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Please chime in on a proposed restructuring of the ROM hacking sections.
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Posted on 01-06-09 09:37 PM Link | Quote | ID: 98355

Red Cheep-cheep
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Since: 10-15-08
From: A Wormhole, John Chrichton!

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Posted by Marzen
Bored, tired... What the hell are you people talking about, anyway?

I just had to change an image of James Bond 9 times. It was fun

We were talking about my blonde moment. Even though my hair is brown. I wasn't thinking properly about text encoding stuff .

What? Changing a JB image 9 times? wtf?


Posted on 01-07-09 03:18 PM Link | Quote | ID: 98378

Giant Koopa
I might be alive, but chances are that's not the case.
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Since: 10-15-08
From: Lulzerland

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Posted by Komaru
What? Changing a JB image 9 times? wtf?

Basically, we're just now getting into Photoshop, and we gotta use filters to change an image around. A chose a pic of James Bond, I think from Goldeneye (Which is, like, my favorite JB movie ), so I copied nine times and used 9 filters. INSTANT FUN, INSTANT BOREDOM.


Posted on 01-16-09 10:28 PM Link | Quote | ID: 98843

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Since: 07-01-07
From: Around And Back

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Yawn Ive been at the CPU for days how long should it take retrorain to read a PM anyways and will someone please post on the ideas thread in rom hacking I would rather not have to TRIPPLE POST. thanks

also anyone good at SMB3 ASM hacking just curious?

as for a few other things anyone interested in playing wii over the internet. (super smash bros. brawl spicficly I dont actually have a wifi compatable game. besides SSBB which is not mine im borrowing it from a friend.)

Currently Working On A Website Project Called Club Chaotic

Looking For Supporters For My Website Project Club Chaotic.

Currently Looking For Coders For Club Chaotic. I'm Thinking PHP myself.

Posted on 01-17-09 04:03 AM Link | Quote | ID: 98866

Yellow Stalfos
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Since: 07-06-07
From: Québec

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We had our third day with temperatures around -28 outside, including one fairly windy day...
Everytime I have to step outside more than 5 minutes, I feel like my organism is not operating correctly...

Posted on 01-27-09 12:33 PM Link | Quote | ID: 99578

go away
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Since: 02-23-07

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10 days with no pointless conversation? D:

nice to see this thread still screws with the board title, heh.

Posted on 01-27-09 07:10 PM Link | Quote | ID: 99594


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Nice to see you returned to your good ol' username... Any idea how long that will last before you go batshit insane again and change it?


Posted on 02-10-09 12:10 PM (rev. 2 of 02-10-09 12:11 PM) Link | Quote | ID: 100595

go away
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Since: 02-23-07

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I wonder who's gonna get view 8,888,888. :O

Also KP: I don't know, as long as Stark feels like not naming me xXxXpokemonfan12312XxXx

Posted on 02-10-09 04:43 PM Link | Quote | ID: 100620

Hammer Brother
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Since: 02-16-08
From: Insectduel's office

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Got myself a second job. Recently my life is getting more hell.

Posted on 02-10-09 04:45 PM Link | Quote | ID: 100621

Red Birdo
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I can totally get behind this

Posted on 02-10-09 04:46 PM Link | Quote | ID: 100622

The Guardian
Moloch whose eyes are a thousand blind windows!
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Since: 02-19-07
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Posted by Arbe
I wonder who's gonna get view 8,888,888. :O

Hitler, probably.


Posted on 02-10-09 04:49 PM Link | Quote | ID: 100623

go away
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Since: 02-23-07

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Sukasa: I'm hugely tempted to make a total mock of that.

"The internet is a series of tubes. Your ISP is not allowed to clog these tubes. This is tube neutrality."

blackhole89: Did you actually search wikipedia for "8888888"?

Laplace's Demon
Posted on 02-13-09 12:33 AM Link | Quote | ID: 100844

One over s minus a :>
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Since: 02-20-07
From: Puerto Rico

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So yeah. This week can basically be summed up in two words:

"college ARGH"


board2 - Jul - OC ReMix

Posted on 02-13-09 07:43 AM Link | Quote | ID: 100877

Buster Beetle
Goddamn citrus!
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Since: 10-20-08
From: The Bowels of Hell

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Alright! I finally (sort of) beat Half Life 2!

Now all I have to do is beat two other episodes...

Also, I can has cheezburger HEV suit and glasses for Item shop?


Posted on 02-13-09 07:53 PM Link | Quote | ID: 100896

Puella Magi

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Since: 02-19-07
From: Redmond, Washington

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Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Soul Dew Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause, Timed Battle
Ultraman sent out Weavile (lvl 100 Weavile ♂).
Starkclamp sent out Haxerade (lvl 100 Roserade ♂).
Weavile is exerting its pressure!
Weavile used Ice Shard.
It's super effective!
Haxerade lost 86% of its health.
Haxerade used Sleep Powder.
Weavile fell asleep!

Weavile is fast asleep!
Haxerade used Toxic Spikes.
Spikes were scattered everywhere!
Toxic Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!

Weavile is fast asleep!
Haxerade used Toxic Spikes.
Toxic Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!

Weavile is fast asleep!
Haxerade used Hidden Power.
It's super effective!
Weavile lost 61% of its health.

Starkclamp switched in Haxile (lvl 100 Weavile ♂).
Haxile is exerting its pressure!
Weavile is fast asleep!

Haxile used Brick Break.
It's super effective!
Weavile lost 39% of its health.
Ultraman's Weavile fainted.

Ultraman switched in Shedinja (lvl 100 Shedinja).
Shedinja was badly poisoned!
Shedinja was badly poisoned by the Toxic Spikes!
Starkclamp switched in PorygonHax (lvl 100 Porygon2).
PorygonHax traced Shedinja's Wonder Guard!
Shedinja used X-Scissor.
It doesn't affect PorygonHax...
Shedinja is hurt by poison!
Shedinja lost 100% of its health.
Ultraman's Shedinja fainted.

Ultraman: That's retarded

Ultraman switched in Zapdos (lvl 100 Zapdos).
Zapdos is exerting its pressure!
Zapdos used Thunderbolt.
It doesn't affect PorygonHax...
PorygonHax used Ice Beam.
It's super effective!
A critical hit!
Zapdos lost 100% of its health.
Ultraman's Zapdos fainted.

Ultraman: That's so retarded
Ultraman has left the room.
Starkclamp wins!
Starkclamp: I sure do.

Pay attention. This will be on the test.

Posted on 02-13-09 09:30 PM Link | Quote | ID: 100906

Giant Koopa
[PREFSTRING:wonderful bounciness]
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Since: 07-23-07
From: Michicola

Last post: 4934 days
Last view: 4896 days
Wow, that's great.

I wish I was good at assembling pokemon teams. Sadly, I am not. (Especially since I haven't really played since the 2nd generation.)


Posted on 02-14-09 08:17 PM Link | Quote | ID: 100977

Hammer Brother
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Since: 02-16-08
From: Insectduel's office

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How about a little crossover match. Pikachu VS. Iku Nagae.

Seems like a good electrifying match.

James Freeman
Posted on 02-25-09 05:03 AM Link | Quote | ID: 101800

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Since: 10-15-08
From: NERV 1

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This thread needs some awesome music!

SidStyler (Rock the Microphone) - Machinae Supremacy - machinae supremacy

A quick vote - should the next track autoplay?

"That's your 'ultimate attack'? You're going to drop a *BLEEP*ing asteroid on me? ARE YOU *BLEEP*ING INSANE?! THAT THING IS GOING TO KILL US ALL!" - Bob, Bob and George

"Welcome to NERV; God's in his Heaven because He's scared of our superior firepower." - Dr. Yui Ikari, Neon Genisis Evangelion: Nobody Dies (Chapter 5)

Posted on 02-25-09 05:26 AM Link | Quote | ID: 101802

Giant Koopa
[PREFSTRING:wonderful bounciness]
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Since: 07-23-07
From: Michicola

Last post: 4934 days
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Ugh, no. Autoplay tracks are horrible.

Hey why don't we just completely copy the 90's internet and put embedded MIDIs?


Posted on 02-25-09 09:17 AM Link | Quote | ID: 101814

Sledge Brother
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oregon

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Posted by James Freeman
This thread needs some awesome music!

Agreed. Wait. What's that? :X

This is music. Indoctrinate yourselves.

Design © 2009 Stark
Once for the Super Dave TV show I was the stuntman that fell down the entire wtc stairwell. ~ jargon

Posted on 02-25-09 03:12 PM Link | Quote | ID: 101819

Giant Koopa
I might be alive, but chances are that's not the case.
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Since: 10-15-08
From: Lulzerland

Last post: 4680 days
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Isn't it awesome how the school computer won't let me listen to that music ? Just blocks it out xD.

So, how is everyone here? This thread almost seems like it's dying

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