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Posted on 07-13-07 06:43 PM Link | Quote | ID: 54573

Level: 42

Posts: 179/338
EXP: 495886
Next: 25476

Since: 02-19-07

Last post: 6183 days
Last view: 4769 days
So yeah, if you're new, just take some time to introduce yourself here! We've been getting a lot of threads from new users lately, and it'd be a good idea to not have General Chat get filled up with them, when we could just consolidate our greetings into this one place. That way, nobody gets in trouble for what might be considered spam, and the rest of the users don't get postCount++; for their efforts.

So hey, I'll start. I'm Grey. I've been around for about three years now! I discovered this board when our loveable Mystery Gourmet introduced me to it. I'm a programmer, but I don't ever do any actual work on anything, so if you've got a project for me to procrastinate on, just give me a holler! Have fun!

Posted on 07-13-07 06:49 PM Link | Quote | ID: 54576

Level: 49

Posts: 410/480
EXP: 837575
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Since: 03-15-07

Last post: 5860 days
Last view: 5725 days
I approve of this idea, we need to cut down on the "Hi, I'm new!" threads created by the influx of new members. I might as well introduce myself, sorta.

I'm TheGreatGuy, and I'm not important. I've been here for three years and have done absolutely nothing. In fact, this is really the only board I actively posted on, I was active for maybe a month or two on incarnation two, but then I dissapeared. So yeah, I'm boring and unimportant. (And I might finish an editor of FF3j in the next few years, emphasis on years)

There are things I want to put here. Like a cool picture, my 8-bit theatre character test result, my MS and RO characters... But it's 12 AM, and I'm sleepy.

Posted on 07-13-07 07:12 PM Link | Quote | ID: 54580

Level: 58

Posts: 647/709
EXP: 1505364
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Since: 03-01-07
From: California

Last post: 6096 days
Last view: 3122 days

I say this thread gets stickied.

I'm Doritokiller. I don't hold anything against Doritos, just so you know. My posts were crap "back in the day", which was only a year ago. I used to hack Super Mario World, but it was made up of things experienced players and hackers alike hate, such as level remakes, short levels, a slightly edited overworld... You get the idea.

Speaking of last year, my activity was very undefined. There are spikes of posts, and there was a huge 4+ month gap of nothing.

... woo?


kimi gakure ta yuuki wa OKKUSENMAN OKKUSENMAN
sugi sarishi kisetsu wa DORAMATIKKU

Posted on 07-13-07 07:19 PM Link | Quote | ID: 54583

>implying even the Japanese understand the Japanese
Level: 105

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EXP: 12009867
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Since: 07-13-07

Last post: 4589 days
Last view: 4559 days
Grey Mario here!

I was a guest for god knows how long. Xkeeper kept bugging me to register, and finally here I am.

I spend my time either gaming or watching TV. And maybe building a pinball table in Visual Pinball. That's it.

Oh, and I tend to hide secrets in my posts.

we're currently experiencing some technical difficulties

Posted on 07-13-07 07:29 PM Link | Quote | ID: 54587

Level: 15

Posts: 15/34
EXP: 15748
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Since: 04-17-07

Last post: 5450 days
Last view: 4805 days
Ah, me? I'm Supakitsune. Erm, Aurakitsune. Eh... It doesn't really matter what you call me. I use both. (It's a little confusing sometimes...)

I arrived at Acmlm's... Hmm, I believe during the 2nd incarnation (Y'know, the one with an active Pokémon Hacking, before everyone went to the PokéCommunity for that). I never really posted much during the 2nd and 3rd incarnations, but now I've started posting at least marginally more. However, my policy tends to be "If the forum has a related IRC channel, go directly there and never visit the forums again". It... contradicts, to say the least. It's almost like there are two little people in my head, and the one that wants to post in the forums... well:

That should explain it thoroughly.

Now that I've made my introduction, I'll take my leave. Bye.

Posted on 07-13-07 08:59 PM Link | Quote | ID: 54616

Level: 75

Posts: 1196/1301
EXP: 3744572
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Canada

Last post: 5574 days
Last view: 5568 days
Shikigami "Ran Yakumo" is one of the more annoying spell cards of Yukari's, even if it's not hard.

Posted on 07-13-07 09:20 PM Link | Quote | ID: 54626

Level: 42

Posts: 181/338
EXP: 495886
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Since: 02-19-07

Last post: 6183 days
Last view: 4769 days
Real men play Imperishable Night.

Posted on 07-13-07 09:26 PM Link | Quote | ID: 54627

Level: 79

Posts: 1315/1471
EXP: 4502188
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Since: 02-19-07
From: ???

Last post: 6178 days
Last view: 6171 days
wtf m8s

You're supposed to use this to introduce n00bs...not Touhou.

Posted on 07-13-07 09:27 PM Link | Quote | ID: 54628

Level: 42

Posts: 182/338
EXP: 495886
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Since: 02-19-07

Last post: 6183 days
Last view: 4769 days
Well, if we introduce Touhou to noobs, they'll become not noobs when the games give them all (including the ladies) a swift kick in the balls.

Lex Luthor
Posted on 07-13-07 09:31 PM Link | Quote | ID: 54630

Red Cheep-cheep
Level: 34

Posts: 192/211
EXP: 243671
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Since: 04-07-07

Last post: 6163 days
Last view: 6163 days
I'm Jeshua.
I'm sort of a nuisance but I still love everyone here and at the other board, just too lazy to post on both at the same time.

Anyways I'm odd, if you want to know more ask someone else.
I have been banned once but now I actually forgot why but its in general because I was acting like a moron.

Which I always do.

Posted on 07-13-07 11:31 PM Link | Quote | ID: 54683

Level: 75

Posts: 1198/1301
EXP: 3744572
Next: 82332

Since: 02-19-07
From: Canada

Last post: 5574 days
Last view: 5568 days
Posted by Grey
Real men play Imperishable Night.

IN is easy as fuck.

Posted on 07-13-07 11:56 PM Link | Quote | ID: 54696

Level: 42

Posts: 185/338
EXP: 495886
Next: 25476

Since: 02-19-07

Last post: 6183 days
Last view: 4769 days
Posted by Kles
Posted by Grey
Real men play Imperishable Night.

IN is easy as fuck.
I invite you to try Extra Stage. And you're right -- IN is easy as fuck compared to Perfect Cherry Blossom.

Posted on 07-14-07 12:28 AM Link | Quote | ID: 54715

Steam Board2 group
Level: 121

Posts: 1107/3965
EXP: 19923505
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Since: 02-19-07
From: Sweden, Skåne

Last post: 3393 days
Last view: 2144 days
I am cat. I has catnip.

AIM: gamefreak1337, MSN: Emil_sim@spray.se, XMPP: ailure@xmpp.kafuka.org

Posted on 07-14-07 01:01 AM Link | Quote | ID: 54731

Level: 48

Posts: 408/458
EXP: 782166
Next: 41377

Since: 02-19-07
From: The Void

Last post: 3122 days
Last view: 3122 days
I've been here since before Xkeeper took over, and am an old grizzled veteran. Back in my day, they called potatoes liberty bulbs, and it was three liberty bulbs to a gallon of cornseed oil. We'd sit around the fire and drink this cornseed oil, and then suddenly Kaise Wilhelm attacked us with a machete. Luckily, there were planes at these cornfields, and they strafed him away.

Where was I? Oh, right. The Liberty Bulbs made up half our daily meals, the other half was of nonfat nonsweetened un-fried doughnuts, which tasted sort of tires. We called them liberty tires!

Posted on 07-14-07 01:41 AM Link | Quote | ID: 54743

Level: 79

Posts: 1323/1471
EXP: 4502188
Next: 77279

Since: 02-19-07
From: ???

Last post: 6178 days
Last view: 6171 days
You know...you guys should totally play Twinkle Star Sprites over MAME with a KAILLERA client and kick each others ass if you're that obsessed with IN and PCB.

If you've played Phantasmagoria of Flower View, it's the same thing...actually it's what it came from. All I know is I usually kick people's ass with Dark Ran in it.

Posted on 07-14-07 07:01 AM Link | Quote | ID: 54875

Level: 42

Posts: 210/348
EXP: 516620
Next: 4742

Since: 03-26-07

Last post: 4253 days
Last view: 2204 days
Hmm... I've been here since 2001, it'll be six years next month. I arrived for ROM hacking info. Then branching into other stuff. Such as a wiki, blog, etc.

Also tinkered in Acmlmboard a little. Just for fun, as my actual forums using a different codebase are running well to this day. User registration didn't work when I tried AB, but I'd became admin on another somewhat experimental one.

I'm sort of forgotten much of the time, despite being around fairly long. I intend to build recognition by improving my projects. And learn how to correctly promote them.

With that said, expect me to remain at my favorite online place for good. Although it may not be under "theclaw". I've slowly gotten bored of that old name.


Posted on 07-14-07 07:36 AM Link | Quote | ID: 54886

Level: 49

Posts: 84/489
EXP: 862919
Next: 20964

Since: 02-19-07

Last post: 3909 days
Last view: 3909 days

lol blank cell
I had an idea for this thread a few days ago, but it got rejected. Meh.

Anyways, I'm DSMagnum. I've been around for about 1.5 years (2 in October). I don't do much on the board because you're all lamers.

Thank you.


Posted on 07-14-07 01:39 PM Link | Quote | ID: 54948

Level: 52

Posts: 204/568
EXP: 1080258
Next: 3582

Since: 02-19-07
From: Here?

Last post: 4015 days
Last view: 3978 days
My name is sirhax0r, I've been here for about a year, and know too much about everything to be of any use when I get asked a question...
I also think too much, post too little, and try to make littler sense if I can help it. I also can tend to repeat myself in some circumstances, and I also can tend to repeat myself in some circumstances such as these. I also am a Class B Ninja, a Class A Pirate, a Class C Moron, and a Class X Bragger about shit that may not even be true. I also can tend to repeat myself, but that doesn't happen very often. Or do I? I also am bad at posting occasionally. This post is one of my worst, I guess. It just keeps dragging on. I also can go on for hours about meaningless bullshit and am usually on the Glowing Bridge. I tend to be more active in IRC, in fact I am currently thinking if I should make a comeback to rohmacking.

So, if you thought tl;dr, then take this: I AM AWESOME IN MORE WAYS THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE INCULDING BAD WAYS. Thank you.

Love your lawn.

Posted on 07-14-07 02:05 PM Link | Quote | ID: 54952

Super Koopa
Hey Nick ♥
Hey Nick ♥
Hey Nick ♥
Hey Nick ♥
Hey Nick ♥
Hey Nick ♥
Hey Nick ♥

Level: 62

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EXP: 1908447
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Since: 07-03-07

Last post: 4587 days
Last view: 4583 days
Hi there, I am mudkip. I only made my name because it was a 4chan meme that I particulary liked. I've only recently joined, I was on the new ||board but I more or less lurked all the time.

Anyway, I herd u liek me?


Posted on 07-14-07 02:35 PM Link | Quote | ID: 54954

Level: 33

Posts: 168/189
EXP: 207342
Next: 21837

Since: 02-19-07

Last post: 6093 days
Last view: 6085 days
yay pc++ pc++ pc++


I'm DarkSlaya and I've been here for a little more than 3 years, I've been LM of trash once and had an item.

I used to be active and stuff, but then I stopped posting too much.

(summary: pc++ pc++ pc++ pc--)
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Main - Display Case - Introduce yourself here! Don't clog up General Chat... New thread | Thread closed

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