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Posted on 12-13-10 02:11 PM Link | Quote | ID: 138637

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Since: 11-19-09
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I have returned...or something.

Posted on 12-13-10 02:21 PM Link | Quote | ID: 138640

Spamming from alt accounts.
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Since: 09-10-08

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Hi Doggy, welcome to the board, enjoy your stay and post a lot
(wait, didn't I just say what Haz said with different wording? well that doesn't matter )

Also Niko, I am glad you finally reconsidered your decision and came back

Kafuka -- ROM hacking
Kuribo64 -- we hack shit

Quick Curly
Posted on 01-12-11 05:20 AM Link | Quote | ID: 139108

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 06-15-08
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I'm back from the insane asylum!

I mean... I'm just back!

Posted on 01-12-11 05:33 AM Link | Quote | ID: 139110

Sledge Brother
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oregon

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Well hey there! How ya been man?

Design © 2009 Stark
Once for the Super Dave TV show I was the stuntman that fell down the entire wtc stairwell. ~ jargon

Quick Curly
Posted on 01-12-11 05:50 AM Link | Quote | ID: 139112

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 06-15-08
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Considerably busy, I suppose, although things have sort of calmed down. I still want to continue hacking SMB3 some more, but with all the other SMB3 hackers disappearing it's sort of a slow process getting back into the swing of things. Hopefully I can be a part of some more wacky adventures around here now. How have you and everyone else been? Did I miss anything?

Posted on 01-13-11 01:34 AM Link | Quote | ID: 139127

Sledge Brother
Compromised account.
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Oregon

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Well as far as SMB3 hackers dwindling, you have something there. Though if I recall correctly KP still does. And sadly no wacky adventures of late. :/ Probably the most notable thing is Stark is gone now...
But yeah I'm doing fine myself, thank you for asking.

Design © 2009 Stark
Once for the Super Dave TV show I was the stuntman that fell down the entire wtc stairwell. ~ jargon

Posted on 01-13-11 07:08 PM Link | Quote | ID: 139135

>implying even the Japanese understand the Japanese
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Since: 07-13-07

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What edge of the earth did DahrkDaiz fall off of, anyway?

we're currently experiencing some technical difficulties

Posted on 01-14-11 06:38 AM Link | Quote | ID: 139143


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Posted by GreyMario
What edge of the earth did DahrkDaiz fall off of, anyway?

And yeah, I still hack SMB3, but progress is slow since I have to hack around some things to get them to work right.


Posted on 01-14-11 11:09 AM Link | Quote | ID: 139151

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Since: 04-10-10
From: Poland

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Well, If anything, Welcome back, Mr.Anderson... Quick Curly

   _________    ____  ____ 
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/ /_/ / ___ |/ _, _/ /_/ /
\____/_/ |_/_/ |_|\____/

Quick Curly
Posted on 01-16-11 09:32 AM Link | Quote | ID: 139177

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 06-15-08
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Posted by Xeruss
Well as far as SMB3 hackers dwindling, you have something there. Though if I recall correctly KP still does. And sadly no wacky adventures of late. :/ Probably the most notable thing is Stark is gone now...
But yeah I'm doing fine myself, thank you for asking.
Glad to hear that you're doing well then. And wow, everyone seems to be disappearing. Guess the "next stages of life" are happening for everyone around the same time, regardless of age group. Well hopefully some wackiness will come along sooner or later.
Posted by GreyMario
What edge of the earth did DahrkDaiz fall off of, anyway?
The edge resulting from a 'quake'.
Posted by KP9000
And yeah, I still hack SMB3, but progress is slow since I have to hack around some things to get them to work right.
That's cool to hear. Hopefully you'll be able to continue your progress then. Still working on some ASM hacks of your own then?
Posted by Garoslaw
Well, If anything, Welcome back, Mr.Anderson... Quick Curly
Thanks! It's great to hear from you again too! "Say it loud, say it proud!"

P.S. Didn't mean to turn the introduction/leaving/returning thread into a conversation den. I just wanted to express my appreciation of all the hospitality! You guys rock.

Posted on 01-16-11 08:40 PM Link | Quote | ID: 139183

Bullet Bill
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Since: 10-27-09
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Well, uhm... good luck, then?


Posted on 01-24-11 12:41 AM Link | Quote | ID: 139288

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Since: 01-24-11

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Hi everyone, I'm Steamboat418. I just stepped into the World of ROM hacking (got this phrase from someone below) some weeks back, so I was directed here by z-byte. I trusted him, and 96 seconds ago, I registered. It looks like I'm at the right place so far!

Posted on 01-24-11 01:32 AM Link | Quote | ID: 139291

Boomerang Brother
Z is Superior!
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Posted by Quick Curly
I still want to continue hacking SMB3 some more, but with all the other SMB3 hackers disappearing it's sort of a slow process getting back into the swing of things.

I just wanted to express my appreciation of all the hospitality!
Well, you have to realize that you did have to do with some of it. Why aren't you giving me the same hospitality?
Posted by Steamboat418
Hi everyone, I'm Steamboat418. I just stepped into the World of ROM hacking (got this phrase from someone below) some weeks back, so I was directed here by z-byte. I trusted him, and 96 seconds ago, I registered. It looks like I'm at the right place so far!
You said that stuff in parentheses to make sure I wouldn't get you about it! You stumbled upon the right place! Like I said to you elsewhere, post to your fill! On a completely different note... do you have the starting date for that ACTE thing?

No quotes found; we apologize for the inconvenience. Commas, question marks, and semicolons are available, though.

Quick Curly
Posted on 01-24-11 04:35 AM (rev. 2 of 01-24-11 04:37 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 139293

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 06-15-08
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Posted by zbyte
Well, you have to realize that you did have to do with some of it. Why aren't you giving me the same hospitality?
Come again? You just never quit, do you?
You actually have the nerve to ask me that?
I didn't want to bring the drama to the board, but I'm sick of you trying to manipulate the situation and portray me as the bad guy here, and you're obviously never going to let it go unless I set the record straight here.

I helped you with your start with SMB3 hacking. I was never anything but nice and willing towards you. Then - shortly after - I start receiving all these negative, flaming comments from multiple alternate accounts, with them referring right back to you, obviously because you're too much of a cowardly bigot to risk what others would think of you if they actually knew that it was you making those comments with those accounts. Although, considering that you've been banned from here multiple times in the past and there are comments posted directly by you that are evidently similar to the comments made by those alternative accounts, and that one of the accounts, JayMaster0, was the same as your name with your email (Jay Master) it's pretty evident why I would be peeved off of your consistency to play this self-obsessive game of yours.

When my friends and I called you out on obviously being Errdoo, you even apologized to us about it! However, you obviously weren't sincere in meaning a word because then last summer, you started flaming my friends and even my brother again! And you have the nerve to say that I'm not giving you the same hospitality?! Give me a darn reason to!

SF - The Dark Warrior
Posted on 01-24-11 04:30 PM Link | Quote | ID: 139301

Level: 20

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Since: 01-24-11

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Hey I'm sspp03, a SMB3 ROM hacker. I started hacking SMB3 ROMs back in 2006 (when the last incarnation of Board2 was in place but died in Feburary 2007.) but none of you knew me because I never regeistered back then since I felt that I wasn't mature enough but I knew many ROM hacking sites such as Jul, ROMHacking.net, and of course, acmlm. I made levels but they were crappy and sucky but now I improved and currently making a SMB3 hack which more details of it will come later in the appropriate section.

Posted on 01-24-11 04:46 PM Link | Quote | ID: 139302

The Guardian
Moloch whose eyes are a thousand blind windows!
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Ithaca, NY, US

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sspp03: Welcome to the board, and enjoy your stay.

Quick Curly/zbyte: Can we please keep the drama out of this thread? If you need to keep going at it, do it via PM...


Quick Curly
Posted on 01-24-11 09:10 PM Link | Quote | ID: 139305

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 06-15-08
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Last post: 113 days
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Posted by blackhole89
Quick Curly/zbyte: Can we please keep the drama out of this thread? If you need to keep going at it, do it via PM...
I knew something like that would happen, so that's why I don't even know why he started. I apologize for my involvement, and thank you for understanding, blackhole89.
Posted by sspp03
Hey I'm sspp03, a SMB3 ROM hacker. I started hacking SMB3 ROMs back in 2006 (when the last incarnation of Board2 was in place but died in Feburary 2007.) but none of you knew me because I never regeistered back then since I felt that I wasn't mature enough but I knew many ROM hacking sites such as Jul, ROMHacking.net, and of course, acmlm. I made levels but they were crappy and sucky but now I improved and currently making a SMB3 hack which more details of it will come later in the appropriate section.
Welcome! It's great to know that there are still some SMB3 hackers out there! Best of luck with your new SMB3 hack!

SF - The Dark Warrior
Posted on 01-24-11 09:58 PM (rev. 2 of 01-26-11 03:07 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 139307

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Since: 01-24-11

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Actually, it's two SMB3 hacks for one of my projects Quick Curly called Bowser's Revenge.

Quick Curly
Posted on 01-24-11 10:03 PM Link | Quote | ID: 139308

Giant Red Paratroopa
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Since: 06-15-08
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Posted by sspp03
Actually, it's two SMB3 hacks Quick Curly.
Cool! That's even more awesome then! The more SMB3 hacks, the better! Hopefully you can show us some progress soon then, whenever you're ready, of course. Best of luck!

Posted on 02-04-11 06:52 AM (rev. 2 of 02-04-11 06:52 AM) Link | Quote | ID: 139468

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Since: 02-04-11
From: United Kingdom

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Greetings everyone, my name is Chris. I'm new here. ^^

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