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Posted on 07-18-10 02:30 AM Link | Quote | ID: 133080

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Since: 04-06-10
From: On mars

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Deshaun your event problem.
does it have return?
i found that some times if the end does not have one it runs next event.

Posted on 07-18-10 06:39 AM Link | Quote | ID: 133090

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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Here's what the event looks like, and when i switch it back to 515, it still doesnt work, so im leaving it at 517 now:

[1E5224] If set, mem 00:7051, bit: 3, jump to $5233
[1E5228] Run dlg: [2053] "Goomba:[32]Darn.[12][12].[12][12].[12...", sync =fal
[1E522C] Playback start, sound: [014] flower
[1E522E] Inventory store x1, item: [84] "=Dancing Pin"
[1E5230] Set mem 00:7051, bit: 3
[1E5232] Return
[1E5233] Run dlg: [2056] "Goomba:[32]Stupid[32]talent[32]show.....", synce = fal
[1E5237] Return

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 07-22-10 02:21 AM Link | Quote | ID: 133271

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Since: 04-06-10
From: On mars

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Gian. small features
see offset
292EC >BF 1E 00 7E< these control what equip slot to load
now Whats weapons,armor,accesorys
292F3 C9 >58< Thats coin trick's value as hex
data for exp booster
2DD08 >BF 0E F8 7F< these control what equip slot to load
now Whats weapons,armor,accesorys
2DD0F C9 >50< Thats exp booster's value as hex
To be able to change these offsets form lazy shell

Posted on 07-23-10 04:19 PM Link | Quote | ID: 133316

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Since: 09-20-09

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Gian. small features
see offset
292EC >BF 1E 00 7E< these control what equip slot to load
now Whats weapons,armor,accesorys
292F3 C9 >58< Thats coin trick's value as hex
data for exp booster
2DD08 >BF 0E F8 7F< these control what equip slot to load
now Whats weapons,armor,accesorys
2DD0F C9 >50< Thats exp booster's value as hex
To be able to change these offsets form lazy shell

LOL. Gian knew that already. The ASM hack at bank 2 I showed you was his reference.

He already told us a few months ago that he had no plans to include ASM hack into LS. Although that would really be a cool feature.

If there are guys who have mastery over SMRPG hacking, that would be gian and omega.

Got any SMRPG Hacking related question?

Posted on 07-26-10 10:15 PM Link | Quote | ID: 133447

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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Hey, just got back from vaca. Did anyone find a problem in my script?

Btw, i download Version 3.0
I will probably test it out today, and ill see if i still have the same script error

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 07-28-10 02:31 AM Link | Quote | ID: 133492

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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Talk about annoyed, what did i do?
So i was changing colors, and now the game wont load past the STUPID super mario rpg legend of seven stars screen

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 07-30-10 04:02 AM Link | Quote | ID: 133591

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Since: 04-06-10
From: On mars

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im not sure if this would be off topic
but i screwed around in the
animtion editor i made a hammer that give 5 coins if timed.
but marios sits idle when done so
can some one tell me what i did wrong.

the coins work

Posted on 08-08-10 10:21 PM Link | Quote | ID: 134063

Red Paragoomba
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Since: 07-31-10

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I was thinking maybe if there's another version of lazy shell, they could include some tutorials for the more advanced editing such as scripting, mapping, maybe hex editing? (probably not, but just a thought)

Time heals all wounds.. but so does a couple pain killers, anti-depressants, and some hard core metal.

Posted on 02-16-11 05:30 PM Link | Quote | ID: 139609

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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Alright, i've got a suggestion for you.
Music - Sayy whaaaaaa

Face it guys. You cant input music from other games and stuff like that, everyone has its own engine, gtf over it.

However, how about editing music within the game limitations.
I can change tempo and pitch before a battle, thats easy.
I mean allowing us to go in, and change maybe the pitch of one specific note, or even removing that note entirely, or placing the note somewhere else, you know what I mean?
Within the games limitations. That leaves room for creativity for the maker. Good thought, bad thought? Lemme know!

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 02-20-11 07:25 AM Link | Quote | ID: 139656

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Since: 04-06-10
From: On mars

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in 3.4 you cant import palletes

Posted on 02-21-11 05:39 PM (rev. 2 of 02-21-11 05:40 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 139731

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Since: 02-01-08

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in 3.4 you cant import palletes

You're right. Because of your post, I've added that back on for v3.5. Here are the changes made for v3.5 (to be released in the unforeseeable future) so far:

General changes:
*Command color-coding for event and battle script editors is lighter

*Fill/paint bucket feature for graphics editor, contiguous and non-contiguous
*Levels: can now see how many bytes left for NPC's, events, exits, overlaps
*Palette Editor: import/export palette feature added back on

*Dialogues: couldn't draw to lower-right region of overworld font characters
*Levels: graphics weren't saving after editing in graphic editor
*Levels: palettes and graphics were saving when choosing not to save on close
*Levels: moving tiles in tileset was resetting edits within tilemap
*Levels: scrollbars were resetting when changing window focus

I'm waiting to release it so people can report more bugs or more missing features that were somehow lost during the move from 2.x to 3.x. I encourage people to continue reporting bugs and missing features like this; they aren't going ignored.

Posted on 02-22-11 12:23 AM (rev. 2 of 02-22-11 02:18 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 139756

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Since: 04-06-10
From: On mars

Last post: 3321 days
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yo gian
what about resource checker

so you could check where palettes are used
and sprites in levels and enemies
maybe audio samples in sounds for easier audio editing
since really hard to change sounds right now in my opinion

Audio editor would have a option
to open a sound and have
It lists samples involved

And about importing palettes. I use 2.1 cause its stable and I can’t import palettes in 3.4 lol

yes I know that I brought this up once before
but I’m making my idea easier to understand

Posted on 04-25-11 06:06 AM (rev. 2 of 04-25-11 06:07 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 141099

Red Koopa
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Since: 06-21-10

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How do i make an item unfreebieable?

Formula editor? Change the way damage is dealt and taken?

Quick Select for specific event codes (creating a new savepoint, and just clicking the save event will fix everthing for that save point?)

I havent tested yet, but is max hp still somewhere around 32,000 or is that changed? Some reason in battle if i put it too high, the game just turns the boss into an autokill.

Battle Event Editor?

A Max Level Change, with ready made stats input ideally for levels? (lvl 30 max is 16 exp to get lvl 2, lvl 50 max is 12 exp for level 2, level 75 is 8 exp level 2, etc.

Party member switch already in play after adding 4th character? I always have problems with this.

Ability to remove Mario from party? (but he stilp walks around)

Just a couple suggestions with some questions as well

--The Disappeared--

God Bless

Posted on 04-25-11 07:06 PM Link | Quote | ID: 141149

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Since: 02-01-08

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1. in the animations editor; null the RNG subroutine at the end
2. that requires assembly hacking
3. just copy/paste a save point npc from another level
4. max hp is 65535, but you shouldn't go above ~32,000
5. it's there, see the animations editor
6. someone made a hack for that
7. look at the event where switch option is added to menu
8. use these PAR codes: C3627500 and C3628600

Posted on 06-12-12 12:27 AM Link | Quote | ID: 151324

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Since: 05-29-12

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Is there anything planned for:

Changing the Character Names in the Intro
Changing the lines during a battle like LUCKY! or VIGOR UP! and so on
Changing the Credits Text

it would be also good to implement an Letter Limit for Item Names

Posted on 06-12-12 12:45 AM Link | Quote | ID: 151326

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Since: 02-01-08

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None so far, those are all separate font tables not implemented in the editor. Item names are all fixed lengths, the name field in the editor is limited to this length minus the icon, or did you mean something else?

Posted on 06-12-12 03:32 PM Link | Quote | ID: 151338

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Since: 05-29-12

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Well for the Credits i have the fonttable somewhere but we where never able to change the character names in the Intro and the battletext like Lucky! and so on.
I know that does not belong into this thread but any help to change them would be cool.
What i do at the moment is improving the German Alemanic Translation. I was part of that team back then.
After i found Lazy Shell i tought now is the time to do the improvements

Posted on 06-13-12 04:51 AM Link | Quote | ID: 151352

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Since: 05-28-12

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I'll state the one thing on my wishlist right now.

Add an export option to the Level Editor that can export all of the pre-rendered tileset.

You already have the option to right click on a tileset, and it saves it as tileSet.png.

having an option that exorts the two/three tilesets for each level (in one click like the export arrays option) would be really nice.

(Off topice I must thank you profusely for creating lazy shell. My project would be dead in the water if it wasn't for your tool, and if it wasn't open source.

Posted on 07-06-12 06:35 AM (rev. 3 of 07-06-12 04:39 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 151547

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Since: 12-29-08
From: ---

Last post: 3888 days
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Suggestion(s) for v3.10.1 and beyond:

Abillity to edit ROM header name "SUPER MARIO RPG" and small bits of text easier.

I'm sorry in advance if you happen to know all this already.

-The "Rom Name" starts at 0x7FC0 and is 21 Bytes long, with six spaces at the end of "SUPER MARIO RPG"

-MARIO1, MARIO2, MARIO3, MARIO4 Save data titles, starting at 0x3EF528 with "MARIO1" and a "line break hex" (00), then MARIO2 is next, and the pattern continues with MARIO# and a line break "hex." (00). Should be nestled inbetween the explination text for changing out partners and the text for Toad explaining how to play the Beetle Minigame. (And that you shouldn't use a Turbo-Type controller.)

-Starting at 0x3F000, there is text for the Overworld Menu as well as some text for things like "New Game" and "Your Name?". The first bit of text is "Equip." But I believe the names for the menu sections are coded to start rendering the text at certain values, as I changed "Equip" to "Weapon", taking up space where "Item" started, and Item disappeared on the menu screen. However, Weapon rendered normally. The first letter in each Menu item "Equip" "Item" "Special Item" is where it is set to render, and ends with a (00) Hex.

-On an unrelated suggestion, adding a Highlighted section or an explanation that the third row of tiles in the Mode7 part of the Minecart minigame editor is the one that triggers the rotation of Mario and the Mode7 to go to the next area, and stopping the clock. Also if there's a way to edit where you come in on each level.

Thank you.

Introduction to The Lazy Shell Editor (youtube)
Super Modify RPG's Youtube Channel.

Posted on 07-25-12 09:28 AM Link | Quote | ID: 151715

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Since: 12-29-08
From: ---

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Another request:

If possible, ability to change which sequences the Save Menu and the Overworld Menu use.
Reasoning / Example .png (Tinypic.)

Thank you.

Introduction to The Lazy Shell Editor (youtube)
Super Modify RPG's Youtube Channel.
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