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Posted on 05-10-07 10:31 PM Link | Quote | ID: 34415

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 02-19-07
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I just finished designing level 1-6 of Luigi's Chronicles 2. Progress is slow on this hack but who knows, maybe I'll release a World 1 demo. ^^

On to my other projects...

My Linktree

Posted on 05-11-07 08:03 PM Link | Quote | ID: 34646

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The image and palette were made in a hex editor very hastily; currently all it does is view files from formats I made up.

I'm a programmer/pixelartist who likes to switch operating systems every now and then, and it sucks not having a pixel program to use when you're on linux or something.

currently, thats all it does, it loads an image from a file format I made up, which loads a palette from a file format I made up but based off YY-CHR's .pals, and eventually it will become a full-featured image editing program usable on any operating system I decide to use, but thats not yet

One of my major goals with this is animation, I can't think of a single decent free GIF animation program. But who knows if this will be free once its fully featured

* setz shrugs

next up is editing, short term goals include image formats that aren't *.sex (it stands for SkICOn editor excellence)


Posted on 05-13-07 02:49 AM Link | Quote | ID: 34963

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Due to one of my "I need to make something" moods, I desided to make a new SMB's hack. About... 5 hours later, and a whole lot of repointing, I have my new hack.

Well, the enemies are not done yet, besides the goombas.. however that is being done after this post.

Anyway, Screenes.

I also have a bit of palette editing left also...


Posted on 05-13-07 04:48 AM Link | Quote | ID: 34986

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 02-19-07
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Nice screens setz & Darkdata, speaking of a SMB1 hack. Elric from EDS gave me his blessing to revive his SMB1 hack called EDS Mario Bros. Here's a lill sumthin sumthin...

All I gotta do is edit somma the graphics and levels, hopefully I'll have this done by summer time, I've been a busy bee these days. '

My Linktree

Posted on 05-13-07 09:52 PM Link | Quote | ID: 35078

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A few more screenshots, Palettes are still being edited for some.


Posted on 05-13-07 10:03 PM Link | Quote | ID: 35079

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Since: 02-19-07
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Hm. I think you should make the pipes more obvious that you can enter them, I wouldn't think to try to enter them if I hadn't seen the screenshots.

Googie: I actually remember that hack


Posted on 05-13-07 11:45 PM Link | Quote | ID: 35102

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Hey, cool, a crossover between Kirby and Mario! I can't want to play it, Darkdata.

Posted on 05-14-07 10:34 PM Link | Quote | ID: 35313

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Since: 02-19-07
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Darkdata: Those are looking awesome. I loved Kirby's Dreamland (that's where I recall those graphics being from) and you are really making them look beautiful. It will be awesome if you turn this into a full-fledged level hack too.

Want custom overworld music in your SMW hack? Download this. Don't forget to RTFM.

Posted on 05-15-07 03:21 AM Link | Quote | ID: 35422

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Since: 03-05-07
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This was a little more complicated to pull off than it looks. Hopefully it turns out to be something more than a graphics hack.

Koitenshin -∞
Posted on 05-15-07 04:03 AM Link | Quote | ID: 35434

Happy Hour!
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I'm sorry but what the hell is that?! How could you butcher Zelda II?

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Posted on 05-15-07 04:42 AM Link | Quote | ID: 35448

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Posted by optomon
This was a little more complicated to pull off than it looks. Hopefully it turns out to be something more than a graphics hack.

ROFL! That is awesome! I find it hilarious (in a good way). Keep it up and even if it is a graphics hack, I'll have to play it. And just for fun...

Posted by Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Tim: There he is!
King Arthur: Where?
Tim: There!
King Arthur: What? Behind the rabbit?
Tim: It *is* the rabbit!
King Arthur: You silly sod!
Tim: What?
King Arthur: You got us all worked up!
Tim: Well, that's no ordinary rabbit.
King Arthur: Ohh.
Tim: That's the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on!
Sir Robin: You tit! I soiled my armor I was so scared!
Tim: Look, that rabbit's got a vicious streak a mile wide! It's a killer!
Sir Galahad: Get stuffed!
Tim: He'll do you up a treat, mate.
Sir Galahad: Oh, yeah?
Sir Robin: You manky Scots git!
Tim: I'm warning you!
Sir Robin: What's he do? Nibble your bum?
Tim: He's got huge, sharp... er... He can leap about. Look at the bones!
King Arthur: Go on, Bors. Chop his head off!
Sir Bors: Right! Silly little bleeder. One rabbit stew comin' right up!

[after Bors is killed by the killer rabbit]
Tim: I *warned* you, but did you listen to me? Oh, no, you *knew*, didn't you? Oh, it's just a harmless little *bunny*, isn't it?

Posted on 05-15-07 08:57 AM Link | Quote | ID: 35520

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That SMB game w/Kirby looks cool.

Optomon:What game is that w/the rabbit in it? It looks good too,but strange for some reason w/those blue things in the second screenshot.

Ok,well,my levels got corrupted again in Eggvine so I had to start all over,but I didnt lose everything. Here are some screenshots. There were some on the old board,if you want to see some of them,but these are from World 1. They're different though;I made some new levels and finished 2-1 now so I will probably make another demo like after 2-8 or 3-4 b/c I already released a World 1 demo. I also expanded some of them to make them longer. Also,I used level DA in Eggvine. It reminds me of 1-8 a little bit. Ok,well,I hope you like these screenshots. There are some hidden things in some of them.

New start in the Welcome level,yes,you go up the pipe and end up in another level(that sewer level is Level 36 is Eggvine.)

New beginning in 1-3(before the cave part)

New 1-6

Look at the above screenshot.

New 1-7

A secret part in 1-7

A screenshot of 1-8 in Eggvine

Here's what it looks like:

Oh,I also need ideas for new level names,if anyone can help. I don't really have a theme or anything,I dont think. They just seem like they're random sometimes or like some levels have more than one part has Poochey for a little bit,and then you jump up to get on top of those barcode things and also the throwing eggs in the water to get the red coins.

Posted on 05-15-07 08:57 PM Link | Quote | ID: 35581

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You should add massive strength, maybe one hit kills for that rabbit. That will add to the humour I think.

Here is a hack I been working on. I'm trying to add sprites to Super Mario Bros 1 in All-Stars that looks a little closer to the sprites from the NES version.

Posted on 05-15-07 09:29 PM (rev. 2 of 05-15-07 09:29 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 35589

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Since: 02-19-07
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Lespna: That sucks that you had to start over . I recently had a bunch of my levels corrupted, and was a real pain in the ass trying to fix them, but at least it's done

Posted by lespna1

Just a complaint in this screen - never, ever use that many colored blocks in a level together. It is so very tedious, and people will get annoying spending 10 minutes cleaning out blocks. It doesn't look like you used the egg plant sprite or egg block object either, so 6 eggs and the person is stuck. I highly recommend reducing the amount of colored blocks here.

Good luck getting everything back on track .. it will be tough at first.

(by the way, I'd recommend fixing the BG palettes in 1-6, 1-7, and 1-8. I see some glitchy colors in them.)

Want custom overworld music in your SMW hack? Download this. Don't forget to RTFM.

Posted on 05-16-07 01:45 AM Link | Quote | ID: 35682

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Posted by optomon
This was a little more complicated to pull off than it looks. Hopefully it turns out to be something more than a graphics hack.


THIS IS AWESOME! (clap clap clapclapclap)
THIS IS AWESOME! (clap clap clapclapclap)

Does the bunny walk on two legs or something? Or is it half Link's height and twice as wide?

Posted on 05-16-07 03:47 AM Link | Quote | ID: 35719

Buzzy Beetle
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Posted on 05-16-07 06:25 AM Link | Quote | ID: 35741

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Posted by S.N.N.

Posted by lespna1

Just a complaint in this screen - never, ever use that many colored blocks in a level together. It is so very tedious, and people will get annoying spending 10 minutes cleaning out blocks. It doesn't look like you used the egg plant sprite or egg block object either, so 6 eggs and the person is stuck. I highly recommend reducing the amount of colored blocks here.

Sorry,if this seemed misleading. I was just trying to show it looked like the game where you hit the bricks. I didn't mean for it to be annoying for people. There is an egg block to the left in the level, I couldn't show it in the screenshot. Also,there are 2 Marching Mildes. The egg block is just off to the side next to there so if you want to get other things like the stars, red coins on top and a flower,you will have to go back to the egg block. Also, I fixed it so there are castle blocks for you stand on, and there is a big jumping board on top so you just have to know where to break the bricks. It's not that hard,but you will have to get a key and take it back a little bit. I hope that explains it better.

Thanks for the feedback. I will fix the colors, but I dont know what image I should use for the background.

Posted on 05-16-07 06:34 AM Link | Quote | ID: 35743

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Since: 03-05-07
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The rabbit does run on all fours, although I've only animated two feet for it. The dimensions I believe are 3/2 Link's width and 3/4 Link's height (including the ears). The rabbit in the elevator shot is how you see it normally stand up. The lunging rabbit in the second shot is in attack mode. I plan to make further changes and try to find find ways it can attack and defend that Link couldn't.

As to what I'm doing with the game, I can't really say. I'm kind of just making this stuff up as I'm going along. Ideally, I want to make an entirely new game out of Zelda 2, but I haven't really looked through the game's data that much yet.

Posted on 05-16-07 06:35 AM (rev. 2 of 05-16-07 06:37 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 35744

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 02-19-07
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setz: Okay cool, if I don't go to my brother's house this weekend I can start making the levels. Most of the graphics are pretty much done now.

Posted by optomon
This was a little more complicated to pull off than it looks. Hopefully it turns out to be something more than a graphics hack.

I like what you did here optomon, looks pretty cool. I wanna see more!

Edit: oh okay I didn't noticed you posted before me.

My Linktree

Posted on 05-16-07 08:16 AM Link | Quote | ID: 35759

Buzzy Beetle
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