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Posted on 05-18-09 01:32 PM Link | Quote | ID: 107125

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Since: 02-20-07

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Heh. While SMB3 is not my favourite Mario game, you guys are certainly doing some neat stuff with it.


Posted on 05-18-09 06:24 PM Link | Quote | ID: 107142

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
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click for bigger

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 05-18-09 07:38 PM Link | Quote | ID: 107149

Hammer Brother
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Since: 02-16-08
From: Insectduel's office

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I really miss SMB3 hacking. Especially if I'm hacking the All-Stars version of SMB3 .

KDE User X
Posted on 05-18-09 08:29 PM (rev. 2 of 05-18-09 08:52 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 107161

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Since: 12-26-08
From: Finland

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I will make smb3 hack, when someone makes better editor for it, because I hate smb3workshop, its so annoying to use, as well I dont have interest to hack all 8 worlds(if anyone know howto make mario start in world 5, send me a pm)



Posted on 05-18-09 08:42 PM Link | Quote | ID: 107172

Steam Board2 group
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Since: 02-19-07
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Heh, the overworlds reminded me how I saw the different overworld on the back of the SMB3 box, and I used to imagine it was a different and secret hidden world I just didn't know about... didn't even think it was a beta screenshot of World 1.

AIM: gamefreak1337, MSN: Emil_sim@spray.se, XMPP: ailure@xmpp.kafuka.org

Quick Curly
Posted on 05-18-09 10:30 PM (rev. 2 of 05-18-09 10:57 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 107188

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 06-15-08
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KDE User X - I sort of felt the same way when I first started hacking SMB3. If you've ever seen the crappiness that is Quick Bros., you'll know what I mean. I hate the guy who made that hack...

Anyway, in my opinion (for what it's worth), SMB3 Workshop is currently the best SMB3 level editor out there, and while it might be complicated at first it doesn't take too long to get used to using it. Plus until DahrkDaiz finishes the Ultimate SMB3 Editor (if he's even still working on it) it's all we really have unless you feel like editing levels directly in a hex editor. There's also Mario Improvement 3 if you really hate SMB3 Workshop that much, although I don't think it'll be any better.

There's an SMB3 Workshop topic. If you have questions, post them there and I'll try my best to help you out if you want (since we shouldn't turn the Screenshot Thread into a tutorial thread).

There's no point in someone making a whole new editor though if your own interest is the problem (not to sound harsh).

I like the screenshots of your SMB1 hack though. Looks like a nice challenge.

Ailure - Cool! Thanks!

So let's see... Do I have anything else in my back pocket? Maybe...

For those of you who thought that I forgot, I didn't.

EDIT: I don't know; the blue doesn't seem to work very well. Hopefully this is better.

Posted on 05-19-09 09:22 PM Link | Quote | ID: 107263

Hammer Brother
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Since: 02-16-08
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The same goes for someone in making the SMB3-SMAS editor. I hacked the game since 2006 and I'm very good at exporting and importing most of the NES SMB3 levels to SNES. The only thing you have to change by hand is the 13 byte level header.

SMB3 Workshop does have some support of SMAS but incompleted. But the rom name must be Mario-X.smc to load it.

Windhex is the best way to dump NES object and enemy offsets and then import them to SMAS and DOES uses the same level formats. Some levels changed from the NES version like World 3-9 and some clouds has been removed in the SNES version.

Only have one problem, I don't know how to move the cursor mouse on my DOS MI3 editor even with DOSbox, this is no good.

Even though SMB3 Workshop may be crap to use, but I have still rely on it because it is the only Windows editor to edit the NES SMB3 Stages.

Posted on 05-20-09 09:30 PM Link | Quote | ID: 107323

Fuzz Ball
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I love seeing new screenshots. It's always nice to know that people are still hacking. Can't wait to see more from people. I took my previous screenshots down, because they are outdated already, and when I have more work done on my hack, I will post a video. I have limited time because I've been working like crazy, but whenever I get the chance I try to hack.

I loved the Zelda feeling I got from Matrixz' hack, so I'm going to be putting some Zelda elements in my hack. Also, lately, I've been playing Zelda 2, since it is one of the few Zelda games I never really played when I was younger, mostly because I thought it was too hard. So, I never really beat Zelda 2 before. Once I beat Zelda 2, I will probably be hacking it again. Also, I will play Ice Ranger's hack. I don't like playing hacks of games in which I never beat the original game yet. I need to beat the original game before I play the hack of it.

And if I hack Zelda 2, it will be major hacking. I love the nostalgic qualities about Zelda 2, however I find it disappointing that you can't use bombs, boomerangs, bow and arrows in the game like you could in the first game.

Can anyone say, ASM hacking?

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Posted on 05-20-09 10:23 PM Link | Quote | ID: 107333

Yellow Stalfos
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Since: 07-06-07
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ASM hacking bombs in Zelda II would be interesting... But hard...

Quick Curly
Posted on 05-22-09 05:07 AM Link | Quote | ID: 107426

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 06-15-08
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Sounds awesome, RetroRain! I'll look forward to that! We understand that you're busy though, so take your time. Great things can't be rushed!

Speaking of which, things have been slow over here as well. I've been back and forth these last few days and haven't really had time to do much. So I don't really have any progress to show with those darn graphics. It's like... you know what you want to do, but you just can't get it to work out the way you want it to, you know?

Anyway, here are a couple of new screenshots. Nothing special. In fact, I directed my focus on my half of Luigi's Chronicles 2 and pretty much forgot most of where I left off with Quick Bros. 2; I've been going through some of it and I've realized that I need to redo some of the level designs. It never ends!

And now that I'm looking at it against Miner's Lament, I can see possible visual complications similar to that dark blue that I tried out earlier. Does nothing besides light blue and black work for the status bar?

Posted on 05-22-09 05:44 AM Link | Quote | ID: 107428

Super Koopa
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Since: 02-19-07
From: durff

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Time for the yearly Black Magic screen shot. Implemented a select tool that allows a user to copy 8x8 tile regions. (Improves upon the 32x32 tile feature found in Hyrule Magic.)

Zelda Hacking Forum
hobbies: delectatio morosa

Posted on 05-22-09 08:18 AM Link | Quote | ID: 107432

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Been out for a while on hiatus. Back with a video of a WIP stage in my MM1 hack.

Posted on 05-22-09 03:28 PM (rev. 2 of 05-22-09 03:34 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 107435

Hammer Brother
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Since: 02-16-08
From: Insectduel's office

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Wow, I noticed that you tweaked the background stuff. It's been a while seeing you.

In fact, I wasn't motivated to do my own MM1 hack anymore due to Touhou Monsters stuff in November which made me stopped doing it.

I should start releasing my beta version of my game around this month or next month.

KDE User X
Posted on 05-31-09 03:57 PM (rev. 2 of 05-31-09 04:03 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 107832

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Since: 12-26-08
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Wip 134125, also I hate dosbox, because aim'ing with mouse is pain(because of shitty framerate), but when I dont use dosbox, framerate is much better, plus aiming w/ mouse is better, though then theres no music


Dr. Hell
Posted on 06-02-09 09:29 AM Link | Quote | ID: 107925

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Since: 03-02-07
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Welp, I'm on title screen design number 3...

Posted on 06-02-09 12:34 PM Link | Quote | ID: 107926

Buzzy Beetle
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Since: 06-01-07
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I like it overall, but the "Cadence of Agony" looks a bit out of place.
And if you could give the "X" a gradient it would roxxor.

Posted on 06-02-09 06:31 PM Link | Quote | ID: 107937

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
From: The Netherlands

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I think the subtitle needs proper lining up, with the 'g' and 'y' down a few pixels as they should, typographically speaking, be.

As for Koala's gradient suggestion, I'd think that'd be a mess of dithering. It looks fine the way it is.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
Opera - give it a spin
Spare some of your free time?
<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 06-02-09 11:09 PM Link | Quote | ID: 107952

Hammer Brother
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Since: 02-16-08
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This is my prototype level screenshot for MegaGirl another fight story. The real one is the forest level but I have no intention of continuing with my hack. I'm going to make Bombgirl and Cirno's level for now.

I'll release the BETA version of my Mega Man 1 hack in 2 weeks or next week. I'm longer keeping some secrets anymore. Now I know how they felt.

I'm going to begin my long-term Mega Man IV project from scratch.

Posted on 06-03-09 02:54 AM Link | Quote | ID: 107961

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Brooklyn, NY

Last post: 101 days
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Wow all this stuff looks really cool everyone, damn I miss rom hacking so I guess I'll get back into it...

My Linktree

Posted on 06-03-09 05:50 AM Link | Quote | ID: 107963

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Since: 12-07-08
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Eh, I've hacked some Metroid and Final Fantasy in my days, and this looks interesting, so expect something from me in a few days.
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