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Posted on 09-14-13 02:43 AM Link | Quote | ID: 154774

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They're not hardcoded, look in the NPC's event and see if NPC #s correspond.

Posted on 09-15-13 09:01 AM (rev. 3 of 09-15-13 09:15 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 154778

Red Koopa
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Posted by giangurgolo
They're not hardcoded, look in the NPC's event and see if NPC #s correspond.

Looks like most of them are. I tried changing the NPC numbers to match the one I want, but I'm having problems. Either the chest will be glitch or it won't be there at all.

Example. The Hidden Frog coin in the Rose Town Item Shop. If I wanted to move it from there to a spot in the Rose Way instead, how would I do that?

I seem to have no problem moving it in the same room, but I can't seem to move it to a ompletly new area in the game. Or rather..is there a way to make my OWN hidden treasure instead of moving the current ones. Maybe that would be faster. There's a normal chest in that very same room. I'm looking at the events and such, and I don't see anything that makes one into a normal chest, and abother into a "Hidden" chest.

DS Piron
Posted on 09-15-13 10:34 AM Link | Quote | ID: 154779

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After Derping around a bit, I found that the chests are made invisible through the room events.

Now all I have to do is figure out why the one outside the place can't be touched, but it might be something simple, I don't have a lot of SMRPG hacking experience.

Posted on 09-15-13 04:38 PM (rev. 2 of 09-15-13 04:40 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 154780

Red Koopa
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Posted by DS Piron
After Derping around a bit, I found that the chests are made invisible through the room events.

Now all I have to do is figure out why the one outside the place can't be touched, but it might be something simple, I don't have a lot of SMRPG hacking experience.

Hmm..I don't see any events in the room that control it. Is it being controlled elsewhere. Something's funny. In the editor, the hidden chest in the Item shop appears as a normal chest on sprite. The hidden chest in the first Forest area appears as a blank sprite.
Then of course there's the signal ring. What event makes that thing beep when your in a room with a hidden treasure?

Posted on 09-15-13 05:28 PM (rev. 2 of 09-15-13 05:32 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 154781

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Try changing the partition # to the same as the level where the treasure was moved from.

Posted on 09-15-13 07:26 PM Link | Quote | ID: 154782

Red Koopa
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Since: 04-09-11

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No good..unless I'm missing something. The partition looks confusing..

I might have to make a custom hidden treasure using events and give it the 70C8 memory so it can count as a hidden treasure. The only problem with this is i'll need to eit events..an changing the event number can be very bad. I'll have to make sure the numbers stay the same from start to end.

Also, I won't be able to make the signal ring detect it.

Which reminds me.....

the Signal Ring Scrooge Ring, EXP booster have effects that can't seem to be changed. Is there a way to edit those..like make EXP booster triple EXP instead of Double.

DS Piron
Posted on 09-15-13 07:40 PM Link | Quote | ID: 154783

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Posted by Darkkefka
Posted by DS Piron
After Derping around a bit, I found that the chests are made invisible through the room events.

Now all I have to do is figure out why the one outside the place can't be touched, but it might be something simple, I don't have a lot of SMRPG hacking experience.

Hmm..I don't see any events in the room that control it. Is it being controlled elsewhere.

...Look at this -V
(153 bytes collapsed: )
Posted by Darkkefka
Something's funny. In the editor, the hidden chest in the Item shop appears as a normal chest on sprite. The hidden chest in the first Forest area appears as a blank sprite.

The Forest Maze one is more complicated than the Rose Town one, for sure. It uses three NPCs for each state (Hidden, Revealed/Visible, and taken.
From the looks of it, you can't have Treasure NPCs give items, as their contents are determined by their's $70A7.
Posted by Darkkefka
Then of course there's the signal ring. What event makes that thing beep when your in a room with a hidden treasure?

Posted by "Event 3588"
[20759F] Clear Memory $7099 bit 7
[2075A1] Memory $7000 = Mario's Equipped Accessory
[2075A5] If Memory $7000 = 93, jump to $75BD
[2075AA] Memory $7000 = INVALID's Equipped Accessory
[2075AE] If Memory $7000 = 93, jump to $75BD
[2075B3] Memory $7000 = INVALID's Equipped Accessory
[2075B7] If Memory $7000 = 93, jump to $75BD
[2075BC] Return
[2075BD] Set Memory $7099 bit 7

This is called in the room event. Then the room checks $7099, and plays the sound if it's set.
Item# 93 is the Signal Ring.

Also, double-clicking 2075AA or 2075B3 results in this error.
Posted by Error - Lazy Shell
LAZYSHELL, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

**************Exception Text**************
InvalidArgument=Value of '9' is not valid for 'SelectedIndex'.
Parameter name: SelectedIndex
at LAZYSHELL.EventScripts.ControlDisassembleEvent()
at LAZYSHELL.EventScripts.EvtScrEditCommand_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
at LAZYSHELL.EventScripts.commandTree_MouseDoubleClick(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
at LAZYSHELL.NewTreeView.WndProc(Message& m)

**************Recent Event History**************
MouseDown "commandTree" | X:173,Y:57 | Form "EventScripts" | 9/15/2013 1:19:21 PM
NodeMouseClick | index 3588, offset 0x2075AA | Form "EventScripts" | 9/15/2013 1:19:21 PM
MouseDown "commandTree" | X:173,Y:57 | Form "EventScripts" | 9/15/2013 1:19:21 PM
NodeMouseClick | index 2567, offset 0x1FDD9C | Form "EventScripts" | 9/15/2013 1:19:19 PM
MouseDown "commandTree" | X:170,Y:68 | Form "EventScripts" | 9/15/2013 1:19:18 PM
NodeMouseClick | index 2567, offset 0x1FDDA7 | Form "EventScripts" | 9/15/2013 1:16:49 PM
NodeMouseClick | index 2567, offset 0x1FDDA7 | Form "EventScripts" | 9/15/2013 1:16:49 PM
MouseDown "commandTree" | X:315,Y:126 | Form "EventScripts" | 9/15/2013 1:16:49 PM
NodeMouseClick | index 2567, offset 0x1FDDA9 | Form "EventScripts" | 9/15/2013 1:16:40 PM
MouseDown "commandTree" | X:272,Y:135 | Form "EventScripts" | 9/15/2013 1:16:40 PM

Posted on 09-15-13 07:53 PM (rev. 2 of 09-15-13 11:50 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 154784

Red Koopa
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Since: 04-09-11

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I was unaware of the room event. I thought that was the event you highlighted in the events tab. I'm going to have to study this.


hank you for taking the time to look into this. Looks like changing their location is too much trouble, but now that I know what controls them,I might be able to make new ones.

Posted on 11-09-13 02:02 PM Link | Quote | ID: 155055

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Since: 03-21-13

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Here's a dumb question I can't narrow down a proper term for so I can search the no doubt five times it's been answered, but is there a way to edit the background of the battle results/rewards dialogue box? With Mario's peace sign scrolling in the background? Being able to replace the file select/shop/overworld menu backgrounds is pretty spiffy and it'd be cool if there were a way to alter this particular thing and I'm just missing it.

Posted on 03-16-14 05:27 AM Link | Quote | ID: 156106

Red Koopa
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Since: 04-09-11

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I'm trying to get mallows HP to display over 999 in battle. I used the doc code discussed in the other topic, but I must have either done something wrong or I'm missing something. Mallows HP still looks funny when it's over 999. Do I need to change a pointer too?

Posted on 03-16-14 06:43 PM Link | Quote | ID: 156109

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Since: 04-06-10
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I Don't Know, that was my extent of my knowledge of Hp. caps perhaps, PM Gaingurgolo ask him if he still has the muscle patch

Posted on 03-16-14 07:19 PM (rev. 3 of 03-16-14 07:21 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 156110

Red Koopa
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I would have PMed him a while back, but I couldn't find that option until now. I'll ask him.

That's what I have so far. I can't get the current HP to show more than 999, and I can't see how to increase the frame box(which is blue in my game) to the size needed to show the HP. I want to learn this step first, THEN I'll deal with the numbers in battle.

Posted on 03-17-14 05:52 AM Link | Quote | ID: 156118

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Since: 04-06-10
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ok it would be interesting to see if Gain still had it, truly if anyone has it

Posted on 03-26-14 11:48 PM Link | Quote | ID: 156217

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Since: 09-08-10
From: Wisconsin

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Expanding the box size shouldn't be a problem code wise, but there's really not much room on the screen. Many games try to avoid all the way to the edges as they can get 'cut off' on TV. Unless you can think of a way to shrink 'Special Item' down (If it's event related, maybe Key Items?)

Though the other bit of having 4 digit HP could be a hassle. You'd have to update each byte accordingly and add extra code to accommodate for each one.

Posted on 03-27-14 03:33 AM Link | Quote | ID: 156218

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Since: 04-06-10
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the Special item text is in the menus tab.

Posted on 03-27-14 12:45 PM (rev. 2 of 03-27-14 12:59 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 156230

Red Koopa
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Posted by justin3009
Expanding the box size shouldn't be a problem code wise, but there's really not much room on the screen. Many games try to avoid all the way to the edges as they can get 'cut off' on TV. Unless you can think of a way to shrink 'Special Item' down (If it's event related, maybe Key Items?)

Though the other bit of having 4 digit HP could be a hassle. You'd have to update each byte accordingly and add extra code to accommodate for each one.

if I can learn how to expand the box, I can simply lower the size of the letters/number. My main concern is getting your CURRENT HP to display more than 999.

And I still haven't learned this for the battle menu yet.

I have the codes for it, but I still need to know the pointer locations.

Posted on 04-02-14 03:37 AM (rev. 2 of 04-02-14 07:59 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 156260

Red Koopa
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Since: 04-09-11

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Ok, in the docs zip under codes..we have this:

C2C8E61A automatically timed hits

WHICH offset number is this???

I don't know if it's 2920033 or another number. And which vale makes the auto timed hits??

Also....When the Chow reads you Super Jumping count...he reads memory 7FF8C0..which is the super jump spell I guess...

However, It seems that if you change the last 2 digits, he will read something else. IS there a way to tell what those digits make him read? I want him to read another move in my game instead of super jump.

Posted on 04-03-14 02:13 AM Link | Quote | ID: 156265

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Since: 10-03-09
From: Buenos Aires, Argentina

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I played the function demo patch of Gian and found that the Special items option is called "Rare items"

Looking for some info about beta/cancelled/unreleased games? Then go to www.unseen64.net or tcrf.net
Look for Secret of Evermore - Super Mario RPG - Castlevania Simphony of the night beta [E3 VERSION] - Castlevania: The Bloodletting and many more.

My Youtube Channel

Posted on 04-12-14 05:04 PM Link | Quote | ID: 156346

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Since: 09-08-10
From: Wisconsin

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If that's the case, then it's just needed to shrink down that line of text, shove everything over and expand the PC boxes. That's not too difficult unless it's coded like Final Fantasy's mess at times.

For a fourth digit though, I'm sure you can literally copy and paste one of the other digits code and change specific values to match the fourth digit. Something similar was done with Chrono Trigger to add 3 digit MP. It's possible but requires a bit of work to get it.

Posted on 04-13-14 03:58 PM Link | Quote | ID: 156359

Red Koopa
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Since: 04-09-11

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Unfortunity, I figured out the 4 digit hp, but doing so messes up the coin display.
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