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Posted on 10-16-10 11:34 PM Link | Quote | ID: 137024

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Since: 10-03-09
From: Buenos Aires, Argentina

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You can put any music to the game?

for example: castlevania OOE - Riddle

Looking for some info about beta/cancelled/unreleased games? Then go to www.unseen64.net or tcrf.net
Look for Secret of Evermore - Super Mario RPG - Castlevania Simphony of the night beta [E3 VERSION] - Castlevania: The Bloodletting and many more.

My Youtube Channel

Posted on 10-17-10 09:47 AM Link | Quote | ID: 137037

Red Goomba
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Posted by DruidVorse
You can put any music to the game?

for example: castlevania OOE - Riddle

No, no way! Not at all. I don't think anyone here has even attempted music hacking. Besides, importing music from a DS game would be impossible. To get any such result, you would need to entirely recompose it yourself.

Posted on 10-17-10 10:59 AM Link | Quote | ID: 137041

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It's true. There are tons of different music playback engines, each with their own format. Even if you could find the data for "Riddle" in CV:OOE, and even if you could find where the music data is in the SMRPG ROM, you couldn't just copypaste it over and expect it to work. Totally different music engines with totally different formats. Even the instrument sound samples are in a different format.

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Posted on 10-17-10 02:34 PM Link | Quote | ID: 137059

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Since: 10-03-09
From: Buenos Aires, Argentina

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Then it is impossible, but it would be so nice a theme like this in this game.

Looking for some info about beta/cancelled/unreleased games? Then go to www.unseen64.net or tcrf.net
Look for Secret of Evermore - Super Mario RPG - Castlevania Simphony of the night beta [E3 VERSION] - Castlevania: The Bloodletting and many more.

My Youtube Channel

Posted on 10-21-10 02:28 AM (rev. 2 of 10-21-10 02:53 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 137178

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Since: 01-15-09

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Okay, this may seem like a silly problem, but its a problem nonetheless.

I cant save any sprites changes i make.

Anyone know why?

Posted on 10-21-10 04:19 AM Link | Quote | ID: 137181

Red Goomba
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Posted by privatesmiley
Okay, this may seem like a silly problem, but its a problem nonetheless.

I cant save any sprites changes i make.

It's not all that silly. I've done a lot of sprite experimentation that resulted in failure. Which Lazy Shell are you using? I never could figure out how to use LS 3's sprite editor, so I only know about 2.5 and under.

Though as a general rule, Lazy Shell isn't always as capable as its tools and options might suggest. You still have to adhere (to some extent) to the original coding. Changing individual values like color and mold tiles are okay, but huge overhauls have to be carefully done.

A tip is to work little by little and save every time you do one thing, reload the rom and see what it looks like. This way you can determine what works and what doesn't.

Posted on 10-21-10 07:23 AM (rev. 2 of 10-21-10 08:10 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 137183

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Since: 01-15-09

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ah, i got it. i just used a older version of the editor to do the changes.

I'm making a hack that switches everyone around, it's going to be called fear the Dark Lord Mallow, where Geno is Bowser, Bowser is Mallow, and Mallow is Geno

Posted on 10-22-10 07:21 PM Link | Quote | ID: 137240

Red Goomba
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Posted by privatesmiley
ah, i got it. i just used a older version of the editor to do the changes.

I'm making a hack that switches everyone around, it's going to be called fear the Dark Lord Mallow, where Geno is Bowser, Bowser is Mallow, and Mallow is Geno

All I gotta say is, good luck. Spriting Bowser over anyone will be tough. I suggest familiarizing yourself with giangurgolo's notes on molds, because there are times when Lazy Shell will let you down and you'll need to do some manual work via hex editing. I'm doing a sprite replacement hack myself, so believe me.

Posted on 11-15-10 10:48 AM Link | Quote | ID: 137921

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Since: 03-21-08

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Hi, I'm wondering what exactly is a bit? Is it just a flag that can be turned on/off?

Peace!Layout by Erik557 & LDA.
Thank you!

Posted on 11-15-10 06:24 PM Link | Quote | ID: 137925

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Since: 02-20-07
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A bit is a value that's either one or zero, true or false, yes or no, on or off. Eight of them make up a byte. A flag is just a specific application of a single bit, as you yourself suggested.

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Posted on 11-16-10 02:48 PM Link | Quote | ID: 137943

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Oh... OK, that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up!

Peace!Layout by Erik557 & LDA.
Thank you!

Posted on 01-13-11 11:23 PM Link | Quote | ID: 139137

Red Goomba
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Since: 04-25-09

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Lazy Shell just doesn't like sprite editing.

I thought I once familiarized myself with its limits, but even after being careful to modify only single values, it still does wacky stuff such as deleting some of the code for molds. The molds are cut short, and in place of where the subtile values should be set are the flags for the next mold (09 xx xx, 01, etc.), whose values are drawn onto the mold that was cut short. All the following molds are affected accordingly, as well as some other strange effects, up to a certain point.

The only way I can realistically sprite edit is through a hex editor, using Lazy Shell as reference. That's a worktime problem however, since I will have to convert from decimal to hex for every single value. That's ridiculous.

I'm using LS 2.5 because I didn't see any option to switch subtiles around for a mold on LS 3. Is there an option? If there isn't, does anyone know of a hex editor that can use decimal input?

Posted on 01-14-11 01:14 AM Link | Quote | ID: 139138

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v2.5 has serious problems editing sprites. Presumably those are fixed in v3.2. Version 3.2 doesn't have a control for switching a sprite's subtile values. I didn't include it because I didn't think it would be an issue (actually, I got sick of working on the editor and didn't bother putting it into the new GUI).

Posted on 01-14-11 06:26 AM Link | Quote | ID: 139142

Red Goomba
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Not that it was hard to find, but I thought I would share anyway. It's what I was looking for.

It's called Groovy Hex Editor. (More like Eye-Raping Editor, but it will have to do.)

Posted on 01-14-11 07:52 PM Link | Quote | ID: 139153

80's Cheerilee is best pony
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"Registering" is the term we use for how you "buy" the software.
Excuse me while I mock these poor sons of bitches for expecting unwitting users to pay for such an eyesore, as I hug my perfectly functional, not eye-searing and very much free Cygnus editor.

Wife make lunch - Shampoo
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<GreyMaria> I walked around the Lake so many goddamn times that my sex drive was brutally murdered
Kawa rocks — byuu

Posted on 01-15-11 12:43 AM Link | Quote | ID: 139154

Red Goomba
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Since: 04-25-09

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Posted by Kawa

... free Cygnus editor

Ooooh, neato.

I'm using an older version of LS anyway and things are going smoothly, so it shouldn't matter anymore. Apparently I had to post in the forums to think of that. Oh well, maybe some ineffectual dribble is enough to kindle some activity in here.

Posted on 01-21-11 10:05 PM (rev. 2 of 01-21-11 10:06 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 139251

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Since: 02-01-08

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v3.3a was just released (this thread), so you can now edit subtiles. Please consider dumping v2.5, which is vastly inferior, in favor of this. If you find any problems with this renewed feature in v3.3a please let me know in that thread. Thanks.

Posted on 02-13-11 02:30 AM Link | Quote | ID: 139562

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Since: 01-28-09
From: A computer.

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Can anyone give me a quick crash course in Action scripting? It's really the only thing I can't do now, and it's holding me back a lot now. Please and thank you.


Posted on 02-23-11 01:35 AM (rev. 2 of 02-24-11 12:42 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 139777

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Since: 04-06-10
From: On mars

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hey how do i remove a npc from my level ingame so he does not respawn
i have remove npc #4 in event

Edit : how do i move map boundires (the orange line)

Posted on 03-22-11 01:54 AM Link | Quote | ID: 140291

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Since: 04-06-10
From: On mars

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can some body help with a mapping problem
when i stand on the edge of box then it overlaps with mario
top edge i and if a make it not layer 1 mario overlaps the box
if hes stand next to it
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