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Posted on 03-11-12 06:42 AM Link | Quote | ID: 150411

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Posted by ninjablooper
I'm going to start to wear my board2 tag in Counter Strike: Source. Maybe a few people will get curious. Don't worry, I'll take it off if I ever troll or anything.

Ehh, I might make a little sigbar with the link to this place in it and show everyone if you want to see it, maybe if you put it in your sig in a few other places some people will do as ninja said, get curious and see what its about

Posted on 03-15-12 06:29 AM Link | Quote | ID: 150465

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Posted by YamI

Ehh, I might make a little sigbar with the link to this place in it and show everyone if you want to see it, maybe if you put it in your sig in a few other places some people will do as ninja said, get curious and see what its about

Here is a small example for now, I dont know what slogan blackhole uses for acmlm 2 but in order to get maybe a few looks at the sig, something has to describe this place.

Posted on 03-15-12 06:36 AM (rev. 2 of 03-15-12 06:37 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 150467

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When I try to describe this place to people, I tell them it's a cool place where you can talk about anything you want to, with a definite emphasis on ROM hacking and other video game related stuff.
When they ask me to describe this place in one word, I say "spatula."
Edit: I said "year" instead of "word" for some reason. Stupid multitasking.

Posted on 03-15-12 08:32 AM Link | Quote | ID: 150471

Cape Luigi
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Mike, you can't just resize a banner to 1/5 original size and call it a sig bar... that just looks bad.


Posted on 03-15-12 11:15 AM Link | Quote | ID: 150472

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Posted by NightKev
Mike, you can't just resize a banner to 1/5 original size and call it a sig bar... that just looks bad.

Kev, can you read anything right these days ?
I said the banner was an "EXAMPLE" not a permanent one for every one to use.
Why don't you give us a hand here, instead of logging on only once and awhile ?

@Axen, spatula does sound like something that would describe acmlm 2 abit much.
You guys come up with something to make it groovy.

Posted on 03-15-12 05:35 PM Link | Quote | ID: 150475

Princess of the Night
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Since: 02-21-07
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You don't need to be rude mike. :/

But yeah, board 2 never really had an slogan... the older acmlm boards had one, but that one is hardly fitting these days. ;

The fun has been doubled!

Posted on 03-15-12 07:09 PM (rev. 2 of 03-16-12 04:00 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 150478

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Posted by Lunaria
You don't need to be rude mike. :/

But yeah, board 2 never really had an slogan... the older acmlm boards had one, but that one is hardly fitting these days. ;

Not trying to be rude if you see it that way, but I won't tolerate people like him.
Hmm, we'll try what axem suggested and see what happens.

here is another one, this one I'll use elswhere I am starting to post at.

I encourage anyone else to drop down a few more sigs, and get the word going over time.

Posted on 04-30-12 11:08 AM Link | Quote | ID: 150779

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I have another idea and that would be to finish that RPG system. It is interesting and could be something much more. I have some ideas but I'd surely overwhelm anyone by posting them so perhaps I could PM anyone interested instead.

Heck, I am actually already making one so I can go ahead and do some experimenting. I am a bit of an RPG nut though so perhaps that's why. Next we could have some event based around this. Not necessarily lots of posting but activity using this upgraded system of possible fights with NPCs or battles with other users who accept some kind of PVP duel or match. Have some spells/abilities here or there, and other additions. Depends on what people want really.

Thinking about this now makes me want to work on my system again. Sadly it is getting late (4AM) and I should sleep.

Posted on 05-05-12 01:15 AM Link | Quote | ID: 150796

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Posted by Scrydan
I have another idea and that would be to finish that RPG system. It is interesting and could be something much more. I have some ideas but I'd surely overwhelm anyone by posting them so perhaps I could PM anyone interested instead.

Thinking about this now makes me want to work on my system again. Sadly it is getting late (4AM) and I should sleep.

I like your attitude man, if you feel that strongly about it run it by luna when he is checking his inbox and see what he says.

Once you make a lil bit more headway on it, throw me a screenshot or 2 and we'll what we might be able to out together.

Posted on 05-05-12 01:18 AM Link | Quote | ID: 150797

Princess of the Night
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Since: 02-21-07
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Well it's a really fucking good idea.

Now we just need someone who can code in php to actually make it! *hint: not me*

The fun has been doubled!

Posted on 05-05-12 01:25 AM Link | Quote | ID: 150799

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Posted by Lunaria
Well it's a really fucking good idea.

Now we just need someone who can code in php to actually make it! *hint: not me*

Sorry, php scripting doesn't work for me at all, I am use to HTML, basic java and debugging webcodes when stuff errors out. LP

Posted on 05-05-12 04:30 AM (rev. 2 of 05-05-12 04:31 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 150800

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Posted by Lunaria
Now we just need someone who can code in php to actually make it! *hint: not me*

I shall offer my services. After all, I've been working on an RPG system for my board. Although my board uses a few things this board obviously won't (unless everyone wants those additions) but it should be pretty easy to work on for me.

If you want, I can show you some pictures too of what I've done for my system.
Game Start (The image uses javascript to switch between states until after 5 seconds it brings up the game title.)
Player Classes (I will probably see what classes people here want if this is implemented.)
Factions (Same as last, would depend on if Board2 wants a particular story)
Difficulty (The lowest setting is a tutorial mode)
Nightmare Difficulty (Oh yeah, some of you are probably getting a Doom vibe.)

There's classes, factions, and even difficulty! Plus I have intent on multiple saves being possible. Your profile stats would show your current game you are playing. I am still reworking the actual battle system and giving some NPCs some AI and whatnot. Spells are still being added as well.
In addition. I have the idea for a casino like place to gamble away some coins in the hopes for better treasures and rewards. I have the idea to make certain days special and give rare items away...if you play your cards right and have the coin. :>

Casino Menu (Obviously there will be more.)
Feeling Lucky? (Values and whatnot aren't final as I am just messing with stuff.)
It is a sad thing your adventure ended here!! (Coins would obviously be used here, unless people want a currency revamp)
Luck is on MY side. (I have too much money though, for test purposes.)

Yeah. The game above uses a table in the database to keep track of games played and uses some code to shuffle a deck and then take to parts of the card array to decide what card it is and display it as its png image.

I'll send you some more stuff, Lunaria. Might find some of it interesting or whatever.

Posted on 05-05-12 07:44 AM Link | Quote | ID: 150803

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Since: 12-06-09

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This seems pretty legit. You got some good stuff going there, bro. Maybe teams, classes, and some other things aren't necessary right away. If it makes things simpler, start out simple with things like fights between two people at a time with victory depending on stats and equipment.
But I know next to nothing about coding this sort of thing, so whatever would be easiest will work.

Now all we need is a way to earn those frog coins...

Posted on 05-05-12 07:53 AM (rev. 4 of 05-05-12 08:12 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 150804

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Yeah, as I've seen in the questions forum, currently there's no other way to get them other than an administrator with PMA access. Although me being me, I believe in lots of moderator panels and scripts. So if I were to work on this system, there would be some GM panels and stuff.

Probably if I were to work with frog coins, perhaps you can earn them after defeating a boss? Maybe after some special event that you can do every other month or so in the RPG system. Maybe you can find them after killing a rare enemy! There's plenty of ideas I have.

Edit: Here's an old table of NPCs. Although it doesn't show all the important columns I'd like to show as I haven't edited this in awhile.
Adding them. This is still needing updated to match the new system too but it is a start.

Posted on 05-06-12 12:31 AM Link | Quote | ID: 150820

Princess of the Night
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Since: 02-21-07
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Everything on the forum ATM is made in PHP (or html/css, but that is given.) as far as I know. So you would have to be able to code in PHP as well as deal with the code that is already there.

That is, if blackhole even wants such a function installed. I can see the fun in the function myself, the question is if it's worth all the effort, and if it's secure enough.

It would help us stand out though.

The fun has been doubled!

Posted on 05-06-12 07:27 AM (rev. 2 of 05-06-12 07:29 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 150830

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Bah, I forgot my password or I would have replied sooner with my phone!

Don't worry, coding with PHP is what I love most. One thing I've always wanted to do was to work on something for someone other than myself. It is much more challenging that way. Plus it gives me more experience.

Whether or not I get to do anything, I'll still keep posting and such to keep activity flowing. I think I am already starting to do just that...I think. Plus I got my own system to work on so I have plenty to keep me busy. That and a whole trilogy to work on. All 10k pages of goodness. (estimated)

Posted on 05-13-12 03:25 AM Link | Quote | ID: 150886

Princess of the Night
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Since: 02-21-07
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Well it's up to BH for now, but it's nice to see some more activity at least here! <3

The fun has been doubled!

Posted on 05-27-12 09:23 PM Link | Quote | ID: 151041

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It's been over a year since I originally left this place, but I've never forgotten it. I'll post here again because I don't want to see this board go. I'm not the prolific poster I used to be, but I'll try to play my part.


Posted on 05-27-12 11:25 PM (rev. 2 of 05-27-12 11:27 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 151042

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I havnt been here in 6 or 7 years but the code for the board seems to be going in the right direction. Maybe if we could bring back people interested in coding and indie game dev then we could inject some life into the community? There used to be specific forums for PHP/MySQL, C/C++, etc. Also maybe you could make forums for indie game dev such as RPG Maker, XBox Live, and so on. Slowly over time more content will be added to these specific forums and thus we will show up on more google searches and draw in more people.

I also agree that the RPG system should be worked on and further developed. If you guys need a hand then I can help out some. This place used to be awesome even for its basic level/rank system of old. Its a unique place to hang out on the internet, and should never die just for that reason.

Eastmost penninsula is the secret.

Posted on 05-28-12 12:42 AM (rev. 4 of 05-28-12 01:07 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 151043

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Well, for those who would like to look at some of the things I've done for my particular system:
(Note the class base stats and stat levelup modifiers aren't final. This is my current stats)

Working on the formulas to get this far was interesting. What I got planned so far for the stats you see:
Health is obviously how many points worth of damage you can take before you die. When you die, currently no punishment is taken except you are given a death count for all to see. Although if you die enough, it might be embarassing.
Powernite (Pwnite to fit, somewhat funny on how it looks) is mana/magic but related to my story. It is used for spells and abilities. Not all classes use powernite and in fact 3 classes don't at all. (Warriors see "Rage" and Assassins and Marksmen see "Energy".)
Armor increases reduction of physical damage taken.
Attack is the base damage you will do (combined with your normal attack and a weapon you have.) (Items are currently being reprogrammed to be equipped from inventory.)
Powernite Attack is the base spell damage you will do.
Vitality increases health by 5 points per each point of vitality from level 1 - 20 and 10 past that point until level 60 which changes it to 15. This is only based on stat curves I've seen from my experiments. (Currently not programmed to do anything.)
Intellect will increase Powernite by X points of intellect. It is also planned that in the RPG overworld that intellect can be required to do certain actions. Wizards, Magicians are best at these situations. (Currently not programmed to do anything.)
Strength will increase the base attack damage you will perform. It can also be required to have a certain amount for certain events in the RPG overworld. Warriors and Paladins are best at these situations. (Currently not programmed to do anything.)
Agility will increase the rate at which enemies will miss you by 0.0X% on a level basis. It will also increase the base attack for Druids, Marksmen, and Assassins. Some actions on the RPG overworld will require that you have enough agility. (Currently not programmed to do anything.)
Speed will increase the likelihood of you attacking first in battle. It will also dictate how far you can click on the map to travel on the overworld. (Currently not programmed to do anything.)
SIN will increase certain NPCs hostility while the darker types will more likely talk with you. There's several planned endings that will decide upon the SIN rating you get. Paladins and Medics get negative SIN to start with due to high morals while Wizards and Assassins get positive SIN to start with due to lack of morals.

I have plans for other stats but for now I want to keep it somewhat simple.
How currency is displayed isn't final but I've got it sorted like the above for the moment.

The overworld I have setup is planned to be some sort of grid-like system where you click where you wish to travel. You can only click a certain number of boxes away (some items can increase that) and see only a certain number of boxes (items can also increase this too). You can't click in walls or past doors without opening them (and you can't click in inaccessible areas, nor see them). Each part of the box grid will represent a type of flooring or wall. On top of them can be chests, NPCs, and more. There's plans for both random encounters and event encounters/encounters you can do by attacking an NPC. You have the option to attack any NPC in the game. Killing NPCs that are "innocent" or not proven otherwise will give you SIN. Killing wicked creatures will reward you less SIN. There are plans to have important key NPCs and bosses respawn but most "shown" NPCs on the map that you kill will be persistent so you can screw yourself out of a quest.

And there's much more. I thought I'd mention what I've worked on recently. The overworld part of the system is being programmed today as I just got the idea for it last night when I woke up. Funny how that works. I also thought up the inventory system too but it is also being reworked.

Edit: Mainly just posting these ideas to see how people like them overall because who knows? Maybe in the future they can be used here?
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