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Posted on 12-20-15 05:50 PM Link | Quote | ID: 162207

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Posted by Stufid
Posted by Mike-Tech
Posted by hakarl
"4chan is shit"
"too many shit rules and mods"
"4chan [...] without the shit"

you guys come up with the best arguments

As always your full of trash and full of back biting remarks.
Remind me again who was the one started up the 4chan chat that lead up to this point ? :/
It didn't start out with yushe or anyone else in this thread.

Posted by hakarl

That's what I've been trying to tell him!


So is this what you mean if so why does it take you 3 years to get a dictionary ?

Posted on 12-22-15 04:49 AM Link | Quote | ID: 162217

Buzzy Beetle
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Posted by Mike-Tech
Posted by Stufid
Posted by Mike-Tech
Posted by hakarl
"4chan is shit"
"too many shit rules and mods"
"4chan [...] without the shit"

you guys come up with the best arguments

As always your full of trash and full of back biting remarks.
Remind me again who was the one started up the 4chan chat that lead up to this point ? :/
It didn't start out with yushe or anyone else in this thread.

Posted by hakarl

That's what I've been trying to tell him!


So is this what you mean if so why does it take you 3 years to get a dictionary ?

- Nikki

Posted on 12-22-15 06:12 AM Link | Quote | ID: 162218

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Stuf where have you been these past 8 months man ?

Posted on 12-22-15 01:32 PM Link | Quote | ID: 162223

Red Goomba
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Posted by Stufid

as opposed to an acidic bitch?

Quick Curly
Posted on 12-24-15 09:27 PM Link | Quote | ID: 162245

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 06-15-08
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Would blackhole89 taking his time and changing anything with the board give any of you more motivation to bother to post and contribute to anything going on here? Perhaps more community activity driven events could go on like the "KCS" post events and the "Mosts" voting events, but we need more active people and reasons to post for that. When people are referring to other forums and message boards and claiming that they're better for whatever reason, what drives more activity there? It's not about leniency because every online message board needs some degree of form and structure. People can talk about anything anywhere so it's not like there is a wider range of potential discussion that isn't possible here too. So, is it laziness? Availability? When the claims are made that most of the staff generally isn't active here, does that affect your decision to bother being active too? If things were different, would it truly make a difference?

Either way, I feel that any posts at points in time that are suggesting that blackhole89 isn't upholding anything for anyone is, as he put it, a bit silly. If you want something done with the board, then we as members have to prove that we care by engaging more in the community. Perhaps if there's more activity, it would be more motivating and warranted for more updates and engaging activities to take place.

Instead of waiting for action, be the first one to make the effort and take some action. All you know, it could be rewarding and fulfilling.

To any of the staff, is there anything that any of us can do?

Quick Curly
Posted on 01-03-16 07:57 PM Link | Quote | ID: 162322

Giant Red Paratroopa
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So I've finally been working on my Kickle Cubicle level hack again over the last couple days. So far, I've just been figuring out and documenting some more data in order to be able to further customize each individual level.

I was planning to create a workaround so that each level could have its own individual starting time, but as I discovered this morning, it turns out that the original game already has a table for individual level starting times! One less thing to do!

Now, I need to get back into the level designing mindset again.

Hopefully I'll have some physical and visual progress to share sooner or later.

Posted on 01-09-16 12:50 AM (rev. 2 of 01-09-16 12:57 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 162371

The Guardian
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Since: 02-19-07
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Sigh. How is this even happening? As far as I can tell, it's not like the people periodically hijacking old accounts are actually exploiting any security holes in the board (if they did, we'd see many more attacks on recent/actually active accounts, I imagine). Are old backups floating around somewhere that people just rainbow table? (Why bother?) Or is it that one or more of the many schismatic boards runs periodical "tell us your old board2 password so we can go there and spam using your account" drives or something?

I don't have the energy to constantly have to do these cleanups, but at the same time, I'm not sure if there is anyone in the intersection of "would make a good admin" and "would be up for being an admin" (or at least I'm fairly jaded in that regard after the last attempt at contacting people in the first set returned a uniform battery of "sorry, but no"s) to add to the staff, and anyhow, our security model has traditionally been keeping the really heavy guns (that is, the power to do deep log analysis and perma-delete things) in the hands of fewer people than powerlevel=3 still, so as to prevent "someone got into an admin's account and caused tons of irreversible damage"-type accidents.

Any creative solutions? One thing I've been thinking of is adding some sort of trap for reactivating accounts that have been unused for more than one year (that is, the account is flagged "old" and you need to get an admin to explicitly confirm its reactivation), but I'm not sure if that wouldn't just shift the brunt of the attacks to newer accounts or discourage activity further.


Posted on 01-09-16 01:32 AM Link | Quote | ID: 162373

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Posted by blackhole89
Sigh. How is this even happening? As far as I can tell, it's not like the people periodically hijacking old accounts are actually exploiting any security holes in the board (if they did, we'd see many more attacks on recent/actually active accounts, I imagine). Are old backups floating around somewhere that people just rainbow table? (Why bother?) Or is it that one or more of the many schismatic boards runs periodical "tell us your old board2 password so we can go there and spam using your account" drives or something?

I don't have the energy to constantly have to do these cleanups, but at the same time, I'm not sure if there is anyone in the intersection of "would make a good admin" and "would be up for being an admin" (or at least I'm fairly jaded in that regard after the last attempt at contacting people in the first set returned a uniform battery of "sorry, but no"s) to add to the staff, and anyhow, our security model has traditionally been keeping the really heavy guns (that is, the power to do deep log analysis and perma-delete things) in the hands of fewer people than powerlevel=3 still, so as to prevent "someone got into an admin's account and caused tons of irreversible damage"-type accidents.

Think it over for abit, if your willing give me permission to global mod for the time being.
Until shayne comes back and works as a global mod, like he should have been.
I think quick curly has the full ability to be a admin, my only concern is his short tolerance level for people in general.

With that said I'll leave it that, I don't mind local modding one of the sub forums if needed.

1. one root admin blackhole.
2. 2 normal admins for security of the boards.
3. 1 super mod to mod the post or delete it or a thread and request a temp ban, long term ban, permaban/ip ban to the admins if needed.
warning system like in the old days of acmlm but really enforced
4. Local mod for general rom hacking.

Quick Curly
Posted on 01-09-16 03:10 AM Link | Quote | ID: 162374

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 06-15-08
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I don't want to peel off old band-aids, but I admit that I got overly emotional and critical when it came to the Board 2 collaborative hack topic, only because of how long I've hoped that a Board 2 hack could work out. I regret that things were said by both of us that I wish weren't.
As for my tolerance level for people in general, I consistently attempt to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and encourage positive outlooks first and foremost. I consider myself to possess greater patience than the majority of other people, but I do still have my own limits, unfortunately. They were compromised by my personal investment in the aforementioned instance, and I'm afraid that one isolated case has caused a drastic change in perception of myself to you.
I do hope that we can go back to our more cooperative and friendly considerations for one another from before that all happened.

As for all of the people over the years that have been against the Board 2 community in general, and now this:

Hello I C1R1M1N4L Turkish hackers . I'm hacked into your system, but do no harm . Only the first and last warning you get . I encourage you to open your site closure . I'll stop by again soon .
It all worries me. Board 2 is the first ROM hacking community that I discovered and joined back when I was starting out. It feels like it was just yesterday, but so much time has passed by since then. This place is very important to me, as I'm sure it is to others out there, too. Why can't we just exist in peace? Does the board still remaining open after all of those instances that people came and said that it should just be closed down and archived due to inactivity really drive people to waste so much time and effort that could be used to help build the community to instead try to ruin it for us? Why?

Does anyone with the experience and insight believe that Board 2 is at high risk because of this threat? Is there anything that we can do? (The last time that I asked that question, it was about encouraging activity. Now it's about our survival overall. )

Posted on 01-09-16 03:55 AM (rev. 2 of 01-09-16 05:06 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 162376

The Guardian
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Ithaca, NY, US

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I don't think there's any substance to the "Turkish hackers".

That being said, I discovered some nasty server move related security hiccups which might well be related to the problems we have been experiencing. Please change your password, everyone.


Posted on 01-09-16 12:57 PM Link | Quote | ID: 162378

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Posted by Quick Curly

As for all of the people over the years that have been against the Board 2 community in general, and now this:

Hello I C1R1M1N4L Turkish hackers . I'm hacked into your system, but do no harm . Only the first and last warning you get .
Does anyone with the experience and insight believe that Board 2 is at high risk because of this threat? Is there anything that we can do? (The last time that I asked that question, it was about encouraging activity. Now it's about our survival overall. )

Don't fall for that crap, even after I saw that string line of posts and the threads.
I could tell the person who drummed up all of this was mostly bluffing.
If they wanted the site hacked up and be brought down it would have happened with no warning.
Kind of like arbe and his old pals would do back in the day just to prove a point.

Quick Curly
Posted on 01-09-16 02:33 PM Link | Quote | ID: 162379

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 06-15-08
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Yes, such bold claims are normally empty threats, but given that things were happening that shouldn't have been, and when something means a lot to you, you tend to believe the possibility of something negative happening against your will more seriously. Either way, I was just hoping that this isn't/wasn't serious.

As for the recent case of Termingamer2-JD, that kind of hit me for a hard surprise too because I consider(ed) him a great friend, only for the apparent takeover to focus part of his verbal attack towards me. If it was somehow the actual person trying to get his account banned (which I have a hard time believing) I would wonder why he suddenly decided to turn against and focus on me when all I ever tried to do was help him with his Board 2 stay and get along with everybody here.

I could attempt to contact him elsewhere to try to get a hold of him, not only to stay in contact with him, but also in case there was a way to somehow manage to get him to come back. However, I was still wondering if there was a way to find out for sure if it truly was him who did that, or despite being a more recently created account, it somehow got taken over and taken advantage of like some others in the past and recent times.

Posted on 01-09-16 02:47 PM Link | Quote | ID: 162380

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Posted by Quick Curly

As for the recent case of Termingamer2-JD, that kind of hit me for a hard surprise too because I consider(ed) him a great friend, only for the apparent takeover to focus part of his verbal attack towards me. If it was somehow the actual person trying to get his account banned (which I have a hard time believing) I would wonder why he suddenly decided to turn against and focus on me when all I ever tried to do was help him with his Board 2 stay and get along with everybody here.

I could attempt to contact him elsewhere to try to get a hold of him, not only to stay in contact with him, but also in case there was a way to somehow manage to get him to come back. However, I was still wondering if there was a way to find out for sure if it truly was him who did that, or despite being a more recently created account, it somehow got taken over and taken advantage of like some others in the past and recent times.

I don't think its a good idea to bring this up, also despite his issues here I don't think that was him.
Look more closely at how he posts, then look up to the point where his posts just take ackward twist and he suddenly trashes the place ??
Personally that is not terminator, he mentioned he had problems elsewhere, the people he got tangled up with.
They must have figured his account login details and hung him up to dry for the staff team to ban him.
If you really feel that strongly about it, look at what I quoted and look into it.
If the evidence proves credible enough that it wasn't him and checking his ip with the last one used.
Talk it over with black and ninja and get his banned lifted, if it was him indeed then theres nothing else to do.

Quick Curly
Posted on 01-09-16 03:02 PM Link | Quote | ID: 162382

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Sorry. I'm not trying to focus on anything that's better left alone, but I was just wondering given the other account takeovers. He was a regular poster here who I believe encouraged more activity in some areas where it had lacked for quite some time, but I understand that there would still be the risk of it ending badly again if the same result would just occur in the end. Since this seemed like an open discussion about this subject and recent occurrences, I just thought that I would throw it out there.

If it seems as though what's done is done and we're good for now, we could move on to talking about something else for the time being.

Posted on 01-09-16 03:09 PM Link | Quote | ID: 162384

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Posted by "Quick Curly" id="162382"
Sorry. I'm not trying to focus on anything that's better left alone, but I was just wondering given the other account takeovers. He was a regular poster here who I believe encouraged more activity in some areas where it had lacked for quite some time, but I understand that there would still be the risk of it ending badly again if the same result would just occur in the end. Since this seemed like an open discussion about this subject and recent occurrences, I just thought that I would throw it out there.

If it seems as though what's done is done and we're good for now, we could move on to talking about something else for the time being.

Leave well enough alone about others problems and actions here publicly. :|
If its that serious and that problematic, you now have access to a staff room to address it and think about it privately.


Posted on 01-09-16 03:51 PM Link | Quote | ID: 162385

Red Goomba
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that's funny, Mike-Tech openly asked for power and in the end someone else got it

it seems Mike-Tech is still getting away with things he shouldn't get away with, though; so much for the increased staff

about Termingamer2-JD I figured he got mad after our posts in his activity suggestions thread, but was kind of surprised he didn't attack me too

wouldn't be too surprising if it was a takeover though

Posted on 01-09-16 04:19 PM Link | Quote | ID: 162386

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Posted by hakarl
that's funny, Mike-Tech openly asked for power and in the end someone else got it

it seems Mike-Tech is still getting away with things he shouldn't get away with, though; so much for the increased staff

As much you taunt people and mock people and you're posts do show this.
You really don't have much of a right to talk and judge people wrongfully.
As long as someone else will mod the board correctly and look into things carefully before actions to place.
I'm for it if quick can do this effectively, if not then we will need to go back reassign the staff team.

Posted on 01-09-16 06:17 PM Link | Quote | ID: 162387

Red Goomba
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I guess someone should take a look at the FAQ...

and also learn your/you're while they're at it

Posted on 01-09-16 11:50 PM Link | Quote | ID: 162388

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Posted by hakarl
I guess someone should take a look at the FAQ...

and also learn your/you're while they're at it

Go speak with blackhole89 about my banned, since you keep bringing it up and referencing to my ban and begging for it.
If he thinks its needed fine then, my comment still remains against you.
Take the wooden plank out of your own eyes and fix your own problems.
Before you ever correct me, correct others, or misjudge anyone else on here again.


Posted on 01-10-16 01:10 AM Link | Quote | ID: 162389

Red Goomba
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to be entirely honest, I already did so

you're always backseat-modding, acting like you will get power, threatening people who don't go your way, and generally being an asshole to people who aren't exactly like you expect

all of that violates the rules, as well as this post where you outright ask for power

I have contacted blackhole89 about this, linking a bunch of your posts to prove my point, and asked for something to be done, be it taking action against you or rewriting the rules to reflect the current moderation style or whatever

blackhole89 just ignored it

you get away with your shit because the staff doesn't care anymore about the board, plain and simple -- all they do anymore is clean up spam, drama in a thread can go on forever until someone closes the thread because "it's getting offtopic", etc...

I am hereby openly challenging the staff to prove me wrong
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