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Raccoon Sam
Posted on 02-23-07 01:58 AM Link | Quote | ID: 5090

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Since: 02-19-07
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Posted by Legato

Those are some pretty dandy screens there, bud!
I also noticed that you're Finnish. Onnea pelin muokkaamisessa.


Posted on 02-23-07 01:59 AM Link | Quote | ID: 5094

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Posted by FirePhoenix0

Just one pic from my upcoming game, Super Mario Eternity: Secret of Forever Isle. Now tell me, what's different about Yoshi? (Not that he's blue, that's obvious...)

Not sure about Yoshi, but I don't think it was that good of a move to take out the ground texture...


Posted on 02-23-07 02:52 AM Link | Quote | ID: 5150

The Guardian
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Posted by Green-Kirby
Any way here is a new SS from crateria:

The palette in that screenshot does not look good. It's way too flashy and the colour transitions, breaking up with the original direction of gradients, make it look like more of a glitch than a thoughtfully created for that area palette.

You should redo it.


Ice Penguin
Posted on 02-23-07 02:57 AM Link | Quote | ID: 5153

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Since: 02-20-07
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Posted by FirePhoenix0

Just one pic from my upcoming game, Super Mario Eternity: Secret of Forever Isle. Now tell me, what's different about Yoshi? (Not that he's blue, that's obvious...)

He has an arm?

Posted on 02-23-07 03:01 AM Link | Quote | ID: 5155

Bullet Bill
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Posted by Imajin
Posted by FirePhoenix0

Just one pic from my upcoming game, Super Mario Eternity: Secret of Forever Isle. Now tell me, what's different about Yoshi? (Not that he's blue, that's obvious...)

Not sure about Yoshi, but I don't think it was that good of a move to take out the ground texture...

All I did was make the texture the same color as the dirt part. It's supposed to be a beach level, but I don't have any ExGFX for it. Maybe I'll use the cave ground for it because the texture is closer together.

As for Yoshi, notice that the red, green, blue and yellow palettes of the Koopas are the same as they always are. Yet Yoshi, who uses the green pallette, is a cyan instead. See it now?


Posted on 02-23-07 03:07 AM Link | Quote | ID: 5158

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Since: 02-19-07
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Posted by FirePhoenix0
Posted by Imajin
Posted by FirePhoenix0

Just one pic from my upcoming game, Super Mario Eternity: Secret of Forever Isle. Now tell me, what's different about Yoshi? (Not that he's blue, that's obvious...)

Not sure about Yoshi, but I don't think it was that good of a move to take out the ground texture...

All I did was make the texture the same color as the dirt part. It's supposed to be a beach level, but I don't have any ExGFX for it. Maybe I'll use the cave ground for it because the texture is closer together.

As for Yoshi, notice that the red, green, blue and yellow palettes of the Koopas are the same as they always are. Yet Yoshi, who uses the green pallette, is a cyan instead. See it now?
Oh, it's a technical thing... I haven't hacked SMW in years, that must be why I missed it...


Posted on 02-23-07 03:12 AM Link | Quote | ID: 5161

Bullet Bill
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Basically, I changed Yoshi's palette using Tweaker to one of the changing sprite palettes, aka one of the palettes Buzzy Beetles and Eeries use. Basically, using custom palettes, I can have Yoshis of any color I want in any level. So far I have Cyan Yoshi, Light Green Yoshi and Crimson Yoshi.


Posted on 02-23-07 11:59 PM Link | Quote | ID: 5993

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This is about the 52.7231th time I've restarted Quarry:

This time in .Net, with a mixture of C# and VB.net (primarily to see if I could get it working at a decent speed). I'll probably never finish this, due to my laziness.

Posted on 02-24-07 12:13 AM Link | Quote | ID: 6001

Bullet Bill
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I've never seen that game before, but it looks interesting...


Posted on 02-24-07 12:59 AM Link | Quote | ID: 6022

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Since: 02-19-07
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Posted by FirePhoenix0
I've never seen that game before, but it looks interesting...
It's Boulder Dash, I believe... It's a pretty good game, worth a download... it'd be nice to see some hacks for it.


Phoenix Yoshi
Posted on 02-25-07 01:28 AM Link | Quote | ID: 6854

Red Cheep-cheep
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Since: 02-19-07
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Well, since my thread in the SMW Hacking section had its last post made by me, I'm just going tp have to show the next screens of Super Mario World: Dr. Wily's Assault here.

So let's get onto it, shall we?

Updated starting section of Silver Pipeline 2. This level is more ground and less pipe. Please note the small pipes. This signifies that I wish to use Small Mario-only pipes! The only problem is, I am using MikeyK's SMB3 pipes since FuSoYa's prevents me from adding any other custom blocks to my hack, and I add custom blocks as I go instead of all at once (my ideas change every once in a while, so...). I posted a request for a version of these pipes I'm using that can only be entered if you're Small Mario/Luigi, but no response yet. I'd make them myself, but I have no clue how. Oh well. XD It'd be really nice to have....

If you think this is a hidden section of Silver Pipeline 1, you're sorely mistaken. You see, this section is only accessible through Silver Pipeline 2! See that Blue P-Switch-Block? If you can't get up to the pipe before the P-Switch times out, you can hit this block for a 16-Second run to the pipe. Only problem with this section? I set a screen exit, but... Entering the pipe took me to Level 0 for some reason. O_o Oh well. I may make it a door instead. Anyways, those Blue P-Blocks are only solid if a Blue P-Switch or Blue P-Switch-Block has been activated. Even the Silver P-Switches are the same. Oh yeah, if you see a Brown Block that has the symbol of a Blue P-Switch on it, that's a Blue P-Switch-Block that you must keep a sprite on at all times in order to keep it on. Red Blocks with a Silver P-Switch on them are Silver P-Switch Blocks that must be worked in the same way. Silver Block + Silver P-Switch symbol is a Silver P-Switch-Block that activates Silver P-Blocks for 16 Seconds. Silver P-Blocks are like Blue P-Blocks, but they only work when a Silver P is active. Whew, hope that wasn't too long.

Anyways, that screen shows an important thing about my hack- EACH LEVEL WILL CONNECT TO THE NEXT LEVEL AND, IN CERTAIN CASES, CERTAIN PREVIOUS LEVELS. Hey, it makes sense. The original levels all felt like simple levels, and didn't seem to connect in any way other than the overworld. However, this hack will have one level connect into the next at the end (if possible), and certain levels will connect to previous levels. Not only does it make sense, it also saves me some levels for other use. XD Anyways, enjoy the screens, and sorry for all that talking I did. XD

Posted on 02-25-07 01:34 AM Link | Quote | ID: 6859

Bullet Bill
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I've had that idea of levels connecting to previous levels before, but I've never implemented it. I may do that at some point in my game.
As for the P-Switch Blocks, those look pretty interesting to use. I'll bet you can make a lot of good puzzles using them.


Phoenix Yoshi
Posted on 02-25-07 01:40 AM Link | Quote | ID: 6865

Red Cheep-cheep
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Since: 02-19-07
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Posted by FirePhoenix0
I've had that idea of levels connecting to previous levels before, but I've never implemented it. I may do that at some point in my game.
As for the P-Switch Blocks, those look pretty interesting to use. I'll bet you can make a lot of good puzzles using them.

Yes, especially since I also have the P-Swich Reverse and Silver P-Switch Reverse blocks in the hack, too! But you'd be surprised at what puzzles I have in store. In fact, just the other day, I got the idea to use more of those movement blocks to make more underwater currents. Maybe I'll do that.

Posted on 02-25-07 01:42 AM Link | Quote | ID: 6868

Bullet Bill
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Posted by pikaguy900
Posted by FirePhoenix0
I've had that idea of levels connecting to previous levels before, but I've never implemented it. I may do that at some point in my game.
As for the P-Switch Blocks, those look pretty interesting to use. I'll bet you can make a lot of good puzzles using them.

Yes, especially since I also have the P-Swich Reverse and Silver P-Switch Reverse blocks in the hack, too! But you'd be surprised at what puzzles I have in store. In fact, just the other day, I got the idea to use more of those movement blocks to make more underwater currents. Maybe I'll do that.
Just be careful not to use them close to walls or Mario can get stuck and killed in the wall. Unless you want that as part of the challenge.


Phoenix Yoshi
Posted on 02-25-07 02:31 AM Link | Quote | ID: 6910

Red Cheep-cheep
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Since: 02-19-07
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Posted by FirePhoenix0
Posted by pikaguy900
Posted by FirePhoenix0
I've had that idea of levels connecting to previous levels before, but I've never implemented it. I may do that at some point in my game.
As for the P-Switch Blocks, those look pretty interesting to use. I'll bet you can make a lot of good puzzles using them.

Yes, especially since I also have the P-Swich Reverse and Silver P-Switch Reverse blocks in the hack, too! But you'd be surprised at what puzzles I have in store. In fact, just the other day, I got the idea to use more of those movement blocks to make more underwater currents. Maybe I'll do that.
Just be careful not to use them close to walls or Mario can get stuck and killed in the wall. Unless you want that as part of the challenge.

Oh no, I learned that the hard way. XD I know how to fix it, though- Make the ground be the movement block of the opposite direction (and of the same speed, too.). They should keep Mario above the ground if he starts to get pushed in....

Anyways, you mind posting in the thread for me, maybe comment on the given screens? I'm gonna have to post there again anyways, so...

Posted on 02-28-07 03:04 PM Link | Quote | ID: 8600

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Since: 02-19-07
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Nothing particularly interesting here, just a different sign.. signifying the first run-through of the level.

Bosses get a different first-run end too.

By the way, the second run-throughs of the levels will be different, definitely object-wise, and maybe small changes layout-wise (not sure on this yet), so it isn't just replay for replay's sake.

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." -Albert Einstein

Posted on 02-28-07 08:21 PM Link | Quote | ID: 8646

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Since: 02-19-07
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Is that from the SMS ports?


Posted on 02-28-07 09:03 PM Link | Quote | ID: 8670

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Since: 02-19-07
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Posted by setz
Is that from the SMS ports?

Altered from the original large-size in the Mega Drive version, but based on the SMS one, yes.

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." -Albert Einstein

Dr. Hell
Posted on 03-02-07 10:48 PM Link | Quote | ID: 9646

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Since: 03-02-07
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Here's something I made while I while I took a break from ripping my hair out while I tried to figure out how Castlevania's level data worked:

I probably won't be using the sprite, but if anyone is interested in making a CV hack with a Granfaloon/Legion in it instead of a Medusa, let me know and I'll give it to you.

Posted on 03-03-07 05:33 PM Link | Quote | ID: 9961

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Since: 02-19-07
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Here is a screenshot of one of my final levels, Airship Fortress (not toally blatantly stolen from MKDS). It will probably end up to be the hardest level in my hack, so it will prove a challenge to keep your sanity.

(warning: prepare for a nice light show in this level )

Want custom overworld music in your SMW hack? Download this. Don't forget to RTFM.
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