my friends playing the stuff that I make; everyone likes to show off their work, and so I show it off to my talented friends. I accept criticism, but even then, this is most about me making something I enjoy; everyone else's enjoyment of my work is secondary, but a nice bonus (Mind you, I intend to release two versions of my main hack because I know the standard version is going to be too hard for most people, assuming I ever finish it). If my credentials truly matter to you, then ask around and you'll find some respected hackers willing to vouch for me. I do not care enough to defend myself to you in this regard.

Whether I can hack or not and whether I show off any of my own work is completely irrelevant. I'm simply frustrated by DahrkDaiz making this celebrity status for himself and reveling in it. If he must, it'd be nice to see it done elsewhere.

Posted on 06-11-07 12:03 PM Link | Quote | ID: 44515

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Since: 03-25-07
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Technically, as soon as you make one change, it's no longer Super Mario Bros 3.

Posted on 06-11-07 01:45 PM Link | Quote | ID: 44524

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Interest was expressed to me about the Extra Mario Bros hack that I mentioned earlier, so I looked around and managed to find the IPS for it, along with maps for those of you who can't figure out where to go and where the secrets are. I recommend everyone give this hack a try; it's amazing in its depth, quality, and number of secrets. You even get a neat bonus for beating the game with all of the keys, which opens up even more awesome secrets.

Extra Mario Bros IPS - It's #162 on the list
Extra Mario Bros Maps - Just click the link at the top that says Extra Mario Bros.

Hacks like this should definitely be recognized. Glad to hear people are interested. For those of you who are too lazy to get the game, you can at least see a small portion of the game in this video on YouTube. (Oh, look at that, the patch is linked to in the video description. Wish I'd noticed that before searching everywhere for it. )

Posted on 06-11-07 03:34 PM Link | Quote | ID: 44532

Red Paragoomba
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Don't want to get in the middle of an argument to the death, but Extra Mario Bros looks awesome.... I'm biased though, as it uses SML2 Mario.

Because of these kinds of things I always try and avoid praising famed people like DD or BMF, as many already do. I did have to go out of my way with the ground pound simply because I love the ability to repeatedly ground pound bricks from NSMB, and the ability to do it on ? boxes. One of my favorite additions to the game, and it's cool to see it in an old game, even if it is or isn't still mostly SMB3. Sorry that I added to this frustration.

(personally, the "transparent" water and clouds didn't look as impressive as some made it out to be, but I'm not a coder. It may of required lots of work to make multiple versions of the same tiles, some with the ability to put Mario behind the tiles)

Posted on 06-11-07 04:44 PM Link | Quote | ID: 44540

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Since: 05-24-07
From: Louisiana

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Posted by DahrkDaiz

New status bar

Shown here is the warning shown when you're low on air

The only problem is the pipes underwater pallete, but I think thats due to pallete limitations.


Posted on 06-11-07 05:15 PM Link | Quote | ID: 44545

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Since: 02-19-07

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Posted by NetSplit
JaSp's password system is far from 'whoopee'. That's a pretty impressive change, in my opinion, and I bet you it took more work than that triple jump.

while (password) {
if (right) val++
if (left) val--
if (up) ltr[val]--
if (down) ltr[val]++

if (start) {
if (compareval(ltr, pwd)) doshit
} else {

This is the kind of shit I programmed in QBasic when I was 7. Not that it's that easy in assembly (or fitting it into the rest of the code) but the psuedocode is already simple enough as it is. Hell, the code could easily be taken from almost any game that allows high scores or any input at all.

I dealt with it.

Dr. Hell
Posted on 06-11-07 05:55 PM (rev. 2 of 06-11-07 05:56 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 44552

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Since: 03-02-07
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I don't know, I don't think the problem is DD doing really cool stuff. I think he's doing some awesome work. The problem comes in, when he posts something in the screenshot thread and then there's about 50 people posting stuff like "OMG!" "*insert random smiley here*" "WOW! That's really cool"

I dunno... I guess I just like how they handle it over at RHN. They have a screenshot thread for showing off a quick screen here and there, and then a Personal Projects section for stuff like DD's SMB3 project, or just any rom hack in general where you're going to be showing a lot of screens.

Posted on 06-11-07 06:01 PM Link | Quote | ID: 44554

Super Koopa
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Since: 02-19-07
From: durff

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Posted by Xkeeper
Posted by NetSplit
JaSp's password system is far from 'whoopee'. That's a pretty impressive change, in my opinion, and I bet you it took more work than that triple jump.

while (password) {
if (right) val++
if (left) val--
if (up) ltr[val]--
if (down) ltr[val]++

if (start) {
if (compareval(ltr, pwd)) doshit
} else {

This is the kind of shit I programmed in QBasic when I was 7. Not that it's that easy in assembly (or fitting it into the rest of the code) but the psuedocode is already simple enough as it is. Hell, the code could easily be taken from almost any game that allows high scores or any input at all.

Trying to compare a password system in Qbasic or any other language with built in functionality to something in a ROM is lopsided. The reason is that it's not as simple as writing the code, you also have to add in support for graphics, not to mention hook into the existing code and make sure you don't screw anything up in the process. Adding functionality through reverse engineering is much more difficult than programming from scratch.

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