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Posted on 03-24-10 09:40 PM Link | Quote | ID: 128818

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
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You just keep learning, Aaendi. If you read carefully you see, from your last post, what basically amounts to "that shouldn't be too hard, good luck on that", and an admitted mistake.

So you just keep on truckin'.

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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 03-29-10 05:18 PM Link | Quote | ID: 129168

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
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Well now. Since Aaendi is a little busy, shall we say, falling from grace, let's see if this thing can be improved a bit, with the simple to ask, hard to answer question...

What to do next in this tutorial?

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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 04-11-10 02:14 AM Link | Quote | ID: 129734

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Well, I may be a little late, but

What to do next in this tutorial?

If you are asking what we want to see next. Would an OOP interface be too much? Like insted of the actual tile drawing, having the tiles be standalone objects where you can move them. Similar to Lunar Magic, I guess..


Posted on 04-11-10 04:18 PM Link | Quote | ID: 129752

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
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That would require a completely new tutorial, DBH. I like the idea though, and I might bite and do it. I think the main problem would be in rendering the objects.

"Similar to Lunar Magic", he says... Similar to every single Mario level editor that wasn't on the Game Boy, you mean!

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 11-03-10 04:58 AM Link | Quote | ID: 137625

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Posted by Kawa
Similar to every single Mario level editor that wasn't on the Game Boy, you mean!

This intrigues me.

we're currently experiencing some technical difficulties

Posted on 11-03-10 01:59 PM Link | Quote | ID: 137630

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
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Well, allow me to indulge you.

From what I've seen, every single Mario platformer that wasn't on the Game Boy used an object list based level format. SMB1, 2, 3, SMW, YI... Even SM64 counts, to some degree. On the other hand, SML uses a stripe system if I remember correctly, and SML2 was a plain tile map.

Note that the object list is rendered to a tilemap for actual gameplay. How else would you break bricks or collect coins when that strip of bricks/coins is one single "coin" object with a >1 width? If you look at a RAM viewer, you can see the level as a plain tilemap of the kind this tutorial would let you edit.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

spel werdz rite
Posted on 11-03-10 07:28 PM Link | Quote | ID: 137634

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For MushROMs, I used a rather comprehensive switch statement to break down every object, and then jump to different codes where it would determine that specific object's properties and write it to a rectangular array containing of indexes of map16 tiles. The whole system is rather complex, but it works. Also, for a map editor, using unsafe code is strongly recommended. I haven't looked through the thread in a while, so it may have already been brought up/done, but I still felt it worth mention.

Posted on 11-03-10 07:35 PM Link | Quote | ID: 137635

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Posted by spel werdz rite
Also, for a map editor, using unsafe code is strongly recommended.
Can you elaborate on that? Is it just the pointers?

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

spel werdz rite
Posted on 11-03-10 09:30 PM Link | Quote | ID: 137636

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Yeah, it's pretty much pointers and working with the memory directly. It's major advantage is the speed. Cuts drawing time in about half to one-fourth depending on how well executed it is done. The down sides are the limits of what you can get pointers of, and the increased complexity of drawing. Both are minimal and barely weigh down the benefit. I would totally recommend against SetPixel and GetPixel for drawing.

Posted on 11-03-10 09:34 PM Link | Quote | ID: 137637

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
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Well put. Stupidly, SetPixel/GetPixel already cut drawing time in about half compared to DrawImage, at least in my observations. Still, well put.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

spel werdz rite
Posted on 11-03-10 09:38 PM Link | Quote | ID: 137638

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Once you use pointers, you'll realize how pathetic even Get/SetPixel is. There's a little more math involved, but it gets the job done if you're a competent programmer.

I may post a little tut on how to get it all done.

Posted on 11-03-10 09:39 PM Link | Quote | ID: 137639

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Go right ahead.

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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 11-03-10 10:00 PM Link | Quote | ID: 137640

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Personally, I simply use an unsafe FastBitmap class (this is a slightly modified version of something I found on the net).
From the outside, you don't need to care about the details (OOP, yay) ; it's like the regular Bitmap class, except you have a Release method to call to unlock the Bitmap.

I messed around trying to get a safe but still fast Bitmap class, and got quite good results, but not as good as the unsafe one.

Posted on 11-03-10 10:01 PM Link | Quote | ID: 137641

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
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Oh, how interesting

* Kawa swipes it

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 11-03-10 10:06 PM Link | Quote | ID: 137642

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Simple examples on how to use

Posted on 11-21-10 09:43 AM (rev. 2 of 11-21-10 09:54 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 138039

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Since: 08-11-07

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Many thanks goes to Kawa for the map editor tutorial. I actually found it quite useful.

However, I'm experiencing some issues in terms of drawing the images in my level editor (for AdvLolo). DrawImage() is clearly slow, for the most part. I tried looking at SetPixel(), but it too seemed quite slow. I'll try and take a look at FastBitmap, though. Hopefully that will get me someplace..

Sadly, having each block or sprite in a seperate .png file or whatever seems to work greatly, in terms of speed, than having everything thrown into one .png file altogether. At least, that's based off of what I've tested...

Posted on 11-21-10 02:46 PM Link | Quote | ID: 138046

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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Since: 02-20-07
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Having each block in its own Bitmap object is indeed fast, since DrawImage won't need to do any clipping from a larger tileset.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 11-21-10 05:20 PM (rev. 2 of 11-21-10 05:43 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 138047

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The FastBitmap class is not a replacement for the DrawImage method. It just makes GetPixel and SetPixel much faster. But once your image is created, you should keep the Bitmap and drop the FastBitmap, and you should still use DrawImage.
Do not use GetPixel or SetPixel for each control repaint, whether with Bitmap or FastBitmap.

If you're already caching as much stuff as you can, I think you should just look into clipping, so you don't fully repaint the control when it should only be partially repainted.

Edit: I forgot one detail: to optimize performances further, ensure all your Bitmaps use PixelFormat.Format32bppPArgb.

Posted on 12-03-10 11:57 PM Link | Quote | ID: 138346

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Posted by Kawa
That doesn't matter now.

What I wonder though, is how easy the principles in this thread so far can be practically used in other languages (besides VB.Net).
Late reply, but it can be easily transfered over into Java. Hell I can make a Java version of the example code if I'd bothered to.

Posted by DarkBoyHacker
Well, I may be a little late, but

What to do next in this tutorial?

If you are asking what we want to see next. Would an OOP interface be too much? Like insted of the actual tile drawing, having the tiles be standalone objects where you can move them. Similar to Lunar Magic, I guess..
Pretty much how I would do it myself. Kawa's solution is good for tilebased games (like advance wars) but not for games like Super Mario World where things are object-based. I done this a few times already, just not with hacking related projects. :/

AIM: gamefreak1337, MSN: Emil_sim@spray.se, XMPP: ailure@xmpp.kafuka.org

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