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Traffic Light
Posted on 04-09-10 04:21 AM Link | Quote | ID: 129658

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To me, she looks more like...


Posted on 04-09-10 05:14 PM Link | Quote | ID: 129664

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Horrible WIN!

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Posted on 04-09-10 07:00 PM Link | Quote | ID: 129668

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Posted by Traffic Light
Also, I dislike how blackhole89's layout darkens pictures

He should just use a PNG for his translucent box. Using CSS opacity on a container makes both the container and its contents transparent, and that effect sucks when used in post layouts. You can notice the same effect on KP9000's layout, by the way.

Kafuka -- ROM hacking
Kuribo64 -- we hack shit

Posted on 04-09-10 07:04 PM Link | Quote | ID: 129669

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If the box is a solid color, you could also use an RGBA color. I think that's supposed to only affect that specific part, so if you do
{ background-color: RGBA(0,0,0, 0.5); color: white; }
it should, if I remember correctly, give fully opaque white text on a 50% translucent black box.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 04-09-10 07:14 PM Link | Quote | ID: 129670

The Guardian
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Ah. I didn't know about that.

Changed it as suggested, although I really must say I didn't mind the text being translucent myself at all...


Posted on 04-09-10 07:15 PM Link | Quote | ID: 129671

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The text was indeed not the problem -- the problem was translucent images.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
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Posted on 04-09-10 08:44 PM Link | Quote | ID: 129673


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Yeah, I've since raised the opacity in my layout. However, I've been contemplating adding a translucent PNG instead due to the nagging and whining the fact that I post a lot of images. And the nagging and whining.


Posted on 04-09-10 09:24 PM (rev. 2 of 04-09-10 09:25 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 129674

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Posted by Kawa
If the box is a solid color, you could also use an RGBA color. I think that's supposed to only affect that specific part, so if you do
{ background-color: RGBA(0,0,0, 0.5); color: white; }
it should, if I remember correctly, give fully opaque white text on a 50% translucent black box.

rgba() is a bad idea too, unless you don't give a shit about IE.

rgba() colors don't cause the annoying effects CSS opacity causes, okay.

But IE doesn't support these and just behaves as if you specified no background color (aka transparent).

Kafuka -- ROM hacking
Kuribo64 -- we hack shit

Posted on 04-09-10 09:25 PM Link | Quote | ID: 129675

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Posted by Mega-Mario
But IE doesn't support these and just behaves as if you specified no background color (aka transparent).
Dude, screw that noise.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 04-09-10 09:27 PM Link | Quote | ID: 129676

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/me enters IE-can-fuck-itself mode.

Kafuka -- ROM hacking
Kuribo64 -- we hack shit

Posted on 04-14-10 01:21 AM Link | Quote | ID: 129857

The Guardian
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I'm too lazy to format this up. Do the math.

Go nuts.


Posted on 04-14-10 02:37 PM (rev. 3 of 04-14-10 02:41 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 129864

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    $s = str_replace("&postnum&", $post['num'], $s);
$s = str_replace("&postcount&", $post['uposts'], $s);
$s = str_replace("&level&", $lvl=calclvl($exp), $s);
$s = str_replace("&exp&", $exp, $s);
$s = str_replace("&expdone&", $edone=($exp - calclvlexp($lvl)), $s);
$s = str_replace("&expnext&", $eleft=calcexpleft($exp), $s);
$s = str_replace("&lvlexp&", calclvlexp($lvl+1), $s);
$s = str_replace("&lvllen&", lvlexp($lvl), $s);
$s = str_replace("&expgain&", calcexpgainpost($post['uposts'],(time() - $post['uregdate']) / 86400), $s);
$s = str_replace("&expgaintime&", calcexpgaintime($post['uposts'],(time() - $post['uregdate']) / 86400), $s);
$s = str_replace("&exppct&", sprintf("%d" ,$edone * 100 / lvlexp($lvl)), $s);
$s = str_replace("&exppct2&", sprintf("%d", $eleft * 100 / lvlexp($lvl)), $s);
$s = str_replace("&rank&", getrank($post['urankset'], $post['uposts']), $s);
$s = str_replace("&rankname&", preg_replace("'<(.*?)>(.*?)</(.*?)>'si","",getrank($post['urankset'], $post['uposts'])), $s);

More clear formatting. Out of curiosity, what Acmlmboard version is this code from?

Also here are the other needed functions from Acmlmboard 1.A2: (unless similar functions are already supported in this board, I guess it is the case...)
function calcexpgainpost($posts,$days)	{return @floor(1.5*@pow($posts*$days,0.5));}
function calcexpgaintime($posts,$days) {return sprintf('%01.3f',172800*@(@pow(@($days/$posts),0.5)/$posts));}
function calcexpleft($exp) {return calclvlexp(calclvl($exp)+1)-$exp;}
function totallvlexp($lvl) {return calclvlexp($lvl+1)-calclvlexp($lvl);}
function calclvlexp($lvl){
if($lvl==1) return 0;
else return floor(pow(abs($lvl),3.5))*($lvl>0?1:-1);
function calcexp($posts,$days){
if(@($posts/$days)>0) return floor($posts*pow($posts*$days,0.5));
elseif($posts==0) return 0;
else return 'NAN';
function calclvl($exp){
if(calclvlexp($lvl+1)==$exp) $lvl++;
if(!$lvl) $lvl=1;
}else $lvl=-floor(pow(-$exp,2/7));
if(is_string($exp) && $exp=='NAN') $lvl='NAN';
return $lvl;

Edit- /me looks at those numbers and that red bar in bh89's sig
it is implemented? This is my &postcount&th post, and sure will be a glorious one if it works!

Kafuka -- ROM hacking
Kuribo64 -- we hack shit

Posted on 04-14-10 06:55 PM Link | Quote | ID: 129874

The Guardian
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It's implemented, but at the moment, it only affects post headers and footers rather than post bodies.

The whole point of me posting that was that it is implemented. I thought that was obvious.


Posted on 04-14-10 07:03 PM Link | Quote | ID: 129875

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Ah, okay, I didn't get it... I'm a moron sometimes

Anyway, nice Thank you!

Kafuka -- ROM hacking
Kuribo64 -- we hack shit

Posted on 04-19-10 06:51 PM Link | Quote | ID: 130108

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Since: 11-19-09
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Not sure if I'm right

&postnum& - This post number
&postcount& - Your post count
&level& - Your current level
&exp& - Your EXP
&expdone& - EXP done to next level (?)
&expnext& - EXP to next level
&lvlexp& - Needed EXP for next level (?)
&lvllen& - Next level?
&expgain& - EXP gain per post (?)
&expgaintime& - What is this?
&exppct& - What is this?
&exppct2& - Again, what is this?
&rank& - Current rank
&rankname& - Current rank name

Posted on 04-19-10 06:55 PM Link | Quote | ID: 130109


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Posted by blackhole89
I thought that was obvious.
Only to those who have the brains. We smart kids tend to give others a little bit more credit than they are originally "gifted" with, in the hopes of a classy conversation.


Further disappointment.


Posted on 04-19-10 08:14 PM (rev. 3 of 04-21-10 01:43 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 130120

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/me sure has some brain malfunction

Here's what I could get so far, formatted into a nice table:

&postnum&Number of this post
&postcount&Current post count
&level&Current level
&exp&Current EXP
&expdone&EXP done towards next level
&expnext&Remaining EXP towards next level
&lvlexp&Total EXP at next level
&lvllen&EXP from current level to next level
&expgain&EXP gain per post
&expgaintime&Idle time to gain 1 EXP
&exppct&Percent of EXP done towards next level
&exppct2&Percent of remaining EXP towards next level
&rank&Current rank, name and image
&rankname&Current rank, name only

Kafuka -- ROM hacking
Kuribo64 -- we hack shit

Posted on 04-22-10 10:50 AM (rev. 3 of 04-22-10 10:52 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 130350

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Since: 11-19-09
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Heh, but how am I supposed to know what &exppct& is?
It isn't that self-explaining.

200th Post Yay

Posted on 04-22-10 12:39 PM Link | Quote | ID: 130351

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Just put all the tags in your layout somewhere and see what numbers that gives you...

Kafuka -- ROM hacking
Kuribo64 -- we hack shit

Posted on 04-22-10 06:12 PM Link | Quote | ID: 130357

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Posted by Nikolaj
Heh, but how am I supposed to know what &exppct& is?
IIRC, it's the amount of exp left until level up, as a percentage (0-100). Good for progress bars.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu
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