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Posted on 08-25-15 12:56 AM Link | Quote | ID: 160911

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Since: 04-25-07

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Black I don't think captcha alone isn't going to work, and the way you have the signup and registration form is pointless.
You may want to implement name, general information and valid email address with a activation link.
There are a few forums that will indeed validate the email to make sure its not fake and cut down on fake accounts or reregs.

If you don't want to add that and leave everything the way it is the bots will keep on coming and bypass it too easily.

Posted on 08-25-15 10:09 AM Link | Quote | ID: 160916

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Since: 08-06-15
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AcmlmBoards are supposed to be easy to register on.

If we started implementing retarded restrictions less proper people would register.

I think an extra hidden field you fill text in will work for the bots (not the human spammers) since the bots will fill the box with things while humans won't see it, that way blocking registrations.

Also do what SMS Realm did and implement some kind of proxy protection into the registration and login pages.

Jamie Dignam

Posted on 08-25-15 12:41 PM Link | Quote | ID: 160918

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Since: 04-25-07

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Posted by Termingamer2-JD

AcmlmBoards are supposed to be easy to register on.

If we started implementing retarded restrictions less proper people would register.

I think an extra hidden field you fill text in will work for the bots (not the human spammers) since the bots will fill the box with things while humans won't see it, that way blocking registrations.

Can you show legitimate proof of that, if not I think it would be best if the registration form and security be redesigned.
If you like you can google ocremix and go onto their website register and see how that works.
Now if you don't like taking the time to read, fill in whatever site asks you to and follow directions they give you to post or be active on a board.

Maybe you don't need to post at all, I've seen how board registration works over the years.
The method I mentioned does work and would kill 2 birds with 1 stone human spammers and bots.

Posted on 08-25-15 02:01 PM (rev. 3 of 08-25-15 02:08 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 160920

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Since: 08-06-15
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Human spammers would realise it doesn't work when fake emails are blocked, and then sign up for a proper service like AOL or Yahoo.

About that - I mean, this board has no reason to force email. The only reason to use it is if you want to make it public in your profile.

The problem with account activation is that there will be a ton of real users that never post because they can't activate. Also there would have to be drastic code changes to the software to achieve the activation to fully work.

Perhaps instead of email activation, you have to send a private message to an administrator. Since the only spammers that seem to use PMs are kitchen spammers who figure that they can't post yet, but they never say anything else except their shite-arsed kitchens.

People like acmlmboard's simplicity so I think it should be left that way, but some kind of protection should be made (like blocking URLs made if the member has been registered for under 12 hours, since bots are too stupid to know how to change their tactics), and it also means new users can share their hacks after only 12 hours. Keep it simple so the board doesn't turn into phpBB, which I hate more than kitchen spam (unless said spam is on a board I hate).

Shove your account activation up your arse. I don't like the shitty procedure, even if it does stop spam, it also stops more real users from posting or using the site, especially if they don't want to share their email address.

That procedure with the hidden field has been confirmed to work on a few blogs and forums, but it's not used much. Here: http://www.sitepoint.com/easy-spam-prevention-using-hidden-form-fields/

Also this is cyberdyne's 100th post in 18 days

Jamie Dignam

Posted on 08-25-15 02:56 PM Link | Quote | ID: 160921

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Since: 04-25-07

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Posted by Termingamer2-JD
Human spammers would realise it doesn't work when fake emails are blocked, and then sign up for a proper service like AOL or Yahoo.

About that - I mean, this board has no reason to force email. The only reason to use it is if you want to make it public in your profile.

The problem with account activation is that there will be a ton of real users that never post because they can't activate. Also there would have to be drastic code changes to the software to achieve the activation to fully work.

Perhaps instead of email activation, you have to send a private message to an administrator. Since the only spammers that seem to use PMs are kitchen spammers who figure that they can't post yet, but they never say anything else except their shite-arsed kitchens.

That wont work, and this is why activation by email would be a better way of handling that.
They don't activate their accounts within 24 hours which is plenty of time.
Their registration will fail be deleted by the system or admin and have to do it over.
That and blackhole could keep a better record of who is registering.
Gives him more flexibility to do whatever actions needs to be done

Nothing hard about taking the time to register get activated and be well on your way to posting.
Even metroidconstruction has something simliar to what I'm talking about and I was up and going within 5 minutes.

I'll leave it at that, I don't feel like talking to you about it or anything else.

Posted on 08-27-15 01:34 PM Link | Quote | ID: 160932

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Since: 08-06-15
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I suppose not.

But it would be good to put the StopForumSpam code onto this site, so if an IP is listed there a CAPTCHA has to be entered (one of those reCAPTCHA annoying ones) and it will unlock the site until the next session.

This doesn't always load in web proxy sites so any spambots using those to conceal IPs will be given a full boot.

But stopforumspam doesn't always block every spammer, and the more sophisticated ones will get around it.

Spam is a bit of a problem here but it doesn't really affect the rest of the community too much compared to people who troll and spam rubbish everywhere (*rolls eyes at termingamer*).

Jamie Dignam

Rashama Izouki
Posted on 10-21-15 06:42 PM Link | Quote | ID: 161532

Red Goomba
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Since: 10-21-15
From: The Desert of Flame

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Hello everyone I'm Rashama Izouki You usually see me from time to time and in Super Mario Rpg forum when i got something new since im working on smrpg for right now.

Posted on 10-21-15 10:28 PM Link | Quote | ID: 161536

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Since: 08-06-15
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Posted by Rashama Izouki
Hello everyone I'm Rashama Izouki You usually see me from time to time and in Super Mario Rpg forum when i got something new since im working on smrpg for right now.

Welcome to Board 2! Although we aren't as active as some other ROM hacking communities, we focus on good ROM hacks and not the amount of activity, quality over quantity eh?

Have a good time and don't forget to visit back every so often.
There's always things going on in the ROM hacking and SMRPG is sometimes popular.

Why did you join and how did you find the board?

Jamie Dignam

Rashama Izouki
Posted on 10-22-15 03:56 AM Link | Quote | ID: 161548

Red Goomba
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Since: 10-21-15
From: The Desert of Flame

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I found through a link that was on Super Mario Central. Popular or not isn't the factor that comes for a hack i say it is how much you go outta the way to get your hack out there and like you said the quality and entrainment it brings to the table for the player.

Posted on 10-22-15 07:53 AM (rev. 2 of 10-22-15 08:00 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 161549

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Since: 08-06-15
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Posted by Rashama Izouki
I found through a link that was on Super Mario Central. Popular or not isn't the factor that comes for a hack i say it is how much you go outta the way to get your hack out there and like you said the quality and entrainment it brings to the table for the player.

I wasn't referring to how popular the hack scene was, I was referring to if you needed help, you should get a reply quickly most of the time but not every time, because that section goes in ways.

Some of the best hacks are lesser known and so yeah. Lucky you found this friendly community via SMC I wish you luck here.

In fact this is the only AcmlmBoard/ABXD/Blargboard forum I didn't abandon, because of the community aspect of the site.

Jamie Dignam

Posted on 11-19-15 11:45 AM Link | Quote | ID: 161967

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Since: 11-19-15

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Hi i'm bossgod i found this site from a friend called dixie kong and Yushe on 3chan.

Quick Curly
Posted on 11-19-15 03:45 PM Link | Quote | ID: 161968

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 06-15-08
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Welcome to Board 2, bossgod! We hope that you'll enjoy your stay!
What kinds of hobbies do you enjoy? Think that you might be interested in any ROM Hacking projects going on, or working on a ROM hack of your own? If you do, please feel free to post there to invite the rest of the community to interact with you!

Posted on 11-20-15 09:17 AM Link | Quote | ID: 161971

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Posted by bossgod
Hi i'm bossgod i found this site from a friend called dixie kong and Yushe on 3chan.

I'm 'Dixie Kong' on 3chan so yeah hi.
We were discussing the collaboration hack in 3chan and I pointed to the thread here

Jamie Dignam

Mystery User 3137
Posted on 11-20-15 11:01 AM Link | Quote | ID: 161972

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Welcome to acmlm bossgod.

Posted on 01-05-16 03:49 AM Link | Quote | ID: 162355

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Some of you here may know me, and others may not.

I'm just a guy around on the internet that likes to play mods of video games.

Mystery User 3137
Posted on 01-05-16 01:21 PM Link | Quote | ID: 162356

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Welcome to acmlmboard2 Luigi_Fan!

Posted on 06-02-16 08:13 PM (rev. 2 of 06-02-16 08:13 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 163209

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Since: 06-02-16

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So this board is really inactive, I assume?

Oh well. Hi. I'm flashy2k and I'm around the internet. You probably know me, but under a different name, of something like that.

Have a nice day, I guess.

Posted on 06-02-16 08:52 PM Link | Quote | ID: 163212

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Since: 08-06-15
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Posted by flashy2k
So this board is really inactive, I assume?

Oh well. Hi. I'm flashy2k and I'm around the internet. You probably know me, but under a different name, of something like that.

Have a nice day, I guess.

Hello and welcome to Board2! What brings you here? ^^

Jamie Dignam

Posted on 06-05-16 05:40 PM Link | Quote | ID: 163239

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I'm just.. here. I like rom hacking and stuff, and I like chatting, I guess.

Posted on 06-05-16 06:34 PM Link | Quote | ID: 163245

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Posted by flashy2k
I'm just.. here. I like rom hacking and stuff, and I like chatting, I guess.

Something tells me you're someone on my site, but I'm not sure yet.
Cool to know though, and chatting is cool ^^

Jamie Dignam
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