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Please chime in on a proposed restructuring of the ROM hacking sections.
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Posted on 07-03-12 09:01 AM Link | Quote | ID: 151505

Mini Octorok
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Since: 07-03-12
From: St. Louis, Missouri

Last post: 4406 days
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Supplying forum with newbies I shall do, this place seems pretty great! I would really hate if it went down forever though... D:


Posted on 07-15-12 05:33 AM Link | Quote | ID: 151598

Level: 7

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Since: 01-16-11
From: London, England

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I'm just posting to show I care enough to give this site a chance if I see a role for myself here. Currently, there is nothing. My interest in this site is drawn from the ROM hacking forums but I can't see any threads that catch my interest. For the record, my favorite game to hack is SM64. And the reason why I like hacking it is that I like to import my own models as levels (so if I saw a user on this site doing something with SM64 or a Model Importer for another game I like then I probably would of stuck around to support them).

I do wish you guys the best of luck in your revival attempts, and I hope that I didn't sound rude or ignorant (I've tried hacking a range of games, SM64 and N64 hacking is just where my heart is at) when writing this post.


Posted on 07-18-12 07:08 PM Link | Quote | ID: 151666

Level: 20

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Since: 04-19-08
From: Fort Lee, NJ

Last post: 4053 days
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I noticed Board2 is a bit "empty". I have read previous posts, and, coming from SMWC's community togetherness, I did see Board2 as "The Epic board of them all, but very detatched from it's userbase".

The solution is an ironic one: Have people post more rom hacking promos, speak positively that Board 2 will emerge as the premier ROM hacking nexus it once was, and most importantly.

***Treat everyone with kindness and respect, and promote promote promote.

Board2 will only go under if it's administrative staff believes it will go under. BELIEF is the key here guys. I personally feel that this forum has the most heritage among it. It's like a trinity: Board2, SMWC, Jul.

If any admins are reading this: Start speaking positive and set goals on how Board2 can emerge as a leading ROM hacking site once again. ROM hacking isn't getting old anytime soon, but it will be up to the leadership to make it happen.

If you need help or advice, PM me. I'd love to know every exact factor that has led to a slump for Board2. If we know the causes, we can take the best course of action.

Until then, dont give up. Board2 is STILL very legit, but it's leaders need a wake up call. Your community needs you to be the stars you were meant to be. Start BELIEVING in yourselves, the site, and your mission, or, yes...

Board2 will die.


Posted on 07-18-12 07:36 PM Link | Quote | ID: 151667

Bullet Bill
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Since: 10-27-09
From: Earth

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It is good to see someone else here believes we can recover. I still think the main problem is us not willing to post as much. I personally am guilty of lurking too much and I'll try to work on it.


Posted on 07-19-12 12:05 AM Link | Quote | ID: 151671

Level: 23

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Since: 04-30-12

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I have no problem posting. However, I hate double posting or posting if I don't have enough content to work with. To have activity, there needs to be other activity to work with.
So that means more people need to take opportunity to post when they have content to work with. The sad thing is it appears to be a problem with many places I've seen in the past years; it is this lurking mentality that is hard to fight.

I used to lurk because I was too shy to post. Given that I now bite my tongue more often and just now dive in and post what's usually on my mind, I can post a lot more often.

Another thing that will help is to see more "new things" or somethings to stir up the activity a bit. This includes new features, new bug fixes, new possible forums people may be interested in, and new attempts at some topics not yet discussed that can yeild a lot of posts.

I also would like to point out that users seeing very active staff will help the activity too. Since they are role models, or we would hope so , they will more likely see the site as alive and kicking. Staff in my opinion do more than just plan events or moderate the board but also keep the activity pot stirring. Should too many stop, so too will the rest stop. Until completely still and dead.

Posted on 07-19-12 01:14 AM Link | Quote | ID: 151672

Level: 66

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Since: 04-25-07

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Posted by Sagittaire
I noticed Board2 is a bit "empty". I have read previous posts, and, coming from SMWC's community togetherness, I did see Board2 as "The Epic board of them all, but very detatched from it's userbase".

The solution is an ironic one: Have people post more rom hacking promos, speak positively that Board 2 will emerge as the premier ROM hacking nexus it once was, and most importantly.

***Treat everyone with kindness and respect, and promote promote promote.

Board2 will only go under if it's administrative staff believes it will go under. BELIEF is the key here guys. I personally feel that this forum has the most heritage among it. It's like a trinity: Board2, SMWC, Jul.

If any admins are reading this: Start speaking positive and set goals on how Board2 can emerge as a leading ROM hacking site once again. ROM hacking isn't getting old anytime soon, but it will be up to the leadership to make it happen.

If you need help or advice, PM me. I'd love to know every exact factor that has led to a slump for Board2. If we know the causes, we can take the best course of action.

Until then, dont give up. Board2 is STILL very legit, but it's leaders need a wake up call. Your community needs you to be the stars you were meant to be. Start BELIEVING in yourselves, the site, and your mission, or, yes...

Board2 will die.

Lets face bare bone facts here, the place isnt going to go under the rug anytime soon.
If you take a look at the board and the people that are barely active to the ones that are, we do have times of a dry spell.
Factor in job of any sorts, daily life, or any type of school of all ages, and game/hacking....

Yeah its going to be slow, if I had to make a correct assumption its mostly young teens/adults that use the site often. (15-25 ages)
I come by every so often and will post, if its not necesary then I am eleswhere.

Asking the current administration team to do anything for the board is like pulling teeth.
Let em be and let them stay quite.

Posted on 07-19-12 02:06 AM Link | Quote | ID: 151674

Level: 20

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Since: 04-19-08
From: Fort Lee, NJ

Last post: 4053 days
Last view: 3859 days
Merely offering suggestions. Going by how Blackhole presented the case.

Little bits here and there will add up to something great. With that said, all can proceed.


Posted on 08-07-12 01:32 AM Link | Quote | ID: 151837

Level: 25

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Tompkinsville

Last post: 3680 days
Last view: 3667 days
Greetings from 2005-06. Don't remember anymore, but I've been with a few of these Acmlm incarnations. Thought you guys could use some help reviving the location, and well, I've plenty of memories of this place.

It'd be a shame to have it go, so here I am.

I'll try to get some people interested again.

Posted on 08-07-12 02:00 AM Link | Quote | ID: 151848

Princess of the Night
Level: 47

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Since: 02-21-07
From: Equestria

Last post: 3795 days
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mmm, welcome back! ยด:3

Even though I was hardly anyone of any status back then, and I doubt you know me, I hope you will have a good time posting on board 2 again!

The fun has been doubled!

Posted on 08-07-12 02:03 AM Link | Quote | ID: 151850

Level: 25

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Tompkinsville

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I was extremely active in 2007. That was about it.

Posted on 08-07-12 02:14 AM Link | Quote | ID: 151852

Level: 40

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Since: 02-19-07

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You're the Riku I knew... right?

Posted on 08-07-12 02:16 AM Link | Quote | ID: 151853

Level: 25

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Tompkinsville

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Yes. Although your name is very familiar to my eyes, I really don't remember our entire history together. We did... something. A few things actually. Some kind of spin off board, or a few of them.

Posted on 09-30-12 03:59 PM Link | Quote | ID: 152553

Red Goomba
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Since: 09-29-12
From: Mobius

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I like trains...

(post deleted) ID: 152628

Posted on 10-12-12 10:56 PM Link | Quote | ID: 152651

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 10-12-12

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I havent been making any rom-hacks nor browsing these boards in years, sine I lost my interest in rom-hacking years ago(when I was working on adventures of lolo (gb) remix, and other AOL hack), TBH I was never good at anything(related to rom-hacking) so I just stopped. Plus Im in collage atm so I dont have that much free time as I used to have anyways.

Carl Miller
Posted on 11-20-12 04:53 PM Link | Quote | ID: 152884

Level: 6

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Since: 10-12-11
From: Florida

Last post: 3798 days
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Board2 is nowhere near dead. Let it live. If it died, I would probably have to be scraped off the pavement.

layout by Sofi.

Posted on 11-20-12 09:29 PM Link | Quote | ID: 152886

Level: 66

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Since: 04-25-07

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Posted by KDeee

I havent been making any rom-hacks nor browsing these boards in years, sine I lost my interest in rom-hacking years ago(when I was working on adventures of lolo (gb) remix, and other AOL hack), TBH I was never good at anything(related to rom-hacking) so I just stopped. Plus Im in collage atm so I dont have that much free time as I used to have anyways.

If you still have that hack, someone maybe willing to provide assistance to make it work as a demo or full hack.
Also when I hack I need inspiration, without it I dont feel like touching jack which is understandable.
My advice is play a few games similiar to the ones your hacking, you be amazed of what might come to mind if its doable.

@CJ: Also cj, we can make arrangements for a bull dozer to move you off the property when closing down the shop.
Thank you for loyalty and willingness to give it all for acmlm.

Posted on 12-04-12 05:10 AM Link | Quote | ID: 153004

Level: 42

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Since: 03-26-07

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General interest in romhacking has declined. I was here around the very different times of 2001. A repeat of classic acmlm doesn't feel likely to work for board2.


Posted on 12-05-12 04:32 AM Link | Quote | ID: 153013

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Since: 04-25-07

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Posted by theclaw
General interest in romhacking has declined. I was here around the very different times of 2001. A repeat of classic acmlm doesn't feel likely to work for board2.

Well as a oldbie like yourself what do you suggest, we have many different opinions.
I have looked over this thread many times and I do understand your statement to be very true.

I recommend we let acmlm be a small hacking site, by looking at who is online every so often people/bots are looking at certain information.

If the rom hacking forum begins to phaze out, I see we need to let the forum rest be archived permanently.

Everyone has moved on even I after getting involved in the acmlm department since late of 2002.

There are other sites that are dedicated to hacking, most people will go to dedicated sites for specific titles.

Posted on 12-07-12 07:27 AM Link | Quote | ID: 153027

Giant Red Paratroopa
Level: 78

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Brooklyn, NY

Last post: 100 days
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I'd be hacking more, but I've been too busy with my cartoons & just life in general. When I used to have a message board it was small, there was general, rom hacking & gaming. It was kinda active but when it stopped being active I deleted it.

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