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Posted on 02-21-12 10:18 PM Link | Quote | ID: 150200

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Since: 01-06-12

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Posted by E_NONAME
IRC ban

Ok that's it. I've had enough!

I got a visa as well as a flight ticket for the USA, due in early March. I will travel to Nevada, hunt you down, and I will kill you.

I'll be taking my dad's weapon, so don't think I'll come unprepared.

And watch yourself... for you may never experience your next birthday!

Posted on 02-21-12 10:19 PM (rev. 3 of 02-21-12 10:22 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 150201

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Massachusetts/Virginia

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Posted by MikeFuryXP
Posted by Mog54123
If you're wondering where our talented hackers went, you're probably looking in the wrong places.

Some of us have just found better things to do than sit around making SMB3 hacks of dubious quality.

Maybe, but maybe some or all users have use for acmlm and jul when it comes to rom hacking.

Its not only smb3 and smas that is "finally" being hacked on and reworked from the core itself.
Dont forget the many hackers are on different levels and think on a different skill than the other.
What I see in the rom hacking forum in the department is amazing for now.
Although they do elaborate and exchange ideas at times in the month that is what its best for.

From what I see at Jul, people are more likely to be quick at finishing hacking certain stuff when givin enough resources and man power to pull everything together.

Leave Jul alone if you dont enjoy them too much and they will do the same for you like wise.

Wait, wait, are you telling BMFMog to leave Jul alone?

EDIT: Liliana, killing people is wrong.


Posted on 02-21-12 10:23 PM Link | Quote | ID: 150202

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Since: 01-06-12

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Posted by Nicole
EDIT: Liliana, killing people is wrong.

In this case, it is the only right thing to do.

The world will become a better place after my mission is done.

Posted on 02-21-12 10:27 PM Link | Quote | ID: 150203

Princess of the Night
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Since: 02-21-07
From: Equestria

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Banned liliana for a few days due to more drama. In case any one of you want to lay a snarky one liner at that fact, you'll get one too.

The fun has been doubled!

Posted on 02-21-12 10:29 PM Link | Quote | ID: 150204

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Since: 02-19-07
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Posted by Lunaria
Banned liliana for a few days due to more drama. In case any one of you want to lay a snarky one liner at that fact, you'll get one too.



Posted on 02-21-12 10:39 PM Link | Quote | ID: 150206

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Posted by Lunaria
Banned liliana for a few days due to more drama.

Yeah that seems like an appropriate response to a murder threat

Photo by Luc Viatour

Posted on 02-21-12 10:40 PM Link | Quote | ID: 150207

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 02-17-12

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Posted by Liliana
Posted by E_NONAME
IRC ban

Ok that's it. I've had enough!

I got a visa as well as a flight ticket for the USA, due in early March. I will travel to Nevada, hunt you down, and I will kill you.

I'll be taking my dad's weapon, so don't think I'll come unprepared.

And watch yourself... for you may never experience your next birthday!


Posted on 02-21-12 10:44 PM Link | Quote | ID: 150208

Princess of the Night
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Since: 02-21-07
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Posted by Devin
Yeah that seems like an appropriate response to a murder threat
I know. right!

Oh and one more jenny and wimp! *throws boot*

The fun has been doubled!

Posted on 02-21-12 11:24 PM Link | Quote | ID: 150211

Jizz Danmaku
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Posted by Hiryuu
I can't stop laughing.


Posted on 02-21-12 11:29 PM Link | Quote | ID: 150212

Red Cheep-cheep
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i seriously have no words so here's some music i'm listening to so i don't literally collapse

There's nothing meaningful to put here anymore. Sigh.

Electrometer Prime
Posted on 02-21-12 11:31 PM Link | Quote | ID: 150213

Red Cheep-cheep
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Since: 02-21-07

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Banned till Wednesday. How is that a few days? In some countries, it's more like a few hours...


Posted on 02-21-12 11:34 PM Link | Quote | ID: 150214

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Posted by Electrometer Prime
Banned till Wednesday. How is that a few days? In some countries, it's more like a few hours...

"some countries" including the one where Lili actually lives

Photo by Luc Viatour

Electrometer Prime
Posted on 02-21-12 11:35 PM Link | Quote | ID: 150215

Red Cheep-cheep
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It should be Wednesday in Lunarialand in about 25 minutes.


Posted on 02-21-12 11:39 PM Link | Quote | ID: 150216

The Guardian
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Since: 02-19-07
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If you are that keen on discussing the successes and failures of our disciplinary procedure, please take it to a separate thread.

It's almost as if you feel personally wronged by the circumstance that somebody is allowed to post on a board you don't even care about.

team jul: internet police


Posted on 02-21-12 11:41 PM Link | Quote | ID: 150217

Princess of the Night
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Since: 02-21-07
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Eppy: The idea was to unban her when I get home on wednesday, which is more like 23 hours from now.

Also, how about you stream that 8bit, hmm? hmm? :3

The fun has been doubled!

Posted on 02-21-12 11:42 PM Link | Quote | ID: 150218

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Since: 02-21-12

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Oh hi guys! Figured I'd pop in for a sec or so because I'm tired of reading this topic yet not contributing. At least now I can register under my actual name because my previous account is still under that robot fad name thing that happened!

First of all, there is no hivemind here. I'm not quite sure why people assume I'm under some sort of Xkeeper Mind Control Serumâ„¢ but I can assure you that isn't the case. If anything, I've been more distant from Jul than ever due to other circumstances (such as Twitter, loads of games to play, working, and more importantly a girlfriend I talk to every night). I'm sure Xkeeper and such could vouch that I haven't been as active as I used to be. Somehow, even in this thread, I got mentioned as if I am Xk's pawn. It is quite agitating to say the least.

Second, in regards to this board operating, I guess it would help if I mention another forum I go to has no new regular members register and is mostly a hub of friends that chat about things. The total post count for this month has been 152 posts so far and that is more than usual. Still is fine for what it is since it isn't advertised at all even though it could be popular as all hell if it wanted.

How does that apply to here? Well, this could be the same thing, really. I'm not sure of the costs and all that though, but that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if you got a group of people using this for a hang-out point if you could afford it or set up a donation fund to keep it up for however long. If that isn't your cup of tea (perfectly understandable) then you can pull the plug or perhaps think of something worthwhile to bring in new users and an active community. With everything else going on at the same time though that is actually quite difficult to attract people to a forum, what with Twitter and Tumblr and all that other social networking. There is something that COULD potentially help, but what it is and how it can be achieved is up to you guys. Maybe I'll stick around if that be the case so long as I don't get admin responsibilities. Even as an admin on Jul I don't do anything staff worthy... or at least I feel like that.

I also want to bring in the Lillana drama happening here: I think I posted once while she was going through all of this on Jul and that was me saying to seek help. I avoided the issue entirely because I'm not helpful with this stuff at all. I'm really uncomfortable with these issues. However I somehow got mentioned by her in this very thread like I'm hunting her down. I don't do that shit.
Posted by Lillana
I will travel to Nevada, hunt you down
Remember that $50 you owe him while doing this. Might be useful!

Ahem. Back to serious.

Actually I got nothing else to add. I thought there would be more. Oh well! I guess the point is that if you want the board to have a larger community you have to do something to warrant it. If you can't do any of that, then either close the board or perhaps make it focus around being a hangout for friends? That is all I can really think of at this point.

Posted on 02-22-12 12:20 AM Link | Quote | ID: 150221

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Since: 03-22-11
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Luna, Don't you think that a murder threat would be more than a days ban? I would think at least a week...?

Oh well, you're admin so I guess your choice. :3

And hi cpubasic...


Back to your discussion, if I interrupted it...

Posted on 02-22-12 12:32 AM Link | Quote | ID: 150223

The Guardian
Moloch whose eyes are a thousand blind windows!
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Since: 02-19-07
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Posted by cpubasic13
Thanks for restoring some amount of sanity to the thread. Please don't overgeneralise from one particular user's statements - I'm sure most people here have a sufficiently nuanced/less simplistic view of Jul and its users.

Running the forum as a hangout for friends would require having some sort of reasonably close-knit community of friends at its core to begin with. I don't think there is much enthusiasm anywhere about running this as anything other than a shared-interests (as opposed to, say, shared social circles) community.


Posted on 02-22-12 01:31 AM Link | Quote | ID: 150224

Red Goomba
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Hai. i'm just wondring why evryone does not post on both place?

Why not share the feeling?

Posted on 02-22-12 01:52 AM Link | Quote | ID: 150225

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Since: 04-25-07

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Posted by Nicole

Wait, wait, are you telling Mog to leave Jul alone?

No I am not saying that nicole, I said if people dont want to have anything to do with jul.rustedlogic.net leave them alone.
If anyone does not want to have anything to do with acmlm, leave the people alone and let them do there do thing.
I was mostly speaking to everyone who goes to jul or acmlm.
Since I visit both forums, I have no problem with either, although a argument may erupt for about 3-5 posts and then everyone goes back to the normal grinding of posting like usual.

shit happens and it's avoidable in this life time we are in.
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