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Main - ROM Hacking - My Conversions To MMC3. Patches/Documents *UPDATED v9.1 12-3-13* New thread | New reply

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Posted on 05-28-12 09:55 AM (rev. 21 of 12-03-13 03:04 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 151053

Fuzz Ball
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Since: 05-24-07

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Newly added MMC3 conversions....

Adventure Island (CNROM to MMC3)
Adventures of Lolo (MMC1 to MMC3)
Donkey Kong (NROM to MMC3)
Excitebike (NROM to MMC3) ;fixed for powerpak v9.1
Kung-Fu Heroes (CNROM to MMC3) ;fixed for powerpak v.91
Mario Bros. (NROM to MMC3)
Mario & Yoshi (MMC1 to MMC3)
Paperboy (CNROM to MMC3) ;fixed for powerpak v9.1
Q-Bert (CNROM to MMC3) fxied for powerpak v9.1
Rad Racer (MMC1 to MMC3)
Spy Hunter (CNROM to MMC3)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (MMC1 to MMC3)
Zelda II - The Adventure of Link (MMC1 to MMC3)

Below I will include an up-to-date list of every conversion I've made.

UNROM to MMC3 (as of 9/17/13)
Duck Tales
Duck Tales 2
Goonies II
Gun Smoke
Metal Gear
Super Pitfall

NROM to MMC3 (as of 11/30/13)
Donkey Kong
Ice Hockey
Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.

CNROM to MMC3 (as of 11/30/13)
Adventure Island
Kung-Fu Heroes
Spy Hunter

MMC1 to MMC3 (as of 12/1/13)
Addams Family
Adventures of Lolo
Blaster Master
Darkwing Duck
Double Dragon
Dr. Mario
Fester's Quest
Kid Icarus
*Knight Rider* (irq/sprite0 issues)
Mario & Yoshi
Megaman 2
Ninja Gaiden
Rad Racer
The Legend of Zelda
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Zelda II - The Adventure of Link

v9.0 http://acmlm.kafuka.org/uploader/get.php?id=4498


Included Within Each Game Folder, Are My Notes On What I Found, & What I Did, To Make The Roms Work As MMC3. The Ones That Have No IPS Patches, Have How-To Documents, Because I Did Not Want To Waste Time Playing Through Those Games, To Find Unused Code Within Them.

Hope this opens the doors for rom hackers, who really want to modify/enhance these games further, now that they have a good mapper. CHR-ROM, IRQ, Expanded PRG & CHR. :-)


Posted on 05-28-12 03:09 PM Link | Quote | ID: 151056

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I really hope there will be people who take the time to modify the sound engine of either of these games to include 1-bit samples, I mean there's so much space for them now.

Posted on 08-31-12 11:08 AM Link | Quote | ID: 152236

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I saw a really nice hack of final fantasy 1 that used mmc3 instead of mmc1,
to enhance the handling of sprites, it was a really nice improvement for ff1.
maybe you could also do a mapper patch for final fantasy 2, i hope this
will lead to an enhanced version of it too

Posted on 07-15-13 07:07 PM Link | Quote | ID: 154312

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The paches for megaman 1 and 2 don't work on a real hardware. can you please fix them? The game works, but it's full of glitches.

Posted on 07-15-13 07:52 PM (rev. 2 of 07-15-13 07:55 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 154313

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First of all, this thread is over one year old, since last post. Second of all, don't expect that the hack will work on real hardware. Most of them don't, due to some modding specifics, like extending the file, bringing in new code or music, or extending the amount of gfx space.

Most SMW hacks don't work on real hardware due to the new custom music (not compatible to original snes) or because of Exgfx. The effect of first is crash, the effect of the second is glitched gfx. These two hacks obviously have similar specifics.

Posted on 07-15-13 10:14 PM Link | Quote | ID: 154317

Fuzz Ball
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I am curious as to where these glitches are taking place within these games. can you be specific for me, and tell me what is going on? Like when and where?

Posted on 07-16-13 08:31 AM Link | Quote | ID: 154320

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Thank you for your reply.
Please look here:

Also the music in megaman 2 it's sounds kind of distorted.
Someone said it's related to mirroring.

I used the patch on a rom, burn it on a flash chip, put it in a tgrom board and tested on a nes2.

if you look a few posts back in that link you'll see that i also used the patches in multigame cart and i get the same glitches. but if for exemple i first start megaman 4 and reset the console, then select megaman 1, the game works fine.

Posted on 07-16-13 06:11 PM Link | Quote | ID: 154322

Fuzz Ball
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Im no expert in 6502, but I think I figured out the issue, with Megaman 2 only, so far.

All my patches worked on nestopia, nintendulator, fceuxd. Zelda needs an update for nestopia though.

Anyways, these patches were created in the mindframe for emulators, not real hardware, since at the time all I had was an emulator.

Tetris Zero was my first experience with a real hardware issue. This person was willing to send me my own retropak, so I could get my hack working on real hardware.

Anyways, all my patches will have to be edited, because ALL my patches do not work on real hardware.

Megaman 2, I figured out how to make it appear correctly.

My reset vector lacked the proper chr setup for the mmc3, so all the chr banks were 00. I added the proper writes/setups to $8000-$8001.

Im new to 'real hardware' and I learned that alot of registers need to be setup in that region first.

As for Megaman 2, I do not know what the distortion is at bootup, so thats still present. I tested my new patch on my retropak, and on my nes, megaman 2 plays. I played through woodmans stage, and everything was fine.

Ill try to upload a patch in this post later today, I have to do everything via cellphone.

Ill let you if I have any updates to my other patches.


Posted on 07-16-13 07:15 PM Link | Quote | ID: 154323

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Thank you.
Megaman1 problem solved by FARID. The patch it's available in the link i providedin post above. I beated the entire game and there were no problems.
I'll wait for you megaman 2 patch.

Posted on 07-16-13 10:10 PM (rev. 3 of 07-16-13 10:30 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 154327

Fuzz Ball
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Supplied 2 links....


Acmlm's Uploader

Great news, ive updated all my patches, and all of them work on an actual NES!

The .zip file includes the desired .ips file for each game, plus my original notes with updated additions to the notes.

So these are the following games that are now running the MMC3 mapper, on all emulators and on the NES.

Duck Tales
Legend of Zelda
Megaman 2

I tested all of these games on my RetroPak for my NES. I hope this works for people with actual cartridge boards, I dont have anything like that.



Posted on 07-17-13 04:59 PM Link | Quote | ID: 154333

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Thank you! Thank you!
I just tested megaman 2 on a cart board, i've beated Flashman and Bubbleman and played a little bit the rest of the levels. Beautiful! Everything works great. Thank you again. I didn't noticed any sound problems. I hope it's ok with you to post the megaman 2 patch on romhacking.
It's time for me to replace the PRG on my megaman multicart.
I don't know anything about programming, but it's hard to make these mapper conversions? It would be great to see more mmc3 conversion. Maybe in the future you'll make Metal Force, Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball Bu, Nekketsu Kouha Kunio Kun.
Thank you again, you really made my day.

Posted on 07-17-13 05:20 PM Link | Quote | ID: 154334

Fuzz Ball
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You are very welcome! Im glad its working properly! I have no issue with you posting/hosting my patches, the more exposure for them, the better! :-)

Making mapper conversions is tricky sometimes. Thanks to you, I now know what I was lacking in my patches, and it was mmc3's chr data ports in $8001, I never had them setup. Thats why the nes was showing garbage, cause the nes waant able to read the proper chr setup.

The other part thats tricky, is locating free space in the hard wired bank, to have a proper bankswap routine, and various other mmc3 functions to make the game work.

Some games I was fortunate to find free space, but games like Castlevania & Duck Tales, I had to overwrite areas where I believe are unused code in the game.

I may try this again with other unrom or mmc1 games. :-)

Again, im glad they work!


Posted on 07-18-13 07:51 PM Link | Quote | ID: 154342

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Like i said megaman 2 was working great, but when used in the multicart i still have audio distorsion

Posted on 07-18-13 10:07 PM (rev. 2 of 07-18-13 10:08 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 154345

Buster Beetle
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I think the Mega Man games use a specialized sound chip. It might explain why the sound's garbled. Don't quote me on that.

Kinda like it with garbled sound, though.

Sorry for the stupidity. That jerk will be dealt with in the most insane way possible.

Posted on 07-18-13 10:53 PM Link | Quote | ID: 154346

Fuzz Ball
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I honestly dont know why thats happening. I havent experienced that with my retropak. Idk if this would happen on a non multicart? Im sorry that issue is still present. :-(

Posted on 07-19-13 07:38 PM Link | Quote | ID: 154354

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I've just tested all your patches on cart board (one game at a time, no multicart):

MMC1: Zelda and Megaman 2 - GRRRREAT!
UNROM: Contra, Duck tales, Castlevania and Megaman - video glitches. I've uploaded one video for each game:

Duck tales:




Maybe this will help you:

That's a megaman patch that works as a single game, and also in a multicart. Maybe you can compare the differences....

Posted on 07-19-13 09:52 PM (rev. 3 of 07-19-13 10:37 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 154355

Fuzz Ball
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Damn it!

I do appreciate you taking the time to make the vids.

Regarding Contra, I got no clue, probably another area within the rom loading up the old unrom chr routines, and I dont have the proper mmc3 routine there?

But with Castlevania, Duck Tales, & Megaman, it clearly looks to be a mirroring issue. The horizontal/vertical switches arent being recognized. Thought I had this all figured out....

Ill see what I can figure out/come up with.

Edit - Hmm, disch's notes (for unrom) just talks about $8000-$FFFF, and it doesnt specify how chr is handled, or mirroring. So idk what im going to do regarding at least the mirroring. Either tonight or tomorrow I can tinker around to figure this out.

Posted on 07-20-13 08:47 PM Link | Quote | ID: 154366

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If you ever need someone to test on a cart, just let me know.
I hope you will solve the problem with unrom conversions.

Posted on 07-21-13 03:02 AM (rev. 2 of 07-21-13 02:52 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 154371

Fuzz Ball
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I think I fixed the problem, please let ne know. And also, Metroid has been added to my mmc3 conversion list. Im currently working on Ninja Gaiden.


P.S. I accidently left in a custom asm feature for Contra, back in my version 1 & 2 patches, it has been removed in version 3. All ill say what it is, is that its a control mod, heh.

Posted on 07-21-13 05:08 PM Link | Quote | ID: 154377

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I've tested all on a cart and all are working. Good Job!
I've also have done some more tests with my multicart, please see nesdev.
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Main - ROM Hacking - My Conversions To MMC3. Patches/Documents *UPDATED v9.1 12-3-13* New thread | New reply

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