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Posted on 08-23-09 06:43 PM Link | Quote | ID: 114018

Son of a bitch, I'm sick of these dolphins...
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Since: 10-15-08
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And it's amazing. Thanks a ton, Stark


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Posted on 08-23-09 08:46 PM Link | Quote | ID: 114022

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Today I move to a new apartment over closer to the school. I just finished packing and am waiting for my new roommate to finish moving his stuff over so he can help me move. I've been looking forward to this all week. I've been wanting out of this apartment for the longest time, but now that I'm almost ready to leave, I almost don't want to go. I'm not exactly sure if it's because I'm leaving the apartment or because I don't know how long I'll be without internet access, maybe a little bit of both. I just figured I would give the heads up that I may not be active for a while, for those of you that care.

Posted on 08-23-09 09:06 PM Link | Quote | ID: 114023

Son of a bitch, I'm sick of these dolphins...
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Since: 10-15-08
From: Florida

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Good luck moving into your new apartment, Trel. I can understand why you wouldn't really want to go. Even if you've been wanting to leave where you are right now, it'll still be a huge change to something you're not used to. It'll be fine, so don't worry about it.

See you whenever you get your internet set up in your new place! Well, not so much see you as more of your posts.... eh, you know what I mean ^^;


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Posted on 08-24-09 07:37 AM Link | Quote | ID: 114039

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Since: 03-27-09
From: Fraxian Academy, Quadrant Omega-4

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Okay, right now I'm bored.

And here's an image. I edited it slightly to show my current thoughts in it.


Posted on 08-24-09 09:14 AM Link | Quote | ID: 114044

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
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If it's content, I can imagine how that happens. If it's a fix, somebody needs to go back to school.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
Opera - give it a spin
Spare some of your free time?
<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

James Freeman
Posted on 08-24-09 06:11 PM Link | Quote | ID: 114054

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Since: 10-15-08
From: NERV 1

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I find it ridiculous in that the patch is bigger than the engine AND all the initial content combined... though sometimes this DOES happen, I think MekPak 3 was bigger than the original Mechwarrior 4 Mercenaries. However, that was because they added more mechs than the original had, at least a dozen high-quality maps, tons of camo textures for EVERY mech, and entirely changed the hitboxes of just about every single mech in the game to mirror the actual model. Its size was at least understandable.

Enough of me waxing over my old days of 'Mech piloting, however. Besides, Mechwarrior 5 may just be coming (it's been six YEARS since the last game called Mechwarrior. I have reason to be excited).

Anyway, what is this game, and what are the contents of the patch? That's what I'd like to know.

"That's your 'ultimate attack'? You're going to drop a *BLEEP*ing asteroid on me? ARE YOU *BLEEP*ING INSANE?! THAT THING IS GOING TO KILL US ALL!" - Bob, Bob and George

"Welcome to NERV; God's in his Heaven because He's scared of our superior firepower." - Dr. Yui Ikari, Neon Genisis Evangelion: Nobody Dies (Chapter 5)

Posted on 08-26-09 07:58 PM Link | Quote | ID: 114150

>implying even the Japanese understand the Japanese
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It seems a bit ridiculous to me as well, but as Kawa and James said, a really big content update can do things like that.

Bit stupid if you ask me, but hey. I ain't the game designer.

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Posted on 08-28-09 06:00 AM Link | Quote | ID: 114207

>implying even the Japanese understand the Japanese
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So, how's your summer ending?

It hasn't yet here in Oregon. Gawd, hundred degree days still. Also school's started for me. It's a bit ridiculous really, having to wake up an hour earlier than usual...

Also it's really hot in here, but the AC's on. Has been on for quite a while. Bah.

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Quick Curly
Posted on 08-28-09 09:53 PM Link | Quote | ID: 114220

Giant Red Paratroopa
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The whole summer went by way too fast for me. I'm going to miss being able to relax, staying up until 5 in the morning and sleeping until noon.

It actually hasn't been all that hot though. Most of the days this summer weren't as bad as most of the days in past summers.

I was hoping to finish Luigi's Chronicles 2 before summer ended and I had to go back to school, but not being able to even work on it on some days makes me think it will take a little longer than planned since I still don't want to release it prematurely.

I hope that summer for everyone else has been going well.

Posted on 08-28-09 10:05 PM Link | Quote | ID: 114221

Morton Koopa
Feel the pain of those inferior beings...as you burn in hell!
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Since: 02-19-07
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Yeah, pretty good. I've had several gaming meet-ups with friends and my cousins and I've been to a music festival called Metaltown. It didn't impress me very much, though.

Plus, summer isn't over for me yet. Me and my family is going to Cyprus on the 2nd of October.


Posted on 08-28-09 11:06 PM (rev. 2 of 08-28-09 11:17 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 114224

Boomerang Brother
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Posted by Quick Curly
The whole summer went by way too fast for me. I'm going to miss being able to relax, staying up until 5 in the morning and sleeping until noon.
I think I know how you feel.
Posted by Quick Curly
It actually hasn't been all that hot though. Most of the days this summer weren't as bad as most of the days in past summers.
We just got a preview of Fall last week, some temperatures were in the 60's. But the rest of those days (especially during football practice) you should be careful and not get dehydrated.
Posted by Quick Curly
I was hoping to finish Luigi's Chronicles 2 before summer ended and I had to go back to school, but not being able to even work on it on some days makes me think it will take a little longer than planned since I still don't want to release it prematurely.
Well, school has already pulled in, so I'll always put that over some other things. Hopefully I can get some more things done with my hacks.
Posted by Stark
Hey Trapster

You're amazing

Keep it up




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Posted on 08-28-09 11:18 PM Link | Quote | ID: 114226

Puella Magi

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Posted by zbyte
Posted by Stark
How's that?

Pay attention. This will be on the test.

Posted on 09-01-09 06:55 PM Link | Quote | ID: 114343

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
From: The Netherlands

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So what do you guys think of Disney buying Marvel?

From what I heard, not a whole lot is gonna change. Then again, I ain't heard much.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
Opera - give it a spin
Spare some of your free time?
<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 09-01-09 09:47 PM Link | Quote | ID: 114347

>implying even the Japanese understand the Japanese
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Disney... Marvel... what?

Since when was Marvel ever in a position to be bought by anybody?

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Posted on 09-01-09 10:20 PM Link | Quote | ID: 114349

Son of a bitch, I'm sick of these dolphins...
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Since: 10-15-08
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I know, right? It's really surprising, and I hope Disney lets Marvel keep doing its own thing, but they get some of the money. If that's all that happens, I'll be completely fine with it


Layout made by Stark.

Posted on 09-02-09 08:00 AM Link | Quote | ID: 114367

Armor Guardian
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Since: 02-23-07
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Posted by Kawa
So what do you guys think of Disney buying Marvel?

See the last two options of this poll.

Posted on 09-02-09 01:58 PM Link | Quote | ID: 114371

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
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This, ofcourse, should not be allowed to actually happen.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
Opera - give it a spin
Spare some of your free time?
<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 09-02-09 09:45 PM Link | Quote | ID: 114377

>implying even the Japanese understand the Japanese
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Posted by RT-55J
Posted by Kawa
So what do you guys think of Disney buying Marvel?

See the last two options of this poll.

I prefer the first option.

Not that you could do much with it if they use the system they used in the first Kingdom Hearts...

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Posted on 09-05-09 04:54 PM Link | Quote | ID: 114513

Giant Koopa
I might be alive, but chances are that's not the case.
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Since: 10-15-08
From: Lulzerland

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Aaaaaah, nothing like a good ol' long weekend, huh guys?

I feel sorry for anyone who's got a lot of shit to do this weekend.


Posted on 09-05-09 05:00 PM Link | Quote | ID: 114514

Boomerang Brother
Z is Superior!
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Well, since I'm a year older, it may not be that bad.

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