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Posted on 04-13-15 09:55 PM Link | Quote | ID: 159892

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Posted by derpo
and why do you keep acting like you own this place

I dunno about you Mr Board2 Police Officer, but what I can see here doesn't hint that you have any sort of power over this board

feel free to prove me wrong

Here you go, thats my regular power, <----, no one said I had staff power.
However I do have the right to speak my mind on comments like his and I had my reason,
Mainly this after seing the topic appear for the unteenth time after it has been discussed and settle.

You don't like it feel free to talk to the one of admins.
For a new registered user you seem to be from another place full of problems your name seems very familiar. :/

Posted on 04-13-15 11:43 PM Link | Quote | ID: 159893

Banned by request. Good luck!
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oh, you want to play the 'freedom of speech' card? well fine

I have as much rights as you to speak my mind on your silly actions or this board's state

not that I entirely care, it's just fun to mess with you because you take that shit so seriously

Posted on 04-14-15 12:49 AM Link | Quote | ID: 159894

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Posted by derpo

not that I entirely care, it's just fun to mess with you because you take that shit so seriously

Tell you what derpybackslide, let me speak to some people here and there.
I'll make sure next time you walk back in here and stir up stuff, they can ask you to leave or disable your account for abit.

Either post without the drama,troll talk or stay where you are a currentlyt and keep minding your own business as usual.

Posted on 04-15-15 12:50 AM (rev. 2 of 04-15-15 12:52 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 159901

Banned by request. Good luck!
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Posted by Mike-Tech
Tell you what derpybackslide, let me speak to some people here and there.
I'll make sure next time you walk back in here and stir up stuff, they can ask you to leave or disable your account for abit.

okay officer, I'm waiting for them to come arrest me

why don't you do it yourself anyway, did you forget to grab some handcuffs before leaving the police station?

also I totally love how you supposedly associate me to a random user going by username similarity, as if the name 'derpo' had any meaning in it

seems to be well within your intelligence level

Posted on 04-15-15 02:28 AM Link | Quote | ID: 159902

The Guardian
Moloch whose eyes are a thousand blind windows!
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derpo: I, for my part, think you should (1) chill and (2) get a life that involves better things than getting angry at people over a forum existing. Perhaps getting banned will constitute the kick in the posterior that will finally make you get your life back on track. You can do it! I believe in you!

Mike-Tech: Thanks for standing up for the board, but I think that with people like that, it's for the best to just ignore them. If you needlessly rile them up, it will just feed their delusions about the significance of heroically shouting at an almost-dead forum that it should close down already.


Posted on 04-17-15 06:56 AM Link | Quote | ID: 159919

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Since: 08-27-14
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i have a feeling derpo is staplebutter

just some things are really hinting towards it

but i dont know

uh uh derp derp o o blargo derpo


Posted on 04-17-15 11:45 AM Link | Quote | ID: 159920

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Posted by Tierage
i have a feeling derpo is staplebutter
just some things are really hinting towards it

If that really is "Mega-Mario" then I really don't know what his problem is with me.
Last time me and him talked he moved on to code kafuka and he seemed content and happy to have a more active board.
Least things have good over here the past few months.

Quick Curly
Posted on 08-19-15 12:11 AM Link | Quote | ID: 160706

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 06-15-08
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Since this is the random talk thread, I figured that I'd give it a 4-month regeneration. Even if it means that I'll be talking to myself.

I've been looking at how a few different NES games work as of late. Most recently, I completed documentation on Balloon Fight Level Hacking (currently up to 40 unique downloads so far), and created a Balloon Fight level hack, Cosmic Balloon Assault (currently up to 70 unique downloads so far). I personally feel like that's my most accomplished major project up to this point, considering that I figured out how everything works by myself, as opposed to how Super Mario Bros. 3, the game I'm most familiar with, was obviously hacked before me. In addition, there's lots of information available for new hackers, as well as utilities that visually help the modification process.

It feels rewarding to have figured a game out, and that I used FCEUXD to find and change everything, as opposed to needing a level editor. True, I used FCEUXD, but building levels from scratch within a hex editor is the complete opposite of visually friendly, which most people would certainly struggle with.

Right now, I'm looking at Kickle Cubicle. I looked at it years ago and figured out the meta-tile values, but not the compressed level format. Turns out it was pretty simple after all. In fact, I recognize the format from some other games I've looked at, too. I'm not sure what will come of this, if anything, but it's interesting for me to look at right now.

Posted on 08-19-15 12:06 PM Link | Quote | ID: 160718

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Since: 08-06-15
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Completing a level in hex is pretty much an accomplishment in itself.
Do you have a video to show us how it came out?

Jamie Dignam

Quick Curly
Posted on 08-19-15 03:47 PM Link | Quote | ID: 160721

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Since: 06-15-08
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Thank you for recognizing that.
I've done plenty of direct hex edits for Super Mario Bros. 3, but at least for hacks of that game, people have SMB3 Workshop and the SMB3 Map Editor to visually help with level and map edits.

I don't have any of my own videos of the Balloon Fight level hack specifically, but there are currently 4 YouTube videos of Cosmic Balloon Assault that have already been made by other players, which is pretty awesome:

Cosmic Balloon Assault (Balloon Fight Hack) NES 2 player Netplay 60fps by arronmunroe

Cosmic Balloon Assault with Sorin by DANGEROVIDIU

Cosmic Balloon Assault Ok with Sorin by DANGEROVIDIU

Cosmic Balloon Assault (Balloon Fight Hack) 1 Player run by vhernandez2121

If you mean for Kickle Cubicle, I don't have anything visual to show at this point, unfortunately. I haven't changed anything yet. I'm still looking for whatever information I can find to document on the game in general.
For years, there has been a little information available through Data Crystal, but I'm searching beyond that.

Posted on 08-19-15 04:36 PM Link | Quote | ID: 160723

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Since: 08-06-15
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Lol, I was actually referring to a video of SMB3 level.

Jamie Dignam

Quick Curly
Posted on 08-19-15 07:06 PM Link | Quote | ID: 160729

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 06-15-08
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Oh. Ha ha. Well, there are actually quite a few people who have played my multiple SMB3 hacks over time. There are too many to really bring them all up and link them here, and some videos are from older channels that either made their videos private, or the videos (and possibly channels) were deleted. Searching for the hacks should bring up the videos that are still available. Most recently, vhernandez2121 and English1stud have been playing SMB3 hacks from my most recent SMB3 related release, the Quick Bros. 2 Hack Pack.

Posted on 08-20-15 01:51 PM Link | Quote | ID: 160748

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Since: 08-06-15
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@QC: OK, I'll be watching.

I thought you would have an account at a video site, then again, you probably KNOW, that one in particular (called YouTube) is biased and annoying. Heck, it has results for 'Termin's Plains' but not if you add 'Custom Level', despite those two words being in the title and the tags.

Whole reason I use Dailymotion over YouTube to generally watch things, is because its search results are much more relevant and match better what I write in the box, even if there's much less videos. However that gives us more of a reason to upload.

Also, where did your name come from? It sounds cool, I guess 'Quick' comes from your hack, but what about 'Curly'?

Jamie Dignam

Quick Curly
Posted on 08-21-15 12:59 AM Link | Quote | ID: 160753

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Since: 06-15-08
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Cool. Thanks for your interest.

Oh. I have a YouTube account, started back in April 2008. I just haven't uploaded videos regularly for a long time. It uses 1s in the name only because somebody else had already taken "QuickCurly", only to never use it for anything meaningful. Apparently, the channel doesn't even exist anymore, but it did back when I decided to finally make a channel.

My most recent upload was of my 1-world SMB3 hack, SMB3 QCZY, which is included in the Quick Bros. 2 Hack Pack.

It appears that this is your YouTube channel. I'll check it out when I have some more time.

I don't have a Dailymotion account, but I've watched videos on there before. It's certainly not as active as YouTube, though. That could be considered both good and bad for different reasons.

My name came about back in 2001 or 2002. As silly as it sounds, it was what I came up with for a wrestling name. Yeah...

Posted on 08-21-15 10:42 AM Link | Quote | ID: 160756

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Since: 08-06-15
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I can see your point. Obviously there's less content on Dailymotion, which means you'll probably want to upload more stuff - plus the fact it's more centred on videos is probably a better idea. Also, less haters. Quite a few people 'emigrated' to DM from YT after getting tired of pointless and crappy comments, and being 'hidden' in search results. Also generally the service is far better quality videos (retains them better than the Tube, but not quite as good as Vimeo).

The bad thing is that guests won't get as much. Also, don't forget, Dailymotion is less bugged up than YouTube - basically, it tends to work more often - even their app on iPad prove that clearly lol. I haven't uploaded anything to my own account yet but might do so in the future (probably my custom levels).

Yes, that is my channel. All I seem to upload there is whatever levels of SMW I'm making. I believe I've got a headstart in level design with Mario Builder and SMBX, and I've picked up Lunar Magic level design quickly (designing a few decent/good levels after a day of reading tutorials for the software). Obviously, I haven't got the skill of the experienced user, but I'm bothering to make a decent level, even if they are pretty linear and keep being toned down so I can complete them in videos. However I try to keep the 'harder' version in the downloads, with a few bug fixes. (Sometimes there might be an untested bug shown in a video, but I address it for the download, such as in my last level - Golden Cave - the secret exit is impossible to get to, but it's fixed with a few note blocks).

Jamie Dignam

Quick Curly
Posted on 08-22-15 04:56 AM Link | Quote | ID: 160770

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Since: 06-15-08
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I checked out Golden Cave. It looked pretty cool. I'm not familiar with SMW hacking, and I've never bothered with it since so many countless people already hack the game. Any idea why the plants had fish graphics mixed in with them?

Posted on 08-22-15 11:59 AM Link | Quote | ID: 160780

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Since: 08-06-15
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Posted by Quick Curly
I checked out Golden Cave. It looked pretty cool. I'm not familiar with SMW hacking, and I've never bothered with it since so many countless people already hack the game. Any idea why the plants had fish graphics mixed in with them?

It's because the graphics weren't coded properly: the stem is supposed to borrow from another tileset (the one Vanilla Dome 2 uses) but Nintendo fucked it up rendering the fish stem error, they even tried to fix it themselves but still didn't work. It's possible to correct it with ExGFX hacking of the sprites, but I don't understand that.

Thanks, anyway.

SMW hacking is fun thanks to the Lunar Magic tool, even a moron could use it. Hey, I can use it, so that proves my point.

Jamie Dignam

Quick Curly
Posted on 08-23-15 04:46 PM Link | Quote | ID: 160825

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 06-15-08
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Oh. I should have figured something like that. Similar to other games when graphics don't mix outside of their own specific graphic banks.

Enjoyment from ROM hacking comes down to the specific games each individual grew up with too, in my personal opinion. I didn't grow up with SMW like the main SMW Central community, and instead played SMB3 all the time, which is why I'm more familiar with that game on a hacking level, and prefer to hack that one instead.

Posted on 08-23-15 05:35 PM Link | Quote | ID: 160829

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Since: 08-06-15
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I played a lot of both, but I'm probably better hacking a SNES game, as I don't particularly understand what system limitations actually are.

(also why is there a 77th page with nothing on it)

Jamie Dignam

Quick Curly
Posted on 08-23-15 07:06 PM Link | Quote | ID: 160850

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 06-15-08
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Normally there are 20 replies per page, but when there are deleted spam posts, I believe that messes with the detected count or something. It would seem so, anyway.
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